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Thunderlands of Valhalla
Valhalla Flag
Flag of Valhalla
Thunderlands of Valhalla
The Stormpeak
Type of Goverment Dictatorship
Head of State Odin
Secondary Leaders Placeholder
Location In the Stormpeak mountains of Estalia
Capital Ulduar
Languages High German
Demonym Valians
Religion Asatrianism
Races, and Ethnicity Vrykul, Storm Giants
Population Placeholder

The Thunderlands of Valhalla are a mighty Titan Empire located in southeastern Europe within the region of Croatia, and controlling sections of Greece as well. Located in the massive heights of the mountains the Kingdom is not known in any real way by the humans below, but it is far more massive then any of the Kingdoms that it exists within. The Thunderlands of Valhalla is basically the Titan Kingdom on Earth in the same way that Mordor is the Chaos realm on Earth, and for this reason the Kingdom attempts to grow the Germanic people that it has spawned through the creation by their Titan Lord and King Odin the son of Zeus. The Thunderlands is the only place on Earth after the destruction of Olympus that allows for a mortal to enter the Magnificant city of Olympas, and the Titan controlled section of the Fade.

The Thunderlands of Valhalla is an empire with a multi-tiered governmental style with the top tier being the Thunderlord and his Thunderqueens and this tier controls the rule of the Stortinget. Beneath the First tier lies the Storm Lords, Valkyrie and the Storm Kings and Storm Queens with this tier ruling over the actual political nations of the Thunderlands and being the voting members of the Stortinget.

The thunderlands of Valhalla can only be entered peacefully by a German and if anyone other then a German were to attempt to enter the Thunderlands without permission the consequences would be extremely dangerous. Because of this the mortals that live within the Thunderlands are the only people that live there outside of the Titan Odin, and his spawn of Demi-Gods created with his wife of Freyja. The Germans of the Thunderlands have changed quite dramatically since they were originally brought into the Thunderlands by Odin, and have become a new offshoot of the Germans called the Vrykul. The Vrykul are significantly taller, and more muscular then normal humans, and have created a language completely their own along with a culture bereft of their ancient Ostrogoth roots.

The Thunderlands of Valhalla is dominated by the religion of Asatrianism or the Temple of Asatria which is on the surface a Polytheistic religion based around the belief that the Goddess Asatria created the German people and through her family protect the Germans of the continent.

Odin is the son of Zeus and was originally a lesser Titan but his father would uplift both he and his brother Vendriel into a position of furthering his control over the Titans. Odin was sent along with his brother to Earth where they set up two massive cities in the lands of the Greeks. The city made by Odin was built on top of the largest mountain in Estalia and he would name the fortess city Valhalla. Inside Valhalla he built a society amongst the mountains and was the original founders of the Germanic tribe of the Ostrogoths of whome they would define themselves based on his ideology. The city made by his brother Vendriel was named Olympus and was created in the image of everything that their father Zeus loved, and for this Vendriel was made into the more powerful of the two brothers. In Valhalla Odin would create a city so vast and majestic that his father would grow impressed, which was one of the reasons that Vendriel begin to listen to the words of Slanaash of whome was attempting to get him to join with Chaos. In Valhalla his Kingdom of the Thunderlands would defend a mighty portal at the center of which would lead to the realm of Folkvangr where the mightiest of Germans enter when they die on the fields of Battle. In this way the Thunder lands of Valhalla became the center of the German culture even though most of the Germans would go on to worship other gods and only the Ostrogoth's would basically worship Odin.


The Thunderlands of Valhalla consists of two main parts, of which the first part is the actual Thunderlands, and the second part is the ruins of Mount Olympus.


Valhalla Peak

The Thunderlands are the main home of the Thunderlands of Valhalla. The Thunderlands are built on the mountain range known to the Estalia people as the Stormpeaks because of how much thunder is present at the peaks of the mountain. The Thunderlands consists of hundreds of peaks all perched off the side of the main mountain range, with the tallest peak containing the capital city of Ulduar. The Storm Peaks have treacherous paths, powerful winds, jagged cliffs, and hungry monsters. They are also home to the storm giants, one of the oldest races in the world and the keepers of the titans' legacy. The two biggest dangers in the Storm Peaks aren’t necessarily its inhabitants. The wind is fierce and constant, and can easily tug someone off a cliff. One look at those paths it has cut through the cliffs and one realizes how deadly wind can be. The second danger is sunlight. The peaks are covered in ice and the light reflects from every angle. Up here the ice is everywhere. Wearing dark glasses is the only way to survive — otherwise a person is blinded every time he moves his head, and before long he will take a misstep and tumble off a cliff or down a ravine. The weather doesn’t help — it is either clear and sunny, with the nasty glare, or dark as night and pouring, with sheets of freezing rain, hail, or snow battering down and making every surface as slick as oil.



