Lucerne Wiki
House Nighting

James Nighting is the son of Melissa, and Adrian Nighting making him a member of House Nighting.

The Seven Knights of Aerene would first be formed as an idea by James Nighting of whom as a member of the Circle of Magi wanted to assist his only family above all things and saw opportunity for his family to expand into the lands of Eastern Lucerne and specifically the lands of House Ongrill, and in this way he begin planning the idea of starting a banditry conflict in Eastern Lucerne to extend this plan. James Nighting would conspire with Circle of Magi operatives in the area to find individuals who they knew would work alongside them, and in this way they planned to have the leadership of the Seven Knights believe that they were doing this in order to end coruption and greed in the area, but while the leadership was doing this the Circle of Magi would commit attrocities in the area sparking the coming of the Kingdom of Lucerne and through this they hoped the land would be ravaged leaving it more open for invasion. James Nighting would be murdered by his son James Nighting II. during the early part of the Journey when he commanded his son to murder Alice Lovie and after he refused the order he went to do it himself but unwilling to let Alice die it was James Nighting II. that stopped it by killing his father then putting his father in a furnace.


Early History

The End of Alice Lovie

The End of Alice Lovie
There is an ache in my heart father, and I don't know how to fix this pain. Tell me what is wrong. Tell me why I feel like I've lost everything. Tell me what is wrong with me. Tell me the truth.
Amber Heard8
From the moment I had met him, despite his constant socially proper behaviors. Despite the fact that he had done nothing that might have aroused any kind of suspicion, I felt uneasy around him. The way anyone feels I suppose when surrounded by a predator. The way anyone feels around the man responsible for so much evil.
Amber Heard II.

The beginning of the end of Alice came in the aftermath of the Duel on the Steps, and with this confrontation it was James that had made the decision to rid himself of Alice Lovie. Initially the thought was to simply kill her but as this planning begin it was the Dovah Lornax, and Vlarenix that learned of this plan through their agent Anna Kendrick and knowing the importance of her to William they would intervene. Lornax would appear to James in the appearance of Lisa Tyrell and the struggling James would be convinced by Lornax to not kill Alice but instead simply remove her from the memory of people. Despite Vhloraz attempting to push James to kill Alice he would use what power he had left to resist this and with Vhloraz still in a somewhat weakened position he allowed James this slight victory and did not push back. It became the idea of Kieth Schwartz to create a spell that would manipulate the Fade to create a variable reality where in people would not remember Alice, and with this plan in mind they would need an anchor for this in the form of someone with a strong relationship with Alice. Going through the list of people with this relationship they were unable to find anyone that wouldn't create suspicion if they were missing or killed and thus they went to Ellia Targaryan who was friends with Alice but was also a member of the Circle of Magi.

I didn't want to believe that everyone in my life was lying to me. I just wanted to believe them. I'm sorry that I failed you Alice.
Ellia Targaryan

Ellia was tricked into believing that the spell was an attempt to turn Alice into a Magi user, and that they needed her as she was the only one in the Circle who was close with Alice, and although Alice was warned that this was a lie by Er-Khadgar Morgrave she decided to listen to her uncle and take part. In the days preceding the casting of the spell, and during this time the Circle of Magi would travel across Lucerne placing wards that would limit the scope of the spell, and the people affected by its actions. Knowing that the Magi users of Lucerne were divided and he controlled the only organized Magi users he knew he could escape notice, and thus moved to set the first of the runes in place in William's room. As James was going to do this it was Amber Heard that was  waiting in his room for him to return when she had a truly horrifying encounter with James Lovie of whom came into William's room and at first he didn't see her in the room so he had a perfect almost molded smile on his face. He walked around William's room for many minutes simply speaking out loud in some sort of chant like speech that she couldn't understand but for some reason the tone in his words scared her directly to her core. He continued to chant and then abruptly stopped before sitting on his bed for a second before he chanted again and then laid down on the bed. She watched from the corner as the King of Lucerne appeared to be in some sort of stupor, and something about the change in him as time went on told her that for her sake he had best not see her, so while he laid there she moved the blanket she was under farther up her body so that it completely covered her.

I watched this man I had known for so long speaking in tongues that I didn't understand and I felt fear. Fear for what the purpose of his actions were, and most of all fear for the future.
Amber Heard II.

