Lucerne Wiki
House Ghelen

House Ghelen is a large Vandal Household located in the Kingdom of Lucerne and dominating Castle Ghelen.

House Ghelen would first enter the Valley of Lucerne during the Great Migration and when they did enter they would swear themselves to House Tyrell of whom gave them the land they are present on now including the command to found Castle Ghelen.


Early History

House Ghelen would first enter the Valley of Lucerne during the Great Migration and when they did enter they would swear themselves to House Tyrell of whom gave them the land they are present on now including the command to found Castle Ghelen.

The Journey

Main Article : The Journey

Third Battle of Minus Tirith
Tomorrow is the moment we stand as free men of Europe and say in one loud voice the truth that we have always known. We will scream out our truth, and when were done the Dark Lord himself will know that the men of Europe will not stand for evil anymore. Tomorrow we strike. Tomorrow he will know pain.

The Third Battle of Minus Ithil

Main Article : The Third Battle of Minus Ithil

Bella Swan Cover3
My father had relented despite his strong vocal anger towards what I wanted to do, and with his resistance no longer present the few forces of Lucerne that were not involved in some way begin to come out of the word works. I don`t forget loyalty though, and those houses that only came after the choice was gone are not the ones who I trust in the same way as those who joined me when it was still in doubt.
William Lovie III.

With Aragorn`s success in gathering the forces of the Sindar Elves of High Forest he would send word to William Lovie III. of whom had succeed in gaining his father`s permission to lead the forces of Lucerne into Gondor and drive away the Mordor Orcs so that they could then relieve Tree Hill. In terms of the Sindar Elves of High Forest they would travel by boat from High Forest to Osgiliath where they would land north of the port city and meet with the overall forces in the area just north of the Battle site itself. The Orcs for there part had recently sent a smaller force through through the Morgul Pass of which had been moving southward towards the fortress of Narvine of which they would as usual most likely raid the already barren farmland north of Narvine and then retreat when they were opposed. William Lovie III. would lead the Lucernian army alongside his main commanders in Lucerne in the form of Charlie Swan, Renault Scarlet, Jack Shepard alongside many others of whom the main ones they would be meeting east of Stormwind in the Rhunian province.

Army Leadership Other Noteables Strength
House Shephard Jack Shephard
House Swan Charlie Swan
House Mountain Vaelor Mountain
House Tyrell Garlan Tyrell
House Lannister Jamie Lannister
House Starke Eddard Starke
House Greymane Liam Greymane
House Scarlet Alexandros Scarlet II.
House Highmore Draco Highmore
House Highport Natalie Highport
House Ordos Dennis Ordos
House Hale Orton Merryjones
House Clegane Hedrik Clegane III.
Lords of Tree Hill

Eddard Starke led the eastern forces alongside the Lannisters of whom were behind the attack surprisingly even before the acceptance of Bill Lovie and these two massive forces would send most of their forces to Lamedon but the leadership remained at Stormwind where it would meet the main army as it came through. The western forces of Lucerne led by the Greymane would lead their forces as well eastward with their army being the furthest behind but using ships from Highgarden, and Fogtown the armies were moved eastward towards Lamedon. The Gondor forces would begin to marshal under the command of Aragorn Elessar III. and while the vast majority traveled to Osgiliath to prepare a smaller force traveled to Lamedon where they would meet William Lovie III. once his army had gathered and was preparing to cross into Gondor.

This is all about faith young prince. On one hand I see the future of my Kingdom ending unless something is done about the monsters at my door. On the other hand despite everything you`ve done I have heard that your father was once honorable and just. You decide the fate of Kingdoms and Men with the decisions you will make in the coming days so make sure you are better then your father has been.
Aragorn Elessar II.

Aragorn Elessar II. would watch with silent fright as the nearly sixty thousand Lucernian troops would mass themselves on the west side of Lamdeon, and it was only upon the arrival of the flags of House Lovie signalling the arrival of William Lovie III. that Aragorn crossed the bridges of Lamedon and met with the Lucernian leadership. William Lovie III. would be awaiting him alongside nearly his entire leadership of whom had arrayed themselves as much as possible inside a massive tent that had been brought for this very occasion, but knowing the importance of this conversation noone outside of William was to speak and it was in this way that Aragorn entered the tent of the Lucernian King and the two would speak one last time before going to war.

End of Darkness
Look at the world father. You were born into this land. You grew up here. These people swore their lives to you. How could you have done all of this? Look at everything you have done. You destroyed a city. Killed hundreds of good men out of fear. Is this how you want to be remembered father. Is this the world you want to leave behind? I know you were a good person once. Don't end it all here. Don't do this. For me father. For everything I supposedly mean to you. Don't do this.

``My prince the King has entered the camp and will be here momentarily.``

``That is good. Thank you Ser Percy.``Despite my fears Hayden Percy was one of, if not the most loyal man I knew and he deserved to be treated with respect.

I could hear them through the tent, and it made me sick. I could remember the days when it was me that made him feel that way, and I hated her for it. Sometimes I thought to myself in moments like this how different my life would be if I had gotten pregnant during one of the hundreds of times we were together, but for whatever reason the gods didn't want that for me. I would be in that tent right now holding him close, and knowing with every fiber of my being that I was loved. I was noble born, and on the same level as Bella, and yet she had so easily eclipsed me in so little time that it just didn't seem fair.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder, and immediately grabbed for my sword before laughter slowed me and Emmett's head appeared from beneath the helmet as he pulled up the helmet. "I didn't mean to startle you Levia." A fool wouldn't have believed him as he continued to laugh and I struck him in the chest right beneath his breast plate, causing him to stop laughing. As he stopped laughing the sounds of Bella from within the tent grew momentarily louder, and I couldn't stop myself from looking at the tent for a second before answering.

"You didn't startle me." I felt his hand go back to my shoulder as I stared at the tent, and as I looked back to him I saw the understanding in his eyes, but also I could feel pity and that was something I didn't want. "It's fine Emmett." His eyes didn't believe me for a second, but I didn't have time to deal with this right now. "I'm going to catch some sleep make sure he doesn't stay up too late we have to be ready for the morning." I said it more harshly then Emmett deserved, and as I walked away from him leaving him with nothing more then a nod of my head I felt terrible.

Emmett just wasn't a person you should ever be rude too. Born of commoner blood it was his kindness that had pulled him into our group, and it was that same kindness that had led him to becoming the gentlemen he was now. I would have to make a point to bring him something as an apology after the battle, but I couldn't think on that now I just needed to get away from that tent that I wanted to be in more then anything.

I found myself searching hopelessly for Obella when I overhear a Starke man talking about how Robb Starke is with her. Going to the Starke part of the camp I see her sitting with him outside their tent rubbing the hair of that giant wolf of his, and as I watch them I feel happy for my sister. She deserves that kind of happiness, and I know that Robb Starke will treat her well. I turn around and walk to my own tent, and as I move through the seemingly endless ranks of tents, and men that we have gathered I feel a sense of dread wash over me.

I have never been in a battle and yet here I am walking through camp thinking on Will, and hoping for a good life for my sister, and yet I ignore the fact that tomorrow we wade into the unknown with nothing more then a hope. I'm glad that me and Jasper will be by Will's side tomorrow, as I don't know how I could handle the fear of not knowing what was happening with him throughout the entirety of the battle.

I reach my tent and open the flap revealing my sleeping sister Dorea within, and I smile as she jumps up holding a small dagger. "There is no threat from this direction dear sister." She put her dagger away with a smile before sitting up in the bed.

"You can never be too safe. Uncle told me once that when your surrounded by enough men you need always keep a dagger near you lest you find yourself pierced by things other then steel." She laughed as she said it, but I saw how hard she had clenched that dagger, and I knew her well enough to know that she was afraid. I didn't blame her for fear, for I was afraid too.

"Oh my god Dorea when did Oberyn tell you that?" I didn't need to even think on which uncle would tell her such a disgusting thing.

"It matters not for Oberyn always speaks the truth of such things." She smiled at me once more before laying back down, and pulled the blankets up to her shoulders. I moved to take off my armor and piece by piece put it on the stand. Each piece of armor had been intricately crafted, and designed for the every whim I had when I was thinking of my armor, and yet looking at the armor now I wondered whether I had ever really thought I would be in a situation where I would need it. "Levia?" Looking to the sound of Dorea she looked so small under the blanket, and I went to her now clothed for sleep and sat at the edge of her bed.

"Whats wrong Dorea?" She shrugged at me, and the way she did it reminded me of how truly young she was. Less then sixteen name days and here she was standing on the edge of the world sleeping one more time before we entered a battle with strange monsters. "There is nothing wrong with being afraid. I would be scared for your mental health if you weren't afraid."

"I'm not scared to fight tomorrow." I tilted my head at her, and she pushed me playfully. "I'm not I swear...its just."

"Just what sister?"

"I just wonder about something Melessa Vaith said when I was leaving."

"What did she say to you?"

"She didn't say it too me, but I know it was actually about me." I nodded at her to continue. "She was talking about Elize Scorpian. She was saying how no man would ever want to marry Elize because she was constantly armored, and that men hated that." The moment she said it I felt terrible for her. Here she was on the eve of battle not afraid of dying, of which I'm sure she was, but she was more worried about her marriage possibilities if she did fight.

