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House Curtley

House Curtley is a large Vandal House that operates out of their ancestoral mountain town of Braedin. House Curtley entered southern Westbridge centuries ago and ever since then they have been in control of the town of Braedin, and have had more lords then they can count of which the current lord of course is the Kingdom of Lucerne.

The slogan of House Curtley is "We travel to you" and this is due to their long standing tradition of meeting leaders outside their town out of fear there town will be taken from them by traitorous lords.

Braedin was founded after the ancient members of House Curtley were travelling south during the Great Migration and discovered a perculiar bridge built into the side of a cliff. From this bridge they were able to enter three different platueas which all were connected by bridges, and at the extreme south of these bridges was a single temple type structure which they couldn't identify. Either way House Curtley begin using this location to dominate the region which they did effectively for generations until they were taken for the first time by ancient Vandals who were moving south. They didn't hold long as they were taken by House Labeof who held them for many generations of peaceful rule. Under House Labeouf Braedin and House Curtley grew quite strong and it was during this time that they heavily fortified the bridge crossings, and also constructed castle Curtley to be the center of their control. House Malfoy would sack Westbridge bringing about their control over the region, and they decided quickly to simply stay silent during this reign and wait out their next master. This came when they were invaded by the Kingdom of Lucerne under the leadership of House Scott who used brilliant suprise, as well as siege machines to bypass much of their defences and capture the town.


Early History[]


Braedin was founded after the ancient members of House Curtley were travelling south during the Great Migration and discovered a perculiar bridge built into the side of a cliff. From this bridge they were able to enter three different platueas which all were connected by bridges, and at the extreme south of these bridges was a single temple type structure which they couldn't identify. Either way House Curtley begin using this location to dominate the region which they did effectively for generations until they were taken for the first time by ancient Vandals who were moving south.

Revolving Door[]

They didn't hold long as they were taken by House Labeof who held them for many generations of peaceful rule. Under House Labeouf Braedin and House Curtley grew quite strong and it was during this time that they heavily fortified the bridge crossings, and also constructed castle Curtley to be the center of their control. House Malfoy would sack Westbridge bringing about their control over the region, and they decided quickly to simply stay silent during this reign and wait out their next master.

Duel in Braedin[]

Invasion of Westbridge[]

Main Article : Invasion of Westbridge

Fall of Braedin
Braedin stands in our way. Lucas I need you to take it for me while I travel north. Do not let reveal our movements.
Brooke Scott Cover Amazing4
Lucas I have great need of you. Your father would turn us against each other, but you must understand that everything me to me and your sister is just what it is. I love her. I will not stop loving her, but I can also not stop loving my wife. I need you to move past all this, and do this for me. We are friends, whether or not you still believe that.
William Lovie III.

When it came to dividing up the responsibilities of the attack on the lands of the Malfoy's it was House Scott that was obviously a part of the planning of the Invasion of Westbridge as they were a Lord House and Lucas Scott was very popular with the young King of Lucerne in William, despite the fact the two were estranged due to an argument between them when Lucas finally learned of Brooke Scott, and the King. While this planning hinged on several different sections the overall plan back in Lucerne was one that needed to all work together in connection in order to leave the path open for the main army of the King to engage Westbridge itself. Several houses would move against the outskirt castles, and towns south of Westbridge, while House Lovie and its vassals alongside others moved against the southern half of the Westbridge entrance. This meant that House Scott was required to take control over the invasion of the town of Breadin to the south east of Westbridge. The town of Braedin was the ancestral home of the large House Curtley, and as such it was heavily defended by the forces of House Curtley who despite their disloyalty to House Malfoy they were not willing to simply give in to outside pressure. This meant that House Scott when they left for the long trek north they prepared to siege the town, and its keep that the Order of the Green Dragon said was so heavily defended. House Scott left Tree Hill alongside their vassal houses and the sworn houses and made the long trek northward towards the village of Pomer. House Oakheart would send large forces under the command of Anakin Oakheart of whom was joined by his son Lucas Oakheart of whom was increasingly hateful towards his father for continuing to not get revenge for the death of Thomas Oakheart by Dan Scott, and Lucas was using this as a chance to build fame outside of his father in order to start his own cadet branch of the family with his sister Leah Oakheart, but was playing his father into believing he was trying to rebuild their relationship. During the times they were riding Lucas rode his horse beside Marvin Scott a man who despite being his cousin he barely had known and he came to find that the two had a lot in common, and they begin to build a true relationship.