He would continue to chant, and then as this continued a cloaked man (Khadgar) walked in carrying a stone and she looked him dead in the eyes and he saw her, but he didn't say anything and just passed the stone to Bill before giving her one last look before leaving the room. Bill would go to his knees and begin praying before the stone, and as this went on it begin to glow blue, and then disappeared into nothing, and despite this James continued to kneel down praying. He eventually got up when Carlisle Cullen walked into the room and told him that William was returning, and in that moment he simply got up without a word and left the room. She sat motionless in the corner still covered by the blanket as William walked into the room, and unlike his father William immediately saw her in the corner, and went to her and embraced her in a tight hug. He held her close as if he somehow understood what had happened to her, and as she cried into his shoulder she fell so deeply in love with the boy holding her that she simply held him close for what might have been hours. William would leave the room to say goodnight to Alice, and Amber was hell bent on telling him what had happened the moment he returned, but a moment after he left the door to his room reopened and Carlisle came inside. Carlisle would confront her on telling William as he lied to her that in truth Carlisle was leading a rebellious movement in the land, and was just waiting for this moment to strike. Amber would tell Carlisle that he had a day to get his affairs in order before she would tell William, and Carlisle knowing the spell was being cast the next day would agree to the offer, and when William returned Amber didn't tell him.

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There were so many things I wanted to say to him. So many things that I know if I had been able to say his heart, and mind would have coped better with my departure. He was everything to me. He was my father, my brother, and my best friend and the thought of losing him wasn't something I was ready to accept but if it meant I could have protected him I would.
Alice Lovie

With the secret kept due to the lies of Carlisle Cullen the Circle of Magi would come together in summoning the spell, while James Lovie stood at the top of the Cloud Tower and focused the spell itself. Dozens of Circle of Magi would be spread throughout the valley of Lucerne making sure that the spell spread to the distance of the wards, and that any attempt to work against the spells power were turned on. In a moment that would change the fabric of Lucerne, and most dangerously would completely shatter both Tristan, and William Lovie their father James completed his spell that would erase Alice from the world. As the spell finished, and there was nothing that could stop it from enacting itself James was overcome by his hatred of Alice, and in a fit of blind rage ran into Alice's room in the middle of the night and laughed at her because he was about to remove her from William's memory. For a moment Alice wanted to run and get William but still the fear of his death was too much for her to bear, and so she remained calm as her father verbally attacked her. After exhausting himself screaming at Alice he was interrupted by Draco Highmore of whom came at the sound of the screaming, but was sent away on the command of James. For a single moment Draco looked to Alice as he had enough of looking the other way, but she wiped the tears from her face and nodded that he shouldn't do anything. As James left Draco would return but as he attempted to comfort her she commanded him away, and ran to Williams room where she buried her head in his pillow. Alice then spent the rest of the night waiting for her beloved brother to return home but he was out with Amber Heard and he didn't return until nearly the morning and when he went into her room to check on her, he found her cradling the doll that he had given her as a child and dried tears running down her face. The sight broke his heart and he laid down beside her and held her close as he too fell asleep. James Lovie would enter her room in the morning to find his two children knocked out by the power of his spell but even in that moment his arms were wrapped protectively around her, and he had to get Carlisle to come in and assist him in releasing William's grip on her. But his grip was released and they put Alice into a sack, and put her into a wagon where she was to be brought to rest in Forks and then dumped on the side of the road.

Unforeseen Consequences

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It was like looking at a picture you should know, but just not quite understanding why. Everything in my life was both familiar and strange. Nothing felt real.
Alice Lovie

