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===Coruption of House Imrahil===
{{Template:Hidden Coruption of House Imrahil}}
Main Article : [[House Imrahil]]
: ''"My father was a good man hooked in by an even better liar."''
: -Balian Imrahil
It was during his fourteenth birthday that Sauron launched his campaign to turn the leadership of Dol Amroth towards his sphere of influence. Sauron had already silently pushed Umbar over to his sphere of influence and all he needed was for the vast armies of Dol Amroth to sit idle, as well as the huge trading missions were stopped going into Gondor. He promised the royalty of Dol Amroth unending wealth if they would simply declare independance and then not assist Gondor during the coming conflict. The vast majority of the population was extremely loyal to Gondor so this idea wasn't very popular and to keep control the members of Dol Amroth begin spreading lies amongst the nobles about Gondor's betrayal of them. They did not attempt to turn the opinion of the public, as the public was so against independance that it was a hopeless fight. As the nobles turned against Gondor they moved against Gondor's influence in the region and begin targetting Gondor loyalist houses, and this begin to turn the sway away frrom Gondor in the region. As this continued though the Gondorian loyalists became unified under House Elena of whom attempted to get word to Gondor about what was happening but it was at this time that the betrayal of Sauruman would be revealed.
====Betrayal of Sauraman====
Sauruman was a member of the Istari and thus he would travel from the lands of Gondor south to Dol Amroth and it was during one of these travels that he would be sent by Sauron in order to end the resistence of Dol Amroth. While the forces of Castamir held the borders therebye not allowing any messengers to reach Gondor about Dol Amroth the Istari Sauruman was greeted as a savior. He infiltrated the leadership of House Elena and became extremely close to its leader in Aradur Elena of whom took control of the Anroth city of Linhir and begin to gather support for his counter revolution. As Aradur led this the forces of House Imrahil moved their forces to besiege Linhir, but even as they did this they begin to lose control of the lands because the population was so against working with Sauron. It would be Aradur's son Oropher who would tell him that they were going to win the land and they didn't need Saramaun and his trickery to win this. His speach has become now legendary amongst the halls of House Elena.
: ''"Father ninety percent of this land believe in you. The only men who do not wish to follow you into whatever abyss awaits us if Sauron wins, are those who like you are listenting to this wizard with nothing but lies steaming from his toung. We must turn away from him, and do this on our own or we shall wake up one day to find his dagger in all of our backs."''
: -Oropher Elena
Aradur though was ensnared by the Grey Istari and would mass a large force and prepare to battle the forces of House Imrahil. The two forces would meet outside Linhir which was still under siege, but it was here where just as Oropher had advised the trickery of Saramaun would come full circle and he would assasinate Aradur, and three of his sons along with much of the leadership of the rebellion. With the leadership in tatters the rebels surrendered, and while scattered resistence continued, the destruction of much of House Elena was the basic end of the resistence of Dol Amroth. With the end of the resistence the forces of House Imrahil suffered a huge loss when Balian Imrahil the at the time heir to the throne gathered his siblings and fled the capital of [[Belfalas]]. His departure caused a massive manhunt for him and his siblings but they were protected by the people of Dol Amroth who were violently opposed to his father and his desires.
====Failure in the Family====
:''[[File:Susan_Imrahil6.jpg|thumb|400px]]"I just assumed that we would be saving my mother. When I convinsed my siblings to go back for her It seemed a certainty that we would just go into her room and she would just quickly rush out with. It never occured to me that she might say no, let alone threaten to turn us in."''
:-Susan Imrahil
As Balian led his family out of the capital Susan became irate as she realized that they didn't mean to stop and get their mother during their escape. Balian begged her to understand that she wouldn't follow them as her loyalty was with their father, but she wouldn't listen to him, and begin heading to their palace where she planned to convinse her mother to come with them. Balian snuck the group through loyalist houses as they were not yet believed to be fleeing the city. When they got inside the Palace they found their mother sitting at her spinning wheel making some kind of sweater, and it was Susan that was the first to speak explaining to her mother that she needed to come with them because Varian had lost his mind. Brooke sat unmoving for a time not saying a word as each of her children begged her to come with them. When finally she sat up from the table she moved toward the alarm horn that was located in her room and prepared to blow the horn. Susan ran to her and questioned what she was doing, and her responce was the moment they all knew where her loyalites lie.
:''"I love all of you. You are my children and that alone means that I love each of you more then I could ever love your father. I love all of you the most of anything I love in this world, and it is a sad truth that the only thing I love more is this land. I will protect this land from whatever harm may come its way, and today that is you. I will give you an hour to get away but then I blow this horn and you will be hunted. You will be captured and brought back here to explain for your crimes. Go now children, our time together has come to an end."''
:-Brooke Imrahil
With this knowledge the siblings who were now horrified were moved out by Balian of whom led them quickly out of the capital and southward. For Susan this departure was far more difficult and her last sight of her mother was her mother returning silently to her spinning wheel and not even watching her children leaving her for what could be for good.
====Escape of Balian, and Oropher====
Oropher was left in charge of the defences of Linhir in the case they lost the battle so he was defending the city when he saw the surrender of his father's force. Realizing quickly that the situation had changed he gathered as many of his family, and loyalists that he could and silently made his way to the southern port of Rinlis where he planned to take a boat and silently sail to the port of Venetia and then north in Lucerne where he would take the safter back way into Gondor. As he left the city news broke to Balian that Oropher had escaped and he made the hopeful guess that Oropher would travel the southern road and not go west. While travelling on the road south he and his force would be stopped by Balian Imrahil of whom would beg him to take his family with him or elce he would be forced to take part in this henious act.
<p style="text-align:left;margin-left:24px;">''"There was always the distinct chance that I was wrong and that Oropher was going west. Had he of made that decision me and my siblings would be hidden away in Belfalas. Locked in our rooms forced to remain prisoners of a land long berift of Lordship."''</p>
<p style="text-align:left;margin-left:24px;">-Balian Imrahil</p>
Oropher would take Balian and his siblings and they would arrive safely in Rinlis where the population snuck them inside and they boarded boats. Weeks later they would arrive in Stormwind where they would rest before they made the final treck to Minas Tirith and it was while staying there that they heard that Gondor had been betrayed from within and was fighting for its life. The group would then leave nearly immediatly and make the three day treck on horseback to Minus Tirith of which they found the city nearly drained as the majority of the town had gone east to defend from the onslaught.
==The War==
==The War==

