Barad-Dur is the capital of the dark empire of Mordor, and the ruling seat of the Dark Emperor of Mordor, Sauron. Barad-Dur is a massive tower surrounded on the ground by a sprawling city and is one of the largest cities in Europe in terms of population housing over a million within its sprawling slums. Located within range of an active mountain in the form of Mount Doom the city is constantly threatened with destruction, and only the magical protections set up by Sauron keep it from being wiped out.
Barad-Dur is the location of the Black Throne where Sauron was interned following his wounding by Kil'Jaeden and thus it is from here where the Eye of Sauron spreads.
Barad-Dur was founded as the first site of the growing darkness of Sauron, and its creation was done completely in secret, as Sauron feared greatly that the Numenorians would intervene in order to stop him. Following its creation it became flooded with Orcs of whom would expand outwards from Barad-Dur capturing in a short time the entirety of the Mordor Mountains outside of Minas Morgal. It would be from Barad-Dur that the forces of Mordor would heavily assault Gondor in an attempt to assist their allies in the Empire of Numeron during the Downfall of Numeron. Barad-Dur would become the site for Sauron's creations, and inside the depths of Barad-Dur would lay the massive dungeon where Sauron would place Fingolfin of whom is one of the ancient High Elves that was meant to be the role that the Man Gods played for the humans but he was captured by Sauron during the War of Vengeance. In the current story Sauron remains within the depths of Barad-Dur crafting, and plotting the destruction of his enemies.

As Sauron moved throughout Africanas he eventually discovered a greenskin race. In the Orcs he found the slave army he had been looking for. Over the course of many years he menipulated thousands of these orcs into believing in him, and in these orcs he had fashioned an army of thousands. Knowing that Europe was the place he wanted to build his empire, he remembered back to Mordor, and the perfection it would be as the center of his evil empire. He teleported himself back to Mordor, and when he got their he created a portal that he would use to teleport through the massive army of orcs he had gained.
Rise of Sauron[]
Rise of the Dark Lord He rose to promince amid the ruins of the Numenorians. Hiding in their rotten corpse noone noticed as he corupted everything around him. |
With the knowledge of what he was, he now lost all traces of Velkan, and became what his evil father wished him to become in a tool of Evil. Changing his name to Sauron he wandered the Earth for hundreds honing his abilities attempting to find a way to become greater then his father. Travelling to far away Cathay he would hone his abilities for almost a hundred years before finally Malekor became enraged by the delays of Sauron and when he couldn't convinse Sauron himself Malekor sent his champion Morgoth down to Europe where he made Sauron understand that he needed to become greater now and to stop waiting for things. Returning to Europe he traveled to his ancient homeland of Palias where he would instigate a religious revolt in the city rallying the people of Palias to his side before moving north where he he discovered the Mountains of Mordor. Finally Sauron discovered the place that would become his fortress in the form of the fire wracked mountains of Mordor, and begin to set down roots in the land of which was controlled in part by the Empire of Numeron, but the Emperor of Numeron saw little economic possibility in Mordor and left it mainly in the control of a client state in the form of the Kingdom of Mordor. Arriving from the east into Mordor with his army of Palias he was able to trick the King of Mordor into allowing him in as a vassal of the Kingdom of Mordor and would settle in the lands of northern Mordor wherein he made great efforts to appear to be a loyal vassal, and with the freedom this provided he secretly had his forces build himself a great gateway deep in the mountains of Mount Doom, and from there he planned to teleport to the continent of Africanas. Before he could do this Sauron would begin the construction of the devices that would be responsible for the corruption and destruction of untold lives, and lands in the form of the Rings of Power. Rings of Power[]Main Article : Rings of Power Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. -Song of the Rings ![]() The One Ring[]Main Article : The One Ring ![]() The One Ring was created by the Dark Lord Sauron following his departure from Eregion in order to enlarge his own might by combining it with the power of the Elven smiths, and thus to give him control over the other Rings of Power, which had been made by Celebrimbor and his people with