"Let me tell you a story Dorea." She grabbed my hand and I rubbed her hand with my thumb as I begin. I knew the story wouldn't hold up to close examination, but as I watched her eyes close and open I knew her sleepy mind wouldn't put it together. "Once there was a prince of a great kingdom, and this prince was beloved by all that he met. He had ladies fawning over him at every turn, and yet one day the tough lady of another land came to court, and he looked at her with a smile that melted her heart. This lady thought as Melessa did. She believed that her love for swords, armor, and horses would turn him away. But the prince smiled at her, and each day he saw her he smiled again. One day the lady would be walking with her horse by the stables when the prince appeared in all his beauty and splender, and once again he smiled at her. The lady was lost in his eyes, and the smile he gave her melted her heart away. The prince told her she was a beautiful girl, and took her hand walking alongside her and the horse." I looked down as I felt her move her head onto my lap, and I watched her fall chest move up and down, and felt such peace watching my sister sleep. I don't know why but I felt the need to keep telling my side of the story. I didn't want to wake her so I begin whispering it to her, and perhaps it was selfish but I wanted to hear it for myself. "From that day forward the two shared a secret smile between them, and whenever he smiled at her she knew in her heart that he loved her. It didn't matter that they didn't marry, and it didn't matter that he was promised to others because she knew she was loved."

After speaking together it was Aragorn that would lead the Lucernian army across the bridges of Lamedon and the Lucernian marched eastward towards Osgiliath and the eventual battle that everyone had been waiting for. The now combining forces of Gondor, and Lucerne would meet at Osgiliath with their two forces gaining immense numbers after aligning together, and this led to a serious escalation in belief on specifically the side of the Gondorians of whom had been spending years watching the Orcs overwhelm them. With both forces combining plus the eventual assistance of the Sindar Elves they had almost ninety thousand human troops and nearly ten thousand Elven troops of which would be opposed on the other side by the main orcish army of more then one hundred thousand.

The Attack
Mordor Orc Commander
I was shocked that they didn't even check their flanks. I was shocked because all I knew of Orcs was that they wiped us out at Leon, and at Tree Hill. Were those Orcs somehow more intelligent then the idiots we met on those fields?
William Lovie III.

The two armies crossed the river and made their way to the hills west of the location of the Orcish Army, and from there pieces of the army begin to separate and move to their positions with heavy cavalry moving into the south, and north while the forces of Cair Andros, and Dal Imnil met them south east of Pelagir in the forests that the Sindar Elves had hidden themselves in adding another five thousand troops to the alliance. With one night before the assault the Shadow Council would meet and spent time together, and throughout the night they were joined by other young nobles that William had befriended, and this was the way they spent the day before the assault. During the night the armies would move into a closer position to the Orcs with the Gondor Army arraying itself directly before the Mordor Orcs in an attempt to get their full attention while the Lucernians and Sindar Elves would hide themselves as close as possible and once battle was met they would charge. At this point the besieged forces of Gondor inside Minas Ithil still had no idea that relief was coming and it had been decided that they would not make any attempts to alert the defenders as it was possible the Orcs might intercept the attempt and then everything would change dramatically for the plans of the attack. By this point the Magi Commander of the Lucernian forces in the form of Edward Cullen would group together with the Gondorian Istari and would discover to their great happiness that Ren the Unclean the Nazgul commander of the Orcish armies was not present on the battlefield. Despite the the fact that Ren the Unclean was not present the Kingdom of Orthanac was present with a force some five thousand troops and led by the Magi Sa-Uluos Thelvhian of whom also had some five other Magi with him and thus realizing they would be facing a significant Magi threat Edward Cullen would gather the Magi in the Lucernian army and alongside the Gondorian Istari would prepare a plan to attack the Orthanac forces and crush the Orthanac Magi swiftly.

I was shocked that they didn't even check their flanks. I was shocked because all I knew of Orcs was that they wiped us out at Leon, and at Tree Hill. Were those Orcs somehow more intelligent then the idiots we met on those fields?
William Lovie III.
With the forces in place the armies of Gondor, Lucerne, and High Forest moved into their positions in their corresponding areas, and prepared for light to signal what they hoped was a blind charge by the forces of Mordor into the Gondor army. The day would break and at this point as the Gondorians had moved into the open of the field west of the Orcs they were noticed quickly, and it didn`t take more then a few minutes before the Orcs did exactly what was believed they would do. The Orc commander Urgreek Madd ordered his forces to charge the Gondor soldiers and in this way the entire Mordor army except the few thousand archers that moved in behind the charging Orcs.
Battle of MInus Ithil - Battle - Maps
The Orcs that were sieging the city itself would remain mostly still there but there was a sizable amount that broke from the siege upon seeing the larger army fighting and were now moving away from their position outside Minus Ithil, and towards the Gondorians, which meant the plan was going perfectly. The Gondor archers opened up on the orcs but the numbers were immense, and the Orcs kept coming and coming. When the orcs finally reached the lines, the Gondor soldiers used delaying tactics and simply held the Orcs in place. Aragorn and his leadership would fight like men possessed in the center and Aragorn himself during the early moments of the Battle would kill two of Urgreek`s sons of whom had both wanted to sway their father by killing the King of Gondor but found him out of their league. Also during the initial assault Ildarion would be struck by an arrow, and despite this fact he would remain in the battle and for the rest of the battle had an arrow sticking out of his right shoulder. While the moment the Orcs had moved against Gondor the Lucernians, and Sindar armies had begun slowly moving it was the moment the orcs engaged with the army of Gondor the Lucernians and Sindar launched their full out attacks.
The Ambush
The Battle of Minus Ithil

The Lucernian Cavalry preparing to ambush the Orcish forces. The Lucernian forces were decided into two main parts attacking from both the north, and south and hitting all over the rear, and flanks of the completely exposed Orcish army.

After they charged it was a simple ticking of the clock before we massacred them. Though they didn't know it yet the Orcs were dead the moment they entered that field without looking. It was almost disappointing to see these creatures of tales, and nightmares be so foolish.
Jamie Lannister

With the Orcs embroiled in combat with the Gondorians they were completely focused in front of them and missed the Lucerne army, and they definitely missed the High Forest trees as they charged out as well. The first signs the Orcs had that things were changing was when the cries of battle appeared behind their lines, and the Lucernian cavalry along with the Ents of High Forest slammed into their rear, while accurate archery fell into the core of the Orcs. During this initial assault Jamie Lannister and the Lannister cavalry would overrun the center of the Pitghost Tribe and during this overrunning of the Pitghost Tribe their overlord Ghorgauth, and all his warchiefs would be killed leading to a complete route of the Pitghost tribe who fled eastward. Moving past the Pitghost tribe the camped army was cut down in their hundreds during the initial assault the forces of Gondor as well would switch themselves and become more aggressive as they realized the trap was on thus the Orcs felt pressure from all sides which only increased the desperation of the Battle. William Lovie III. alongside his Shadow Council and many other noble young men were in the thick of the main cavalry charge and William himself got into a fight with a large Troll of whom had killed several others around him including Lord Osgood Elbertson, and Davin Percy II. and fighting against the Troll he was pushed back and nearly killed by the Troll before his personal guards would mass around him and murder the giant Troll.

Battle of Minus Ithil - Aragon

Ugreek did not have a lot of strategy to himself but he did clearly understand that the battle was turning into a massacre and would make a straight line for the command flag of the Gondorians trying to end the battle in one fight.

I was pulling my sword out of the last Orc to fall to my blade when I felt the air around me calm, and then the subsequent slash towards my head had me flying backwards to avoid it. When I turned around I saw what could have been an Orc, or could have been a giant staring at me. In the end it mattered not what it was, because it had to die.
Aragorn Elessar II.
As the Orcs realized they had become caught in a trap Ugreek Madd would meet with overlord Ugled of whom with his warchief Ghaddish rallied their elite troops and followed Ugreek Madd as he looked along the battle line for the commander of the opposing force hoping to end his enemy and route the army in one fell swoop. Ugreek would become distacted by the arrival of several Sindari Elven wareagles and thus Ugled led his Nightshred elite guard alone towards the Sindari lines abandoning Ugreek. Fighting his way through the Sindari lines Ugled would come to face to face with Taflarion Stormrage of whom accompanied by the Treekin Ashthorn would resist this charge and after a brief duel between the group Ashthorn would crush Ugled and with Ugled dead Ghaddish would retreat from the field of battle alongside the remainder of his forces. Located near the front lines Ugreek would see Aragorn Elessar the king of Gondor slashing and killing all along the line, and would smile before making his way towards the King. Ugreek had been alive for many many years and as an Orc this meant that he had grown to impressive size and his power was something beyond which most had ever faced. The two would come face to face, and despite Aragorn's superior skill he was pushed back and fell to the ground seemingly defeated. As the men around him watched their King seemingly defeated the entire battle line just stopped, as the men and Orcs watched the titanic fight between
Battle of Minus Ithil - Aragon1

Aragorn would be nearly killed by Ugreek but the battle would end with Aragorn Elessar II. Killing Ugreek and cutting the head off the Orcish army

these two amazing fighters.
Like every Orc in history his downfall was his arrogance, and stupidity. Had he of kept the advantage up instead of laughing and hollaring he would have killed the King of Gondor and most likely routed the entire force in one fell swoop.
Aragorn Elessar II.

But as Ugreek reached him and raised his mace, Aragorn suddenly lunged up and stabbed the Orc through the chest before swiping across and nearly cleaving him in two. Ugreek coughed out blood before falling backwards dead. Aragorn looked around at his men who seemed to be still shaken, and without another second thought he screamed out a battle cry and flew back into the Orc lines followed by the rest of his force behind him. The Orcs for their part were now broken as a force, and all along the line begin to realize they were defeated. A renewed cavalry charge led by Jamie Lannister alongside the Reynes would finally smash the only surviving leader in the fourth and only surviving child of Ugreek leaving the army completely leaderless.