Revision as of 18:16, 7 July 2014

Anke Eissmann - The Black Serpent founders

The Civil War in Gondor was a titanic fight between internal forces of the Kingdom of Gondor , and supported by numerous outside forces who used this as a chance to further many differing agendas. The two main forces were the forces of Gondor proper and the city province of Umbar .

The whole region was very tense, and both sides knew that a conflict was brewing between the two groups that disliked eachother so much. The final straw that would officially start the conflict was the assasination of the pro-Gondorian mayor of UmbarFastiv Bedroog by his rebelious son Castamir Bedroog.

The conflict would rage for over 3 years and at its end would lead to the seperation of Umbar and the province of Dol Amroth from Gondor proper. The conflict would cost Gondor over 60% of its land including almost all of its agriculture and fishing areas, along with this the population of Gondor would lose nearly 50% of itself to emigration as well as death.



Numeron at its peak

When the Numenor's arrived in Europe the first cities that they founded were in modern day Gondor, and Arnor. This meant that for many in Gondor , and Arnor they were the chosen ones of the Numenor Kingdom and far more civilized then the barbarians they believed populated the rest of Numenor. This arrogance would lead them to act with an almost indeifference to the provinces outside of the Gondor region. This attitude was especially true towards the Gondorian province of Umbar.

The city of Umbar was built on the coast but was completely surrounded by swamps. This meant that through trade the city of Umbar became fabulously rich, but the city gained a reputation for being dirty and unkept. Whether the rumors and reputation were true do not matter as it began to build a resentment in the people of Umbar. The nobility of Umbar although paying their required taxes to the Kingdom, sent the fewest soilders for the army and took part in the least amount of events of any of the provinces.

It was this resentment that would lead to the eventual leader of Umbar's plan to sucede from Gondor, and rebuild the Kingdom in the image he though it deserved.


