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House Tully2

House Tully is a very large Brannish House and  the principal house of the Riverlands in Westeros, while also standing as the Arch House of the Riverlands for the Kingdom of Lucerne. Their seat is Riverrun, and the keep of Riverrun stands where the Tumblestone River meets the Red Fork of the Trident, and from there House Tully watches over its lands. The riverlords joined the Labeouf's against Harren the Black, and were given dominion over the Trident in return. They are an old line dating back to the Age of Heroes as Lords of Riverrun but were never kings.

House Tully has the words, "Famil. Duty. Honor." and this stands as the defining nature of the family as their own come first then their duty, and finally honor. House Tully also has a sigil and their sigil is a silver trout leaping on a blue and red striped field

House Tully was once Atlantian in origin but throughout the generations they have become a mixture of Atlantian and Brannish blood due to intermarriages. Along with this they along with basically the entire Riverlands are followers of R'hllor which is a religion that entered Europe through a small tribe of humans from Nord America. Under control of the Riverlands House Tully has been a major proponent of R'hllor, and have attempted to make sure that even as a member of the Kingdom of Lucerne they do not allow the region's religion to change.

House Tully fist became formed during the rise of the Empire of Numeron where they became a dominent fixture in the Riverlands. During the Downfall of the Numeron they were devestated as the Spawn of Sauron spent a heavy amount of time in Westros, and the riverlands was hit quite badly. With the fall of the Empire of Numeron the Riverlands became a land of constant leadership changes. The Riverlands became dominated by several houses in the Mudds, Fishers, Blackwoods, Brackens, and many others of the First Men besides. During the early days of this time the immigration of the smallest German brach in the Brann sparked an invasion which killed the last of the Mudds. In time, Harren the Black, last of the Iron Kings, would come to inherit the riverlands. House Tully was taken over in terms of lordship by the Kingdom Of Lucerne following months of diplomacy between the two and the conquest of Fairmarket by the Lucernians. One of the main pieces of negotiation in order to allow the Lucernians an easy conquest was that the lands dominated by House Tully were never subject to the disciples of Dragonoph, while the lands of southern Riverlands and those outside of their sphere would be subject to Dragonoph.


Early History

House Tully fist became formed during the rise of the Empire of Numeron where they became a dominent fixture in the Riverlands. During the Downfall of the Numeron they were devestated as the Spawn of Sauron spent a heavy amount of time in Westros, and the riverlands was hit quite badly.

Fall of Numeron

With the fall of the Empire of Numeron the Riverlands became a land of constant leadership changes. The Riverlands became dominated by several houses in the Mudds, Fishers, Blackwoods, Brackens, and many others of the First Men besides. During the early days of this time the immigration of the smallest German brach in the Brann sparked an invasion which killed the last of the Mudds. In time, Harren the Black, last of the Iron Kings, would come to inherit the riverlands.

Tully was one of many bannerhouses sworn to "Harren the Black", but they had held the castle of Riverrun for 1,000 years while their lords changed and changed again. Harren’s grandfather, Harwyn Hardhand, had taken the lands from Arrec the Storm King, whose ancestors had in turn won the lands 300 years prior by killing the last of the River Kings. King Harren had brought his subjects in both the Iron Isles and the Riverlands to economic ruin in order to finance the building of his castle, Harrenhal. This monumental edifice was completed as Aegon the Conqueror arrived in Westeros.

Harren’s tyrannical rule over the Riverlands earned him little love from his bannermen. When Aegon swept through the region, most of Harren’s followers abandoned him to join the Conqueror’s host. First of the riverlords to desert Harren was Lord Edmyn Tully. After the conflict, Prince Aegon raised Lord Edmyn to overlordship of the Riverlands, requiring all other local lords to swear fealty to House Tully.

Tully Lords

The Riverlands joins Lucerne

Edmure Tully Acton

Edmure Tully was headstrong in wanting to join with Lucerne.