I had told Arwyn I would come home. I had promiced her in all truth. The real truth was that in my heart I thought it would go wrong. I thought perhaps the Lucernians would betray us, or perhaps the Orcs were tipped off like at Lyons. It didn`t matter what actually caused our defeat I just truly believed we would lose, and yet here I stood on the field of battle and all the eye could see was the corpses of dead Orcs.
Aragorn Elessar II.

With the Orcs realizing they were surrounded and Aragorn having killed the Orcs leader the nature of Orcs led them to a full scale retreat. The defeat was hopeless as they were utterly surrounded, and as they ran they were cut down in their thousands by the vengeful attackers, and those that managed to break the line were taken down by the accurate fire of the Sindar Elven archers. The few hundreds of Orcs that managed to escape the main battle found themselves cut down by the Lucernian and Gondorian cavalry of whom had attacked the besieging Orcish army and had been preparing to assault the remaining Orcs.

This was the moment where my great gambit would either be revealed as genius, or madness. Would Gondor now honor there part of the arrangement and join with High Forest and our own forces to destroy the Orcs that had overrun Tree Hill. If they made an excsue
William Lovie III.

Nearly fifty thousand Orcs were destroyed in the battle with the loss of just under fifteen hundred in the Gondor Army, and less then five hundred in the Lucernian Army meaning the battle was far more then just a victory. The Battle cemented the alliance between the three nations and in this way led to the continuation of the Journey which would not lead the alliance towards the Lucernian city of Tree Hill where they would lead their army in the liberating battle of the Second Battle of Tree Hill.

Commemorating the Losses
I did not know your father as well as I should have Varian. The Orcs have taken so much from us, but it is the loss of these great people that darkens our hearts the most. We shall have our vengeance against these monsters. We shall have our vengeance for every conversation that goes unspoken because of these beasts. Our vengeance will brighten the sky. Our vengeance is coming.
William Lovie III.
Second Battle of Tree Hill
Today my brothers we right a terrible wrong in the history of this kingdom. We all know what happened here, and there isn't a thing that we could do to take it back. We may not be able to change what happened, but right here and right now united together we can make sure the people of Tree Hill are finally given the rescue they have long deserved. Today don't fight for vengeance. Don't fight for revenge. Fight to save the lives of the innocent. Fight so that a betrayed city may finally awaken.

Second Battle of Tree Hill

Main Article : Second Battle of Tree Hill

Second Battle of Tree Hill - Arrival

The armies of the alliance would land around all sides of Tree Hill intent on retaking the lost city.

For a warrior waiting years for something to happen, he didn't seem to care much that the army he was waiting to arrive got destroyed.
Saiden Scarlet

As the Lucernian/Gondorian/High Forest alliance destroyed the Orcs that had held the Gondor siege of Minas Ithil for many years immediate plan became the movement of portions of this army towards the besieged city of Tree Hill. Jurden over the decade of the siege had become obsessed with maintaining his own power, and had basically become uninterested in actually ending the siege through conventional means. Alongside this he also had a growing belief that the humans were completely useless and for all of these reasons Jurden Hardaxe made no effort to double his scouts or anything that might have assisted him in stopping the coming ambush. And if all of this added up wasn't enough he was also still being whispered to by Morrigan who was telling him that the crisis was the other Orcs in the area. Following the gathering of the forces of the alliance in the area they would organize themselves into seven main armies. The 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 7th armies would travel towards the port of Klausburg. Landing at Klausburg they would meet with the local leadership there and made their decisions on the direction of there forces. The 1st, 3rd and Fourth would move up the Oakheart River and land near Castle Prennig where they would move from there towards Tree Hill. The 7th army would be sent up the Bresklo River where it would land at the ruins of Glendt Hold. The seventh army would be joined in this campaign by forces mobilized from House Brentfurd as well as House Winklebock. The 2nd army would land at Vinterbold Hold north of Tree Hill and joined by forces from the area they would prepare to move to Castle Interbold and then to the north side of Tree Hill. The 5th army led by the Westerlands Arch Lord would land at Castle Hackenholt where they would move against Tree Hill from the west. The final army in the 6th army would be formed from the southern vassals of the Stormlands and led by House Crane they would move themselves to the city of Leiblinshire where they would attack towards Tree Hill form the south.

Army Name Leaders of Army Prominent Noble Families Size of Forces
First Army
  • 49,000 Light Infantry
  • 15,000 Heavy Infantry
  • 4,000 Light Infantry
  • 1,000 Heavy Cavalry
Second Army
  • 49,000 Light Infantry
  • 15,000 Heavy Infantry
  • 4,000 Light Infantry
  • 1,000 Heavy Cavalry
Third Army
  • 28,600 Light Infantry
  • 7,000 Heavy Infantry
  • 6,000 Light Cavalry
  • 4,000 Heavy Cavalry
Fourth Army
  • 8,600 Men at arms
  • 1200 Knights
Fifth Army
  • 43,000 Light Infantry
  • 8,000 Heavy Infantry
  • 12,000 Light Cavalry
  • 4,000 Heavy Cavalry
Sixth Army
  • 17,000 Light Infantry
  • 500 Knights
Seventh Army
  • 27,000 Light Infantry
  • 3,000 Heavy Cavalry

The arrival of the vast armies of William Lovie III. would have major effects on those forces already around the Stormlands. The first major effect was following the news of victory at Minus Ithil. House Guntbold who had been named the Arch Lord of the Stormlands following the collapse of Tree Hill realized that with the goals of William becoming clear they were going to have to pick a side in the coming conflict. It was Lothar Guntbold that would push his nephew Edric Guntbold who was at the time the Arch Lord of the Stormlands to see the error of the side they had picked and to call a council of House Guntbold. Following this call it was Lothar that left Guntbold Hold to return to Lucerne and be at the side of his friend James Lovie II. The council would be attended by all members of House Guntbold except for Winfred Guntbold, and his wife Ophellia who remained at Klausburg but sent their son Winfred Guntbold II. to act in his stead. At this meeting it was decided that House Guntbold would change sides to William Lovie III. and would send both Winfred Guntbold II. and Athilda Guntbold to William Lovie III. to open this dialogue. The pair would take a ship from Guntbold Hold and travel along the rivers of the Valley of Lucerne where they would eventually stop at Vindale Hold which they knew would be the eventual crossing point of the armies of William in their move back west. When the fleet of William arrived Vindale Hold it was Athilda and Winfred that would meet with the leadership of the army revealing details of the area.

For a warrior waiting years for something to happen, he didn't seem to care much that the army he was waiting to arrive got destroyed.
Saiden Scarlet

The night was spent with Athilda meeting with William, and members of the Shadow Council and it was during this meeting that Edward Cullen discovered her Magi abilities and confronted her on why she did not reveal this before meeting with the prince. Telling them her fear of reprisals she was forgiven by the group and continued to tell them about the situation in the Stormlands. Athilda would let the group know that the Guntbolds were willing to assist William despite what was a top-down command from King James Lovie II. to not assist his army in the movement against Tree Hill, but she wanted assurances that the Guntbolds would not be punished following the campaign. Needing more forces, and not wanting resistance from human forces as they moved against Tree Hill it was William that made the decision to agree to this arrangement. With this agreement in place, it was Winfred Guntbold II. that would travel back to Guntbold Hold with the Guntbold ship to tell the Guntbold leadership about the agreement. Athilda would remain behind in part as a hostage of sorts but her good impression on the Shadow Council had led to her joining them as an advisor of sorts.

Clearing the South
Three kingdoms working together for the common good. It was inspiring to finally have a king I could believe in. For my entire life I have followed a king who while he may have been good once, I don't think I even remember that. From this moment forward son I will die to protect William Lovie III.
Eddard Starke
Clearing the West
Clearing the North
Clearing the East
Retaking the Capital
Leven Martell10

Leven Martell arrived on the field only a day before the battle would happen with a large force of House Martell and her father's writing of support.

The closer we got to night the more I came to understand that the world would be much different after I liberated Tree Hill. Without a single doubt in my mind I now understood that my father had done this. My father was responsible for all of the wrongs in Lucerne, and once this happened there would be no more quests to keep me from the simple fact that he had to die. My father had to die for what had happened here.
William Lovie III.

Waiting for the night to come William would be able to watch for the first and last time the Orcs setting off their massive drums and horns in order to force the defenders to be unable to sleep during the night and thus exhausted during the day. Hearing this many among the attacking army grew even more angry at the fact that the defenders had been forced to endure this for all this time without anyone helping them. William would spend the night with Leven, Jasper, Emmett, and Edward as the Shadow Council as they were not openly to each other calling themselves spent a few last hours with each other before they all knew everything was going to change. Finding themselves greeted throughout the night by every lord who not wanted to speak to William they couldn't help but see how different things had become for the naive group. During one of these meetings he would talk with Charles Swan who by this point he was beginning to view as a father of sorts, and discussing with him his relationship with Isabella he would bring up the idea of a betrothal. Charles was happy about this and agreed on the spot, and following this agreement it was Charles and William that would meet together with many of the remaining nobles and this betrothal was brought up during many of these meetings thus spreading word of its agreement. The Orcs by this point had no contact with their scouts, and yet they still remained completely unaware. Morrigan would at this point make her final step towards sealing the fate of Jurden Hardaxe when she would convince Jurden to host a large party for his Orcs which made them all drunk and even less prepared.