Coruption of House Imrahil

Main Article : House Imrahil

The War

Cair Andros

Gondor Civil War Sindar Elves Assist

Main Article : Gondor Civil War

When Mordor caused the civil war in Gondor, one of the main points of the war was the northern section of the battlefield near the fortress of Cair Andros. Cair Andros was something that throughout the entire conflict was being continuesly attacked by both the forces of Mordor, and their vassals in the region. The forces of Gondor were being pushed back and drained to the point that they were nearly destroyed and this was getting worse when a massive Orc force came and besieged the city with the obvious approach of endingCair Andros. Calls for aid went out to Gondor's main army but they were pinned down in southern Gondor between Mordor, and Umbar and thus couldn't assist. When the call came back that they were not going to get any assistence the commander of the fortress who at the time was the Gondorian General Melian Pasen gave the basic order that they were going to die in the fortress. The siege continued for weeks and the garrison was wittled down over this time and was preparing to fall when a large force of Sindar Elves from High Forest appeared in the north flanked by a small force of Gondor Cavalry led by Edrion Elessar the brother of the King. The Elven Force had been convinsed by Edrion Elessar to assist Gondor and when noone had volunteered to go the Elven commander Glorifindal had led a massive army eastward towards Cair Andros. The Elven/Gondor force took Mordor completely by suprise and the Mordor force was nearly completely destroyed.


Following their victory the forces of Gondor watched as the Sindar Elves of High Forest poured forces into the Cair Andros region and went about rebuilding the defences and using their massive force to make sure noone attacked while this was underway. For the remainder of the Civil War the Sindar Elves of High Forest led by Glorifindal would remain in Cair Andros and make the northern front a complete victory for Gondor and thus allowing Gondor to pull forces out of the north and into the center.

Gondor Civil War2

The End

The War would finally come to an end when the forces of Mordor and Umbar would team up to attack the Gondorian Fortress of Narvine. The forces of Mordor were reeling from the miraculous defence of Cair Andros, and before this the utter defeat of the Umbar forces attempting to destroy House Mason at Ethring. The Mordor forces begin to regroup around Minus Morgal and prepared to move once again into Gondor this time they were led by the Witch King and their force was massive along the lines of the original armies attacking throughout the land. The Gondor scouts were especially well alert during the early movements and because of this the Gondorian army was able to arrive in Narvine a day before the Mordor, and Umbar armies did, and this turned the battle into more of a siege.



The fortress was the main backbone of the eastern Gondorian defences and for this reason it was especially well prepared for the attack that everyone knew was inevitable. Before the Battle had begun the fortress had its command handed over to the twin brother Tar-Arannoa, and Tar-Vislen Elessar of whome brought a large force of Tower gaurds of whome were not forseen by the forces of Mordor as they moved within. The forces of Mordor were at first moving against Minus Ithil but they discovered the fortress was heavily defended by two of the Numenorian commanders in the form of Halbaard, and Edrion Elessar thus the forces of Mordor used a large Orc force to besiege Minus Ithil while they moved the total force southwards towards Narvine in a move that would cut off the main Gondor force in the south from the rest of Gondor. As the force from Mordor moved south the main thrust of Umbar moved northward towards the main Gondor Force at Ethring which forced the main force to remain in place. King Arathorn Elessar understood that the forces of Gondor were completely surrounded in the south but with the army in the north in tatters following the defence of Cair Andros, and the central army still stuck fighting against the army of Sarauman in Osgiliath and besieged in Minus Ithil he had no choice but to attempt to defeat the Umbar force once and for all.

Siege of Narvine

The Siege

The Army of Mordor moved quickly against the forces at Narvine as they were determined to take the fortress and quickly trap the rest of the Gondor Army around Ethring where they would be picked apart and destroyed. Led by the Witch King the army of nearly three hundred thousand attacked the fortress nestled into the hills which had a defence army of little over sixty thousand and was weakened from nearly two years of fighting. The seige begin quickly with the forces of Mordor swarming at the walls in huge numbers which had little hope of defeating the defenders but each night this continued which made the defenders weaker and weaker. After three days of fighting the forces of Mordor had lost almost seventy five thousand to the defenders but the defenders were down some ten thousand dead while another fifteen thousand were wounded. While the defenders awaited the fourth day and the coming of their eventual fall the situation in Ethring changed dramatically.

