Lucerne Wiki
Tree Hill
Tree Hill
Tree Hill Map
Vital statistics
Type of Goverment Grand State Capital
Allegiance Loyalties
Ruling House House Scott
Population Placeholder
Location Central Valley of Lucerne
Language Low Germanic
Religion Mixed
Races, and Ethnicity Mixed

Tree Hill is a large city within the Kingdom Of Lucerne of which is the capital of the Grand State of Tree Hill. Once the largest city in Lucerne it was struck by betrayal from King Bill Lovie and left in ruins, but under relief from King William it has regained some of this population and is no longer in ruins. House Scott is the Lord of the city of Tree Hill, and because of the position of the city they stand as Arch Lord's within the Kingdom of Lucerne.

The city of Tree Hill is known as Tree Hill due to its layout being built around eight large hills with the main part of the city built on a hill that was said to have contained a massive tree.

The current site of Tree Hill was first settled by the Numenorians, and during this initial time they built several of the most famous parts of Tree Hill including the wall into the Keep of Tree Hill, the settlement of Earl Hill, and the Storm Keep. The city was wiped out during the Night of the Spiders and thus was left depopulated for generations until the Italians begin to dominate the valley for a time. Tree Hill would be reestablished by House Targaryan of whom was rewarded by House Lovie for their loyalty and given a position of dominance in central Lucerne. House Targaryan ruled for some time until they were laid low during the riegn of Aryes Targaryan II. House Targaryan self exiled themselves going eastward and House Starke was named the new lords of the city to the discust of House Tyrell of whom following this would gather much of their wealth and move themselves to Highgarden their eastern seat. Tree was the centerpoint of most industrious behavior in the Kingdom, and the center of the the intellectual movement in Lucerne. This all came to an end after the First Battle of Tree Hill . This battle would destroy the majority of the city, and leave the remainder under siege for the better part of a decade. This siege would destory the vast majority of the population of Tree Hill with almost 80% of the original population either dead or fled. Following the liberation of Tree Hill in the Second battle of Tree Hill, the city is once again a center of industry in Lucerne, but on top of this Andrew has made Tree Hill a major source of defence for the southern sections of Lucerne.

City Layout[]

Hills of Tree Hill[]

Hill Seat of Population
Hill of the Tree House Scott
Hill of Earl House Felland
Hill of Aerys House Taentigar
Hill of Renault House Jespersen
Hill of Augustin House Clodiun
Hill of the Oak House Oakheart
Hill of Edrestic House Slinde
Hill of the Mouth House Lonmouth

Hill of the Mouth[]

The Hill of the Mouth is built on the hill that overlooks the middle of the Tree Hill River, and contains the port of Tree Hill as well as most of its fishery work.

Hill of Earl[]

The Hill of Earl is build on the hill that lies above the Tree Hill river, and thus stands as a sort of bridge that allows crossing over the Tree Hill River.

Sea Gate of Tree Hill

Standing underneath the Mountain that dominates the Hill of Tree Hill the sea gate of Tree Hill allows entry into the city itself. The gate itself is able to be opened through either the under mountain entrance within the city, as well as outside the city thus marking it as more of a fortification for the cities southern entrance.


Early History[]

The current site of Tree Hill was first settled by the Numenorians, and during this initial time they built several of the most famous parts of Tree Hill including the wall into the Keep of Tree Hill, the settlement of Earl Hill, and the Storm Keep. The city was wiped out during the Night of the Spiders and thus was left depopulated for generations until the Italians begin to dominate the valley for a time. The site of the city at the time was of little importance and because of this the larger city of forks was the main city of importance in the valley of Lucerne. Following the events of the Driving Tide the city was targeted by William Lovie as a location for improved population and economy, and in this regard he sent one of his most loyal houses in House Targaryan to the city in order to lead it.

Growth under House Targaryan[]

Main Article : House Targaryan

The city of Tree Hill would rise to its large levels through immigration of many houses from forks following the driving tide, and in this the leadership of house targaryan created the foundation of tree hill.

Fall of House Targaryan[]

Main Article : House Targaryan

Fall of House Targaryan
Once there were three friends that had started the Kingdom of Lucerne. Today we say goodbye to one of our friends, and hello to a new world without one third of our hearts.
House Targaryan2
My father used to tell me that there were three major houses in the Kingdom of Lucerne that were our friends without any question. House Targaryan was one of those three.
Bill Lovie

Aryes Targaryan II. would be the Lord of Tree hill following the death of his father Aryes Targaryan I. and he would oversee the complete embarrassment of his House from Lucerne. His reign started simply enough but it took a dramatic and horrifying turn when there was a hostage situation caused by two vassal houses in House June against House Cash. The two houses had been stuck in a battle over some farm land east of the city, and were unable to solve it diplomatically, and some of the more headstrong members of the two families had gotten into a fight at a tavern where two members of House Cash ended up dying alongside several guards for each house. When Aryes went to the estate of house June in order to solve the problem he was accidentally taken hostage by the House June honor guard and during the early part of the captivity he was tortured using a fire pick against his arms. Eventually a member of House June entered the honor guard station and discovered the beaten body of Aryes targaryan, and having never meant for that to happen House June immediately let him go, but the damage was done.

Destruction of House June[]

Aryes Targaryan II.

Aryes Targaryan II.

He supposedly locked himself completely in his room not allowing anyone to see him. He was frightened, and one could understand why, but he allowed that fear to overtake him, and destroy everything we had built.
Aryes Targaryan III.

When Aryes targaryan returned to tree hill he withdrew himself into the keep of Tree Hill and basically disappeared from the public eye for almost a year. During this time he was tended to through the dropping of food at the door, and only his sister Shaelenia was allowed to come into his room, and even she is said to have been kept at a great distance by the now disturbed Aryes Targaryan. When he finally came out of his office he was completed unkeped and he had nails that were insanely long. He had dropped an immense weight due to the fact that he had eaten so little over the time he was hidden. But on top of the physical change he was emotionally changed as well as he had become unhinged mentally and now saw visions, and heard voices. The once quiet peacemaker ordered the Tree Hill army to march on the House June estate and kill everyone inside. As this was happening and over the year previous the leadership of House Tyrell had been making movements in order to sap the support of House Targaryan, and knowing that the Targaryans would most likely take revenge for the imprisonement of Aryes the Tyrell's would promice both House June, and House Cash that they would come to their aid in the event that the Targaryans attacked them. The Tree Hill army acting under the command of Aryes Targaryan would marshal and besieged the House June where they would surrender themselves only a few days into the siege, as it was clear that outside assistence was not coming in the form of House Tyrell of whom had promiced them they would help them. As this happened the army of the Tyrells would arrive from Highgarden, and they joined the more southern Stormlands houses as the siege continied of the small hold of House June.

Noone had seen it coming, but afterwards noone could stop the momentum of death and destruction that Aryes had unleased when he killed House June.
Earl Scott

Aryes at this point would arrive at the estate and despite hearing the pleas of House June that they had no meant to imprison the Lord of House Targaryan he wouldn't hear it and killed the two June members that had come under the protection of the Guest Right, and following this commanded his army to massacre everyone inside the castle. When many of the houses refused this Aryes turned to his brother Aegon Targaryan of whom led the Targaryan forces into the now opened castle where they killed everyone inside. When the massacre was complete the city was shocked at the near complete destruction of a large noble house (with only the youngest son, and his sister surviving the massacre due to the intervention of Drunten Targaryan), but in this instance the city felt that since house June had started it perhaps this action was necessary. The next retaliation of Aryes targaryan was far beyond the acceptable scenario of tree hill though, and it was finally the moment the large Tyrell at the edge of the city had waited for.

Destruction of House Cash[]

Destruction of House Cash
It is said that so great was his hatred that he burned them alive himself. Screaming and laughing while he did it.
Mastir Tyrell

House cash was the other house involved in what Aryes came to believe was a plot to capture and embarrass him, so Aryes once again ordered the tree hill army to do his bidding through the destruction of House Cash. Unfortunately for Aryes the army wasn't willing to destroy House Cash so Aryes was forced to turn to the House Targaryan honor gaurd who moved quickly in the massacre. The honor gaurd moved throughout the house cash home and murdered nearly the entire house in a three hour battle that spilled into the street and ended up leading to the deaths of almost 200 people. With this kind of death count the people of Tree Hill turned swiftly against House Targaryan and their started to be open resisting against their movements. As this rebellion continued the ire of House Lovie was brought in through the involvement of James Lovie who left Lucerne in a convoy to Tree Hill and would arrive in a week.

The Week[]

House Targaryan executions
By that point we were basically just praying to god that James would arrive in the city before the Tyrell's got their hands on us. Despite the fact that we were still members of the royal family of Tree Hill we started to hear the calls against us in the streets.
Aegon Targaryan

House Targaryan was now in open revolt amongst themselves as well as Aegon Targaryan said they must all stay together but Drunten Targaryan wanted to hand over Aryes Targaryan and try to appease the mobs that were out for blood now. This blood lust was spilling into the streets as the members were being verbally and physically attacked in the streets after the massacre of House Cash of which caused them to have to hide themselves into their estate within the city. The House Targaryan estate was what the current Scott Keep was and thus it was built into the cliffs in the center of the city, and from this it was extremely heavily defended, but by this point the Tyrells had picked their side. The Tyrells would lead the army of Tree Hill in sieging the Targaryan estate, and they were able to kill a large number of the Targaryan honor gaurd during the intial assaults on the keep. In only two days following James Lovie getting the letter and leaving Lucerne the House Targaryan estate became under siege by the citizens of Tree Hill along with House Scott, and House Tyrell. The siege continued for three more days before the gate of the estate was finnally breached, and the city waited with held breath for what the people would do as punishment to House Targaryan. The siegers entered the estate and begin gathering together all of House Targaryn and before House Scott - who didn't want violence done before James Lovie arrived - could stop it the House was marched to the center of Tree Hill where House Tyrell had erected a temporary executioners square. As this was happening several of the more level headed houses joined with House Scott where they massed themselves in a possible belief that they might storm the square and fight the Tyrells over the violence they were doing. Over the course of three hours the members of House Targaryan were brought to stand before the city of Tree Hill, and depending on the wishes of the city they were exectuted. The violence reached its apex as the Tyrells executed Shaelenia Targaryan the young sister of Aryes but before they did a man of House Lonmout would sexually violate her as her head was bound prepared to be killed, and this caused the already insane Aryes to go completely insane. The last to be judged was Aryes Targaryan, and before he could say a word Kraven June the eleven year old surviving member of House June stepped forward and stabbed Aryes Targaryan through the neck killing him. With the trials all done the surviving members of House Targaryan retreated back to their estate where there was full scale looting underway. House Scott moved into the estate and offered House Targaryan protection, and it was this act that basically saved what remained of House Targaryan.