The Mount Olympus civilization was once brilliant in its beauty, but under the rulership of the Chaos version of Velendria the mountain was changed in a very bad way. The Mountain became such a place of darkness that even the mountain turned a slight hewe of black. The Mountain of Olympus has one true way to the top and that is the staircase of God which is a massively long staircase built into the mountain by the ancient servants of Velendria. The Greeks of this land have on many occasions made expeditions to the top of the staircase but are always driven away by the elite Valykrie that defend the remaining ruins of the top.




Odin is the son of Zeus and was originally a lesser Titan but his father would uplift both he and his brother Vendriel into a position of furthering his control over the Titans. Odin was sent along with his brother to Earth where they set up two massive cities in the lands of the Greeks. The city made by Odin was built on top of the largest mountain in Estalia and he would name the fortess city Valhalla. Inside Valhalla he built a society amongst the mountains and was the original founders of the Germanic tribe of the Ostrogoths of whome they would define themselves based on his ideology. The city made by his brother Vendriel was named Olympus and was created in the image of everything that their father Zeus loved, and for this Vendriel was made into the more powerful of the two brothers. In Valhalla Odin would create a city so vast and majestic that his father would grow impressed, which was one of the reasons that Vendriel begin to listen to the words of Slanaash of whome was attempting to get him to join with Chaos. In Valhalla his Kingdom of the Thunderlands would defend a mighty portal at the center of which would lead to the realm of Folkvangr where the mightiest of Germans enter when they die on the fields of Battle. In this way the Thunder lands of Valhalla became the center of the German culture even though most of the Germans would go on to worship other gods and only the Ostrogoth's would basically worship Odin.

Titan Civil War[]

Main Article  : Titan Civil War

We were meant to protect this world, not destroy it.

Khorne's lack of control during the Eternity War had led to the exposure of the Chaos forces far sooner then Malekor, and Tzeneech had wanted. His increasingly violent attitude would once again turn against the Chaos Gods when he assaulted Olympus without alerting the overall Chaos leadership and during a duel

What Khorne did during the Eternity War was madness. My first hope was that he had lost his mind, but the reports kept flowing to me that more and more of my brothers and sisters were displaying this same level of moral failings, and despite wanting to push it under the rug I was duty bound to investigate.

Following the Luna War of Conquest, and the wider events of the Eternity War the time of hiding the existence of evil within the Titan's ranks was over, and in such a brief time the two sides met in the Fade and the Titans attempted to understand the purpose of this group. The actions of Melekor on Luna and the imprisonment of Vongrith on Luna by Melekor coupled with Khorne's outright violent outbursts during the Eternity War and the moral failings of many other Titans had made this secret known. While imprisoned it was Vongrith that was visited by Tzeneech and was tricked into believing that his siblings had forgotten about him and were not coming and with this belief it was Vongrith that allowed himself to be corrupted by Tzeenech and thus when his siblings did force his release it was Vongrith who had become a secret member of the Chaos forces. The imprisonment of Vongrith would become a major problem as his brother Ursonoc marshaled massive forced and threatened invasion of Luna if Vongrith was not returned to him immediately. Realizing the danger of the situation it was Tzeneech who forced the Chaos Titans in his ranks to agree to a meeting at the fortress of Olympus where he would speak with Zeus and outwardly attempt to find a peace between the two sides. The meeting took place between Zeus, Ursonoc, Ares, and Neperune on the noble side of things while Malekor, Slanaash, and Tzeenech arrived for Chaos and this meeting was going to be judged by Nike of whom as the goddess of victory would decide the winning case of the two parties. As they arrived it was almost clear from the beginning that things had changed as the once High Elven form of Slanaash had changed dramatically, while Tzeenech as well barely resembled his host race in the Arakhora. Despite these obvious physical changes Zeus would attempt to discuss the matters but they came to quickly understand due to Slanaash revealing it to them that Khorne, Nurgle and many others were now barely capable of containing their personal rage, and when Slanaash openly threatened the life of Neperune it was Zues that would send Malekor, Slanaash, and Tzeenech away in horror at what they had become. Sending them away it was Vongrith who remained behind and was escorted back to his Charr on Earth by his brother Ursonoc and sister Ophiel of whom in their joy to see their brother did not recognize that he was utterly changed.

