Lucerne Wiki
House Boudier

Theophile Boudier is the son of Theobold, and Mari Boudier making him a member of and the current lord and patriarch of House Boudier.

Theophile Boudier would be seven years old when the fortress of Andorra fell and his family would fortify their holdings south of Orleans but despite this work they would be overwhelmed and his entire family either killed or sold into slavery with Theophile and his brother Theobold being the only members of the family that escaped travelling into the forest where they survived with a group of refugees. Theophile would join with the forces of Luke Ellerdeen as they gained power and joining their forces together they were able to finally begin discussions of retaking control of Orleans something that would become an obsession for the two. Theophile Boudier would be sent into Orleans where he was able to infiltrate the dungeons of Orleans and gain access which would eventually lead to the rescue and escape of Ashley Lerman of whom would push Luke Ellerdeen to expand the rebellion and through this the defeat of the Circle of Magi.


Early History[]

Theophile Boudier would be seven years old when the fortress of Andorra fell and his family would fortify their holdings south of Orleans but despite this work they would be overwhelmed and his entire family either killed or sold into slavery with Theophile and his brother Theobold being the only members of the family that escaped travelling into the forest where they survived with a group of refugees.

Joining Forces[]

Theophile would join with the forces of Luke Ellerdeen as they gained power and joining their forces together they were able to finally begin discussions of retaking control of Orleans something that would become an obsession for the two.

Lucerne Finds Orleans[]

Main Article : Lucernian Invasion of Orleans

The Fall of Orleans
It is time to close the book on my father. His time has come to an end.
Sophia Lovie Cover1
King William third of his name has given us so much, and I just want...I just need to do something for him.
Sophia Lovie

Following the departure of James Lovie II. from the Kingdom of Lucerne after the events of The Journey - had revealed him as the monster responsible for all the violence that had been happening in Lucerne - the former king had fled westward and made his capital within the ruined city of Orleans. It was while here he would gather many to him and rebuilding the city it became the hub of the region as well as most critically the center of the slave trade in the region. While James Lovie had escaped, and due to a lot of work by the Circle of Magi the evidence of the Circle operating in Orleans were removed leaving very little clues behind them being in France. discovered during the Fall of Berne and it was these clues that led Ezio Ederiz to send three of his Assasin Lords in the form of Sophia Lovie, Harlaquin, and Helaquin into France on a mission to discover the location of Bill Lovie. The three would discover a land of desperate humans and doing there best for those they found proved nearly impossible but finding these people kept leading them towards to spots in the form of Paris, and Orleans with Harlaquin, and Helaquin travelling with their forces to Paris while Sophia took her forces to Orleans and it would be while travelling on the road that she would find the proof that she needed. While travelling on the road her forces would follow a group of horsemen marked with the heraldry of the Circle of Magi and killing these men would lead to the discovery of a letter revealing that Bill Lovie was in Orleans. Realizing what she had discovered Sophia would return to Lucerne by griffon alongside two of her cloaks in the form of Evie Frye, and Jacob Frye but would leave behind her third cloak in Tobias Henkel as well as all of his whelps and gave Tobias the command to infiltrate Orleans and gain a holding for her as she would be returning.

House Lovie
The Rise of Lucerne
I saw the destruction of the world, and knew I had to stop it. There was nothing left to do but become bigger then everyone else. The Empire was never going to be the beacon the world needed it to be. Westros was on fire. The Bretonians had reached for the stars and been burned. And the old shadow of Numeron was fading far too quickly. It was left to us in Lucerne to change the fate of all those who wished to reject darkness. We were the last hope for a world who had long since given up on believing.

I was still reading the notes when a knock to the door moved my vision upwards for the first time in hours. "Come in" From the openeing door came Doma Rossan and Tobias Henkel of whom the former entered holding a letter. "What can I do for the two of you?"

"My Lord we have intercepted a letter meant for Paris that may reveal the location of the former King." Tobias remained kneeled until I bid him to rise, while Doma was known for her lack of understanding of such graces, and remained in a sort of half bow and the other half some sort of lazy lean.

"Show it to me please." Doma stepped forward and handed me the letter of which wasn't sealed. "I assume you opened the seal, and their are little questions of its authenticity?" Tobias stepped forward bowing before me and then speaking.