House Scott saved the rest of them because I was five minutes from ordering the killing of every remaining Targaryan in the town. Five minutes longer and House Scott loses the chance of saving them.
Mastir Tyrell

In the end in the four hour trial of House Targaryan thirty two members of the House were dead including its patriarch in Aryes Targaryan II., and the remainder were in the custody of House Scott of whom had taken them alongside the rest of the houses allied to the Scotts and fled outside of the city. By this point the Tyrells had gone completely in on retaking Tree Hill, and trying to gain back what they had lost with the rise of House Lovie, and so they massed their forces and moved towards the Scotts in a movement that if it had more time would have resulted in a battle between the Scott forces, and the Tyrell's. Before the two could fight though the arrival of the vangaurd of the Lovie forces in House Swan would stop any further violence, and as the Swan troops entered the city they would alongside several neutral houses move to stop the rioting in the streets that the Tyrells had incited.

Arrival of James Lovie[]

See Also : James Lovie

Mastir Tyrell
I arrived to a scene of madness and death. People were running around trying desperatly just to stay alive, while fires seemingly burned out of control. While all this happened Mastir Tyrell and his sons would meet me as if they hadn't done a thing. Had they of shown any kind of remorse I would have given them the lordship, but when I realized not only did they not regret it but they were happy it happened I knew they couldn't have it.
James Lovie

When James Lovie arrived in Tree Hill his worse fears were realized as he walked amongst the ruins of the center of the town and the piles of bodies that he discovered. As he saw the body of Aryes Targaryan he was approached by the leadership of Tree Hill of whome was their to explain to him what had happened to House Targaryan. As each house told him that House Tyrell was responsible he finally came to House Tyrell and prepared to meet their delagation. House Tyrell at the time was led by Mastir Tyrell and he would meet the King of Lucerne at the burnt out remains hobbled together alongside his young son Olenna Tyrell and his other family members. When he met with James Lovie he nearly assumed that House Tyrell was going to be given command, as Mastir didn't see anyone elce who was even possible outside of House Scott, and House June but House June was nearly destroyed. So when James Lovie said to him that he would have to think about what the next step was Mastir became agitated and nearly spoke with hostility towards James, but he was silenced by his brother before he would have been executed.

Aemon Targaryan

Aemon Targaryan would lead the exodus of the Targaryans from Tree Hill.

He left me standing there and I still knew in my mind that we had it in the bag. I maen litteraly every house with the power, wealth, and influence to be given lordship was either dead, fled, or was us so for me there was no real option.
Mastir Tyrell

When James left he went with his gaurd to find House Scott who many had said acted with courage when they saved the remainder of House Targaryan who were now under the protection of House Lovie. With House Scott were the remainder of House Targaryan and the only male of any true age was Aemon Targaryan and when he arrived he wanted to know from Aemon what he thought he should do. When he found Aemon he was gathering together the members of his family, and preparing to leave. James wanted him to stay and continue as the Lord of the city but Aemon knew that their time in Tree Hill was done. No matter what they did, or how they acted their image was tarnished and House Tyrell would kill the rest of them if they wanted. James relented after a time, and accepted that one part of the triumverate that had created the Kingdom of Lucerne was gone, and he attemted to get his advise on who they should pass the lordship too. Aemon thought was that they should pass it to House Scott as they were the only ones who kept their head right when the bad stuff started happening. James Lovie would take this into regard, and also under the advise of Jacob Vorn he would command that the Arch Duke of Tree Hill would be House Scott, and that if the Tyrells made any attempt to remove the Scott's then the Tyrells would be branded enemies of the Kingdom of Lucerne, and hunted to the ends of the Earth.

The First Battle of Tree Hill[]

Main Article : First Battle of Tree Hill

Fall of Tree Hill
We were trained to fight. We built walls, and we made plans for our defenses. All of this training and planning was for naught when we were ambushed by an enemy that knew everything we were.
Earl Scott leaving Tree Hill

The Summit of Castle Blastner had led to much of the Tree Hill army, and nearly all the loyalist leadership leaving for Castle Blastner, and those that remained would be shown as less then loyal.

Everything that has happened here is a result of his actions. He doesn't get to just stand by his bible and pretend hes not responsible for all of this. Peter Scott is a monster. Peter Scott shall from this day forth be known as the Traitor of Tree Hill.
Daniel Scott

While the smaller Loudlon had failed at the Battle of Forks, and the Loudlon leadership being almost completely massacred at the The Hackenholtist Massacre the success of the Tree Hill part of the plan rested on the shoulders of Abdosir Zestoponnid. The larger Loudlon army continued moving towards Tree Hill controlled now solely by Abdosir Zestoponnid, and thus the army’s movement was slow as Abdosir was unable to fully stop the infighting that begin to grow among the Orc army with the deaths of the more powerful Exemptus members. As they moved through the plains of Central Tree Hill, they first lost control of the Ragechoppa Clan who moved away from the main army and begin sacking villages. As they made the final movement towards Tree Hill it was an exhausted Adbdosir that lost control of three clans in the , Bonecrusha, and Eadsplitta Clans and this forced the army to briefly stop and the Circle of Magi members still within the army made quick adjustments. Deciding that these clans getting loose was not a part of their orders by James Lovie II. they would send word to the army of Peter Scott which they knew was already moving from Forks to Tree Hill following the First Battle of Forks. Abdosir would continue to move the rest of the army the final stretch to Tree Hill which they reached successfully, and massing north of Tree Hill it was Abdosir that gave his control over to Jurden Hardaxe who now unleashed would prepare the invasion of Tree Hill. With the assistance of maps and information provided by the Circle members the Orc army moved to surround the city and attack the different hills as well as the two main Tree Hill gates with a force that would make retreat impossible.

The insanity that leads a man to turn on his people. The madness filled him to the brim until the point came that he snapped. There was no stopping it. It was all blood and death.
Earl Scott

When Peter Scott was pulled away from Tree Hill with most of the army due to the Summit of Castle Blastner the vacuum of power fell to the hands of Leonard Nighting III. of whom was named the Grand Marshal of Tree Hill and thus placed in charge of its defenses. Leonard was not what Peter believed him to be in a loyal member of the rebellion but in fact was a secret member of the Circle of Magi, and thus knew that the Orcs were incoming and that the Summit of Castle Blastner was a ruse. Leonard would work for the weeks before the Orcs arrival to move troops loyal to the Circle or the Nightings out of the city, and those that remained were given time off with pay leaving the city undefended. While removing loyal troops it was Leonard that also invited many nobles who were rebel supporters to the city of which included many prominent families and planned a large feast for what he knew would be after the arrival of the Orcs. Leonard would be warned of the Orcs approach and thus when they were only two days away it was Leonard and most of his loyalists that left Tree Hill travelling westward towards Nighthold and named Daniel Scott as the new Grand Marshal of Tree Hill. Daniel had been tricked into believing that the Orcs coming was a plot to kill Peter and that following this ambush he would defeat the Orcs with the large army that Leonard and the Circle had waiting outside the city. In truth Tree Hill had been promised to House Guntbold and thus his purpose was gone for the Circle leaving him to remain in Tree Hill under a mistaken belief.

The Baker Killings[]

Lindsay Baker Wide

Lindsay Baker saw her fathers attempt at separating herself and her beloved brother Julian Baker as a betrayal so deep that she was unwilling to accept his apology. And thus from the date of her argument with Brooke forward she planned for the eventual murder of her father. Eventually as her resentment increased she also grew to hate her mother of whom in her paranoia she came to believe was also involved in the plot against her and Julian.

He is mine. It was clear after there failed attempt to marry him to you that they were going to keep trying. I had no options other then to kill them
Lindsay Baker

House Baker had through the Magi power and general lack of morality of Hanne Baker joined the Circle of Magi leaving them very much aware of the coming Orcish assault on the city of Tree Hill. Hanne Baker would return from her time in the west where she had been assisting Bill Lovie with his Orcish manipulation and fresh from her time there she would summon her entire family including her husband Haden Baker, son Julian Baker, and two daughters Lindsay Baker, and Margerette Baker and proceeded to tell them about what was about to happen in Tree Hill. The family sat with the increasingly cowardly Haden Baker immediately begin preparing to leave the city without warning anyone of what was coming and return to their seat at Bakervale. Following the departure of Julian two organize their retreat, two things happened with the first being Margerette attempted to run away from her family confronting her sister Lindsay, while Lindsay finally realized she had the moment she had been waiting for to finally kill her mother and father. When Margerette took Lindsay into the other room while her parents loaded up the carriage outside with their two dozen men at arms and servants, she would tell Lindsay that she was going to reveal what was happening to Lord Typhon of whom she knew was an honorable man.

I loved my sister. She was a sweet girl. I stabbed her in the neck the moment she got in the way of me and Julian. What do you think I would do to you?
Lindsay Baker

In this moment Lindsay not wanting her chance of killing her parents to be thwarted would stab her sister through the neck killing Margerette and dragging her body into a closet. Returning to the living room she would hide her mother’s wand before tricking her mother into joining her in the bedroom where she would hit her mother with a mace knocking her out. With her mother unconscious she would bring her father and two servants in where she locked the door behind them to their confusion before she would stab the two servants before knocking out her father. With everyone either dead or unconscious she would tie her father and mother to a chair before she would walk out of the house. Appearing before the men at arms, knights, and servants covered in blood and a blood mace she told them that Julian was now in charge of the family, and shocked at what she had done they were cowed into submission. Leading these servants and soldiers out of the eastern gate it was Lindsay, and Julian that escaped the coming destruction of Tree Hill. When Hanna, and Haden woke up they attempted to get out of their bindings, but Haden was too weak, and Hanna without her wand could do little, and thus they were unable to escape and were eventually killed during the sacking of Tree Hill by the Orcs.

The Massacre of the Hill of Edrestic[]

I was walking around the edges of the garden when I heard the noise. It was a sound I had never heard before in my life but it was deafening in its scope, and horrifying in its pitch. It was the sound of a city dying I just didn't know it at the time.
Margaery Tyrell

The Orcs would split themselves up as they moved towards Tree Hill with Clan Rabbidgutta and Clan Gorebasha attacking the Hill of Edrestic, while the remainder of the army went for the main city. House Slinde defended the Hill of Edestic and was a devoted member of the rebels meaning they were not warned or protected in any way by the Circle. House Slinde had lost most of its defenders to the Summit of Castle Blastner and thus was very undermanned when the Orcs arrived, and with all this together the Orcs moved through the damaged gatehouse and inside the walls. Once inside the walls what little defenders were able to fight back were quickly overrun and the Hill of Edrestic fell in less then hour its entire population killed or enslaved.