Alice Lovie was dropped off at the outskirts of Forks by the Circle in Magi second in command Kieth Schwartz following her going into a coma following the spell. James Lovie's loyal knight Caius Elvorix III. would convinse his brother Flavius Elvorix II. of the purpose in joining the Circle of Magi and while Flavius would not officially join he would work for them when he would murder the owner of a tavern in Forks taking control of the tavern himself and there in giving there plotting the location to dump Alice while they planned on her future. Through this work James had set her up with a job in Forks, at that local tavern - he silently hoped she would be killed while working there - and on top of this he created back stories for her where in her parents were killed, and she had left Lucerne because of this. For the three children of James Lovie who were the closest people in the world to Alice the cost was quite heavy on them. For Alice she was knocked out, but due to her lack of Dragonborn Magi abilities she did not fully enter the Fade and thus was able to wake up. Tristan was also very slightly Dragonborn and thus woke up. When Alice awoke in her small room on the ground on the side of the road her head was in horrible pain, and so debilitating was the pain that she was unable to move for almost two days. She just barely managed to pull herself into the ditch at the side of the road which saved her from being run over by the constant wagons that crossed the roads. When she was finally able to move she went towards the city where she could find things in her mind that told her she worked at a local tavern. When she arrived the tavern owner who had been paid by Bill Lovie went about punishing her for her lateness, and then on Bill's orders prepared to make her life a living hell. As Alice was broken in spirit and mind by the departure from Lucerne and her beloved brother she was not alone in this feeling as back in Lucerne her brother William would suffer deeply as a result of her departure.

She needs to die Carlisle, surely you see that. Everything went exactly how it was meant to and the only reason he remains still asleep is because she lives. Send the entire army to Forks, and don't have them return until shes dead and the entire city burns around her.
Bill Lovie

For William though his powerful Dragonborn Magi and his near constant use of the Dream Fade with Taylor Swift had left him dangerously at risk to the consequence of the spell. While both Tristan, and Alice had woken early the same day of the spell being cast, William had not woken over the entirety of the day, and had to be watched by Carlisle and James of whom by this point were growing more worried about why he hadn't grown up. As hours passed without him waking James begin to scream that Alice needed to be killed, and that was the reason he hadn't woken but this was ignored as his more evil of lackeys were away and those near were loyalists to the Kingdom. That night Amber would arrive at the Cloud Towers to try and find William, as she had discovered she was pregnant, but when she arrived she was told that William wasn't seeing visitors, and she was forced to leave. James commanded the Cloud Tower to be locked down, and thus they continued to send Amber, and then the Shadow Council away, but on the third day Draco Highmore would secretly tell Jasper that William had slipped into a coma. While this was happening it was William that had entered the Dream Fade where like he did most nights his soul on earth remained completely unaware of what was happening as it awaited the return of his Fade soul, but as William's dreaming ended he attempted to wake up but as his Fade soul could not recognize his soul on earth due to the changes in memory done by the spell he was unable to wake.

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William I need you to stay with me. If you give into despair. If you allow your mind to wander then you will die for real. No Sovngard. No us. Just darkness.
Taylor Swift

With unable to wake from the Dream it was Lornax, and Vlarenix that became aware and immediately entered the Fade where they discovered to their horror that he was lost within the dream Fade. Realizing that they only had a short window to work with before he would be lost to madness and despair as his attempts to wake failed they would immediately contact Taylor Swift. As a part of their plotting it was Taylor that had been engaged in an affair with William within the Dream Fade, and thus she was quickly told of what was happening to William and told to keep him from drifting within the Fade and thus dying. Taylor entered the Fade and found a panicked William who was already drifting, and only her timely arrival would keep his panic from causing him to drift completely out of the Dream Fade. Taylor warned him about what was happening and realizing that

End of Amber Heard

Amber Heard II
William you need to wake up. I know that right now is not the right time for this but...I love you...I love you more then words can say, and you need to come back. This world is scary without you. You told me once that you would always be there to protect me, and I really need you to open your eyes right now and keep that promice.
Leven Martell

The Shadow Council, and Amber Heard II. would enter the Cloud Tower using the help of Draco Highmore of whom risked his life in his desperation that perhaps the return of his friends and Amber Heard would force him awake. Leven, and Amber would collapse emotionally into his arms as he lay on the bed, as he was bedrock for the two emotionally, and both loved him, and eventually the group was discovered by James of whom summoned Draco to see him. Draco would go to the King assuming he would be killed, but instead James wanted to use this as a chance to get the information out about his son's coma, and he planned to blame the affair on some of the more rebellious elements within the Kingdom including the Swan's, and Starke's. As it was discovered that William was in a coma the entire Kingdom went into hysterics as the silent hope of the Kingdom was that when William came of age he would save them from the madness of his father, but with his demise that hope was slipping through their fingers. Thousands begin flocking to the Sky Towers to pray for his return, and all attempts to disperse the crowds ended with failure.