Loras. Dylan. You two are my cousins, and that means there is a trust between us that there just simply cannot be between those who are not blood. I need you to watch the Scotts. Especially Dan Scott. He is a twisted man, and he is not someone with whom I hold any level of trust. Given the chance I don't know what he's truly capable of.
William Lovie III.

When the Scott's were given command of the taking of Braedin William knew that with all the conflict between himself and the Scott's due to his affair with Brooke he would need someone to watch them, and thus he would recall his cousins from House Tyrell to Lucerne. It was decided that the majority of the forces of House Tyrell would follow the Scotts in the taking of the heavily populated and defended town of Braedin. Alongside assisting in the siege they would be placed in a position of watching Dan Scott in secret and seeing what manner of loyalty he showed during the campaign. Nearly four days into the trek he was greeted by the horse of Loras Tyrell riding up beside him, and the two of them came to ride together the rest of the way talking about random things. When they arrived they didn't join the main camp and instead passed west where they took control over the small village of Pomer where they left portions of House Faust to maintain its control and to make sure no one left the town and warned everyone else.

Scouting the Keep[]

Scouting Braedin
We had been given some small amounts of information about the town due to turncoats that had fled the forces of House Curtley but basically we were walking in blind before we scouted the city. It was all a part of the danger, but I knew I had to succeed or else everything north of us would fall apart.
Lucas Scott

Lucas Scott, and his cousin Marvin Scott were placed in a leadership role by William Lovie III. for the purposes of this siege and as such they took a small elite group of troops and during the middle of the night they went and surveyed the defenses of Breadin. When they reached the outskirts they were clearly able to see the true extent of the defenses, and realized quite quickly that the town was defended by what appeared to be a large keep that while it didn't surround the entire town it defended what must have been the House Curtley Estate alongside the center of the town. As they returned to camp and all the scouts begin to flood back they attempted to find the most simple way of taking the keep without taking horrendous casualties. Loras Tyrell advised that his scouts reported to him that the northern part of the town appeared to be undergoing some sort of construction and that he believed he could use this too his advantage and attack that section with House Tyrell and his sworn houses. While this was happening the entire castle had been surrounded, and thus Dan Scott would arrange for a parley with the members of House Curtley. Joining Dan in the meeting were the Patriarch's of the other vassals present and many of their heirs, while House Curtley sent their prince in the form of Barister Curtley II. and a few of the defense commanders to meet with them.

I knew that they would want us to join with their kingdom. It was there way. They took Fairmarket. They took the Riverlands. We were next, and I knew that if I wanted my people to live then I would be forced to do what they wanted. No help was coming from the Malfoy's. Perhaps it was time to accept a new leader.
Barister Curtley II.

As they were leaving for the meeting it was the Tyrell's that revealed to several others the true directive of William Lovie III. through his own writing, but they worked hard to keep that they had revealed this truth so that they could do as William wanted and see if Dan would be loyal. Dan Scott would outline the terms of surrender, and made sure to note that William Lovie had said that they would retain control of Braedin but they would need to swear oaths of loyalty to the Kingdom of Lucerne. Dan Scott though would deviate heavily from the offer made by the King when he lied and said that a demand had also been made to allow a garrison of their castle until the conflict was over, and he did this directly in front of Dylan Tyrell of whom knew the true orders from William but remained silent. The last terms were obviously not acceptable to the prince, and so he regrettably rejected the surrender and prepared to return to the castle. As he was leaving he was told by Loras Tyrell that the Scotts had planned to have him captured and all his men killed. Hearing this just as he was leaving Barrister would return to Braedin with the belief that House Tyrell was on their side more then House Scott, and because of this it would affect the situation with Braedin. When Barrister Curtley II. returned to Braedin he met with the commanders and discussed how House Tyrell had told him that he was in danger and that only they had kept him from being killed.

My news caused a split between the parts of the leadership that wanted to fight to the death, and the parts of the leadership that wanted to surrender without bloodshed. Seeing the size of the enemy I knew we couldn't win, and thus for our survival I made the decision to allow House Tyrell to save us.
Barrister Curtley II.