The Sack of Tree Hill[]

Tree Hill - Battle of Tree Hill - Start

The Orcs had arrived without warning and would overrun the Hill of Edestic and break inside the northern gate without any warning to the defenders.

I was walking around the edges of the garden when I heard the noise. It was a sound I had never heard before in my life but it was deafening in its scope, and horrifying in its pitch. It was the sound of a city dying I just didn't know it at the time.
Margaery Tyrell

With the destruction of the Hill of Edestic the main Loudlon army reached the main Tree Hill Gate. The northern entrance was the most fortified of the two entries into the city and thus was guarded by five towers, a large bridge, and three layers of portcullises leaving it a highly defensible position. In response to these defenses, it was the Circle that had placed much of its energy around the weakening of this defense. While the towers were meant to have been occupied by fifty men each the deployment schedules had been purposely weakened by Ebrimund Neuhazer who had been promoted to the Commander of the Gate by Leonard Nighting. Ebrimund would be warned of the arrival of the Orcs hours before and took what little men were left at the gatehouse and left the gate telling the defenders that another deployment was being brought to replace them and gave them the rest of the day off. With the gatehouse now undefended it was the Orc army that was able to enter the gate without being noticed or deterred. As the Orcs poured through the gatehouse the screaming of the slain and panicked that led to soldiers being warned of the attack. Of these soldiers it was Traven Goodsbrow, and the Oakheart twins Frasier, and Thomas Oakheart were in the vicinity and would also move in the direction of the fighting at the gate. Traven and the Oakheart twins would be overwhelmed alongside the rest of the guards at the gatehouse and the Orcs swelled into the city from the main gate shattering the cork that held the Orcs at bay. Once they had control of the gate the Orcs quickly destroyed any resistance that managed to form in the outer city, while they began destroying and setting buildings ablaze. The rampaging force of Orcs massacred their way through the packed market, which was located near the main gatehouse, and since Tree Hill was so far inside the borders of Lucerne no one was on their toes in preparation for an attack of this kind leaving the people and soldiers completely overwhelmed. The massacre continued unabated until southward of the main gatehouse the Orcs would come to the castle of the Typhon's in the form of Typhon's Keep.

Tree Hill - Battle of Typhon Keep
Typhon's Gate was the personal keep of House Typhon, and the fact that they held to the last man bought time for the rest of the city to at least get a chance to survive at the main keep.
Lucas Scott

The city of Tree Hill was a double walled city with the outer wall defended by five main gatehouses, while the inner was defended by two keeps. With two of the outer gatehouses either taken or about to be taken it was the next level of defenses that was coming under assault by the Orc invasion. It was House Typhon that controlled one of the entries in the form of Typhon Keep. A vassal of House Scott they would be within their estate as the city burned and the northern half was completely wiped out. As another of the rebel supporting houses they were not warned and most of their forces including House Typhon would hold off till the very last minute trying to allow more people to flee inside the keep including Lord Robett Highport and three of his men at arms. Robett had been devoted to Daniel Scott but as Daniel had been betrayed it was Robett that was also betrayed thus leaving him outside the keep when the Orcs arrived. As the Orcs overran the initial areas of Tree Hill the panic had spread quickly and thus it was Lord Athaulf Typhon that had armed and prepared his sons as well as what men at arms he could find. As the Orcs begin to reach the gatehouse the Typhon defenders did not close it immediately allowing dozens more inside the walls until finally as they risked being overwhelmed, they closed the gate of the Typhon Keep. Blocking their gates, the Orcs arrived on the scene the males took to the walls and fired upon the Orcs drawing major attention to themselves and slowing the advance as the Orcs attempted to take the Keep. As the Orcs used overturned wagons and boxes to attempt to get on the walls it was the defenders who would resist them for several minutes giving Athaulf time to get the non-fighters out of the back of the keep. Athaulf Typhon would manage to get those who had gone through Typhon’s gates through the gate and into the inner part of Tree Hill, but the family would refuse to abandon there ancestral seat and thus hid themselves inside the holdfast of the keep instead of fleeing south.

My family died there. They thought they were doing something brave. I see now you made sure it was all in vain.
Jaime Typhon

The front gate was finally bashed down as the defenders on the wall begin to run out of arrows, but the defenders had created enough time that they had been able to place a barricade behind this forcing most of the Orcs to use makeshift ladders, and ropes to climb onto the walls. Getting onto the walls the Orcs would take horrible casualties, but their number were unending, and they were able to wipe out the defenders including Lord Typhon and two of his sons, and would thus gain entrance into the courtyard within. Lord Robett Highport led a brief counter assault at the main gatehouse attempting to bar the entrance but was killed alongside his men after the walls had been completely overrun. The final son of House Typhon would defend the inner hold alone trying to protect his mother, cousins, and sisters but watched as the Orcs killed the remaining guards and the rest of House Typhon were massacred in the inner hallway. Jaime Typhon would survive the destruction of Typhon Keep after he was covered by the body of his slain brother and knocked unconscious. Waking up hours after the massacre of his family he would attempt with failed results to find anyone else alive and realizing he was alone he would hide himself in the Typhon cellar where he would attempt to plan his escape. With the massacre the Orcs would move forward towards the Tree Hill Keep of which was only real place that any sort of defense could be mounted.

Last stand at the Keep of Tree Hill[]

Lucas and Peyton3
You didn't have to be told by anyone that it was bad. There was a look in people's eyes that just told you things were falling apart. No words were needed...
Lucas Scott

Lucas Scott was in the Keep of Tree Hill when the first Orcs begin piling into the city itself, and like everyone in the keep it was the smoke coming from the entrance that first alerted them to trouble. As the Orcs overran the city it was the keep that begin to organize its defenses, and looking to Daniel, they discovered him inside his personal chambers surrounded by many of his nobles. Attempting to get Daniel to lead them it was Daniel that refused instead placing Lucas, and Nathan in command of the defences of the city slamming the door behind them. Lucas and Nathan would mobilize every male in the keep to find weapons and armor from the armory and bring themselves to the courtyard where Hochmeister Theoderic Madritch, and Ordenmarshal Odothus Schmild would move them to the different defensive positions. While this was happening, it was Lucas that went looking for Peyton, Haley, and Brooke who he knew were at the Gardens outside the keep. Going to the armory he put on his armor alongside his friends Visimar Heffelinger, and Cunimund Brodgert and begin leaving the keep heading towards the gardens.  Speaking with Theoderic that he was going to the garden to find his sister and friends Theoderic lent him three men at arms to help bring back as many people as possible and then his group ran for the bridge of Saint Reginald which was clearest move to the Gardens. Reaching the bridge there were people streaming across and as he moved in the other direction, he saw Peyton screaming his name. Peyton had been able to return to the keep before the massacre and now she was crying so much that Lucas had to hold her up, and he would learn from Peyton that Haley, and Brooke had gone to the apartment of their friend Ottilia Goedde. Rushing to the apartment it was just outside the keep and they discovered the area was already the sight of some conflict as they saw there first Orcs. Brooke, Haley, and Ottilia led her younger siblings from the apartment and into the arms of Lucas and the others but this reunion was cut short by the arrival of the Orcs. These first Orcs were rampaging through the street and Lucas, Visimar, and Cunimund fought them without much thought killing the first two, but the third killed Cunimund before they were able to slay the Orc, and seeing more coming they were forced to leave his body on the street and lead the group back to the bridge of Saint Reginald.

Success at Schild Keep[]
Holding the Bridges[]
We will hold open the bridge of Saint Reginald as long as we can. Once its going to be overrun I will shut the gate. The problem is Naelys bridge. Someone or something damaged the mechanism. The Kellermaster Devon is working to fix it. You have to buy him time.
Theoderic Madritch

Massacring the population of the city the Orcs swarmed towards the next and last point of resistance in the form of the three main defenses of the Keep of Tree Hill in the two bridges and the twin gates. As Lucas and Visimar reached the Bridge of Saint Reginald with there group there was little time to say goodbye as Brooke, Haley and the others were rushed deeper into the Keep while Lucas met with Theoderic to discuss the situation. By this point the defenses of the Keep had been stiffened by the hundreds of incoming survivors who were being quickly equipped and placed into defensive positions. Alongside this the successful defense of the Schild Keep the twin gates were now heavily fortified thus leaving the two bridges as the main point of weakness for the defenders. The defenders were weakened by the fact that the drawbridge for the Bridge of Saint Reginald remained in working order but the Bridge of Naelys Targaryan had been sabotaged leaving it unable to be closed. Lucas, Visimar, and two dozen men at arms would rush to the Bridge of Naelys finding the Kellermaster Devon Davion leading the defense there but was struggling to fix the bridge mechanism and needed more time. The arrival of Hank James II. telling them of his fathers retreat led to Lucas seeing the oppurtunity to both buy time for the defenders as well as help Hank James. Now looking to buy this time for the defenders it was Lucas that led the two dozen men alongside Vismar, and several knights including Perwyn Guntbold, and Kurt Isidor, and Isidor Elric, Deert Dravion, Hank James II., and Hansal Oakheart. This group would be joined at the last minute by Deert Davion the son of Devon, and another nine men at arms and traveled across the bridge where they planned to meet with Hank James and hold the entry to the bridge for enough time to have Devon and his men repair the gate mechanism.

I was moving with such purpose. I knew in that moment that I had to be the courage for everyone around me. It didn't matter that I was in complete terror. I couldn't show that to anyone.
Lucas Scott

By this point the other houses of the southwest Keep were finding themselves becoming under attack as the Orcs were spreading throughout the city, and although the Orcs were finding increasing resistance as they moved closer towards the Keep of Tree Hill they were still moving in a near unstopped pace. At the Apartment of House James, it was Hank James that was with his sons Hanzal James, and Hank James II. when Mary James arrived in a panic telling them that Orcs had killed Gloria at the market and were not far behind her. Mary was taken away by Hank the younger to the Tree Hill keep escaping in safety, but Hanzal and Hank the elder gathered their men at arms from the area and organized several retreating men and fought a slow retreat to the Tree Hill Keep killing several charging Orcs as they pulled back. While doing this it was Hanzal that was struck down and killed fighting leaving a distraught Hank to continue retreating tears covering his face as he left his heir dead in the street. Hank James would be rejoined by Hank the younger who had returned after safely getting Mary inside the keep and standing at the side of the Chapel of Saint Markus the group decided this was the place to make their last stand. While Hank James was preparing this, they were joined by the force of Lucas Scott who was attempting to buy the bridge more time and the Chapel of Saint Markus enjoyed good vantage points for his archers and blocked the main roadway to the bridge making it a good spot to hold.