We told Khorne to wait. We told him we needed to movies armies into place, and we needed to make sure our plan was set. Needless to say he took that to mean he should charge the walls of Olympus.

The first blow came when the violent Trolloc of Khorne attacked the Titan homeland of Olympas in a massive battle that caused the deaths of many Titans and several of the more bloodthirsty of the Chaos Gods. Khorne would amass to himself a massive force of Trolloc and without the consideration of overall goals he would recruit several other Chaos Titans including Laran, and two of Khornes sons and together they smashed through the lightly defended Emerald Gate massacring the unprepared Titans within, and nearly reaching the Palace of Olympus but they were halted by a stiff resistance put up by Neperune, and Yor. Following this resistance Khorne would be pushed out of the city by the arrival of Ares who was able to battle him to beyond the Emerald Gate but Laran and the two sons of Khorne were not as lucky both being killed alongside nearly the entire Trolloc army. Alongside this massacre was the capture of the daughter of Tzeneech in the form of Aviana of whom was captured by the arrival of Hermes and taken within the prison of Olympas where she was watched over by Hermes for much of this time. Following this initial assault by Khorne it was Zeus in the Palace that would order the closing of all portals into Olympus and while this broke off contact with all Titans outside of Olympus it also put an end any attempts to get into Olympus by bypassing the main defences. As the siege of Olympas went on the forces of the other main Chaos Gods found themselves free to do what they wanted as Khorne was basically on his own holding the Titans in place. Nurlge joined the siege and brought his large forces to bear against the fortress of Tarterus where he besieged the massive fortress and put a large amount of fear in the Titans that their rear would be vulerable due to the fall of Tarterus. Despite these short term successes the overall first assault of Khorne was a strategic failure as he had revealed the goals of the Chaos Titans before they were ready and also ended several plots the Chaos leadership had to take over Warp Portals to get inside Olympus.

Thunderlands Civil War[]

Main Article : First Thunderlands Civil War

Tamfana Cover8
Turn away from this darkness brother. I will not allow you to live in the darkness.

As the forces of Chaos had failed in their initial attempt to get inside Olympus due to the failures of Khorne it was Slanaash that would move against the so called Mountain Kings when he targeted Odin, and Vendriel for corruption as they both had portals within their cities which allowed for the movement into Olympas from the undefended center of the city. In Odin they saw little hope of corruption so they moved onto Vendriel who was ripe for corruption as he was in a secondary role to his brother and also silently loved his brothers wife Freyja giving Slanaash ample room to work his way into the soul of Vendriel. Vendriel would foolishly ignore the words of Odin who advised him not to meet with Slanaash as he had not and instead listened to the words of Slanaash who told him the story thus dooming his shield and allowing the emotions and anger to come to the surface for Vendriel. Now corrupted Vendriel begin changing his city of Uldum from the old version to a Chaos version where demons walked freely among the city, and despite being challenged by his children he would not listen to reason, but also would not allow the main chaos forces to use his portal. Following his corruption the once constant contact between Odin and Vendriel ended and this troubled Odin who would after many failed attempts to reach his brother would travel to Uldum with many Valkyrie and his wife Freyja in order to talk to his brother in the belief that they would go to the Fade and help their father in the war. When he arrived he was shocked to see the changes in Uldum. It had been some time since he'd been there and the once gleaming white city was now stained purple and the old guards, and people had been replaced by demons and creatures of nightmares. Odin would enter the throne room of Vendriel and demand to know what had happened and his brother told him that he had heard the call of the true word and it told him of the true meaning of life, and that the goals of the Titans were no longer his goals. Vendriel begged his brother to assist him as he was going to assail the Fade from within the mighty city of Olympas. Odin refused and a battle broke out between the two which only ended when Odin and his Valkyrie, along with Freyja escaped the city and made their way back to Ulduar.

The Siege of Ulduar[]

Main Article : First Siege of Ulduar

Ulduar Valhalla
I am here to accept your surrender uncle. Surrender to me or I will burn this land to the ground.