Sauron's assistance. Sauron forged the One Ring secretly in the fires of Mount Doom. His will was then inside a Ring that could control the other Rings. Thus, he was more powerful than ever before when he wore the Ring, but became much weaker when he lost it. Though it appeared to be made of simple gold, the Ring was virtually impervious to damage, and could only be destroyed by throwing it into the pit of the volcanic Mount Doom in which it had originally been forged. This Ring also basically meant that unless you destroyed the ring you could never truly kill Sauron because a piece of him was inside of the Ring and would never leave the world while the Ring still lived. With his means of corupting the humans of Europe in place he would decide on his next stage when he left Mordor through his portal into the lands of Africanas. When he arrived in Africanas he saw much of what he saw in Europe, in that Africanas too had Growing Kingdom of Humans and small groupings of other races. It was in the southwest of Africanas that he would discover the Orcs and with them he would find his foot soldiers. Controlling the Orcs[]See Also : Orcs ![]()
The Orcs at this point were not even close to becoming the massively powerful creatures they would one day become, and they were still all completely Ferel Orcs as the High Orcs had not yet risen and caused the expansion of the Orcish Race. In these mindless creatures Sauron saw something that he didn't think the humans would ever be able to show them in the Orcs lack of morals or ethics and their simple mindless ability to follow simple commands to the letter. So in this primitive state it was simple for Suaron to gain their loyalty through a series of kind acts and uplifting members of their tribes into positions of power and then causing these uplifted Orcs to become obsessed with him. As his control over these Orcs grew he begin moving many of these Sauron loyalist Orcs towards his great portal in Africanas and from here he told them of the greatness of his Empire and they fell in love with this idea. With their control now a done deal he was able to transport large numbers of these ancient Feral Orcs back to Mordor where he hid them in the eastern canyons of the mountain range and slowly built them into his own personal army. Building Mordor[]![]()
With his army expanding dramatically in number and organization Sauron would continue his corruption of the Numenorian client nation in the form of the Kingdom of Mordor of whom was ruled at the time by King Aedheld Nelya. Aedheld would reject Sauron's offering of a Ring of Power but dejected at first Sauron found a willing taker of the Ring of Power in the form of Aedheld's son Ulaire of whom took the Ring and was swiftly corrupted by Sauron. Using Ulaire he would take control of the Kingdom of Mordor causing a coup which wiped out the members of the Monarchy resistant to his rise, and with this in place he used Ulaire as a puppet on the throne of Mordor as he went about his real task which was to construct a capital from wherein he could conquer all of Mordor. With his holdings in eastern Mordor established Sauron begin setting them to work creating the massive fortress of Barad-Dur where he would create the centerpiece of the Empire he was building. The Mordor Orcs would grow quickly into a large army mainly in the canyons of the eastern parts of Mordor, and it was here that they begin to be noticed by the Empire of Numeron. Being noticed was exactly what Sauron wanted as he wanted to create a reason for the Numenorian expansion to stop moving eastward as he wanted time to grow, and at the same time he wanted to take control over Harad which would be difficult if they kept moving eastward. He used his massive powers and the untold thousands of Orcs now populating the Mordor region to quickly finish Barad-Dur and then with its creation he also created numerous fortresses, and towns throughout eastern Mordor which allowed for the creation of even more Mordor Orcs to the point that he knew he was ready for the Numenorians. He would begin by assaulting the Numenorian fortress of Tol-Durthang of which would be known by the Orcs as Durthang of which was the massive Numenorian fortress that was once meant to control the entire Mordor range but now simply blocked Sauron's advance westward. These attacks were shocking to the defenders of Tol-Durthang as until this point Sauron was still deemed to be a small player that controlled the Kingdom of Mordor but his control of the Orcs was something that none within the Numenorian government had come to fathom. Despite being outnumbered by a massive margin the Numenorian defenders were able to hold against the forces of Mordor but were weakened and thus called for assistance from the mainland. Defence of Fingon Feanor[]![]() ![]() |