Castamir and Vastamir Bedroog

Massacre at Barfurd

Along the Umbar front the forces of Gondor were opposed by the massive army of Umbar of which was situated in the large city of Barfurd. The Umbar army was very large but at the same time they were led by the brother of Castamir Bedroog in Vastamir Bedroog of whome was a skilled but inexperianced leader. Arathorn saw that his Kingdom was going to fall unless he changed things dramatically and thus he created a plan where a large force of Gondor Cavalary would move eastward around the border with Umbar through the mountain passes there and move to the east of the Umbar army unaware. The sentries along the Umbar border were massive as Castamir had drilled his brother to death that he needed to be careful about ambushes, but the mountain path was so inaccesable and far away from the front that there were very few sentries there and what few were there were of little skill and even less prepared. The Cavalry moved quickly and was able to destroy the few scouts in the mountain pass and arrived on the eastern swamps of Barfurd four days after they had left. With their arrival Arathorn moved the entire Gondor force southward and provoked the Umbar army into action by massacring the scouts located along the border and thus at the same time bliding the Umbar forces to their movement. Vastamir sent word to his brother who told him that he would move a relief force to Barfurd and that Vastamir would not move until he arrived. Vastamir was prepared to follow this but Arathorn begin using scouts to taunt the defenders and Vastamir suffered insults from his commanders which forced him to make the rash decision to move the Umbar army north in order to defeat Arathorn.

Massacre of Barfurd

Battle of Barfurd

The moment the Umbar army moved north Castamir got word and moved his force quicker to the location but he was a week away and had no real hope of arriving in time. Vastamir led the forces north and despite whispers from his commanders that they had little knowledge of what they were facing he continued north due to the fact that he was heavily influenced by several rash commanders within his retinue. As he moved north he was shadowed by the ten thousand cavalry of the Gondor force of whome moved in behind and to the eastern side of him in preperation for the coming Battle. As the two sides engaged in Battle the Gondorians did not make any attempt to be agressive and the Umbar forces assumed this was because they were so much more numerous and they doubled their attack. As the entire Umbar force was engaged the cavalry moved into the Battle and hit the unprepared Umbar forces in the rear and side. As Vastamir realized the mistake he made he charged forward in the hopes of defeating Arathorn before his forces were completely massacred. He would make his way to Arathorn who was heading for him and the two would duel and when the dust settled Vastamir lay dead along with the entire army of Umbar. Following this victory the forces of Gondor moved relatively undamaged northward towards the Battle of Narvine and the forces of Mordor were completely unaware of this movement.

Duel at Narvine

Battle of Narvine Field

The fourth day of the Siege of Narvine would come and as was the case everyday the forces of Mordor moved against the city but this time they were in trouble as the main Gondor force was watching from the hills nearbye and was awaiting this attack. During the enseuing siege the Gondor Army under Arathorn moved north towards the seige and hit the rear of the attacking force. Isilmo was in the skies overhead and was the first to see the attackers, and this was followed shortly after by the Witch King of whome both attempted to shift there forces but realized quickly that the army was far to invested in the siege to turn completely and they watched as a massive melee ensued between the Gondor forces and the now completely surrounded Mordor army of which started to turn into a massacre. As this happened the Witch King and Isilmo landed at the heart of the Gondor army and begin to fight at the center. There presence caused great fear and nearly routed the Gondorians until Arathorn and his son Aragorn arrived on the scene and engaged them in battle. During this ensueing conflict Arathron would be struck down along with his second in command in Malvo Openias and all hope seemed lost until Aragorn stepped forward and fought him. While they fought his uncle was killed by Isilmo but was then forced to pull back after Tar-Vislan defeated him and nearly killed his Wraith. With the Mordor force nearly completely massacred the Witch King looked around and realized that he was completely surrounded and thus pulled back leaving the field completely in Gondor's hands. With the defeat of this force the forces of Mordor no longer had the forces capable of winning the conflict and Sauron watching his army in near defeat ordered the general retreat from Gondor's lands of which the final force to leave was Sarauman of whome was harried by Gandalf their entire time leaving.