Last Stand at the Chapel of Saint Markus[]
Lucas Scott
Was jumping onto that bridge a smart move? Hard to argue it was. What other choice did I have though? Did I hide on the wall and watch as thousands died? Did I try to swim across the lake into safety? None of that would have let me live with myself. I did what I had to. I would do it again if given the option.
Lucas Scott

The force now at the Chapel of Saint Markus consisted of the 27 men at arms of Lucas Scott as well as the knights Perwyn Guntbold, Kurt Isidor, Isidor Elric, Deert Dravion, and Hansal Oakheart who joined the force of nine men at arms of House James and the knight Hank James. Also included in this defense would be another five men at arms who joined them during the retreat from several different houses. Placing men in the chapel spires to fire arrows at the Orcs once they came it was the rest of them that formed a defensive line across the road allowing the streaming refugees past them. The group held for a time as Lucas shouted for people to hurry up and get inside, but after fifteen minutes they started to see the first trickle of Orcs moving forward and it was in this moment that he held the road for a time stopping Orcs with carefully aimed bow shots. Perwyn Guntbold, and Hansal Oakheart were also firing arrows near him, while Deert, and Hank were directing people towards the bridge and making them hurry. He and the rest of the party were slowly pushed back by their numbers as he did not want to be cornered in the street, so he pushed himself to the first tier of the chapel steps and thus allowed the people to continue getting inside the Keep. While they were fighting this initial attack, they had lost seven of the other men at arms to the Orcs, and Deert took a horrifying blow to his arm of which when Lucas moved to him, they were both very aware that the wound might be fatal, but he refused to retreat and they covered it as best they could. His desperate fight continued as the Orcs begin swarming at him in increasing numbers, and as things became more desperate it was the arrival of an Orc ten feet tall that finally broke the defenses of the chapel.

Defeating Lugdush[]
Lugdush - Action
His skin was bright red, and he was so large that he obscured everything around him. He pushed two of his own men off the bridge in his desperation to get at us, and I raised my shield knowing this was not going to be an easy fight.
Lucas Scott

As the defenders were slowly retreating the Orcs stopped their attacks and made several steps back smashing there axes together. As the defenders watched this it was Lucas’s group that reached the edge of the bridge having been pushed all the way back to the bridge. As the orcs continued there chanting it was a giant that knocked several away allowing him through. The giant orc was Lugdush Grimbones the clan leader of the Grimbones Clan. His skin was a dull orange, and his size was such that he obscured everything around him. In terms of the Orc hierarchy, he was one of the largest orcs in the Loudlon army and was a trusted Grand Chief of Jurden Hardaxe the overall High Chief. Without warning Lugdush raised his giant axe and with that a group of white painted Orcs charge forward at the defenders who were now supported by archers on the walls of the bridge. While many of the Orcs were felled by the arrow fire many got through and reached the line of defenders. Fighting against this group Lucas showed himself the exceptional swordsmen cutting down two of the three Orcs that reached him while the third was killed by Perwyn. Lugdush let out a giant laugh, and the other orcs (hundreds strong now) returned to smashing their axes against each other. Finishing laughing Lugdush begin walking towards the defenders and as he moved forward arrows struck him, but he continued walking forward ignoring them like they were nothing. Moving through the arrows Lugdush reached the defenders in front of the bridge and smashing his sword down he sent Lucas, and Perwyn flying to the ground and knocking Perwyn unconscious against the ground. Lucas called out for the other men to retreat, but they refused to leave him, and his party stood side by side with him as Lugdush attacked again. Deert would be the first to fall as Lugdush ignored a slash across his chest from Lucas and cleaved Deert Davion in two and followed by this Lucas ducked underneath another slash from Lugdush and slid over the side of the bridge and into the moat but just managed to grab ahold of the side. While Lucas fought to pull himself up Hansal was slashed across the face by Lugdush and killed, while Lugdush struck down the three remaining men at arms one after another leaving just Kurt Isidor, and Isidor Elric standing between Lugdush and the bridge as Lucas finally pulled himself up.

The thing stood as high as a building it seemed. It was a monster of the demons themselves, and it made you understand clearly what was happening. Watching Deet, and Hansal, and James and then all those poor men I just hated the thing. I let that hate overcome me, and I'm glad it did.
Lucas Scott

Dodging blow after blow Kurt Isidor was joined by Oliver Slinde of whom ran across the bridge attempting to support the defense. The bridge mechanism was fixed at this point, and they were preparing to close it but were waiting for Lucas, and his men to get inside. Kurt, Oliver, and Lucas attacked Lugdush together, and Kurt was able to slash him across the leg dropping him to his knees. As Kirt went for a killing blow it was Lugdush that grabbed him by the beck as he had gotten too close and broke his neck before throwing him into the moat. As Lugdush got up he pushed Lucas to the ground and then as Oliver stabbed him through the back his sword became stuck inside the Orc. Lugdush now gravely wounded turned around and grabbed Oliver throwing him down the bridge. As Lugdush cornered Oliver against the side of the bridge and prepared to kill him Lucas jumped on his back and was able to stab him through the less armored back part of his neck killing the massive Orc. Now exhausted from that fight Lucas attempted to crawl across the bridge but was struck by an arrow from the Orcs that were now charging at him. Standing up with what little strength he had left he took another arrow and realizing that the time it would take him to cross the bridge would allow the Orcs to enter the keep, and thus decided to save his family and threw himself into the moat. Oliver was able to get inside the gate but those on the wall had watched Lucas plunge into the moat and as he had full plate armor on, he would have drowned, and thus they closed the bridge just as the Orcs reached it.

Morrigan Enters the City[]

Morrigan finds Lucas

Nathan would be the one that brought Lucas's survival to everyone's attention but Morrigan was the one that healed him of his fatal wounds and found him first.

"The Orcs flooded the city, and I made my way into the tunnels where I used Magi to literately burrow a hole through the tunnels and into the inner sanctum of Tree Hill. Entering in such a way had its dangers but at that point no one feared other humans very much."

As the Orcish army swarmed into Tree Hill Morrigan would leave her Circle post at the Hill of Edestic and make her way to a local farm where she had ordered her men for months to burrow a tunnel beneath Tree Hill that would connect into the Keep of Tree Hill. Morrigan for her part had played the role of a loyal member of the Circle but her affection for Lucas Scott led her to turn against them and making the decision to save Lucas despite the personal cost to herself she would use the tunnel to enter the Keep of Tree Hill. Moving her way through the tunnels she would eventually arrive at the entrance which was inside her home in the keep where she was living under the guise of Lady Morrigan Sylne of House Slyne. Leaving her house she heard the screams and could smell all the death around her but she was looking for Lucas Scott and using her Magi she passed through the wall and into the Saint Markus Pond. Finding Lucas he had managed to take off his chest armor thus saving him from drowning, but the two arrows in him were going to be fatal injuries. Holding his head up she would use her Magi to heal him, and as he was healed and she removed the arrows leaving him unconscious but no longer fatally wounded.

I woke up in a ditch on the outskirts of the wall. My survival rested upon the simple fact that the Orcs had killed everyone and thus they didn't believe it was possible for anyone to be alive outside of the wall. A more determined force might have checked my body, but I lay there awake in the water for nearly two hours before I finally was alone enough to make a dash for the keep.
Lucas Scott
Back in the City[]
Peyton Sawyer Small3

Lucas's return was a great moment for Peyton.

In truth I'm not the hero everyone makes me out as. I didn't think I'd ever make it back from that. I thought my body would lie broken on the bridge or in the moat. I thought that my death would somehow save the city, but when I survived I realized I had accomplished nothing. I was supposed to have saved their lives, but all I ended up doing was leaving them in a state of terror for eight years. And the entire time I returned I felt an overwhelming feeling of loss. Was this the life I wanted to be remembered for saving? Was this chaos and darkness worth living amongst? What was the point of being alive if your entire world was dead.
Lucas Scott

The moment Lucas was pulled back into the keep was the moment that most point to as the moment that the Battle ended for the city itself, and following this the situation was one of a siege except for the incoming relief force. Nathan called out for men to come help him carry Lucas inside, and they carried him into the locked tower overlooking the city, and then called for a doctor. Miraculously Lucas was unhurt, and only had cuts, and bruises to show for the act that saved the city from immediate death. It was in this moment that the first stems of jealously begin from Lucas's brother Nathan. While Nathan had led the defenders in their retreat back to the keep and had maintained order during the battle, all of this was forgotten as the people lot their minds over the return of a living god to them in Lucas Scott.

Nathan Scott Small1

Nathan and Lucas were never close but that lack of relationship quickly spiraled into hatred.

He wasn't supposed to survive out there. I heard him say it with my own ears. He was supposed to die and then I would be the heir of House Scott. His return brought back nothing but ruin.
Nathan Scott

Nathan Scott would storm out of the room as in his eyes everyone was ignoring him, and as he did he silently walked over to the wall and watched the people stem from the keep, and make their way to see Lucas Scott. As he watched this he saw for the first time that day Haley, and she was running around with a desperate look in her eyes. When he saw this he thought for a moment that she was coming for him and he felt hope, but as he walked towards her, she saw him and for the briefest moment she looked as if she would go to him, but instead she kept moving and pushed her way through the crowds and into the tower where Lucas was.

Tree Hill Raid of 5123
My sister has come here and she has built herself an army within the one I have built. Her army is going to come here, and when they do. When they arrive all this resistance will have been for nothing. I must stop her. While I do this they will come. You must survive until I finish her.

Tree Hill Raid of 5123[]

Main Article : Tree Hill Raid of 5123

Morrigan Cover Amazing
I'm here to help you Lucas Scott. In whatever way I can.