How do I leave him? How do I leave that which has my heart. My everything. The thing that keeps me tethered to a world that I increasingly believe has lost its soul. I wanted him to smile when he heard that I had given him a child. I wanted it all to mean something more then it ended up meaning. I just wanted the man I love to know that the reason I left wasn't because I didn't love him. It wasn't because I was scared of his father harming me. The reason I left the man I love was to save him the only way I knew how.
Amber Heard II.

During this coma Amber remained by his side the entire time, as she had realized only two days before his coma that she was pregnant with his child. During this time Jasper, Dylan, Leven, and Emmett attempted to stay in the room as well all camping out for several nights before James Lovie had them all sent away with his Circle of Magi guards except for Amber of whom he believed perhaps could rouse William due to his affection for her. When Amber's presence didn't wake William James came to blame her for the coma his son was in, and in this way he began threatening her on a daily basis. At first it was completely shocking and Amber didn't know what to do but eventually he started to become violent and she pleaded with him to stop. The end came when he entered the room with a knife and threatened to kill William if Amber didn't leave the city. Following this confrontation he left her to be with William knowing he had shaken her to the core, and during the night she spent one last night at his side.

End of Darkness
Look at the world father. You were born into this land. You grew up here. These people swore their lives to you. How could you have done all of this? Look at everything you have done. You destroyed a city. Killed hundreds of good men out of fear. Is this how you want to be remembered father. Is this the world you want to leave behind? I know you were a good person once. Don't end it all here. Don't do this. For me father. For everything I supposedly mean to you. Don't do this.

I walked up the hallway commanding Ser Narose Scorpian, and John Shephard to wait for me and not let anyone pass under my authority. Walking forward I looked through the slit in the wall and saw Amber sleeping on his sleeping form and felt a great amount of pain for what I knew I had to do to her. She loved my son of that there could be no question, but I saw his feelings for her the same way I saw his feelings for the Numenorian girl. He cared for her but...but he didn`t love her enough to marry her. My earlier threats had led to nothing as she stayed by his side night and day despite threat of death, but I knew who she was, and I knew how I could control her.

She didn`t wake up as I walked into the room, and I made my way to his side and kissed him on the forehead. When I raised my head I saw she had woken, and she looked at me with shear terror in her eyes. It was clear that when I threatened her life, and those around her she was frightened but she loved him more then herself. ``I believe the last time we spoke I told you what would happen if you remained here.`` She made an audible gulp and moved her hand towards Williams enveloping his hand in hers. I would have done anything in the world to make him wake up, even if that meant he did defend her to my punishment, but when I looked at him there was nothing. His eyes didn`t open at her touch. She was in danger, and he didn`t wake. That had to mean she was irrelevent to him. That had to mean I was right. ``So you ignore your kings commands, and now you must pay the consequences.`` She looked away from William for a moment and looked towards me.

``My king please I love your son, and I...`` I didn`t let her finish I just lashed out with my hand striking her across the face and releasing her from William`s hand. As she fell backwards she pulled William somewhat off the bed tumbling his one side nearly to the ground. I let out a scream, and as I ran around the bed to get him back to his position I felt her try and help me get him back onto the bed, but feeling her touch me made me angrier then I may have ever been. 

``Don`t touch me you stupid whore.`` I stared down at her walking towards her as she crawled backwards away from me. ``Do you know what happened to your parents Amber.`` There was nothing in her eyes but confusion so I assumed the Arryn`s had kept the Plague story going for her. ``You see there was the group of people that believed they could do whatever they wanted. Included in these things was the belief that they could kill me and take the crown from my family. Your parents were one of those people Amber.`` I grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her up standing her infront of me. ``Your cousins as well.`` When the first tear fell down her face I continued. ``I killed them all. Your cousin Martin put up a fight but my men slit his throat. Your cousin Thomas was dragged before me and I pulled out his tongue and left him to bleed out in a cell. Your parents you see they were dragged from their beds and burned alive. You ask how you live. You wonder why I killed everyone else but you. Search your mind as to where you were when your parents died. You escaped death because you were in Hillsbrad far from my reach. Had I of known where you were in those days I would have had them smash your pretty little face in with a rock before I ever let you near my son.``

``Why do you act this way.`` I let out a laugh as she attempted to find anwsers. ``Why hurt me all it will do is drive him further away from you then he already is. Don`t you understand that all your children just want you to love them. Just be the man they want you to be and...`` I slapped her again and she started to fall down the wall before I held her back up.