Odin successfully returned to Ulduar where he rallied his forces for the coming fight declaring his immediate support for the Noble Titans and ending all suspense whether he would fight his brother. Leading his armies himself he would prepare to march against Uldum but was surprised by the arrival of massive Ape army led not by his brother but instead by his brothers son Meomil of whom put Ulduar under siege. Aelsir would surrender during the Siege of Ulduar after she watched her husband Vendriel send their son Meomil and hundreds of other Apes to their death in a pointless attempt to show their violence and resolve, and this act made her realize that Vendriel was lost.

The Battle of Uldum[]

Main Article : First Battle of Uldum

This is the end of your time in Valhalla. You are no longer a king here. I banish you.

Following the failure at the Siege of Ulduar it was Vendriel that would be forced due to his poor military skills to fight a two front war with his main army fighting the forces of the Dwarves and their Pantheon in the north, while his other forces were slowly pushed back inch by inch by the forces of Valhalla. Finally the forces attacking the Dwarves were defeated and as they retreated back to Uldum they were caught between the avenging Dwarves and the forces of Valhalla and the were massacred in their thousands. Following this disaster Slanaash sent one of his brightest lieutenants to the battle in the form of Helester who took control of the forces of Vendriel and begin to lead a skilled defence of the mountains of Olympus. As the Titan Civil War ended in victory for Chaos the leadership caste that had been built by Helester returned to the Fade so that they could receive reinforcements to reengage their attack on the Dwarves and Valhalla. While they left Vendriel made a play to re control Olympus through the creation of a group of Olympians called the Vanir. The Vanir would be utterly loyal to him, and when Helester returned with a massive army he once again moved north and put Vedriel in command of the defence of his rear which should have been easy with the huge forces he had at his disposal. Instead of doing this Vendriel silently engaged Valhalla in battle, and would be destroyed on the steps of Valhalla by Odin and his commanders. With Vendriel defeated the forces of Valhalla pushed south and sacked Olympus putting it under their control, and it was in this moment that Helester realized he had failed to destroy the Dwarves and turned his forces around and split the army into two with his side attacking Valhalla, and a smaller force attacking Olympus. Helester was much reduced and was defeated and killed by the forces of Valhalla while his army attacking Olympus was also destroyed meaning the end of the attackers.

First Holy Charr Invasion[]

Main Article : First Holy Charr Invasion

Vongrith returned to his people and secluded himself and with the siege of Olympus having been launched he was allowed to be alone and in this situation he would become overcome with a sense that his entertainment was nothing more then an illusion and begin to hate it leading to him changing his people and forcing home every Charr from across the world where they returned to find the Charr being changed into a military engine.

Fall of Ursonoc[]
An army of Bears flew through the fade filled with the hatred of their corupter. For a long time they burned the palaces, and ripped down the statues of their father in Ursonoc. It was a depressing sight to watch them so filled with the wrong emotions.

As the forces of Chaos had expanded, and their control of the area around Olympus grew they had attempted to corrupt Ursonoc one of the more powerful of the Noble Titans, and one of the more notable Noble Titans not within Olympus. Tzeneech went to Timbermaw Hold alongside Slanaash and the two attempted to convince him to remove his shield through the use of every manner of Magi, persuasion that they could possibly think of, but found that Ursonoc was discusted by the betrayal that Tzeneech spoke of. Tzeneech realizing that he couldn't convinse Ursonoc attempted to destroy him, and thus would battle him within the palace of Timbermaw. The three would fight for hours, and as it went on Tzeneech summoned to him Triton who also attempted to defeat Ursonoc, but Ursonoc was soon joined by his children including his most celebrated child in Vogun. Vogun would manage to turn the tide against Tzeneech who was forced to flee the fortress of Timbermaw. As Tzeneech fled the city alongside Triton and Slanaash he would poison the mind of Vogun.

Look at everything I did with nothing more then a little bit of Magi, and a dash of vengeance.

With his poison running in Vogun, the son of Ursonoc found himself filled with jealously over the fact that he felt his father didn't respect his power. As this built up in the days of the actual Titan Civil War the father and son of Ursonoc, and Vogun fought side by side but as they returned to Kalimdor to rearm their forces Vogun's madness would finally bring everything crashing down. Vogun would ambush Ursonoc while he was supposed to be guarding him in his meditation and would destroy the powerful Titan. Vogun would blame the death on Zeus, and through this took control of a large part of the Fubolg army and brought it through into the Fade. Once into the Fade they would destroy a large section of the western palace region of Olympas where they believed Ursonoc was in complete control of. This attack would only be stopped when Poseidon himself entered the fray and battled Vogun nearly killing him. Defeated Vogun would not retreat and instead sent the remainder of his forces towards the main Chaos force so they would survive and then charged the walls of Olympas where it is said he died pierced by thousands of arrows as he screamed out for Zeus to face him.