Lucas Scott would be spending time with Haley Scott of whom he is at first talking with on the battlements of the Tree Hill keep with who they believe is Caryl Todrinnel and they are talking about the recent appearance of food within the food storage of the caverns beneath the Tree Hill keep and while Caryl pushed the idea that this was the work of Glaurung it was Lucas that in his own mind would think to himself that this was impossible and made plans to sneak into the storage that night and observe what happened. Lucas Scott would hide himself in the storeroom and waited all night until something happened when Morrigan entered the storeroom seemingly through a wall as she had used Magi to get inside. Watching her from his hiding place she would summon the food from her home inside the storeroom, and it was only when she was completed her ritual that she saw that she was being watched. Lucas would confront Morrigan of whom he demanded how she had entered the food stuffs of the city and why she was giving them food, and when she was truthful telling him that she was a member of a special group and had been commanded to save the city he would demand the truth not believing her. As they spoke he begin to remember bits of memories from the initial Orc assault on the city and sensing his regaining memory she would use her Magi to take him back to the events of the initial assault on Tree Hill. With his memories restored including the fact that he had been mortally wounded and saved by Morrigan he would agree to keep her a secret but demanded that the two speak every day about what was happening and that she told him everything she was planning and having longed to be closer to Lucas for months it was Morrigan that readily agreed to this. The next day Lucas Scott gives a speech where despite knowing that the food was the work of Morrigan he declares it an act of Glaurung himself to keep them alive and his speech brings about the first sounds of happiness from the crowd and over the course of the day he works about schedules where the women will help distribute the food and rebuild their broken stocks of agriculture which has sprouted up in the city.

Gerlinde Jocic Cover2
My sister has come here and she has built herself an army within the one I have built. Her army is going to come here. I must stop her. You must survive until I do.

While Morrigan was working against Flemeth in Tree Hill it was Gerlinde Jocic that would be sent to Lucerne in order to assist Morrigan in her manipulation of the Kingdom of Lucerne, but as Gerlinde hated Morrigan she would not make her presence known and watched Morrigan witnessing her helping the Tree Hill defenders, and wanting to ruin something of Morrigan's she would begin infiltrating the Orc army and begin building her own forces. Gerlinde quickly realized that the Orcish main leader in the form of Jurden Hardaxe was a puppet of Morrigan and was actively working against the destruction fo Tree Hill, and thus it was Gerlinde that went to Chigdrask a goblin leader of the Hill of Edrestic and turned him Chigdrask into her puppet. Using Magi Gerlinde was able to manipulate Chigdrask until he had become her servent and with Chigdrask under her control he would begin massing his forces at the Hill of Edrestic for an assault on Tree Hill which would destroy the city before Jurden hardaxe could step into stop him. As Gerlinde made the final preparations for the attack on Tree Hill by her forces she was discovered by Morrigan and the two fought a brief battle but Gerlinde was able to escape fleeing Tree Hill to west of the city staying with her personal forces there. As Lucas goes to his room to go to sleep he is exhausted but his exhaustion ends when he sees Morrigan sitting at a chair in his room and talking to her she tells him about a horrifying development that she has uncovered in the army of Orcs seiging the city and reveals that she has been controlling the Orc leader to keep Tree Hill alive. She reveals that she is being confronted by a sister of hers named Gerlinde Jocic and her sister has raised an army of Goblins and Orcs that she is using to bypass Morrigans Orc army and attack the city of Tree Hill. Morrigan says she tried to fight her but Gerlinde fled to a stronghold of the goblin Chigdrask north west of the city and she needs Lucas's help in defeat her sister at the camp of Chigdrask and despite his still skepticism towards Morrigan he agrees to gather men to him who will join him assisting Morrigan.

I'm asking you to come with me to a place where we face extreme risk. I'm asking you to do this because I believe our time is running short. My speech is nothing more then an illusion. We need to change things. We need to take a chance.
Lucas Scott
Lucas goes to the Scott Keep and meets with several of his friends in the form of Loras Tyrell, Oliver Slinde, Lucas Oakheart, and Jake James. As he takes the group to the food storemoom he is prepared to meet with Morrigan but instead they find Caryl Todrinnel and Morrigan and it is then they Caryl reveals that she in fact not Caryl but actual an angel of sorts named Roswita and that she will portal them inside the camp once Morrigan is able to get inside. Morrigan portals out of the room and as they wait for nearly an hour for her they talk with Roswita and learn that she found Carly dead outside of the city but wanted to help so she used Magi to take on her physical appearance and has been helping ever since in whatever way she can. In the hours before the forces of Gerlinde were to attack the city of Tree Hill it was Morrigan that infiltrated the camp of Chigdrask's Orcs and killing her way inside the keep she would find that Chigdrask had already left with most of the Orcs to attack Tree Hill but Gerlinde remained behind with only a small elite guard and her closest goblin commander Knenkimm to defend her in the hopes that she would be able to kill Morrigan.
Roswita Gif
After almost two hours Caryl's portal stone begins pulsing and she opens the portal and walks through and Lucas follows behind her and then the rest of the group and they find themselves inside the ruined keep of Oliver's family causing an enraged Oliver to let out a tear at what has become of his families home. Finding themselves there they follow Morrigan into fighting against Gerlinde and her goblin defenders and they are able to defeat the goblins killing them to a man and they watching as Gerlinde and Morrigan fight a horrifying battle joined by Roswita and after Morrigan takes a horrible wound to her shoulder its Roswita that delivers a glancing blow to Gerlinde knocking her down. As Gerlinde attempts to escape once again she would be stopped by Morrigan of whom was able to use Magi to lock her away into a Soulstone and thus keep her secret alive. A badly wounded Morrigan explains that the army of Chigdrask has already left for Tree Hill and remains behind with Roswita but portals Lucas and his forces out of the keep and back to Tree Hill where they rush to the keep and set of the warning alarm and then making their way to the walls where they find the archers there already firing on the rushing army.
The Assault[]
Roswita Cover Amazing
Today might seem hopeless Lucas. Today might feel like the end of the world. I promise you their will be better days. This pain will pass.
As the years of siege went by a lull in the fighting had taken place as the Orcish commander was completely fine with draining his leadership rivals in duels with Lucas, while the defenders were worn out and emotionally destroyed. The Raid of 5123 came about when an especially large Orc took control of forces, and led them in a very large attack that unlike the overall Orc leader he was actually interested in destroying the city. The main attack came against the main gate, and they were hardpressed to hold them off as they ran across the bridge.
Loras Tyrell Gif
The only lull in the fighting came as the Orcs were forced to push their casualties into the moat where so high were their losses that they begin to fill the moat. At the eastern gate Loras Tyrell led the defences and the orcs here were in greater number then every before and they broke into the courtyard of the keep. Fighting became brutal and a last stand broke out at the gatehouse as the defenders were overrun and the Orcs broke inside the Keep. Loras Tyrell would lead some twenty men into the breach and kill most of the attackers during the charge, and bought time for relief to arrive from the main keep. The large Orc would be killed at the eastern gatehouse by Nathan Scott and following his death the Orc force retreated, but the defenders had been drained beyond repair by the attack suffering immense losses, and Loras Tyrell fell into a coma following a massive blow from the large Orc.
Trying to Find Truth[]

Main Article : Killing of Jaime Typhon

Brooke Scott Medium
If you try and get between us. I'll cut you're pretty little eyes from your head. I'll use your fingers as spoons. I'll wear your feet like shoes. No one stands between us.
Lindsay Baker

Lucas Scott leading a group of his five most trusted knights and they travel beneath tunnels under Tree Hill following Morrigan and reaching the end they kill there way through several houses controlled by Orcs making their way towards Typhon Castle and once inside they find Jaime Typhon and after the shock of seeing him alive Morrigan tells them he is coming into the city and will attempt to assassinate Dan Scott to which Lucas grudgingly accepts must happen if they want to survive. It was Brooke Scott who was trying to find peace during this time that she spends a lot of time by herself and visiting one of her favorite spots she instead of finding peace finds Julian Baker, and Lindsay Baker kissing and she watches this in shock as they are brother and sister, but eventually Julian departs leaving Lindsay behind and when Brooke goes to leave Lindsay speaks to her revealing she knew that she was there the entire time. Going inside and talking to Lindsay she discovers the girl that was so angry all that time ago is now basically insane as Lindsay questions whether Brooke is trying to get between her and Julian and despite saying she is not Lindsay proceeds to threaten her and reveal that she murdered her sister, and parents after they tried to get between her and Julian. Revealing to Brooke the events of the murders she attempts to strike Brooke but Brooke is able to dodge the attack and get out of the house running to the keep to find her brother who she knows will keep her safe. Instead of finding her brother she finds her father of whom questions her as to what is wrong and in a moment of weakness she reveals the truth and instead of protecting her Dan threatens Lucas's life if she reveals what happened with Lindsay and following this she runs to her room locking the door behind her and crying.

Your father knows the truth Brooke. Help me find out that truth for myself.
Jaime Typhon

Waking up the next morning she goes to the kitchen to find breakfast but while walking in the halls is grabbed from behind and pulled into the basement where she is confronted by Jaime Typhon of whom reveals himself as a survivor of House Typhon and the two speak for some time with Jaime demanding that Brooke look deeper into what happened at Tree Hill and she agrees wanting to help Jaime and work against her father. Led on by the plotting of Jaime she gets him inside the inner keep where he tells her is the evidence of what happened to get the Orcs inside of the city, and entering the room he tells her he apologizes and then ties her hands and puts a knife to her kneck. Using the threat of killing Brooke he is able to get himself past the inner keep guards and into the hall room with Dan where Nathan is also present, and Jaime threatens to kill Dan if he doesn't hear the truth but to the shock of Brooke and confusion of Jaime Dan just moves behind his desk to grab a bow from the wall and as Jaime screams to know the truth Dan just begins laughing causing Jaime to let go of Brooke and charge at Dan knocking Nathan to the ground, but as he gets near Dan he is struck in the leg by an arrow by Lucas who drops the bow and goes to Brooke while Nathan restrains Jaime who continues screaming. Now restrained Jaime begins openly talking about what he knows and the fact that Dan Scott had sealed his family into the keep as well as known about the coming of the Orcs, and while speaking he is struck through the face by an arrow as Dan kills him.