``The anwsers you seek are no where to be found. Now we need to move forward. My son is gone. I feel his presence leaving this world, and I cannot bare to see him like this. I only wish to leave him in peace in this room alone.`` I thought I had seen fear in her eyes before, but now I knew what fear looked like. She knew in that moment that I was threatening William, and that was all together to much for her to handle. ``If you do not leave here. If you do not travel home to Forks then I will put a pillow over his head until he is gone away.`` I nearly cried myself speaking of his death, but I used everything I had left to speak the words I knew I had to say to make her leave.`

``You wouldn`t...You couldn`t...Why would...``She was crying but her face kept looking to William for rescue. Even in these final moments she still believed in him as strongly as I did.

``You embaress his memory by staying near him. I would put my beloved prince out of his misery if you do not leave here. Do not doubt the things I would do to protect his memory.``

The next morning before Bill had returned to send her away for good Catherine Lovie came to his room to see both William, and Amber, and during this time the two would hold each other and she begged Amber to leave as she had heard through her own spies that Bill was preparing to have her killed. When Amber told Catherine that Bill had threatened William's life she was shocked beyond anything as Catherine had believed that William was the one piece on the board that he would never risk damaging, and realizing William was threatened the two understood that Amber needed to leave, and she loved him so deeply that she couldn't bear the thought of his death and she agreed to flee the city.

William, and Alice Awaken

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It was years before I finally understood why I woke up. Years before Khadgar let me know that he was the bravest man I've ever known.
Bill Lovie

It was as William continued to not wake and the departure of Amber Heard II. alongside the banishment of the Shadow Council that the only sane remaining member of the Circle of Magi in the form of Khadgar would decide to take matters into his own hands. Khadgar would sneak into the room of William and finding Bill passed out in the corner he would silently take the blue stone from Bill Lovie of which kept the world from remembering Alice Lovie, and he would damage it slightly causing the spell to weaken somewhat. The following day with the spell releasing somewhat to the point that the two siblings would begin to dream of each other it begin to spark an awakening of William, and Alice which led to the two waking up three days after Khadgar damaged the blue stone. Khadgar having made his silent choice to support William's rise would send his most trusted Magi Eberhard Schnabel to go to Forks and protect Alice from what Khadgar knew would be an eventual attempt to have her killed.

It wasn't so long ago that my beloved son was in a constant sleep. Never opening his eyes I remember spending nights screaming at him after I sent the bird away. I thought to myself that perhaps he would never wake. When he finally opened his eyes there was a terror there. It was hidden behind strength, and all the layers of hate, but it was there. I could see it, and it made me hate my daughter even more.
Bill Lovie

Alistair Irons

See Also : Alistair Irons

Alistair Irons
He was a troubled young boy that many were beginning to think would become nothing more then his father with more charisma. When I looked at him I saw something different. When I looked at the young prince I saw someone who could change everything that was wrong with this world. I saw someone that was destined to be the greatest of his line.
Alistair Irons

Following his coma he would be clearly lost without Alice though he didn't know that it was her loss that troubled him, and in this way his father would bring in Alistair Irons of his loyalist House Irons who he thought would put William back into line with what he was before. When Alistair arrived he attempted to at first get a lay of what was happening by talking to people around the young prince of which the principle person he spoke to was Draco Highmore of whom told him of how skilled in every way the young prince was but for whatever reason he couldn't put it all together. Alistair watched the young prince from afar as he spent all his time with the group he called the shadow Council, and when he wasn't with them he was constantly finding different girls to spend his nights with. When he finally approached the young prince the two would have the following exchange.

End of Darkness
Look at the world father. You were born into this land. You grew up here. These people swore their lives to you. How could you have done all of this? Look at everything you have done. You destroyed a city. Killed hundreds of good men out of fear. Is this how you want to be remembered father. Is this the world you want to leave behind? I know you were a good person once. Don't end it all here. Don't do this. For me father. For everything I supposedly mean to you. Don't do this.