First Siege of Tarterus[]


Neperune Shortly before his death

Neperune was a great soul. He was too great to have been killed by the likes of those monsters. One day I will avenge my brother, but for now we must be happy with just knowing he died surrounded by the Murloc he loved so deeply.

For Malekor the time to do some real damage to the Titans was now and he found the perfect oppurtunity when the Titan Neperune snuck out of Olympas on a mission to stop Nurgle from destroying the powerful fortress Tarterus which held in place the weaker section of Olympas from being able to be attacked. Malekor watched and hunted the young Titan as he led his powerful Murloc forces towards the Army of Nurgle. Neperune caught Nurgle unaware and was nearing the Chaos God himself when his army was blindsided by Melekor's massive Draenei forces. There was no escape for Neperune and he and his entire army were destroyed on the field which left one of the most important commanders in the Titan army dead and a sizeable portion of the army in tatters. The Twin Titans Morkha, and Ghorka had rallied there forces when Neperune had left Tarterus and by this point they were outside the walls of Tarterus and witnessing the defeat of Neperune they would move their forces within augmenting the defences.

Do you know King William that the Orcs were created by two of the most honorable and just Titans I ever met. There names are now legend among my people, which makes seeing what their creation has become all the more tragic.

Ghorka, and Morkha would fight during the Battle of Olympus where they defended the walls alongside their personal Greenskin forces and their children and it was during this fighting that Ghorka would be killed by their fellow First Generation Titan brothers in the form of the fallen Hyperion, and Hynos of whom infiltrated the fortress of the Crystal Spire and killed Ghorka, and Morka alongside several of their children.

Neperune was dead. The Twins were dead. The army in tatters. I couldn`t let that all be for nothing.

With Neperune, and the twin Titans in Ghorka and Morkha dead the defenders of Tarterus lost their most important defenders and a sizeable force so the thought by them was very much that they were in serious trouble. With a weak spot appearing Slanaash brought his mighty Elven forces to bear against the fortress alongside Nurgle, and Malekor's forces and as the walls of the fortress appeared ready to collapse the defenders were saved by the arrival of Imperius who brought his gleaming knights and was able to defeat Nurgle in combat causing the retreat of his forces and the momentary ending of the seige. By the time the Chaos forces had regrouped the defenses had been trippled and the fortress of Tarterus appeared unshakable.

Duel with Tzeneech[]

As the siege of Tarterus and Olympas wore on the first Chaos God in Tzeneech wandered the battlefield attempting to find an outlet for his aggression following his failure against Ursonoc, and as he wiped town after town off the map of the Fade he was finally confronted by Ares the God of War for the Titans. Ares was beyond skilled, and he led his army of mysterious creatures against the forces of Tzeneech. The two fought battle after battle but each time Ares came out victorious despite the massive numbers advantage that Tzeneech had. This begin to irritate Tzeneech to no end, and thus he brought all of his forces to bear against Ares forces in what would be a massive battle over the town of Elis. As the two sides met the forces of Tzeneech outnumbered the strange army of Ares by nearly 15-1 but when the dust settled after the initial assault the forces of Tzeneech had been badly damaged, and the defenders were barely injured. As his forces begin to waver the Chaos God Tzeneech himself entered the battle and taunted the mighty Ares to fight him on the field. The two gods battled their way through the opposing armies until they were face to face, and when they met they immediatly begin fighting. The two were equally matched but as Tzeneech watched his army desinigrated around him as the forces of Ares massacred his army. After days of fighting Ares stepped back and laughed at Tzeneech, and when Tzeneech looked around he realized that his army was destroyed and he was now completely surrounded. Ares prepared to deliver the death blow but the massively powerful Tzeneech teleported himself to his personal lair leaving Ares without his complete victory but he had destroyed one of the largest forces that the forces of Chaos had.