Haley Scott Cover6
Take this traitor away. You have struck your lord and for that you will be punished.
Dan Scott

Following the killing of Jaime its Dan who is confronted by Lucas who knew Jaime as they were of similar age and as Lucas and Dan's fight gets worse Dan's guards arrive and at Dan's orders take Lucas into custody putting him a cell to cool off leaving Dan, Nathan, and Brooke alone. Without Lucas to protect her Brooke is overcome by fear and all the questions she has in her head over what Jaime told her she is unable to ask and allows her father and brother to force her silence again using the threat of violence against Lucas to further put fear into her. Waking up in the morning Brooke looks for her brother and discovers that Lucas has been sentenced to two years in prison, as he is also being tried for conspiracy alongside five other knights who Dan is blaming for being part of a movement to attempt to kill him, and leaving Dan she goes to the cells where she wants to find Lucas and his knights in the cell. Stopped from entering the cells themselves by guards she is told that no one can visit Lucas as he has been labeled a threat to the people alongside his knights she breaks down crying and is comforted by Lord Primus Amatius who is in command of the cells. Primus sends away several of the guards leaving only himself and his son Lucius Amatius and then after talking over things with Brooke Primus lets Lucius take her into the cells where she will be able to talk to Lucas one time but he lets her know that this wont happen again as Primus is being stripped of his command in favor of Marcelet Rivel who is a Dan Scott loyalist. Brooke meets with Lucas and the two talk for some time with Lucas forcing Brooke to promise him she will take charge of the new duels and as they continue to talk she is stopped by the arrival of Tristan Gencien of whom as a loyalist to Dan forces her out of the room. Keeping her promise Brooke goes to Loras Tyrell who Lucas had suggested but finds that Loras has been placed on house arrest following what happened with Lucas as he is seen as too loyal to Lucas and thus she goes to the next person Lucas suggested in the form of Thomas Sifflet and finding him fishing at the lake its Brooke who speaks to him and convinces him to take on the role of the defender of Tree hill.

The Journey[]

Main Article : The Journey

Second Battle of Tree Hill
Today my brothers we right a terrible wrong in the history of this kingdom. We all know what happened here, and there isn't a thing that we could do to take it back. We may not be able to change what happened, but right here and right now united together we can make sure the people of Tree Hill are finally given the rescue they have long deserved. Today don't fight for vengeance. Don't fight for revenge. Fight to save the lives of the innocent. Fight so that a betrayed city may finally awaken.

Second Battle of Tree Hill[]

Main Article : Second Battle of Tree Hill

Second Battle of Tree Hill - Arrival

The armies of the alliance would land around all sides of Tree Hill intent on retaking the lost city.

For a warrior waiting years for something to happen, he didn't seem to care much that the army he was waiting to arrive got destroyed.
Saiden Scarlet

As the Lucernian/Gondorian/High Forest alliance destroyed the Orcs that had held the Gondor siege of Minas Ithil for many years immediate plan became the movement of portions of this army towards the besieged city of Tree Hill. Jurden over the decade of the siege had become obsessed with maintaining his own power, and had basically become uninterested in actually ending the siege through conventional means. Alongside this he also had a growing belief that the humans were completely useless and for all of these reasons Jurden Hardaxe made no effort to double his scouts or anything that might have assisted him in stopping the coming ambush. And if all of this added up wasn't enough he was also still being whispered to by Morrigan who was telling him that the crisis was the other Orcs in the area. Following the gathering of the forces of the alliance in the area they would organize themselves into seven main armies. The 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 7th armies would travel towards the port of Klausburg. Landing at Klausburg they would meet with the local leadership there and made their decisions on the direction of there forces. The 1st, 3rd and Fourth would move up the Oakheart River and land near Castle Prennig where they would move from there towards Tree Hill. The 7th army would be sent up the Bresklo River where it would land at the ruins of Glendt Hold. The seventh army would be joined in this campaign by forces mobilized from House Brentfurd as well as House Winklebock. The 2nd army would land at Vinterbold Hold north of Tree Hill and joined by forces from the area they would prepare to move to Castle Interbold and then to the north side of Tree Hill. The 5th army led by the Westerlands Arch Lord would land at Castle Hackenholt where they would move against Tree Hill from the west. The final army in the 6th army would be formed from the southern vassals of the Stormlands and led by House Crane they would move themselves to the city of Leiblinshire where they would attack towards Tree Hill form the south.

Army Name Leaders of Army Prominent Noble Families Size of Forces
First Army
  • 49,000 Light Infantry
  • 15,000 Heavy Infantry
  • 4,000 Light Infantry
  • 1,000 Heavy Cavalry
Second Army
  • 49,000 Light Infantry
  • 15,000 Heavy Infantry
  • 4,000 Light Infantry
  • 1,000 Heavy Cavalry
Third Army
  • 28,600 Light Infantry
  • 7,000 Heavy Infantry
  • 6,000 Light Cavalry
  • 4,000 Heavy Cavalry
Fourth Army
  • 8,600 Men at arms
  • 1200 Knights
Fifth Army
  • 43,000 Light Infantry
  • 8,000 Heavy Infantry
  • 12,000 Light Cavalry
  • 4,000 Heavy Cavalry
Sixth Army
  • 17,000 Light Infantry
  • 500 Knights
Seventh Army
  • 27,000 Light Infantry
  • 3,000 Heavy Cavalry

The arrival of the vast armies of William Lovie III. would have major effects on those forces already around the Stormlands. The first major effect was following the news of victory at Minus Ithil. House Guntbold who had been named the Arch Lord of the Stormlands following the collapse of Tree Hill realized that with the goals of William becoming clear they were going to have to pick a side in the coming conflict. It was Lothar Guntbold that would push his nephew Edric Guntbold who was at the time the Arch Lord of the Stormlands to see the error of the side they had picked and to call a council of House Guntbold. Following this call it was Lothar that left Guntbold Hold to return to Lucerne and be at the side of his friend James Lovie II. The council would be attended by all members of House Guntbold except for Winfred Guntbold, and his wife Ophellia who remained at Klausburg but sent their son Winfred Guntbold II. to act in his stead. At this meeting it was decided that House Guntbold would change sides to William Lovie III. and would send both Winfred Guntbold II. and Athilda Guntbold to William Lovie III. to open this dialogue. The pair would take a ship from Guntbold Hold and travel along the rivers of the Valley of Lucerne where they would eventually stop at Vindale Hold which they knew would be the eventual crossing point of the armies of William in their move back west. When the fleet of William arrived Vindale Hold it was Athilda and Winfred that would meet with the leadership of the army revealing details of the area.

For a warrior waiting years for something to happen, he didn't seem to care much that the army he was waiting to arrive got destroyed.
Saiden Scarlet

The night was spent with Athilda meeting with William, and members of the Shadow Council and it was during this meeting that Edward Cullen discovered her Magi abilities and confronted her on why she did not reveal this before meeting with the prince. Telling them her fear of reprisals she was forgiven by the group and continued to tell them about the situation in the Stormlands. Athilda would let the group know that the Guntbolds were willing to assist William despite what was a top-down command from King James Lovie II. to not assist his army in the movement against Tree Hill, but she wanted assurances that the Guntbolds would not be punished following the campaign. Needing more forces, and not wanting resistance from human forces as they moved against Tree Hill it was William that made the decision to agree to this arrangement. With this agreement in place, it was Winfred Guntbold II. that would travel back to Guntbold Hold with the Guntbold ship to tell the Guntbold leadership about the agreement. Athilda would remain behind in part as a hostage of sorts but her good impression on the Shadow Council had led to her joining them as an advisor of sorts.

Clearing the South[]
Three kingdoms working together for the common good. It was inspiring to finally have a king I could believe in. For my entire life I have followed a king who while he may have been good once, I don't think I even remember that. From this moment forward son I will die to protect William Lovie III.
Eddard Starke
Clearing the West[]
Clearing the North[]
Clearing the East[]
Retaking the Capital[]
Leven Martell10

Leven Martell arrived on the field only a day before the battle would happen with a large force of House Martell and her father's writing of support.

The closer we got to night the more I came to understand that the world would be much different after I liberated Tree Hill. Without a single doubt in my mind I now understood that my father had done this. My father was responsible for all of the wrongs in Lucerne, and once this happened there would be no more quests to keep me from the simple fact that he had to die. My father had to die for what had happened here.
William Lovie III.

Waiting for the night to come William would be able to watch for the first and last time the Orcs setting off their massive drums and horns in order to force the defenders to be unable to sleep during the night and thus exhausted during the day. Hearing this many among the attacking army grew even more angry at the fact that the defenders had been forced to endure this for all this time without anyone helping them. William would spend the night with Leven, Jasper, Emmett, and Edward as the Shadow Council as they were not openly to each other calling themselves spent a few last hours with each other before they all knew everything was going to change. Finding themselves greeted throughout the night by every lord who not wanted to speak to William they couldn't help but see how different things had become for the naive group. During one of these meetings he would talk with Charles Swan who by this point he was beginning to view as a father of sorts, and discussing with him his relationship with Isabella he would bring up the idea of a betrothal. Charles was happy about this and agreed on the spot, and following this agreement it was Charles and William that would meet together with many of the remaining nobles and this betrothal was brought up during many of these meetings thus spreading word of its agreement. The Orcs by this point had no contact with their scouts, and yet they still remained completely unaware. Morrigan would at this point make her final step towards sealing the fate of Jurden Hardaxe when she would convince Jurden to host a large party for his Orcs which made them all drunk and even less prepared.

The Massacre[]
William Lovie111
I hope they felt in their final moments all the pain of those who they had so cowardly killed years before, and tormented for years since. I hope they face an eternity of pain an anguish for what they have done.
Charlie Swan

As the night neared the Orcs would begin their party and the loud noise would alert the alliance that this was underway, and also awake most of the defenders of Tree Hill of whom were prepared for what many believed was the final attack. The party continued, and the alliance moved itself completely into position against the now scout less Orcish force, and pushed in many places all the way against the wall with the entire Orcish force within the city itself or dead outside. The night came and the army would move on their predetermined signal of which moved everything forward. The infiltration of House Scarlet into the under tunnels of the city begin as Saiden Scarlet led a large force of hundreds into the tunnels in the goal of reaching the estate of House James and once the attack was underway they would spring upon the already ambushed Orcs. From the west the forces of House Greymane, and House Ordos would move themselves through the broken shattered western gate and encountered hundreds of Orcs in differing stages of drunkenness and the fighting wouldn't spark any concerns from the Orcs as it was all believed still to be a part of the party. Seeing the ambush was underway it was at this moment that Morrigan finally ended the charade and came upon Jurden while he was standing in his residence.

Sometimes Brooke you play the long game. You see if you lie to someone for so long he eventually believes that it is truth. For how could anyone keep up a lie for as long as you do. Once they no longer believe you lie, they believe everything that you say. You can whisper the most dangerous of things to them, and they will drink everything you give. Then finally when the moment is complete you may spring. Spring the final trap on the fool who allowed himself to die.
Download (7)
Its one thing Leven to win this battle. Once we win this battle, because I believe we will. Once that happens the time to return home is upon us. You know what we will find in Lucerne. You know what victory here means. It means the death of my father.
William Lovie III.