The Massacre
William Lovie111
I hope they felt in their final moments all the pain of those who they had so cowardly killed years before, and tormented for years since. I hope they face an eternity of pain an anguish for what they have done.
Charlie Swan

As the night neared the Orcs would begin their party and the loud noise would alert the alliance that this was underway, and also awake most of the defenders of Tree Hill of whom were prepared for what many believed was the final attack. The party continued, and the alliance moved itself completely into position against the now scout less Orcish force, and pushed in many places all the way against the wall with the entire Orcish force within the city itself or dead outside. The night came and the army would move on their predetermined signal of which moved everything forward. The infiltration of House Scarlet into the under tunnels of the city begin as Saiden Scarlet led a large force of hundreds into the tunnels in the goal of reaching the estate of House James and once the attack was underway they would spring upon the already ambushed Orcs. From the west the forces of House Greymane, and House Ordos would move themselves through the broken shattered western gate and encountered hundreds of Orcs in differing stages of drunkenness and the fighting wouldn't spark any concerns from the Orcs as it was all believed still to be a part of the party. Seeing the ambush was underway it was at this moment that Morrigan finally ended the charade and came upon Jurden while he was standing in his residence.

Sometimes Brooke you play the long game. You see if you lie to someone for so long he eventually believes that it is truth. For how could anyone keep up a lie for as long as you do. Once they no longer believe you lie, they believe everything that you say. You can whisper the most dangerous of things to them, and they will drink everything you give. Then finally when the moment is complete you may spring. Spring the final trap on the fool who allowed himself to die.
Download (7)
Its one thing Leven to win this battle. Once we win this battle, because I believe we will. Once that happens the time to return home is upon us. You know what we will find in Lucerne. You know what victory here means. It means the death of my father.
William Lovie III.

The battle would end with the complete destruction of the Orc army and the liberation of Tree Hill. When the armies of Lucerne and Gondor entered the remains of Tree Hill, they found the sad remnants of a once truly mighty city. Food, aid and supplies were rushed to the city, but before the true rebuild could begin Andrew Lovie would take the reigns of the King of Lucerne following a duel with his father.

Nortburg Tournament of 5125
Look out there Alice. Did you ever imagine we would be hosting men, Dwarves, and Elves for what is quickly becoming our honeymoon.

Nortburg Tournament of 5125

Main Article : Nortburg Tournament of 5125

Bella Swan Cover1
A tournament signals that the reign of the new king will be one of great success. I know that there is much to do, and no one understands that as much as I do. But we must also look to consolidate our holdings. You have a lot of goodwill and this will only help us later your grace.
Jacob Vorn IV.

Following the crowning of William Lovie III. as the new King of Lucerne he met with his council within the Lucernian capital and they went bout devising there next steps of action. Following some of the more extensive plans he met with the Shadow Council, and Jacob Vorn IV. of whom now stood as the King's Archbishop and the group would decide they needed to know more about the regions around them and also repair damage and they would do this by planning a tournament at Nortburg and invite foreign dignitaries to the tournament alongside the most influential of nobles of Lucerne. Also invited to the Tournament would be the Trachtenberg family of whom were the blood cousins of William Lovie incluing his uncle Frank Trachtenberg, and two cousins Michelle Trachtenberg, and Kristen Trachtenberg all of whom William wanted to repair relationships with most specifically with Michelle who he came to understand had been treated quite terribly by his father. The Trachtenberg side of the family had become distant due to several instances, most notably the imprisonment of Bill Lovie's cousin Katia Lovie the Matriarch of House Trachtenberg in the city of Berne.

True Sons of Lucerne
Hanna Arryn Cover Large1
William you need to understand that Berne is hell itself. Your brother is losing control more and more every day. We are attempting to control the situation but its a tinder box waiting to explode.
Hanna Arryn

A large force under a white flag and led by Kieth Schwartz, and Alistair Bedregen arrives at the tournament ground carrying also the flag of the True Sons of Lucerne. The arrival of these True Sons would cause William himself accompanied by the Shadow Council and Charlie Swan to confront them and while at first wanting to bar them from the tournament as they were basically traitors the arrival of Hanna Arryn, and Aria Arryn would lead to William speaking privately with Hanna and Aria. Speaking to the two alongside Leven Martell, and Charlie Swan he would discover that the situation in Berne was growing completely out of control and that was why they had agreed to all the demands of Sean Lovie and had come here. Seeing that his friends were in grave danger he would agree to play along with the plans of the True Sons and allowed Danzal to take part in the tournament. Following this meeting with Hanna and Aria he would meet with Kieth Schwartz who was like an uncle to him during his childhood and the two would talk over everything that had happened with Kieth admitting to everything and for the first time giving William a true glimpse at what Bill had been going through and why he had chosen to do all the things that he had done. Another of the members of the group to come under the flag was Harrold Hardyng of whom as a dire hard member of the rebellion against Sean Lovie would sneak himself into the force with the help of Alistair and when he arrived he met with Teri-Jacob Vorn IV. and together in secret the two worked out steps for Harrold to take to help with the eventual retaking of Berne.

End of Darkness
Look at the world father. You were born into this land. You grew up here. These people swore their lives to you. How could you have done all of this? Look at everything you have done. You destroyed a city. Killed hundreds of good men out of fear. Is this how you want to be remembered father. Is this the world you want to leave behind? I know you were a good person once. Don't end it all here. Don't do this. For me father. For everything I supposedly mean to you. Don't do this.

"Tell me about Amber."

"She is safe but misses you dearly."

"I know you may not feel the same way, but I want you to know how truly amazing it is to see you again Will." His face rose with a smile as he looked at me and it brought me back to thinking about the man who had helped teach me how to swim when I was a boy. He was a constant throughout my youth taking on my fathers role for those months when he could barely leave the tower.

"You know I cannot same the same. And you know why."

"I want you to know that I am sorry. I want you to know that he is sorry."

"Do not speak of him here or this conversation will end."

"That hatred that you feel. That's what drove him William."

"I know my friends would never let me do the things you let him do."

"Your friends love you. As your fathers love him."

"Love doesn't mean you let those you love go mad with no attempt to stop them."

"You look at it now and believe that if you started talking about killing your own daughter that what Jasper would stop you. Leven would stop you."

"They would. As you fucking should have!" I knew I was being too loud. The tournament was not even close to starting so the numbers here were low, but this was all so fresh. I could not be seen as being my father.

"They would do as we did. They would speak to you like I spoke to your father. I told him of the madness of what he was thinking. I told him that he had lost himself in that damn book. I did everything your friends would do. The only further step I could have taken was the one thing I could not do."

"They would."

"Look me in the eyes William and tell me that you truly believe that one of those people hovering outside this tent would ever raise a sword against you."

Following the conversation between Kieth, and William Kieth would leave the tournament as he was a soldier of Bill Lovie and not Sean Lovie and did not care if the plan of Sean succeded or not, and thus he would return to Orleans where he would report to Bill Lovie about the conversation that he and William had. With the departure of Sean Lovie the remaining elements of the True Sons of Lucerne were mainly William loyalists and in this way he would meet again with Hanna but this time she introduced them to House Krinner and House Dorin of whom led by Harrold Krinner, Trailen Dorin and accompanied by prominent heirs in Danzal Krinner, and Trailen Dorin II. they would be shown to be loyalists who were more then ready to assist when the time came to destroy the forces of Sean Lovie.

The Riverlands
Meeting the Elves

Following the Second Battle of Minus Ithil the Elves of High Forest would come to understand that the alliance between Gondor, Lucerne, and High Forest was something that they should work towards and as they followed the Lucernians into the relief of Tree Hill they would also send a large force to Nortburg to celebrate at the tournament. Alongside sending a force led by Taflarion Stormrage, and his wife Helian Stormrage, and their daughter Tonlia Stormrage, alongside her husband Cadwyr Winterdew the High Forest government back in the capital would also make several large movements for advancing the alliance itself when Malfurion Stormrage would contact the forces of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, and the Atmer Empire and told the two forces that they needed to send forces to the tournament as the new king of Lucerne was someone who truly was willing to try and change things for the better. The Sindar Elven Kingdom of Quel'Thalas sends representatives in the form of Alleria Windrunner, and Marinda Oakwhisper to the tournament as well with the purpose of arranging a stronger relationship with the Kingdom of Lucerne's new King. The Atmer Empire would send members of the Atmer Elven great house in the form of the House of Finwe to the tournament and these Elves used Magi portals to enter the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas and then travelled into Lucerne alongside the force led by Alleria. These Atmer Elves would be the first of the High Elves to enter the Kingdom of Lucerne in an almost uncountable time and led by Elendil Finwe III., his daughter Alais Finwe, and sons Talais Finwe, and Anar Finwe IV. of whom have come to discuss an alliance with William and Lucerne. The Elves appear very honorable about their intentions and the talks go well, with Hedrik Clegane III. leading the negotiations with the High Elves, and despite eventually leaving it would be so successful that William would make his intentions known to them by inviting the Elves to found a small settlement in Frosthelm. The Elves like the idea and Elendil sends his sons back to Ulthuan to make the arrangements while he will accompany William for the next while.

End of a Betrothal
Sansa Starke Cover1
He's a monster.
Sansa Starke

The Starke's had come on mass to the Tournament of Nortburg and during this time it was believed that Sansa Starke, and Joffrey Lannister would get a lot of time together to get to know eachother, and while this was true with Joffrey, and Sansa going on a walk together and having a good time, this would alter dramatically later that night.

The Manderlys

As the tournament is only a few days from starting the final invitees arrive in the form of the Manderlys of whoom William meets with several representatives of the Manderlys who control the White Knife and during this conversation he and his father in law Charlie Swan are able to arrange a marriage between Winfred Manderly, and Miley Black. In this arrangement he and Charlie Swan decide that they will send Lucas Scott of whom is deemed by many to be the hero of the Siege of Tree Hill and thus someone they want to remain close too, but also William has become obsessed with Brooke Scott and thinks on her constantly believing that this will give him a chance to see her again.