Second Siege of Tarterus[]

Coruption of Hypnos[]

Hypnos would fight for the forces of the Noble Titans during the Titan Civil War, and fought bravely alongside his daughter Hypnia during the initial assault on Olympus, but during the Second Siege of Tarterus he was captured by the forces of Chaos and corupted.

Attack on Diamond Gate[]

Diamond Gate

Neru brought his forces to fortress capital of Olympas where all the Titans had been born, and by this point the fortress of Tarterus had fallen and all that was left was Olympas and a few other fortresses, and Khorne had been fighting over and over in attempts to break the siege but each time the defenders were saved by the intervention of Poseidan, Ares, and Zeus of whom stood resolute on the walls of Olympas, and its magical Diamond Gate. At this point with stalemate setting in Slanaash went to Neru one more time and decided to have Neru move against the Diamond Gate with his massive forces, and use the Magi of his people to break the Diamond Gates. It's unknown if Slanaash believed this was possible but Kargoth now believes that he did this as a means of killing another of the Chaos Gods for his enjoyment, and hates him because of it. Neru would listen and alongside several other Demi-Titans would move against the Diamond Gate. Kargoth, Neru, and the Djinn would wipe out the defenders outside the gate and begin summoning spells to destroy the Gate all the while taking huge losses from the defenders all across the Gate, and the wall. As the spell though reached its zenith the Titan Ares and the Angiris Hosts most elite forces summoned out front of the Diamond Gate and battled the Djinn. Seeing his force dying around him Neru would challenge Ares to battle, but in an act of great insult Ares would reject the offer and continue massacring the Djinn summoning the spell.


Imperius at the Diamond Gate

The End[]

"I believed him to be invisible for my entire excistence so seeing him fall was a moment of incredible horror. He turned around as the blade sliced through his chest, and his eyes looked full of regret, and horror, and I made a full bee line towards in the hopes I could save him. As I moved forward as if it was happening in slow motion his body begin to move away like sand blowing in the wind. By the time I reached him grabbed for him but nothing remained of him except the dust from him."


As neru chased him around the battlefield the Archangel Imperius would step forward and duel him. Neru must have believed him a joke, but after only a few minutes of fighting Imperius layed him low, and destroyed Neru forever. With the death of Neru the force of Djinn became overcome with fear, and Ares, and the Angiris Host made their retreat through the Diamond Gate leaving the rest of the force to be slowly destroyed by the defenders on the walls. In a moment of leadership Kargoth would gather the leadership across the battlefield of the Djinn and lead them off the field of battle towards their old home in the Fade. As they fled the battlefield they were harassed by the forces of Chaos of whom did not want them to retreat as they were close to breaking the Diamond Gate and basically wanted them to die for a little more damage on the gate. Either way Kargoth managed to get the rest of the Djinn out, and they would make their way to their home in the Fade. When they reached it Kargoth knew they couldn't remain so they made their way to the Earth where he planned to hide his people in the same way his father had hid inside the Fade. Kargoth and the Djinn would decide quickly that they would take no part in the First War on Earth because they were rebuilding their strength in the lands now known as the Kizlev.


With the siege dragging on but not fully capable of being won due to the overwhelming defences the other Chaos Gods attempted to make the Titans leave the safety of their fortress by overwhelming entire corners of the Fade and in this way taunting the Titans to stop them from unleashing hell on the planet. With the threat completely real the Titans mobilized all their strength and attempted to break the siege, but discovered that the Chaos Gods completely outnumbered them and they were swiftly beaten back into Olympas with heavy losses.

With the Titans beaten thourghally but still holding the inpenatrable Olympas the Chaos Gods moved their plans to unleashing their massive armies on the planet Earth.


The Thunderlands of Valhalla is an empire with a multi-tiered governmental style with the top tier being the Thunderlord and his Thunderqueens and this tier controls the rule of the Stortinget. Beneath the First tier lies the Storm Lords, Valkyrie and the Storm Kings and Storm Queens with this tier ruling over the actual political nations of the Thunderlands and being the voting members of the Stortinget.

House of Thunder[]

The House of the Kaiser was the name of the first tier of the government of the Thunderlands and consisted of the Thunder Lord Odin and his wives of whom ruled over the administration and veto control over the Stortinget.

Thunder Lord[]

The Thunder Lord is the name of the position created by Odin for himself as he begin to create the Thunderlands of Valhalla. He is in utter control of every decision that is made throughout the Thunderlands and his power increased dramatically by the fact that the only leaders in the Thunderlands are his children, and those who believe him their god and creator.