The battle would end with the complete destruction of the Orc army and the liberation of Tree Hill. When the armies of Lucerne and Gondor entered the remains of Tree Hill, they found the sad remnants of a once truly mighty city. Food, aid and supplies were rushed to the city, but before the true rebuild could begin Andrew Lovie would take the reigns of the King of Lucerne following a duel with his father.

The Murder of Natalie Highport
Fate is going to catch up with you Nathan Scott.

Death of Natalie Highport[]

Margaery Tyrell Large
You killed my wife. Trust me when I say that your father protects you today but he will not protect you forever. I will not forget this. You will pay with blood for this.
Dontell Lott

Robin Highport enters the city of Tree Hill alongside his commanders to the site of cheering survivors in the city and finding his sister Natalie Highport, the two of them begin searching among them and together they find Nathan Scott of whom while he hates but he knows, and from this they discovers his father is dead and the two get into an argument of which only ends with the arrival of Lucas of whom calms the situation for the moment. Robin leaves the scene following the argument despite his sister screaming for him to stay, and walking with Percival Lott he calms down and shortly after this he searches for his sister but is unable to find her, and thinking little of it he spends hours meeting with the other commanders attempting to once more further his influence. Nathan Scott following the argument with Robin Highport would be met by Margaery Tyrell of whom revealed to him that she was pregnant and overcome with rage he would flee Margaery and went to the fortifications of the wall to calm down, but was found in this position by Natalie. Natalie Highport at this point reveals she is still in love with him which Nathan reacts to by instigating sex with her and then following this sex he bashes her head against a rock and killing her before leaving her broken body beneath a barrel of grain. Robin Highport preparing to go to bed is stopped by Dontell Lott of whom has found Natalie's necklace and together the two go looking for his sister and after looking near the walls where they found the necklace they find her broken body under a barrel of grain.

The Rise of the Second Queen of Lucerne
Grief is like the ocean; it’s deep and dark and bigger than all of us. And pain is like a thief in the night. Quiet. Persistent. Unfair. Diminished by time and faith and love. I didn't know Lord Scott, but I’m jealous of him, because I see how his absence has affected the people who did know him. So I know he mattered to them. And I know he was loved. People say that Earl Scott was a great Lord: honorable, just, fair, kind. They say he made this city what it was. Today we celebrate his life. Today we celebrate a great man, I wish I knew.

Funeral of Earl Scott[]

Brooke Scott(6
As the fires stopped burning my mind returned to the grand-father that I had loved so much back then and could't help but think how much he had been forgotten. He died so that all of us could live, and yet my father cared nothing about it. The funural was about remembering his life and the way he died. It was about showing him somehow how sorry I was.
Brooke Scott
When the fires had stopped burning and William had returned to Lucerne to deal with his father, Brooke was left with the fact that now she was safe but at the same time she had lost so much. Her friends were dead, her family was in tatters, and the one person other then Haley and Peyton that had loved in her in the form of her grand-father was dead. She asked her mother if they had found any sign of her grandfather but she said that by this time there was nothing to find. When she asked if there would be a funeral Karen said that Dan didn't think it was appropriate and was making efforts to make sure that Earl Scott's name was forgotten from the memory of Tree Hill so that he alone would be celebrated. At this news she left her mothers side near tears and made her way to her grandfather's room where she discovered servants tearing into the room. For a moment she just watched them as
Brooke Scott Funeral
they tore her grandfather's room to pieces, and she just really didn't understand the world in that moment. When she went to ask them what was going on, her father came up behind her and told her that Earl's room was being turned into a resting room for Karen. When Brooke told him that she didn't want him to get rid of her father's things, he looked at her for a moment before grabbing her roughly by the arm and pulling her into a side room nearby. Inside the room he proceeded to verbally attack her before pushing her roughly into the wall. At the sound of Brooke being pushed into the wall her brother Nathan and several servants approached the room and saw her on the floor with Dan clearly the reason for her being on the ground. Brooke at this point with tears in her face looked to her brother Nathan for some kind of help, but instead Nathan just turned around and walked back the way he came, and after this the servants quickly followed suit. At this point Dan would verbally assault the nearly broken Brooke and the two would finally have what was in a lot of ways a long awaited confrontation. Dan would reject anything that Brooke was requesting in regards to Earl as Dan was extremely hateful towards Earl Scott of whom despite being his father he had always believed had favored Kieth and for this reason had been complicit in the ambush that had killed his own father.
End of Darkness
Look at the world father. You were born into this land. You grew up here. These people swore their lives to you. How could you have done all of this? Look at everything you have done. You destroyed a city. Killed hundreds of good men out of fear. Is this how you want to be remembered father. Is this the world you want to leave behind? I know you were a good person once. Don't end it all here. Don't do this. For me father. For everything I supposedly mean to you. Don't do this.
Brooke Scott: Please father I never ask you for a thing...why can't you just do this one thing for me...please father.
Dan Scott : Just sit on the ground and remember your place in all this little girl.
Brooke Scott : And what is my place father?
Dan Scott : The bottom of the food chain.

After saying that he would walk out of the room leaving a broken Brooke lying on the ground for sometime before her brother Nathan returned into the room looking severely disappointed in himself, and perhaps worried about Brooke more then she thought he ever would. Brooke didn't know what to say to her brother so she ran out of their and ran away past the cries of Haley who noticed her running away, and finally made her way to the glades west of Tree Hill where she and her grandfather had spent a lot of time. While she spent the time alone she knew that her grandfather needed to be remembered and if her father wouldn't help her then the only person left to go to was her mother.

I had never been particularly close to my mother, and while that made me sad sometimes I understood her. I knew that she loved me in her way, but she had lost herself somewhere along the road. I can't blame her for loving someone, and then following that love even when it didn't make sence.
Brooke Scott

When Brooke left the glade she went to the home of Margeary Tonsvale of whome was the matriarch of House Tonsvale, and the women that her mother spent most of her days with filling out the boredom. She barged into the estate being allowed past the guards because they knew who she was, and when she reached her mother she grabbed her by the arm and pulled her outside. Outside she tried to make her mother help her, but she quickly discovered that her mother was exactly as far gone as she appeared when her mother not only refused to do this, but also moved to side with her husband against her daughter. This was too much for Brooke and knowing the debate between House Scott was over she knew the only person that could help her was William Lovie III. Returning home from this she begin her plotting about what she should do next, but a major event was going to happen that would both accelerate and change her planning.

Brooke Scott Large
Riley was the most beautiful thing I`d ever seen in my entire life. He looked just like his father, and from the moment he was born till the dat I die I will never waver in my devotion for him.
Brooke Scott

It wasn't more then two months after William had left the city, and the beginning of their affair that Brooke begin having trouble keeping food down early in the day, and soon after she realized that she hadn't had her bleeding's during that time either. Thinking she knew what it was but wanting to be sure before she sprung this potentially horrible news on William she went to see Haley, and when the two met she created the first lie between the two when she told Haley she had become involved romantically with a Gondorian soldier. After going through the list of things that had happened to her and seeing that the situations were the same Haley indeed validated her pregnancy, and with the knowledge that William was coming to Tree Hill in less then a month she became increasingly worried about what his reaction would be. William and her were still writing each other nearly every other week and although these letters were heavily vague in their wording the two seemed to understand each other already and there growing love for each other only grew stronger through this communication. During this time waiting for Maergary Tyrell to return from Highgarden she spent her days and nights with Haley of whom by this point no longer had any real relationship with her brother Nathan and was increasingly obvious about her affections to Lucas Scott. With her best friend Margeary Tyrell the only person who truly knew about William she became hysterical when she saw Margeary a week later upon her return from Highgarden.

You keep a secret for long enough and the only thing that keeps you from madness is the knowledge that eventually you'll be able to tell someone. You tell more lies except this time you tell them to yourself. You tell yourself that all these secrets, and all these lies are only temporary. I knew they weren't but I did it anyway. Don't you see what I do for you my Dragon. Your everything for me, and I would lie to Glaurung himself if it would protect you.
Brooke Scott to William Lovie III.

Brooke told Margeary of her pregnancy, and her friend attempted to talk her down as in her heart she knew that William could very likely simply end the relationship and turn Brooke into a single mother with very little prospects for the rest of her life. Despite these constant and powerful pleading by Margeary it was Brooke that was completely unwilling to accept a world where she didn't have his baby and thus she begged Margeary to assist her in finding a proper excuse as to how she could be pregnant. Despite the extreme misgivings that Margeary had about the decision she was still her best friend so together they came up with reinforcing the earlier lie about a Gondorian soldier and her had become romantically involved following the liberation and she had become pregnant during these intimate moments. She and Margaery decided she needed to tell her family and she did this a few days later when she asked them all to meet for a dinner. When she told her family she was accompanied by Maergary Tyrell of whom held her hand the entire time and while Dan Scott was furious and Nathan disgusted they all appeared to believe her except for Lucas who had come to understand what had happened between Brooke and William, and in that moment when he figured it out he went to his sister.

Brooke Scott(5
He walked into the room after I told everyone and had planned to hide out in my room for the duration of the pregnancy. He didn`t say a word just walked up to my bed and sat down on the side and rested his hand on my back. As he looked at me in the eyes I knew he knew and I nearly immediately begin crying. To his credit he sat there with me and rubbed my back while I cried.
Brooke Scott

As Brooke finished telling her parents she retreated to her room as she was basically pulled along by Margeary. When they arrived back in her room she was shocked when no one followed her, but she could hear yelling from the living room so she knew that they were still arguing over what was happening. It would be hours before the yelling finally stopped and she heard the shouts of her father before watching Dan, and Nathan storm out of the Keep and into the city proper. When after everything had seemingly calmed down Margeary left and when she did she was followed behind by her brother Lucas who had known about the tryst that she had with William Lovie after he had admitted it to him because of their bond. He did not say anything but she had always suspected that he knew, and the look he gave her just made it all the more real for her. After she cried for what felt like hours she and Lucas discussed what she was going to do, and she made it very clear that she was not going to give up the baby under any circumstances. Neither of them knew but there entire conversation would be overheard by Dan Scott of whom had come back inside the Keep after getting into a fight with Nathan and planned on getting his anger out by coming in and making sure that Brooke knew how much of a disappointment she was. This all changed when he heard her whispering to Lucas in the room about the true father of the child growing inside her. Knowing the importance of this later on, and realizing neither of his two children would ever tell him the truth or help him willingly he hid himself in an adjacent room and listened to everything they said about the situation. As Dan realized that Brooke was involved with not just a secret man but actually the King of Lucerne he became unstoppable in his desire to make this union the most important moment in House Scott since the fall of House Targaryan.