Arrival of Brooke Scott
Our being together was not a mistake William. Our being together has led us to this moment. No matter what way you look at this our child will be amazing. Our love guarantees that.
Brooke Scott

Following the end of the tournament William and the group prepare to return to the capital where they will plan out the reconquest of Berne, but this changes with the arrival of Brooke Scott of whom breaks down crying in front of him as he stands with Leven, and Jasper and William quickly takes her away from the two into a back room where before he is able to say anything she reveals her stomach showing she is nearly four months pregnant from the time they last saw each other. Realizing in that moment she appears more pregnant then Bella he ponders the consequences of this but she doesn't demand anything just wishes him to help her with her grandfathers funeral.

Invasion of Westbridge

Main Article : Invasion of Westbridge

Invasion of Westbridge
The Fall of Westbridge would shake the entire continent to its core.
Il fullxfull
I understood that Karl was far more hawkish then I could have imagined. In my view the only way to deal with a hawk is to take out everything around it, and watch it flop around. Soon Karl was going to see that trying to intimate the Kingdom of Lucerne would be getting a lot harder to do.
William Lovie III.

The invasion of Westbridge was a plan that William finally finalized in his mind followed his meetings with Karl Franz through the Magi stones known as the Meeting of the Dragon and the Griphon. The meeting had started with a lot of promise but following the initial talks it became clear to both of them that they shared some serious ideological problems, and on top of that where William had believed there would be talk about the survival of Arnor when Arnor was brought up it was as if it was a forgone conclusion that Austria would take control of Arnor, and that wasn't acceptable for Lucerne. On one side of things he knew he had a sibling that was now queen of Arnor and thus he could not leave her survival to chance. On the second part he knew that if The Empire struck against Arnor and took it then the bottleneck they had for centuries would be gone, and they might spread south without resistance. When he looked at actually being able to intervene in Arnor and what that possibility might lead to his commanders and strategists would all suggest that would be foolhardy and would have little chance of success. What wouldn`t have a slight chance of success was if they could take Westbridge as a position to hold against the potential invasion of The Empire. In order to stop this William went about planning the invasion of Westbridge which he believed would create the defense position from which even with the fall of Arnor which he now believed was a certainty Lucerne could hold on against The Empire. In order to launch this main assault House Lovie would bring with them nearly all of their vassals including everything not part of western Lucerne of which would be remaining behind.

Noble House Leader of force Size of Forces
House Lovie Marcel Lovie II. 29,000 Men at arms, 2,000 Knights
House Martell Wilheim Martell 6,500 Men at arms, 800 Knights
House Trant Meryn Trant 310 Men at arms, 25 Knights
House Faraday Charles Faraday 2,500 Men at arms, 250 Knights
House Ambrose Arthur Ambrose 400 Men at arms, 32 Knights
House Aubern Robin Cross 45 Men at arms, 1 Knight
House Highmore Freddie Highmore 3,200 Men at arms, 350 Knights
House Cullen Niklas Cullen 1,500 Men at arms, 45 Knights
House Portmane Jamie Portmane 800 Men at arms, 22 Knights
House McCarty Emmett McCarty 2,100 Men at arms, 180 Knights
House Toyne Alester Toyne 14,100 Men at arms, 380 Knights
House Ghelen Arryk Ghelen 6,100 Men at arms, 150 Knights
House Floren Wendel Floren 13,500 Men at arms, 600 Knights
House Duneria Maeger Duneria 11,500 Men at arms, 320 Knights
House Poinler Edmund Poinler 4,900 Men at arms, 280 Knights
House Skane Torgon Skane 5,500 Men at arms, 900 Knights
House Anthor Anduin Anthor 2,000 Men at arms, 200 Knights
House Scarlet Saiden Scarlet 18,000 Men at arms, 1,500 Knights
House Mien Sigmund Mien 18,000 Men at arms, 1,500 Knights
House Fraizen Tirion Fraizen 18,000 Men at arms, 1,500 Knights
House Royce Yohn Royce 7,100 Men at arms, 320 Knights
House Jackson Joshua Jackson 450 Men at arms, 25 Knights
House Percy Conrad Percy 950 Men at arms, 95 Knights
House Vaith Rendrik Vaith 350 Men at arms, 16 Knights
House Moore Mandon Moore 1,200 Men at arms, 312 Knights
House Ongrill Daryn Ongrill 950 Men at arms, 120 Knights
House Rosby Grogen of Lucerne 825 Men at arms, 150 Knights
House Denali Eleazar Denali 550 Men at arms, 65 Knights
House Steinmare Fenrick Steinmare 600 Men at arms, 150 Knights
House Cleef Saiden Cleef 1,750 Men at arms, 550 Knights
House Arryn Paul Arryn 14,000 Men at arms, 750 Knights
House Krinner Benjamin Krinner 4,000 Men at arms, 250 Knights
House Dorin Trailen Dorin 3,200 Men at arms, 220 Knights
House Hale Matthew Hale 4,000 Men at arms, 400 Knights
House Vorn Jacob Vorn 2,200 Men at arms, 250 Knights
House Keath Liane Keath II. 7,900 Men at arms, 450 Knights
House Butterwell Ambrose Butterwell 4,200 Men at arms, 150 Knights
House Shephard Christian Shephard 13,000 Men at arms, 670 Knights
House Vypros Lucius Vypros 4,700 Men at arms, 90 Knights
House Handlin Harras Handlin 4,400 Men at arms, 220 Knights

Many houses from the region would send nearly their entire force, and in this way this was a large gamble in many ways as the way of the Orcs coming through the pass would be only defended by the forces of House Greymane of whom were commanded to not send anything into the Invasion of Westbridge and would remain behind to defend the pass. The main army would also be supported by several smaller but still significant mercenary, and volunteer forces including a mercenary group in the form of the Tarried Men sent from the Yairns and led by Jaerenor Aerareon of which was kept completely in the dark but moved north with the force in what they were told was a rebellion in the Riverlands.

Making Camp

Leven Martell3
It was the deciding day. All across the line we were breaking them, but one mistake and it would all crash down.
William Lovie III.

As the main land force moved northward into the Riverlands it was idea that directly before the two major towns of southern Westbridge that the main army would make one last major stop, and allow the fleet to be in position north of Kul Tiras, and allow House Scott, and House Shepard to marshal their forces to attack Westian, and Braedin. Arriving at Riverrun the main army would meet with significant forces from Lorderon led by William Lovie III's brother Jamie Portmane of whom would accompany the main army in its movement north. The Martells fought beside the main army as it moved towards the southern gateway of Westbridge, and as they camped out during the day in the forest Leven got the chance to see William Lovie again for the first time in a long time. During most of the day the men were resting so that they would be ready for the night attack, but William was constantly on the move visiting the different house leaders and finding out all the things that were going on with them. The visits with many of the Lords went smoothly but his arrival in the camp of House Scarlet really showed him a true side of his vassals. Entering their part of the camp he was met by their members of whom all spoke kindly, and inside the main tent they revealed how many men they had brought of which was far more then he had believed they would have been able to mount on such short notice. Saiden, and his brother Renault led the meeting as they promised that anything that was needed of House Scarlet and their vassals they would gladly do, and Nicoli Machievelli would tell William that he would stay behind and discuss more things with the Scarlets. Meeting after House Scarlet with House Swift of whom assembled in a long line upon the arrival of William Lovie III. and his entourage. William Swift, and his brother John Swift both stepped forward and led William and his force into the center of House Swifts forces where they met with the Swift vassals of whom Joshua, and Emile Hirsh also stood up and made themselves known to the King of Lucerne.

Leven had always been there for me in a way that few people in this world would ever truly be there for you. She was beyond just someone I counted as a friend, and other then Jasper and Alice she was the be all for me. A person you shared everything with, and of whom never judged you was too much to ignore, and seeing her then made me realize how much I had ignored it.
William Lovie III.

One of his final meetings would come with House Martell of whom was one of the premier houses of House Lovie`s entourage and also Leven Martell a member of the Shadow Council was with the Martell forces. Leven Martell would be waiting all day for the arrival of her best friend, and their actual meeting took place when William came to the Martell part of the camp to meet with Doran Martell who he assumed would be leading the force, but when he arrived at the command tent to find the three Martell sisters looking over the battle plans and talking furiosly over the plans. When they finally noticed that he was their flanked to his right by Jasper Hale, and to his left by Draco Highmore they watched panicked for what his reaction would be to the realization that Doran wasn't leading the force but instead it was his three young daughters. Instead of anger he looked to his two friends and begin laughing before walking to the table and discussing with them the upcoming battle. As the group dispersed, Leven stepped forward towards William and she made a note of how quickly Jasper moved to shield the prince from what he must have deemed as a hostile gesture from Leven. Instead of hostility she wished to speak to him, and he was basically done for the day so he said that she could follow him to his tent and they could discuss old times.