The Tully`s were already blood, so I wasn`t surprised when they wanted to not shed any.
Eddard Starke

When it came to the Riverlands the main powerbrokers were the most powerful house in the form of House Tully, and the dominent southern house in House Blackwood. These two houses learned of the destruction of Fairmarket, and immediatly the Tully`s made the decision to join Lucerne whatever was offered to them. House Tully had already been more open to a joining of the two as they had blood ties to the Starke's through the maririage of Eddard, and Catelyn Starke of which Catelyn was a member of House Tully. House Blackwood would accept this as well, but many in the house wanted to resist for honor`s sake, but Brandyn Blackwood disagreed and invited the Lucernians to Raventree for a meeting. Unwilling to meet in a unknown venue as the Blackwood's had wanted such as Raventree, the meeting took place in Riverrun. Joining House Tully in their support of the Lucernians was also House Lancer, House Towers, and House Justman of which all would want to join Lucerne as they were on the southern side of the Riverlands and thus nearly on the border with Fairmarket. The meeting in Riverrun would count in all the major houses of the Riverlands, and major elements from Lucerne including Catherine Lovie of whom led the Lovie delegation. Alongside also would come House Proudmoore and several Kul Tiras houses of which had already joined the Kingdom of Lucerne, and they would join the Lucernian entourage and would greatly support the Lucernians as a prime example of how easily the joining would be.

House Lovie
The Rise of Lucerne
I saw the destruction of the world, and knew I had to stop it. There was nothing left to do but become bigger then everyone else. The Empire was never going to be the beacon the world needed it to be. Westros was on fire. The Bretonians had reached for the stars and been burned. And the old shadow of Numeron was fading far too quickly. It was left to us in Lucerne to change the fate of all those who wished to reject darkness. We were the last hope for a world who had long since given up on believing.

Watching the coast disappear, and the vast city of Riverrun appear on the horizon I was shocked at its scope. The port itself ran for miles, and the port was guarded by two large castles on both edges, and in the distinct center was a massive tower the size of which I hadn`t seen since I saw the Cloud Tower back in Lucerne. Eddard approached from behind me, and I felt his hand go to my shoulder. ``Its quite the sight isn`t it Saiden.`` I looked still at Riverrun as he spoke, and the tide of Blue Flags carrying the Tully Fish were so many that it made the city appear blue.

``Were you as intimated the first time you were, or is it just me.``

``When I came here to marry Catelyn I was beyond scared.`` He walked away and towards the mast, and I followed in behind him. ``Back then the tower you see in the center was nothing but a wall, and now look at it. Its funny the way things change.`` He stared out into the port, and behind us I looked and saw the form of my squire, and other nobles coming from beneath. My family vassals in Sigmund Mien, and Tirrion Fraizen came into sight and Tirrion gave me a bow as he caught glimpse of me looking. I laughed at the gesture of Tirrion who through his mother was my blood relative and was older then me, and yet he still managed to be beyond loyal.

``Will Lady Catelyn be meeting us on the deck alone.``

``I would assume her brother Edmund will meet as well, along with any of the Lords that are in the city.`` He turned towards me and rested his hand on my shoulder. ``Never forget that you and I are Lords of Lands larger and more powerful then these Riverlords. While you may be intimidated by the larger port and the castles, never forget that they know what we represent. We represent a threat that their ships, and their trade cannot hope to resist.`` The boat finally reached the dock, and men poured themselves onto the side throwing ropes to the dock hands, and letting us go ashore.

Following behind Eddard he was enveloped in an intimate hug by his wife Catelyn, and looking at the two I couldn`t help but be envious of that kind of love. I had married Jessica when I was very young and she was already past her bloom. She was a beautiful women I would never say otherwise, but her beauty hid an anger and pettiness that was entirely unbecoming. For years I tried to love her, but despite her good and loyal work for me she was still nothing I cared for truly. Not the way Eddard loved his cat. Not the way William loved Bella. It was just so much lesser then what it should be. ``Lord Saiden shall you accompany us.`` It was a question but the man saying it said it with a hint of laughter and I realized I must have looked ridiculous lost in thought standing on the edge of the boat. I turned and bid my squire Fredick Clegane II. to bring my sword shield and I followed behind Eddard.