The leadership of Braedin led by House Curtley became divided under the opinions of though's that wanted to speak to this House Tyrell and get them to accept the surrender of the city, while the other side wanted to basically fight to the death under the leadership of Varin Curtley. Barrister the heir of House Curtley said that he had talked openly with the prince of House Tyrell and that this young man appeared very much to want them to survive. Others would argue that Barrister was being used, and just didn't know that. The argument raged throughout the night, and Barister Curtley the Lord of the city remained passive until finally siding against his heir and deciding to fight hoping relief would come from Westbridge. His son was utterly shocked that his father had turned against him, and fled the room with several of his loyalists for the northern gate. Barrister when he arrived

The Siege[]

Varin Curtley

Varin Curtley

An attack from all sides of the castle was exactly the only manner in which the siege was going to be succesful. My son Lucas advised me that we shouldn't leave the Tyrell's with so much time and space in the north but what could they do to stop my victory.
Dan Scott

With knowledge of how truly defended the town was they prepared for the siege the next day as they knew that was their time frame that they had to complete the siege and take control of the town. Lucas planned to have House Scott, and its Vassals move against the town from the south, while House Tyrell and its sworn houses moved against the northern side of the town. This plan was coupled with the silent constructions of his cousin Marin Scott who had constructed several secretive devices which he believed would allow the troops to enter the fortress unhindered from any fire that might come their way. These moveable siege towers were something he had devised while drawing and this would be the first time he had a chance to use them. As this was going on House Tyrell was already in position in the north, and thus was sitting waiting for what Mace hoped would be a message from House Curtley. While the north was peaceful the southern side which was defended by Varin Curtley was provoking the actions of House Scott. Varin had his men fire shots into the field in front of where the House Scott men were mobilizing, and blew his horns all night long to try and keep the preperations from being made.

The Tyrells Move[]

House Tyrell Moving
Marin was dithering about with his fantasy siege machines, and I was going to take the castle before any of them knew what was happening. I sent a single scout to the northern gate with a letter. A letter which would mean victory for me, and another slap in the face of the Scotts.
Mace Tyrell II.

As the forces of House Scott moved their forces into position for an attack the following day, the forces of House Tyrell would move another plan into action. Mace Tyrell devised a plan where he would take control of the town through the relationship that he had built with the leadership of House Curtley, and his son Loras had played the game perfectly to the point that during the morning Barrister Curtley II. would sneak out of the northern gate and meet with the leadership of House Tyrell. The plan was for House Tyrell to enter the northern gate peacefully, and do this before House Scott sacked the city Barrister would lead the front echolons of House Tyrell into the gate, and they would move into the cities northern side at nearly the same time that House Scott made their attack on the southern gate.

The Fall of Braedin[]

House Tyrell Victory
I alongside my men pushed the machines to the walls, and the gate in the belief that there was a battle to be fought, but in fact the battle was over.
Lucas Scott

As the forces of House Tyrell moved into Braedin the forces of House Scott moved against the southern gate completely unaware that fighting was happening on the southern wall. The forces of House Scott moved slowly across the field using their siege machines that blocked fire, and thought this was the reason for the lack of firepower against them, but instead it was because the southern gate was falling to House Tyrell. As they reached the gatehouse the gate door opened, and Mace Tyrell II. walked towards the machines letting them know that the battle was over. Dan Scott, and Mace Tyrell II. would nearly come to a duel, but Loras, and Lucas were able to calm the situation down, and losses were minimal outside of the defenders who lost significant numbers in the suprise attack by House Tyrell.

Staying and Leaving[]

Noteable Members[]

Family Members[]

  • † Jasper Curtley. Died during an expedition to the west locks
    • † Urla Curtley. Died of sickness
      • Barister Curtley
      • Varin Curtley. Killed during the Siege of Braedin
        • † Trudy Curtley. Murdered by Varin Curtley during the Siege of Braedin
        • † Malarria Malfoy. Killed during the Invasion of Westbridge
          • Lucien Song
          • Troy Song
        • Taylor Song
          • Joy Song
          • Mathias Song
      • Johan Curtley
      • † Krevin Curtley. Died during a duel with Lucius Malfoy
        • † Heather Curtley. Commited suicide following the death of her children
          • † Everette Curtley. Murdered by Gregory Malfoy
          • † Rachel Curtley. Murdered by Gregory Malfoy

Other Noteables[]

Vassal Houses[]

House Brodeen[]

See Also : House Brodeen