Leven Martell2
I wanted to have everything with him. He was supposed to be my future. It should have been me he marrid and fathered children with. I just couldn`t let go of that belief, it didn`t matter that he had married and had children with someone else I just couldn`t move past him.
Leven Martell

As she followed him back to his tent she had a moment to watch how much he had changed. Where once he had been wild and charismatic in a way that made you feel used but at the same time want to, he was now kinder, and his charisma was a gentle thing that seeped off him and instead of feeling like their was a nefarious reason behind the kind words now he seemed to truly care. She watched as he greeted everyone that he walked by, and when they finally reached his tent they moved through the numerous gaurds, and entered his inner room. Inside the room she wondered what would happen but she was suprised when he let out a sigh and slumped down on a chair. She laughed at the moment before joining him in the seat beside him, where she gave him a moment to relax before they begin talking. They laughed and joked and the feelings that Leven had for him returned just as strong as they had once been, and as the conversation got later she begin to plan to attempt to seduce him. This plan changed when they begin discussing his children, and when she heard him discuss them she realized just how far he had come. Despite the fact that she wanted him. Despite the fact that she was still in love with him, she knew that she couldn't do it. Even if she believed that she was capable of seducing him she didn't have the heart to do it to him considering everything he had become. So without that in mind she ended up falling asleep in his room with perhaps the first true friend she had ever had.

House Lovie
The Rise of Lucerne
I saw the destruction of the world, and knew I had to stop it. There was nothing left to do but become bigger then everyone else. The Empire was never going to be the beacon the world needed it to be. Westros was on fire. The Bretonians had reached for the stars and been burned. And the old shadow of Numeron was fading far too quickly. It was left to us in Lucerne to change the fate of all those who wished to reject darkness. We were the last hope for a world who had long since given up on believing.

"Your Grace please follow me." I bowed my head at the young heir to House Swift, and followed beside Jasper as we filed behind John Swift. He led us through row after row of tents all emptied as seemingly all of the occupants had left their sleeping to take time staring at us as we walked by.

Of the vassals under my command I knew little of the Swift's and their vassals outside of the meetings I had with John during the time in Gondor. He had seemed honorable, and Nicoli had told me how he had been knighted alongside many of his vassals following the freeing of Tree Hill. I could tell we had reached our destination when the large tent colored in the

Standing kneeling before the largest tent stood two men in green armor. Two guardsmen stood to the right and left of the two men and their shields told me they were of House Hirsh. As we reached them the smaller of the two men stood from his bowing and bowed his head before me. "Your Grace it is beyond an honor to finally meet you."

Before I could speak in turn, William Swift stepped from the tent and made his presence known. "Yes it was a pity that House Hirsh outside of your brother Emile, and some of his men were absent from our king's great Journey."

"Our father felt that the great King of Lucerne would need our strength later." I watched as William went to speak again, but silenced him with a raise of my hand.

"My Lords please let us speak in private." The two shared a glare briefly before bowing once again and entering the tent. I would have to remember to speak to Nicoli about what sort of problems existed between House Hirsh, and House Swift, but for now I had one last meeting before I got to see Leven.


I walked with Jasper, and Jamie passed the orange tents of the Martell`s and had a tinge of excitement as I knew I`d see Leven. She was a truly great friend, and the fact that I hadn`t seen her for some time gave me pause as to why I seemed to always treat her that way. She was one of the Shadow Council, but in a lot of ways she was the forgotten member. Treated as an outsider without every really saying it out loud.

Jasper constantly questioned to me whether the feelings that she held for me were reciprocated, and it was never really something I had been forced to deal with. When we were young and sleeping together I had pushed it aside because I was angry and bitter, and she was one of the few that loved me to such a level that in the back of my mind I knew I could treat whatever way I wanted. I would never be able to apologize enough to her for what I did to her back then, but she had never asked for an apology which honestly just made it worse. 

Shaking hands, and saying my hellos to the knights along the way I was stopped by the fat lord Mavin Vaith of whom was a good man, but my uncle had always joked he loved his pies and cakes far more then he did anything else. When I questioned how I could trust such a man Emmett had joked that I should simply send him cakes and pies as often as possible. Jasper would sacrifice the time of Emmett so that we could move past, and I could just make out the look of anger that he shot at Jasper who just laughed in return. Walking into the Martell`s main camp, I saw Leven, Dorea, and Obella on one side of the table, flanked by Wilheim, Mandon Moore, and Maryn Trant who were on the other side. As I got closer I saw a young boy that looked the spitting image of Maryn and despite never knowing him I assumed it was his heir in Ian Trant, and the boy despite his youth would immediately know to bow on my entrance. ``My Lords, how goes the planning.``

I shouldn`t have been suprised when Leven was the first to anwser. ``My King the Martell forces are well ready for anything asked of them.`` You would hardly know that we were best friends with the dutiful way she spoke, but I knew even if I told her not to she wouldn`t ever speak to me outside of privacy in anyway other then extreme class.

``My cousin is correct my King. The final elements of House Trant arrived just this morning bringing our entire force to bear. We are now completely ready for the assault.`` Wilheim would bow as well after speaking, and pointed towards the different elements on the papers they were looking at, showing how strong in number they were.

``Excellent. I must continue my rounds as I still have the Faraday`s and their most likely desire to see me hand the Highmore`s over as a good luck charm for the battle to deal with.``There was laughter in the tent, and it went that way for a good ten minutes longer until Emmett came into the tent with a less then happy look on his face telling us that we had to retire for the night. I bid the commanders get some rest before the night got to late, and gave Leven a nod of my head a brief smile before shaking each of their hands and kissing Dorea, and Obella`s hands and then moved out of the tent. As I walked following Jasper and Emmett who were by this point arguing about Jasper`s joke on Emmett I felt a hand on my back and went to see what Draco wanted, but when I turned and looked it was Leven smiling at me. ``Leven, its good to see you.``

``I`ve missed you too my King.`` I wanted to force her to call me Will like she did when we were in private, but I knew it was a lost cause so I just moved forward.

``I`m sorry I had to rush out like that I hadn`t meant...`` She smiled at me before raising her hand as if to say for me to stop. She had always been far too kind for me, and it was true shame and a boon to have a friend as pure as she was.

``Nothing to apologize for my king. I was just happy to see you. Its been...Its been a long time.``Her saying it brought me to the realization of how long it had truly been since I`d seen her. She had allowed her hair to grow out, and her orange tinted armor was a masterpiece that I know she took very seriously. When we were young there wasn't a moment that I was training that she wasn't nearby. There wasn't a time that I was bettering myself that she wasn't right beside me making herself better too.

"It's been too long." I meant it more then I could put into words. The problems with Edward had left me understanding how fragile relationships were. I wanted to make sure that Leven perhaps my greatest and most loyal friend didn't become an Edward so I acted. "Leven are you available?" Her eyes lit up clearly realizing or at least hoping I was going to ask her to join us.

"If you have need of me your grace I am available."

"Then follow us we have some Faraday, Highmore feuds to hear about." She laughed before looking around and making sure noone had seen before smiling back at me. "Come on milady lets go."

We walked through the paths leading to the Faradays and reaching the edge of their part of the camp we were met by Daniel Faraday of whom shook hands briefly with Dylan Steinmare before leading us towards their main tent.

It felt like hours listening to the Faraday's go on and on about how monstrous the Highmore's were, but it probably wasn't even fifteen minutes. Finally when I saw even Jasper beginning to look upset about the way they spoke of Freddie I told Daniel that we needed to leave, but there support was of vital importance. When Daniel Faraday seemed to get upset at my abrupt departure I looked to Jamie of whom nodded back to me and spoke to the Faraday's that the King needed rest but he would remain and discuss further issues. Daniel smiled faintly, but while once I might have called Daniel the sane member of House Faraday now I saw that same glint of madness as I shook his hand before walking from the tent.

The night was final at an end with the Faraday's being the final house we had to visit, and thus as a group we walked back towards the Dragon's Tent as they were beginning to call it apparently around camp. Jasper led the way surrounded on his flanks by Dylan Steinmare, and Ser Hayden Percy. Looking to my left I saw Edward and further left of him some six guards of whom only Seth Green and his House Green guard did I actually recognize.

To my right stood Elia Snow, and Leven of whom I knew to be great friends, but walking me back to my tent I would have thought they never knew each-other by the way there steel locked eyes kept their gaze constantly moving. Emmett held the rear with Marcel making some joke to him causing the big brute to laugh quickly before a look from Jasper stopped him.

When we reached the tent Jasper spoke first."Well, my King I shall go now and speak with the Arryn's. You need to get some rest now." He said the rest bit with a small smile and I knew that was as close to a joke as he could get while in his official role.

"And what of your rest Jasper? When pray tell me will you take your rest?"

"Not tonight my King." He bowed his head and grabbed Emmett by the arm before walking off with Marcel in tow as well as a few guardsmen. Edward looked at me with a look that told me he was uncomfortable, and I wanted to say something to him to make it better, but in that moment there was just nothing to say.

After it was clear to him I wasn't going to speak he bowed his head and went off to the Cullen part of the camp and causing me to be filled with a great feeling of disappointment that I had allowed one of my best friends to walk away like that. Before I could think anymore about my failings I felt Leven's hand on my shoulder and turning to her I saw a smile that would have made me follow her anywhere.

I didn't wait for her just moved in front pulling her gently by the hand within the tent. The moment I closed the tent door behind her I heard her laugh causing me to turn back towards her.

"How many different ways can such a small group describe how they hate something." She was laughing as she said it, and her laughter and beautiful smile forced me out of my contemplation and into a laugh. "William, I have no idea how you were able to just stand there and listen to that. Desmond spent five minutes describing how he felt Draco's armor was an insult to your house. I wanted to stab him in the chest." She laid her sword down as I unclasped my shoulder armor and rested it on its hanger. My gloves came off with some difficulty and I had to remember to have the armorer look at them before I went into battle.

"Please don't do that Leven. If you do then I'll have to hear about the orange armor of murderous Leven Martell and how I should send you into the mountains to live on goats." The Faraday's were embarrassing themselves, and I don't know whether they cared enough anymore to change it. Perhaps there hatred over the death of Joey Faraday was so strong now, that nothing could stop it until one side was dead. It seemed to me that death was the only way out of this mess, but when the Faraday's wanted the death of an individual that was months away from being a member of my own house they seemed the only candidates to die.

