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Glorifindal is an ancient Sindar Elf that was born on Ulthuan during the ancient days when the Elves still controlled the island of Atlantis making him one of the most ancient of Elves alive. Glorifindal leads the male section of the Sentinels of which are massive in number as they form the basis for the melee Sentinels and are far more heavily armed, and armored then the other sections of the Sentinels.

Glorifindal was born on Ulthuan during a time when the Sindar Elves were still the majority of the Elven population, and thus over the youth of his life he fought in the Atlantian Rebellion, and following this he watched as the High Elves became the dominant Elven culture on Ulthuan. He became a loyal soilder of Malfurion Stormrage and followed him willingly when he took the Sindar Elves into France. Glorifindal would become famous amongst the Gondorians after he took a large army of Sentinels and relieved Cair Andros during the Civil War in Gondor. He proceeded to hold the fortress for the entire conflict and is seen as very responsible in Gondor's suvival.


Early History


Founding High Forest

When the Elves arrived in Mirkwood Forest they found it wasn't as unihabited as it once was. The forests now teemed with the darkness brought on by the coming of Trolloc to the forest. These Trolloc were led by a powerful Myridrrim, and due to this they were growing quite powerful. The Sindar Elves devided themselves along the western portion of High Forest and at first Malfurion entered them into a battle of attrition while they attempted to find a way to understand why the Trollocs were so organized. The battle raged for years and the Elves founded themselves their first settlement in the settlement of Nonatar where the vast portion of the Sindar Elves came to live while they battled themselves against the Trolloc.

Awakening the Trees

See Also : Myridrrim It was during this stalemate that the Sindar Elves were visited by Coeddil of whome was an ancient Ent or spirit of the forest. Coeddil told them of how at the center of the forest lay the grandfather tree which was a tree of unimagenable power if used in the wrong way. He told them that a Myridrrim had made its lair there and was calling thousands of Trollocs to the forest where they were defiling the beauty that was High Forest.

High Forest War

"If you do not act this forest and everything in it will fall into darkness. That may matter little to the humans but in you I sence a caring for the trees that I have no senced for many years. Prove the rest of my people wrong and save this forest. Prove your people wrong and do the right thing for the right reasons. If you do this the forest will stand beside you."


Following this meeting the Sindar Elves undertook a massive invasion of the central section of High Forest where Malfurion led the forces of the Sindar Elves against the numerically superior Trolloc. The battles were fierce but eventually the Elves were within the lair of the Myridrrim and it was here that the forest would make itself known once again. As the Sindar Elves invaded the lair of the leader they heard a massive howl go throughout the forest and following this the owl scouts they were using gave dire warnings that unimagenable numbers of Trolloc were moving against the Sindar Elves. As the Sindar Elves were preparing to be overwhelmed Malfurion battled alongside many of the leaders against the Myridrrim who had become nearly a god by eating from the Grandfather Tree. As the battle raged and the Trolloc begin overwhelming the Orcs the forest turned on the Trollocs and came to the aid of the Sindar Elves.


Founding of Grandfather Tree

The Forest unleashed themselves on the unsuspecting Trollocs in numbers that were in the thousands. Ents, Eagles all manner of creatures came out of hiding and poured against the Trollocs in a massacre that killed tens of thousands of Trolloc and left the forest utterly clear of Trolloc. Inside the Lair of the Mydrrill the forest sent two of its greatest in the form of Coeddil, Treebeard, and Quickbeam of whome took the fight over and destroyed the Myrdrril who found he couldn't damage the tree spirits because of how much of the Grandfather tree that he had injested. With the death of the Mydrril and nearly all the Trollocs the forest was cleared of the darkness that had plagued it. Malfurion stood alongside his leadership cohort and prepared to find out what the forest would do now, and he was much happier when Treebeard stepped forward and told him that the Elves were now in control of the forest until such point when they turned against it. The decision was made that the Sindar Elves could live amongst the forest and asisst the forest in its defence and in return the forest would make sure that the Elves always had a place in the places of High Forest. With them coming together the Sindar Elves constructed a vast palace defence amongst the once destroyed ruins of Grandfather Tree and from here the center of the religion of the Sindar Elves was constructed around Grandfather Tree.

Gondor Civil War Sindar Elves Assist

Gondor Civil War

Main Article : Gondor Civil War

When Mordor caused the civil war in Gondor, one of the main points of the war was the northern section of the battlefield near the fortress of Cair Andros. Cair Andros was something that throughout the entire conflict was being continuesly attacked by both the forces of Mordor, and their vassals in the region. The forces of Gondor were being pushed back and drained to the point that they were nearly destroyed and this was getting worse when a massive Orc force came and besieged the city with the obvious approach of ending Cair Andros. Calls for aid went out to Gondor's main army but they were pinned down in southern Gondor between Mordor, and Umbar and thus couldn't assist. When the call came back that they were not going to get any assistence the commander of the fortress who at the time was the Gondorian General Melian Pasen gave the basic order that they were going to die in the fortress. The siege continued for weeks and the garrison was wittled down over this time and was preparing to fall when a large force of Sindar Elves from High Forest appeared in the north flanked by a small force of Gondor Cavalry led by Edrion Elessar the brother of the King. The Elven Force had been convinsed by Edrion Elessar to assist Gondor and when noone had volunteered to go the Elven commander Glorifindal had led a massive army eastward towards Cair Andros. The Elven/Gondor force took Mordor completely by suprise and the Mordor force was nearly completely destroyed.


Following their victory the forces of Gondor watched as the Sindar Elves of High Forest poured forces into the Cair Andros region and went about rebuilding the defences and using their massive force to make sure noone attacked while this was underway. For the remainder of the Civil War the Sindar Elves of High Forest led by Glorifindal would remain in Cair Andros and make the northern front a complete victory for Gondor and thus allowing Gondor to pull forces out of the north and into the center.