"Yes we killed the three men carrying the letter and they all carried the badge of the false king."

"Good." I opened the letter from the rope that kept it together and begin reading.

May the true King of Lucerne rule forever,
We are preparing the latest shipment from Orleans, and it should arrive to you no later then two months. We have been having problems on the road so make sure to tell your Orcish overlords that they need to protect the roads better or else they risk us not being able to send out product to them.
There will be a squire from the lands of the Franks coming to join you. Teach him what you can until the slaves arrive, and from there send him south to Orleans with ten of your best men. He must reach Orleans this is of great importance as he is of great importance. Do not ask who he is, and do not harm a hair on his person or else the true king shall send you to hell in the most painful trip of your life.
In other news we need you to keep your ears out for the location of a certain Teutonic man named Aerin Toldenhammer of whom is meant to give you a series of books that are of great importance to us. He may not come here and if he suggests this then make sure to tell him that if he comes here then we shall burn him alive and take the books. Make sure he understands that this is us forgiving him, and he should be thankful for that.

-Kieth Schwartz

I knew who Kieth Schwartz was and that made it all the more terrifying to hear that he still lived. It showed their stupidity that they simply stated they were in Orleans, and so stupid was this that I wondered immediatly whether this was a trap. "What information do we have on the Orleans area of France?"

"Ezio from our talking to several Elves of Quel'Thalas the area of Orleans was especially hit by the Orcs, and there is nothing of any kind of population of humans that remains in the area." Sometimes the way she spoke to me without using proper titles made me think she was the only one with any real bravery around me, but sometimes I wondered whether she was some kind of noble. It would make sence for her to have come from some kind of money, as she spoke far too good of the language to 

"Have the Elves been to Orleans?" I knew the Elves travelled northward many times during the recent years as they attempted to both locate more humans to funnle into the area they were trying to grow into a buffer zone for themselves, and I hoped they might have gone as far north as Orleans during these trips.

"They say that they rescued several slaves of whom were being sent to Paris from the ruins of Orleans, and the hellishness of life in Orleans was very clear from their reports." Tobias stopped when Doma put a hand to his arm and we both waited for her to speak.

"My Lord." She paused for a moment and it gave me time to think about the fact that she had called me by my title. "I believe I am the perfect soldier to be sent to find out whether this is the location of Bill Lovie. Me and Tobias can take our Whelps and fly by Griffin to the area and scout it out without any problems."

"You are correct Doma you would be the perfect person, but I must ask why you want it so badly. In my years wanting something with passion can be either a very good thing, or a very bad thing."

"King William third of his name has given us so much, and I just want...I just need to do something for him. I spoke with him when we were in Westbridge, and the care with which he spoke to me was something I shall never forget. He knew I was a member of the Violet Dragons, and that didn't matter to him. He spoke to me as if I was the highest of ladies when he knew I wasn't, and for that he deserves someone to help him. Help him find the truth that he needs to know." I watched her as I thought. It was clear she was skilled enough for the task, but I worried about what her alterierve motives were, and whether these motives would be a hinderance or a boon to the mission. I watched her face though and saw a change. Something in her eyes when she looked at me changed. It was like watching the purpose behind one's entire life, and I knew which side of the ledger her involvement would sit.

"When do you depart Doma?"

While the Lucernians were planning their move against the city of Orleans they would send the cloak of the dragon Tobias Henkel to Orleans of whom would begin the Lucernian infiltration of the city. While this was happening hundreds of Orleans slaves remained prisoners in the dungeons beneath Orleans and for Tobias Henkel he would decide to make his command center with his forces in the dungeon of Orleans where he would discover the dungeons were filled to the brim as the current status of the city was on the razor's edge of violence and only the extremely violent behavior of the Orleans garrison held the city somewhat under control. While Lucerne was infiltrating Lucerne there was another element of the region that was also making great efforts to get inside Orleans in the form of the Kingdom of Orleans Rebels of whom had managed to get Theophile Boudier inside the dungeons and it was Theophile that would find a girl in the dungeons that would eventually spark a major change.