"What fools the Faraday's are." She pulled off her final piece of chest armor and rested it on the ground revealing a light shirt that left barely anything to the imagination. It was difficult not to look at her sexually, as she was a walking temptation. We had spent more times intimately together then I could count so it didn't take much to imagine what I could do to her. A girl who loved me as deeply as Leven did, and of whom looked like that was nearly a sin to not touch, but I had committed far too many sins of late to add one more so easily.

"I'v truly missed you Levia." She stopped taking her armor off for a moment and looked at me with a smile so wide it didn't seem possible.

"I've missed being called Levia." She left her lower armor on and moved to sit beside me on the bed, and again the temptress tempted me.

"Your sisters call you Levia."

"Obella has been away with Robb in Stormwind, and Dorea has been in the north visiting High Hrothgar." She said it with such sadness, and lonliness that I knew in that moment how much hurt I had caused her. I hadn't meant to send her away for so long, but she was honestly the only one other then Jasper that I could truly count on.

"I'm sorry I sent you away I just...Its just you guys are my only sure things." I wondered if I still counted Edward amongst that number. Was my bitterness towards him ever going to go away.

"Why not Emmett, or Edward then. I don't mean to be rude but I missed you. Your my best friend, and I felt like you just sent me away like I was nothing." A tear fell down her cheek, and I wiped it with my hand and as she fell into my hand I caressed her cheek.

"I am truly sorry Leven. I have taken you more then any other person in my life for granted. I love you, and I guess I thought in my mind that you and I were just...just so close that I could take advantage of you. Does that make sence." It was the truth, and if there was one thing I wanted to remain it was our honesty. I never wanted to skirt around eachother the way we all did now with Edward. It was a fate for us worth then the ending of our friendship.

"It does, but please don't anymore. We are better off close to eachother. I don't mind leaving every once and awhile, but that was a long time."

"Never again, unless the world is ending and its the only way to live." She laughed and rested her head on my shoulder. "Lets pray it never comes to that Levia."

I was awoken by a sound at the tent entrance, and looking out I saw Jamie moving to his bed on the other side of the tent. You could tell he was trying to be quiet but his armor just didn't allow it. Luckily for him Leven was not startled and stayed fast asleep against my shoulder, and looking down at her I couldn't help but think about what Brooke would think if she saw me with Leven like this. At the same time it said something that my first thought went to Brooke and not my own wife Bella though.

"No need to sneak around brother" I whispered it trying to make sure Leven stayed asleep.

"'I never was very good at sneaking around Will." He moved closer to me sitting down at Jasper's bed which was as close to mine as you could get. Once he had sat down I saw his eyes and I could almost feel his pain from the four feet that separated us.

"What's troubling you Jamie?"

"Do you remember the girl I told you about when we first met."

"Tamsin if I remember correctly."

"She remains on my mind."

"They never leave us Jamie. These great loves of our loves they just claw at our minds when they aren't around. These great loves are the one thing that time cannot heal."

"Who is yours brother?"

"An excellent question, and perhaps one day I will know the answer to that."

The two falling asleep together was noticed by Jasper Hale of whom was sleeping in the same tent as William as his main bodyguard and while Jasper never discussed seeing this he noted it for himself. While William and Leven went inside the tent to get ready for bed Jasper knew he had one last visit to make in the form of House Arryn. During this he was accompanied by Emmett who believed that he could make the situation less uncomfortable and actually get something done. Arriving in the Arryn part of the giant camp he discovered that Bryan Arryan hadn`t made the trip and had sent Paul Arryn in his stead. Knowing Paul was a skilled fighter he discussed with them what would cause Bryan to not come for such an important event and heard for the first time about how weak willed Bryan was beyond what he already knew about.

Sometimes you looked at Byron Arryn and just thought...this man is far too pathetic to be real.
Jasper Hale

Leaving the Arryn tent he visited House Krinner, and Dorin of whom he would count upon to take up a significant portion of the attack, as House Arryn would be launching against the keep to the west of the main gatehouse. While the main force attacked the gate castle, the forces of House Arryn would attack the small port/town of Vlasnia that harbored to the west of the gatehouse. A relatively heavily defended section of Westbridge this was of supreme importance that this be taken quickly by House Arryn otherwise the heavy artillery that was in place inside the port. Because of the damage taken by House Arryn's leadership caste it was the decision of Byron Arryn that he not lead the force and thus House Arryn and its vassals were being led into battle by Martin, and Paul Arryn, as well as his son Derek, and his niece Spencer Arryn of whome was known to be there by Martin but most others thought she was a mercenary hired by the Arryns to offset their losses. Jasper would spend much of the night discussing the plans for the next day with the Arryns and he would find a surprising intelligence in Derek Arryn, and he would make a note in his memory to make sure that William knew of this mans potential. When this was over he and Emmett would leave the command tent of House Arryn and return to their respective Houses where they would be leading their respective attacks. For Jasper that meant he would be fighting alongside his best friend William Lovie as a member of the Praetorian Gaurd, while Emmett would be truly bringing the growing forces of House McCarty to the forefront with his assistence.

The Beginning is the End

If there has ever been a more coordinated assault in the history of man, I`ve never heard of it.
Wilheim Martell

While the Invasion of Westbridge was split into many different sections with the forces of House Scott, and House Shephard attacking the two major towns south of Westbridge in Westian, and Braedin. While they did this House Lannister, and House Starke prepared to invade the main island by use of the Lucernian fleet in the dark of night, of which their attack would corespond with the attack of the main force on the south gate, and the Order of the Blue Dragon on the northern Gate. With all this in wait House Swan would invade Yerness which would block any relief from coming south from the Westbridge forces north of the town, as well as stopping Voldermorte from coming south by boat. While this happened House Lovie moved north towards the Westbridge town of Margrove which had before the battle had started been assumed to be a minor town controlled by the wealthy House Pollen but relatively undefended. Rebels in the area though would discover differently and thus information flooded into the high command that Margrove had been fortified by House Pollen and it would now be a major obstacle for the movement northwards. The High Council got together and discussed their options briefly, and William knew that he didn't have time to besiege the city so after Saiden Scarlet volunteered he left behind House Scarlet and gave them the charge of taking Margrove and then holding the town until the Invasion was over. The vast army would then surround the completely unprepared city, and once the defenders knew how many were around them they hunkered down for a siege and waited for reinforcements. Only a few hours after surrounding the city and under cover of darkness House Lovie and the majority of the force would depart and leave House Scarlet, Mien, and House Fraizen, alongside a force of Riverlanders led by Amory Justman and House Justman, and House Keath alongside House Keath's vassals in charge of continuing the siege. All of this coordination which would have been near impossible before the coming of the Magi for Lucerne was all made possible through the heavy use of the Magi Stones of Lucerne of which allowed the different sections of the army to communicate with the main army and this made sure that everyone attacked at the same time and thus the element of surprise was at its most extreme.

Final Moments
Southern Westbridge Gate
I had this feeling of calmness that washed over me that final day. It was a feeling I had not felt the entire time we were planning, and was the calm before the storm.
William Lovie III.

During the next day their was an almost awkward silence that fell over the massive army, and nearly the entire command structure of the attacking force as everyone understood that night would signal the attack they had all been preparing for and obsessing over for the past week. During the day House Arryn would silently march its way out of the main camp alongside House Heard, House Krinner, and House Dorin where the would prepare for their invasion of Vlasnia the town located just west of Westbridge's main port. With their departure William Lovie begin to create a buzz as he once again spent the afternoon visiting as many of his troops and commanders as he could, and it was during the final few hours that he would order the beginning of the attack. When dusk hit he ordered that House Martell led by Wilheim Martell would move forward and hidden in the forest they would move to the east of the fortress and prepare to board the boats they had made for the purpose of their attack behind the lines. As the Martells left William Lovie would be prepared to say one last goodbye to his friend Leven Martell, but when he finally found her he heard her talking to Emmett about how excited she was to be so close to the Shadow Council again and he would change his mind keeping her with his personal guard. House Lovie, House Skane, and House Faraday alongside the Order of the Red Dragon, and the tens of thousands of men of the Lovie vassals would form the main attack along the castle while the forces of House Jackson, House Cullen, and House Vaith would attack along the flanks of the castle using heavy artillery to shield their troops who would mainly be using ladders to assail the walls. Alongside this attack would be of course the House Martell attack which would be assisted as well by the Order of the Violet Dragon who had been busy at work infiltrating the southern gatehouse keep with rebel troops, as well as murdering watch commanders so that the walls would be sparsely defended giving the attackers the most time possible to get on the walls.

The fear of Lord Volermorte arriving was palpable across the entire force. Everyone of us had been told that this man may be no longer mortal, as his power made him nearly a god.
Edward Cullen

As the armies of Lucerne massed in the valley the Order of the Violet Dragon moved northward in their entire strength and silently over the course of a few days infiltrated the city of Westbridge. The Order already had sympathizers in the city as House Malfoy was extremely unpopular in Westbridge and as such it wasn't hard to find people that were loyal. With roughly a month before the army of Lucerne was to arrive the forces of the Order of the Violet Dragon went about changing schedules for the defenders so as to weaken sections of the wall. Those who it was planned to survive the conflict were basically given vacations on the day of the conflict so that they would not be caught up in the conflict and all those who were not were either killed if possible or allowed to go about their normal routine and thus die in the attack. As well as this they begin setting up a rather sophisticated, and well equipped rebel army that on the day of the invasion would be completely focused on taking control of the southern gate. This rebel force was made up of the forces in the villages and towns of northern Westbridge, and led by Ser Polliver Grouillin of whom had watched his household lose all influence and led the forces south of Westbridge in betraying their neglectful overlords in House Malfoy.