When I realized that most forgotten child was secretly carrying around such a secret I was beyond shocked. She had always been the runt of the family but I guess this would be her shot at proving herself.
Dan Scott

The moment that Dan heard that Brooke and William Lovie were together he had finally come to terms with her usefulness. In Dan's mind he would be able to use Brooke to gain the power base that he required. He stayed silent with his knowledge for a time as he continued to built up the plans he knew he would need in order to blackmail the king of Lucerne. When finally he had gained the foothold into the whole thing he came to believe that he could force Brooke into making William leave Bella Swan and thus make Brooke the new Queen of Lucerne. If this failed then Dan would unleash the fact that Riley Scott was actually the first born son of William Lovie thus creating a serious competitor to the throne of House Lovie. All of Dan's plans would come to a head when William arrived in Tree Hill for what was described as a mission to oversee the reconstruction that was underway in Tree Hill, but was actually William just needing to see Brooke. As William arrived in the city he was silently watched by Dan Scott's men who Dan wanted to find proof that William and Brooke were actually together. As William entered the city he found himself unable to even contemplate being official and instead of first visiting Dan Scott he made his way to the carefully prepared Order of the Red Dragon compound run by Marcel Lovie within the ruins of Typhon Castle where Brooke was awaiting him. The two would basically lock themselves in the compound for many hours as he could barley imagine his life without her in that moment.

Brooke Scott Sexy1
For a time despite the fact that I knew my place was tenious I felt fine. I was okay because I had him to myself in my heart. I didn't matter to me that she got to be the one who claimed him in the eyes of the people, because I knew in my heart that she could never have him the way that I did. He loved me in a way that she just couldn't compete with.
Brooke Scott

As William hid himself within the Order of the Red Dragon members of Dan Scott's forces attempted to infiltrate the compound but were captured by Ezio Ederiz of whom had traveled alongside his king. With the men captured Dan realized that he might be found out before he had even had a chance to tell Brooke about what he was doing, and thus he moved to assassinate the men he had sent to the compound. As the prisoners were taken north their convoy was ambushed by forces of House Scott of whom targeted the prisoners and then fled the scene. Back at Tree Hill it was William that finally moved on from Brooke for a moment and went to visit with the Order of the Grey Dragon that were constructing the cities most important elements, and while he did this Brooke returned to the House Scott estate as her father had summoned her and with William away she could not exactly refuse the command of her father. Her father having seen the protection around William and Brooke took this as the proof of the reality of the situation and thus would create a plan where he would lead Brooke to go to William for help with both the pregnancy but also the funeral of Earl Scott which he would continue to resist in order to get Brooke to go to William. When Brooke arrived her days of happiness were taken away almost immediately when her father berated her with insults and when the conversation got the funeral of Earl Scott it was Dan that once again pushed back resisting any attempt, and then also confined Brooke to her room as he wanted separation between William and Brooke so that when Brooke went to William next she would be visibly pregnant.

Begging a King[]
Brooke Scott)9
The city was massive. Gleaming white as you entered its walls but when I did get past the walls the whole city was alive with the sounds of cheering, and laughter. After living so many years just begging to live this was a new thing for me, and knowing that he was responsible for all this happiness didn't surprise me one bit.

With her attempts to escape her confinement meeting with failure Brooke watched from the castle walls of Scott Keep as William attempted several times to come to the keep and see Brooke but each time he left, and watching this broke Brooke's heart but also increasingly motivated her to rise above being controlled by her father. When finally William left Tree Hill to return to Lucerne it was Brooke that begin plotting her next move to get herself into a position where she was no ones servant. Unable to get her family to do what she wanted she risked a lot by deciding that she needed to see William. Following his departure from Tree Hill it was William Lovie III. that had left his cousin in command of the city and as William had nearly publicly embarrassed Dan Scott it was little question that Marcel was not someone who would work with Dan Scott and Dan had been making it clear that anyone who turned on him would be greatly punished once he had regained power. Making her choice that she would turn on her father completely she made her way to Castle Typhon where Marcel Lovie II. has made his garrison centered out of and asking to speak with Marcel she reveals her pregnancy to Marcel and trusting in the words of William that Marcel is a trustworthy man she tells him that William is the father. The two would discuss things and Marcel Marcel would be the man that William had said he was and assigned a troop of soldiers to her protection and then sent her north in a carriage to Lucerne to see William. Arriving at Lucerne the carriage driver explained that William Lovie had taken control of the Kingdom and was now the King after he had thrown Bill, and Sean Lovie out of Lucerne. Accompanied by the guards she made her way to the Keep where she hoped to find Jasper, Edward or Emmett because William had told her that of anyone alive those were the people he trusted next to his sister. She would have gone to Alice but she worried that Alice would be on Bella's side and wouldn't help her. If she had thought that she was given ample proof of that when she arrived at the Keep and wasn't greeted by one of his best friends but instead by Alice Lovie of whom stood in the Gateway staring at her through the garb as if she had somehow known all along that she was coming.

End of Darkness
Look at the world father. You were born into this land. You grew up here. These people swore their lives to you. How could you have done all of this? Look at everything you have done. You destroyed a city. Killed hundreds of good men out of fear. Is this how you want to be remembered father. Is this the world you want to leave behind? I know you were a good person once. Don't end it all here. Don't do this. For me father. For everything I supposedly mean to you. Don't do this.

I could hear her voice from within the tent. I had spent only a few days with Brooke and her voice was like a siren to me and with the siren now within range I left my conversation with Alice without a word and left the tent going towards her. I saw her immeidatly as I left the tent, and she looked to be in an argument with Leven, and Jasper of which Jasper was holding her by the arm in what looked to me as an attempt to stop her from falling over.

"Lady Scott." I had reached her and she saw me letting out a smile when our eyes met. She curtsied and I took her by the hand.

"My King if it is possible I need a word." There was a desperation in her voice and despite the looks from everyone around me I ignored them.

"Of course milady." I turned towards the tent to see an enraged Alice who was glaring at me. "Sister we shall finish our conversation later."

"As you say." Alice walked right by me hitting me in the shoulder as she left, and while usually Emmett would have laughed at such a childish display there was no laughter to be found. Without another thought of the stupidity of being so brazen in my behavior I led Brooke into the tent closing the flap behind us.

"You couldn't stay away." Turning around from closing the tent I regretted the words as Brooke had tears flowing down her face and rushed into my arms. "Tell me whats happened?"

"What is it Will?"

"I was talking with Hanna Arryn."

"I fear I have been out of the loop for too long. I don't know the name."

"She was a friend of mine during school. She came here as a sort of measure of what I would lose if I don't stop moving against Berne. She was a threat of sorts."

"Your brother has not realized the end is at hand?"

"He still clings to the idea that he can somehow win this."

"This threat doesn't change what you have to do."

"Its more then just Hanna. She came and told me of Amber Heard." I didn't wait for any recognition from Brooke as how could she possibly know of Amber.

"Your former betrothed?"

"How did you?"

"I've been doing my research on you my king."

"She is in Berne too."

"Do you still care for her."

"We were children when we were betrothed. We played the married couple, but we were children."

"You fear for her?"

"Hanna told me that our childish playing has resulted in a child. Amber Heard is locked within the walls of Berne with my firstborn."

"She had your child?"

"Apparently. And now this poor child lives under constant threat of being discovered. It is not enough that my childish behavior with his mother has led to him now living a life as a base born child. No now I have put his life in danger by not stopping my brother a long time ago."

The Funeral[]
Grief is like the ocean; it’s deep and dark and bigger than all of us. And pain is like a thief in the night. Quiet. Persistent. Unfair. Diminished by time and faith and love. I didn't know Lord Scott, but I’m jealous of him, because I see how his absence has affected the people who did know him. So I know he mattered to them. And I know he was loved. People say that Earl Scott was a great Lord: honorable, just, fair, kind. They say he made this city what it was. Today we celebrate his life. Today we celebrate a great man, I wish I knew.
Brooke Scott


Following the liberation of Tree Hill, Andrew went to Dan Scott, and asked him for a blank sheet of all the materials he would need to rebuild the city. This list was then debated by the leading members of Tree Hill, as well as the burgeoning members of the Order of the Grey Dragon.

Eventually the required resources were put together and Andrew had them gathered up and sent to Tree Hill. The goal of the project was to turn Tree Hill back into the large city it was, but as well to make sure that its fortifications were far greater then they were before the First Battle of Tree Hill.

City Layout[]

Hill of the Tree[]

Tree Hill - Keep

The Hill of the Tree or 'Tree Hill Keep' is the central and most fortified position in the city of Tree Hill and is the location of most of the nobility of the city proper as well as famous for being the spot that survived the First Battle of Tree Hill.


As a city in the Kingdom of Lucerne the city is run based on the Organizational structure of the city planning legality. The city stands as the seat of the Grand State of the Stormlands and thus the most prominent leader within the city lies as the Arch Lord of the Stormlands known as the ''Stormlord''. While the Arch Lord is all powerful in terms of local matters the city organization is separate from the Stormlands leaving the Burgomaster as the overall leader of the city.

Tree Hill Circle[]

The Tree Hill Circle is the overall leadership group of the city of Tree Hill and while led by the Burgomaster the council meets together with each member responsible for a different aspect of the cities governance.


Ethnicity in Tree Hill[]

Ethnicity Share of City
Germanic 69% (65% Gothic German, 30% Ostrogothic German, 5% Other German)
Italian 22%
Frank 9%

Religion in Tree Hill[]

Religion Share of City
Christianity 58%
Dragonoph 42%

Houses in Tree Hill[]

Name Title Sworn To Lord Ethnicity Religion
House Scott Arch Duke of Tree Hill House Lovie Dan Scott Goth Roman Catholic
House James House Scott Goth Dragonoph
House Oakheart House Scott Anakin Oakheart Goth Dragonoph
House Baker Goth Roman Catholic
House Sawyer Vandal Roman Catholic
House Crooler House Scott Ostrogoth Roman Catholic
House Sifflet House Scott Frank Roman Catholic
House Rusticus House Scott Italian Roman Catholic
House Amatius House Scott Italian Roman Catholic
House Rivel House Scott Frank Roman Catholic