Ashley Lerman Wide1
I looked through the bars of my home now, and I should have felt better. I should have been saved by him. But instead he was my captor. He was the one that was the cause of all my pain.
Ashley Lerman

Ashley Lerman had remained locked within the dungeons of Orleans for months following her discovery by her brother and it was during this time that her brother taunted her through bringing other slaves from the dungeons and then he would torture and kill them. As this continued she came to speak with a cloaked man called Theophile Boudier of whom spoke to her with a kindness that she hadn't seen since her brother Logan had been with her, and it was after talking with her she was released in secret by Theophile of whom was infiltrating Orleans on behalf of the rebels outside the city. Seeing young Ashley Lerman he overheard her conversations with her sadistic brother Faedra, and quickly released her when he had the chance, and released into the area around Orleans telling her to travel westward where she would be seen on the road by the rebels and protected by them. Ashley would follow his directions travelling down the road going west but would be forced to go offroad when a group of Orc wolf riders almost saw her and having gone off the path and exhausted from her time in the dungeon she wandered the forests west of Orleans until she collapsed of exhaustion. While collapsed she would be discovered by the forces of Luke Ellerdeen and the Kingdom of Orleans Rebels of whom brought her back to their main holding south of Peronville where she was placed in a bed and Luke waited at her side for her to wake.

The Rebels[]

Luke Ellerdeen1
It was a desperate life that we were living out here in the forest. If it wasn't the constant threat of the Orcs, it was the slave riders of Orleans that kept us from ever really knowing peace. But that kind of fear also breeds a hate in a person. I didn't dislike the Orcs. I wasn't mad at the slavers in Orleans. I hated them. I wanted them dead, and thats a powerful emotion for anyone to carry with them.
Luke Ellerdeen
When she did wake she discovered Luke asleep on a chair and initially scared she would leave the bed and try to escape but was stopped outside the door by Christophe Duret of whom introduced himself as a knight sworn to Luke Ellerdeen the king of the rebels of Orleans. Speaking with Christophe and the now woken Luke she would find a people demoralized beyond belief by the death and destruction they had seen over the past many years, and she immediately felt a sense of connection to that kind of sadness based on what happened to her family. During her time in the camp she came to better understand what was happening in France, as in Lucerne it was basically believed that everyone in France had either retreated to England or was dead. Luke made her aware of the fact that large numbers of humans still remained in hiding in the forests and other hiding places, but were heavily targeted by Orleans in the south, and Paris in the north of whom were basically slaver towns that the Orcs left alone because they suited their purposes. She would become close with Luke Ellerdeen of whom was somewhat the leader of the camp, and she would convince him that they needed to help the thousands that were in the pens beneath Orleans awaiting being sent to the slave markets in Paris.
Ashley Lerman Gif3
Ashley knew that she could find out invaluable information about the defenses of the city through her brother and also get him out of the city, and despite wanting to never return to Orleans while the Orcs still controlled it she would agree to reenter Orleans alongside several of the rebels in Marian Besson, and Thibauld of Ellerdeen. Travelling back to Orleans with the knights they would reenter the city and through the assistance of rebel supporters in the city they were able to locate where Logan was living and getting inside the home they would find Logan eating dinner with a girl of whom was holding a very young newborn and at the sight of his sister he would start crying and the two siblings would hug for sometime until Marian forced everyone to get back to it as they could not stay long. Through Logan they learned the size of the Orc forces in the city as well as the secret reserve Orc forces who were camped in a small castle northeast of Orleans and learning this they knew that whatever they were going to do had to start with the destruction of the Orc forces, or at the very least the weakening of the Orc forces.
Capture of Peronville[]
Ashley Lerman Wide Cover
This is the moment of our vengeance mayor. Pick the right side.
Luke Ellerdeen
Turning of Mathias Peltier[]
This is what survival looks like lord Peltier. Is surviving what you want for your family? Or do you want to live? Work with me and we can finally give our people the life they deserve.
Luke Ellerdeen

Mathias would finally discover his chance to make things right when he was forced to travel to the nearby town of Peronville where there had been a rebellious movement and after he had successfully argued to not send the orcs he traveled to the town where during his meetings with the rebels he would meet Luke Ellerdeen the leader of the Kingdom of Orleans Rebels, and during this meeting he would convince Luke to publicly submit but privately they would work together to end the Circle of Magi.