When the stone begin to glow I ran inside the nearest building followed closely behind by Benjamin, and Dama. We went into the basement before I finally let myself feel the stone with my bare hands. Watching the vision of the king spread from the stone was a sight I never stopped being in awe about. As I waited for him to tell me the time was night I could barely control the tingles along my arm. This was the moment all our planning finally came to fruition.
Ezio Ederiz

Inside the city Ezio Ederiz stands with a large grouping of Order of the Violet Dragon in an abandoned house where they await word from the Magi stone telling them that William is ready for the true chaos to begin. After hours of waiting past when they thought it would be Ezio, Benjamin Bradfoot and Dama plan to go into the street and make sure there are no increased preparations from the defenders, and while in the street the stone activates and they are forced to answer it inside a merchants store that is luckily closed for the night.

The Attack

Griffin Assault - Invasion of Westbridge

The Griffin Assault would bring about the fall of the already weakened tower, and keep defences of the southern gatehouse.

All the planning, all the effort we had done, and it all came down to this moment. Either we beat them, or they beat us. It was that simple.
William Lovie III.

The moment that dusk settled on the skies above the army William Lovie gave the order to begin moving to attacking positions, and then quickly had his messengers alert the other sections of the attack by Magi Stone's that the attack was now moving forward. The siege machines were pushed forward in case the siege didn't work according to plan and they were forced to bash their way through while at the same time the hundreds of ladders, and dozens of siege towers were silently pushed forward as well by dozens of oxen. The siege towers were the main thing that might be noticed and thus they were covered with trees and it was hoped that the darkness and the lack of real defenders on the walls would allow the towers to get nearly to the walls before noticed. As the army pushed forward it was the Griffins of House Griffon and the Order of the Red Dragon that first hit the defenders as hundreds of Griffin Riders landed in the towers and within the keep of the southern gate and made a mess of the defenders. Led by Tristifer Griffon the forces of House Griffon would cause near complete collapse of the defenders on the wall, and as the attackers reached the walls and climbed through the siege towers there was only a few that actually fell to the defenders as they had been devastated. By the time William Lovie III., and the other members of the main force had reached the gate Clarke Greymane, and Garrett Elbertson had placed the flag of Lucerne on the largest tower, and the front gate was being opened by other Griffin Riders.

It was the first time we had truly used the Griffins in this role, and they provided more then I think even we thought they could. I worried they would be shot out of the sky, but they were able to move quick enough and come from a high enough angle that the enemy was blind to them until it was too late.
Tristifor Griffon

Tristifer Griffon and his Griffon Riders had broken the defenders and opened the gates allowing the massive force inside the walls, and they proceeded to mop up the remaining defenders of the southern gatehouse. Leaving the southern gatehouse and making their way towards the bridge spanning the mainland to the real city of Westbridge William would stop the army momentarily and await the flags of the rebels to go up on the other side of the bridge. When the flags didn't go up initially there was fear it had failed for the rebels, but a few minutes later the flags went up and the entire main force begin moving across the bridge spilling into the main island.

I looked forward and
Tristifer Griffon

The defenses were by this point collapsing all across the line, and they were greeted by the sights of the rebels holding hundreds prisoner all across the main island. During their movement though William and his center would come under assault from a fanatical group of Deatheaters of whom came directly for the king hoping to kill him. The many lords and knights around him fought at his side as they fought against this final counter assault, and one by one the Deatheaters fell dead as their Magi was muted by the defenses on the runic armor of William, and the several Magi around him. William would as they pushed forward make his way with most of the main army towards the holdings of House Labeouf where they would make sure they were safe, but he sent Joshua Jackson, and the forces of House Skane, and their vassals towards the final holding of Lucius Malfoy of whom they wanted to capture but if he died it would also be fine.

Death of Lucius Malfoy
Severus Snape Council
The town was burning around me, and it seemed hopeless to believe we could survive after the arrival of Severus, and the members of Hogwarts from within our ranks. Nothing to do but wait. Nothing to do but wait and hope my family surivived.
Lucius Malfoy

With the fall of the final gatehouse into the main city, and the quickly debarking marines from House Starke, and House Lannister the forces remaining under the command of Lucius Malfoy waited for his command, and he ordered them to retreat to the Malfoy Keep for what everyone believed was a last stand. At this moment more then half the remaining men under his command would under the command of Peter Arnault who had joined the forces of the Order of the Violet Dragon days before, would lay their swords down instead of follow what Lucius wanted to do which was a last stand. Peter Arnault realizing in this moment that Lucius was not a terrible man, just a man who was under the leadership of a monster would offer Lucius a chance at survival but quickly discovered from Lucius's response that he no longer wished to live anymore. So without the majority of his forces and unwilling to spill anymore of his own people's blood Lucius traveled over the bridge with less then thirty men left and ordered the men to prepare for the final attack. He was reported to by a messenger that the Hall of the Deatheaters had just fallen, thus meaning their final means of escaping the city was gone as the forces of Hogwarts alongside the Order of the Blue Dragon had teleported directly inside the building after the wards had been destroyed by traitors within the Malfoy forces. With the means of escape gone, and not fearing a return of his brother he knew that the city had fallen to the forces of Lucerne and in this Lucius saw this as his chance to finally die. As his remaining men prepared to die in the last stand, he knew he had to make sure that his son Lucius wasn't going to make the same mistakes that he did. Returning across the bridge with his men Lucius first went to his youngest son in Draco Malfoy, and the only one left in his family who he felt had any morals left and told him the following.

LUCIUS Malfoy2

Lucius had finally come to the end of resistence and understood it was all over for him.

You must listen to me son. What has happened here was for the best. We are morally bankrupt, and the pain we've caused must be paid for, and I plan on making the first deposit. No matter what happens son never allow vengeance to consume you or else you will make the mistake my brother made. I love you son. I love you son. Be better then we were.
Lucius Malfoy

Following this he took out his sword and walked to the center of the bridge connecting the main island to the palace, and stood waiting for the forces of Lucerne to come. His men waited around him horrified but still remaining loyal to the end, and in that moment he ordered them to lay their swords down, and return to stand with his family. After a few minutes Joshua Jackson arrived on the bridge with his men, and told Lucius to stand down and accept the surrender of the city. Lucius just laughed at them and said that his time was over, and if they had any compassion they would end him. Joshua knew something about compassion for the weak, and he ordered his men to stand down while he engaged Lucius in a duel, of which both knew how the duel would end. By this point Draco had escaped the grasp of his mother of whom had been holding him back and Draco would watch from the tower overlooking the bridge as the two fought and as Draco watched on Lucius was killed by Joshua Jackson, and then released gently into the river.

Lucius Malfoy the End
You just never think your hero is going to die. You always assume after reading books, and hearing stories that the hero lives. Either everything I'd ever read, or heard was a lie or my father wasn't the hero. And if he wasn't the hero that means he was the villian. And if he was the villian what does that make me?
Draco Malfoy

Joshua would lead his men across the bridge and find the remaining members of House Malfoy and their vassal aristocrats lying on the ground with their swords thrown away. Seeing this he ordered his men to take them into captivity until they knew what to do with them. As the House Jackson men moved to do this, Draco finally came to the conclusion that would change everything. Draco would rise from the rest of the surrendered troops and stand up, and seeing this his mother would yell at him to lay down, and think about his wife who was in another part of the city, but he had to escape and so he ran from the group and climbed to the top of the House Malfoy keep. Chased by the men of House Jackson, and the now arriving House Lovie forces, and the shouting of his mother he would jump from the ramparts into the water nearly thirty feet down barely missing the rocks. Hitting the water he stayed under as long as he possibly could before hiding under the outcropping of rocks so that none could see him. The Jackson men believed he was dead, and thus he managed to escape but left behind much of his family and his wife and young son.

My King we have control of the city. Its truly happened Will, you took Westbridge.
Leven Martell

With the death of Lucius, and the the capture of the remaining resistance within the final Malfoy keep the city of Westbridge was well and truly fallen into the hands of Lucerne. Following this news and dealing with the Meghanna issue William would meet with the commanders of the attack at the center of town, and already news had filtered in about the fall of Yerness, and the numerous towns south of Wesbridge having fallen as well. Realizing he had a true victory William would command to have the Labeoufs, along with House Arnault, and House Hartrian brought to the center of the town where he would have a meeting with them in order to tell them of the direction he saw the city now moving towards and to make sure they knew they had nothing to fear from him the way they must have feared the Malfoy's.

The New Order

It is the very things that made me keep this invasion secret from you that are the reasons I wish for you to lead this city. Lord Labeouf your family is known for their loyalty, and I know you are aware of what morality exists within me. I do not come here as a craven. I come here to defend my people, and in the process you can make this city something truly special.
William Lovie III.

The meeting of the leadership of the Lucernian attack, and the remaining nobility of Westbridge would happen in the Palace grounds of Westbridge outside in a large amphitheater where William could speak openly to the entire leadership of Westbridge. While this population of the town was brought forward, and from there he named House Labeouf the new Arch Lords of the Grand State of Westbridge, while Harry Labeouf would stand as the Arch Lord. Promicing to assist in rebuilding the city, the people would cheer as the Malfoy`s and their madness was pushed out and the new Lucerne-Labouef union began.

Noteable Members

Family Members

Other Noteables