As we walked I looked into the bay and watched the ship of Jack Shephard, and the representatives of House Lovie  that had been sent to further the talks. We all knew that with Riverrun so went the entire Riverlands, and other then some hot spots the talks were going extremely well especially with the constant threat of the large Lannister and Starke combining with my houses forces. ``Fredrick have you ever seen ships this big.`` The young boy looked around and he was so awe struck it made me laugh. 

``No my Lord I havn`t.``

``Well lets get moving, and perhaps we can find a pretty Brannish girl for you to marry while were here.`` It saddened me that this honorable young man was so mistreated by his father. Apparently his father had spent years working at a betrothal for his younger son, while letting poor Fredick the second of his name sit idle training with the Clegane forces. As he followed closely behind me I wondered whether there was some kind of silent failing in the father that had led to that kind of neglect, but the evidence was so widespread maybe loving your child unconditionally was the rarer act. 

Before I knew it we reached the base of the tower, and a giant tent was arrayed where Eddard, his wife and her brother the lord of Rivverun had gathered around a table. A skinny man in purple armor with a intricate beard approached me from the side, and clasped his hand on my shoulder. ``Lord Scarlet I bid you welcome to our beloved Riverlands.`` As he stared at me it dawned in his face that I had no idea who he was, and he laughed. ``I`m sorry my Lord where are my manners.`` He dusted his hands on his jacket before outstretching his hand for me to shake. ``I am Bryndan Blackwood son of Lord Tytos Blackwood of the Raventree. I am very glad to see your people today, as it is long due that Lucerne and Riverlands be joined together. In the coming days know that I am willing and greatly hopeful to help you with everything your people may need.`` Going back to the notes my Maester had given me on the boat, I remembered back to the Blackwood`s and realized the company I was with.

Byrdan Blackwood was the heir to the seasoned but not elderly Tytos Blackwood, and despite being the third oldest was the heir. Apparently some kind of mishap had broken faith in the oldest boy, and since then Bryndan had become the voice of House Blackwood. Maester Seryn told me that the Blackwood`s would be beyond important to us, and thus without another moment pause I reached and shook his hand. ``Lord Bryndan I believe Raventree has a lot to gain from our friendship.``

Noteable Members

Family Members

Lord Hoster Tully remains the Lord of both the Riverlands, and House Tully following the annexation of the Riverlands by the Kingdom of Lucerne. Beneath Hoster Tully lies Edmure Tully as the heir, and as Hoster has become sicker Edmure has taken on a larger and larger role. Following the death of Hoster Tully Edmure Tully became the Lord of Riverrun and the Arch Duke of the Riverlands.

House Starke Branch

Other Noteables

Vassal Houses

House Blackwood

House Blackwood

See Also : House Blackwood

House Blackwood is a large Brann House located within the city of Riverrun within the Riverlands province of the Kingdom Of Lucerne. House Blackwood runs and controls the massive fortress/town of Block which maintains a similar position that Westbridge does in the north as it sits at the main land route through the Riverlands and thus all trade must pass through its large bridges.

House Blackwood is a truly ancient house with its ancient ancestors having the blood of the Atlantians in them. During their time in the Empire of Numeron they ruled over a piece of land northward where the swamps are now, and this was their home for generations. Following the destruction of the Empire of Numeron they were overwhelmed by the incoming Brann who proceeded to intermingle with members of House Blackwood until they became Brann in blood and Atlantian in nothing but name. House Blackwood openly accepted each of the rulers that came to power in the Riverlands during the time of upheaval in the Riverlands and this allowed their fortress of Raventree to become more influencial as it was not damaged during the constant civil wars that raged across the lands.