Lucerne Finds Orleans[]

Tobias Henkel1
"I returned to Berne with all haste knowing what I knew. We had went to Orleans in the feint belief that Bill might have been there but never for a moment did we actually think we would have found him."
-Tobias Henkel

Tobias Henkel after setting himself up within the dungeons beneath Orleans he would begin to set his people to scouting out the city, and they would discover during these patrols that the Circle of Magi was held up within the tower while the actual control of the city was left to the Orcs and the human forces of whom were led by Logan Lerman a man who they discovered was a good person. Tobias would alongside several of his men get inside Logan's house where he discovered Logan was hiding a young women and a baby within his house and discovered they were Logan's lover and their child and after making her understand he they were not a threat to her or the child she would reveal more about what he was trying to do, and it was in this situation that Logan would enter his home to find them all talking. Logan would tell Tobias of the situation in the city specifically mentioning Hermione Granger and the things that she was trying to accomplish, and discovering without a doubt that Bill Lovie was in the city Tobias would have Evie leave the city and travel to Berne where she would relay this information to the gathering forces in Lucerne. She would travel by griffon back to Berne alongside her brother Jacob of whom had been hiding out in a nearby cave waiting for the group in case anything went wrong. Arriving at Berne they would use the Magi stone there to detail what he had discovered to Lucerne where it would find Ezio of whom would seek clarification from William on how they would proceed. Returning to Berne he met briefly with Doma Rosson of whom told him that she was returning with him, and that they were to wait for more reinforcements before they struck. As they read the letter written by Ezio with William's orders in it in response to his findings they realized that there main concern was the killing of Bill, and that anything and everything else was secondary to his death. Returning to the Orleans area with Doma Rosson, the two could not know how much things had changed in the time they had been gone. When they returned they found that Ashley and Logan had disregarded their command, and were in fact marshaling forces from the nearby camp and were planning to free the slaves beneath Orleans. Seeing opportunity in the distraction this might cause, Doma, and Tobias decided they would assist the siblings in their plans. 

The Uprising[]

Ashley would support her brother, and together they would orchestrate a plan to break out the slaves from within and beneath the city. Ashley would be separated from her brother when on the day before the plan he went to help Hermione, and didn't return to her as he said that he would, and she would be forced to move forward with the plan anyway. They would receive more help when Tobias Henkel arrived back in the city with several more members of the Order of the Violet Dragon. Together with Tobias, and Dama Rossan they begin taking out many of the guards that would impede their plans, and worked side by side with Hermione of whom was going to get Mysticism while everyone was reacting to the chaos of the dungeons opened. During this chaos some members of the Circle of Magi forces would begin surrendering and this included Maegaran Targaryan who attempted to convince his cousin Aerlyon Targaryan to also surrender, but despite begging Aerlyon to give up his loyalty to James he was unable to convince him leading to Aerlyon taking part in the attempt to retake the dungeon.

The Breakout[]

On the day of the escape everything would go according to plan, but as she entered one of the last dungeons she found her brother Faedra standing over a body that he was stabbing repeatedly. She would stop for a moment, and consider everything that Faedra had ever been, and in that moment she finally said goodbye to her brother and stabbed him through the back killing him. As she looked at the body Faedra had been stabbing she broke into hysterics when she discovered it was her brother Logan who lay dead. Tobias would come looking for her when she didn't arrive where she was supposed to and found her crying over the dead body of Logan. He was forced to carry her out of the room locking the door behind them so that she would finally leave the room, and with that she was forced to say goodbye to the brother who had given up basically everything for her. As they worked their way out of the dungeons they were knocked to the ground by a massive crash that shook the foundations all around them. After making sure the former slaves were escaping as was planned, Ashley followed Tobias as he made his way to the sound of the explosion, as she came to understand the Order of the Violet Dragon had other things in mind other then just saving slaves when Tobias told her they were there to kill Bill Lovie or at the very least destabilize his operations here.

Death of a King[]

Forced to fight there way through the fighting they finally arrived at the explosion where they found Dama Rossan fighting Bill Lovie, and saw the cause of the destruction as a massive hole had been blown in the side of the tower. Joining the fight the combined fighting of everyone against Bill finally broke him, and he collapsed to the ground defeated. In that moment he let everyone in the room know that Doma Rosson was actually Sophia Lovie the daughter of Tavlian Lovie and that he was sorry for everything he had ever done. As the life ebbed from his eyes Sophia moved towards him and held his hand as the dying former King of Lucerne finally died.

Family Members[]