Name Seat Title
Odin Ulduar Thunder Lord of Valhalla

Thunder Queens[]

The Thunder Queens is the name for the Queens of the Thunderlands and it is the position held by the three wives of Odin and each of them control a sector of the overall Thunderlands and are kept seperarted due to their jelously over sharing Odin.

Name Seat Title Queen Mother of
Freyja Ulduar Queen of Valhalla
Angerboda Nidavelir Queen of the Frost
Siggi Skywall Queen of the Air

House of the Storm[]

Storm Lords[]

The Storm Lords are the secondary leaders of the Thunderlands of Valhalla and are made into this position due to their being the sons, or daughters of the Titan Odin. Each Storm Lord has taken over some piece of the Thunderlands and acts as that parts leader while still being directly under the command of their father Odin.

Name Seat Lord of  Title
Gymer Nidavelir Storm Giants The High Storm Lord
Freyr Skywall Sky Giants The Sky Lord
Tyr Archavon Fire Giants The Fire Lord
Ymirron Ulduar Vrykul Lord of the Vrykul

Former Storm Lords[]

Name Seat Lord of  Notes
Hodir Kingdom of Bloodmar Visigoths
  • Killed by Gymer
  • Created the Magnataur

Storm Kings[]

Name Seat King of Title
Theodore Clausen XIV. Maribor Kingdom of Corinthia Storm King of Corinthia
Markus Asmussen IV. Fugger Republic of Slovenia First Storm King of Slovenia


The thunderlands of Valhalla can only be entered peacefully by a German and if anyone other then a German were to attempt to enter the Thunderlands without permission the consequences would be extremely dangerous. Because of this the mortals that live within the Thunderlands are the only people that live there outside of the Titan Odin, and his spawn of Demi-Gods created with his wife of Freyja. The Germans of the Thunderlands have changed quite dramatically since they were originally brought into the Thunderlands by Odin, and have become a new offshoot of the Germans called the Vrykul. The Vrykul are significantly taller, and more muscular then normal humans, and have created a language completely their own along with a culture berift of their ancient Ostrogoth roots.




Main Article : Vrykul

Vrykul (pronounced ['vraɪ.kʊl]) are a race of heavily Norse-themed half-giant warriors native to the Storm-peaks of Valhalla, located in southeastern Europe. Since their creation by Odin they have spread into Estalia where they have begun to take control of larger and larger sections of southern Estalia as well as parts of western Tilea. The Vrykul are devout worshippers of the Titans but mainly the Titan Odin, and have built an entire society around their love and devotion of Odin the Titan they believe to be God.

Once just normal Ostrogoths their long term proximity to Odin made him aware of some of the weakenesses of the German people so he begin to change them in many different ways. After centuries they now appear generally human but their massive size, and changed language makes them also appear very much alien. On one of the lower mountain peaks of the Thunderlands the Vrykul have created their own land called the Howling Fords where they inhabit their capital of Utgarde Keep. Following the creation of Utgarde Keep the Vrykul were uplifted once again by Odin who gave rise to Ymirron and made him the King of the Vrykul. Under his leadership the Vrykul would expand massively into Estalia, and northern Greece and along the way found large fortifications to hold control of their new lands. Because they attacked from the mountains the Kingdom of Estalia had no protection against this area and has been slow to react to this threat.

Storm Giants[]

Main Article : Storm Giants


Main Article : Valkyrie


Population Centers[]


See Also : Ulduar

Ulduar Valhalla

Ulduar is the massive Fortress capital of the Thunderlands of Valhalla, and the seat of the Titan Odin the only Titan who makes his home on Earth. Ulduar contains the portal which leads to the Noble Titans fortress of Olympas within the Fade, which makes the fortress of extreme importance.

Inside, Ulduar is a profusion of tunnels and stairs and balconies. The entire place appears to be carved out of a massive cave, and many of the levels are natural ledges. It has the feeling, as if nature were improved upon rather than replaced or recreated. The surfaces are a strange mix of smooth and unaltered stone and ice, as when a master sculptor works in stone and lets the material’s natural texture add depth and beauty. It shows where the dwarves got their skill in stonework, but judging by Ulduar they're still a long way from matching their creators.


See Also : Thunderfall


See Also : Archervon

Utgarde Keep[]

See Also : Utgarde Keep