I ran away from Leven jumping over a chair laughing before I felt her leg catch me causing me to fall onto the ground causing us all to laugh. Leven let her hand out to help me up, and still laughing I let her pull me up which when I was moving upwards I saw a fully armored man walking towards us, and immediatly looked for my sword. Before I could find it he stood straight between me and Leven. When he did I saw Jasper nearly vault between me and the man followed shortly after by Dylan, and Emmett. "Is this what you plan to do for the rest of your life?" I was shocked hearing the man talk to me this way. Surely he was a noble by the armor he carried that much was clear. He must have been approved to see me or else he would be a pile of bloody armor due to Draco Highmore. "Did you hear my question son, or you too busy being a spoiled little brat to answer anymore?" That was too much for me, and without thinking I pushed the man backwards, and despite pushing him as hard as I could he barely budged.

"You had best watch your tongue old man, or I shall remove it." My friends laughed around me, and it was in that moment I started to feel more confident as I knew I had their support. So I did the only thing   I could think of at the time and I slapped him across the face. The moment I did Jasper lunged at me, and I was just able to throw him aside before I stood over the young prince who was holding his face.

"That's not pain son. Look around you and you'll see pain. You have a city filled with pain, and yet you do nothing. This isn't the prince I heard of when I was younger. The prince that tried his hardest at everything he ever did. This isn't the kind of person you want to be and I know that." In that moment while his face was hardened and he was ready to attack I saw a spark in his eye that told me he wanted a way out. He wanted to be better, and that was the only indication I needed. "Your better than this, and if you don't believe me then give me the chance to prove it to you."

Following this exchange William would have a silent respect for Alistair Irons of whom would take him south of the city to the House Lovie esate alongside his Shadow Council for an entire month. During this time he would teach the young prince about what it truly meant to be a leader. He was finally able to get through to him that he needed to step forward and start actually making things better instead of just talking about theoretical changes he might make or believed would work if he made them. Alistair would take the four of them along with Levan Martell back to Lucerne where he made them understand that they needed to stick together no matter what, and that only they could make sure that they were all the people they needed to be. So instead of turning William back into the playboy prince that his father had wanted returned Alistair was able to reinjuvinate the young prince into rebecoming the man his sister always thought he could become.

Dragon in Forks
It was like this constant ache in my head the entire time I was in Forks. Something felt wrong but I could just never place my finger on the reason behind it. While I lived this fake life I just kept living within my dreams.

Life in Forks

Alice Lovie Cover Large
I don't remember anything. All I know is my name is Alice, and I have a terrible pain in my head.
Alice Lovie
Following the spell ending the existence of Alice Lovie in the memory of those who knew her Alice Lovie was dropped off in Forks by James Lovie's cronies Kieth Schwartz. James had set her up with a job in Forks, at a local tavern, where he silently hoped she would be killed while working there and on top of this he created back stories for her where in her parents were killed, and she had left Lucerne because of this. When Alice awoke in she was on the ground on the side of the road and her head was in horrible pain, and so debilitating was the pain that she was unable to move four hours and found herself forced to pull herself into the ditch at the side of the road which saved her from being run over by the constant wagons that crossed the roads. In debilitating pain from the spell she found herself unable to move and thus she would be forced to sleep in the ditch using her jacket as a means of covering herself and woke up hours later finally able to raise her head. Finally able to move she got up from the ditch and in the early morning darkness she could see the outlines and fire of the nearby city of Forks and the created memories of the spell drove her towards Forks where she could find things in her mind that told her she worked at a local tavern, but despite this feeling she also felt as if this was somewhere strange to her and not her real home. While she had been in debilitating pain, and sleeping in the ditch she was being watched by Keith Schwartz, Florius Novellius, and Johan Snow of whom the three would have starkly different views of what was happening with Kieth and Florius caring little for Alice while Johan Snow would feel terrible and during the night would leave food in the ditch which led to Alice surviving and being able to make her way forward. When she arrived the tavern owner who had been paid by James Lovie went about punishing her for her lateness, and then on James's orders prepared to make her life a living hell.
Alice Lovie Gif Time in Forks

Alice Lovie would go from a life of complete luxury in terms of what she had available to a life of a commoner. This was made more difficult by the fact that Bill would leave responsibilities to several people around Alice to make her life more difficult.

For Alice despite the memories she had been given as a part of the spell her life in Forks just felt wrong to her, and no matter what she tried she couldn't shake a silent depression that wracked her so completely that on most nights she could not sleep because she was crying so hard. To add on to this her boss the owner of the tavern in the form of Flavius Elvorix II. seemed to hate her with a passion that she had never known before with Flavius going out of his way to cause her problems. Things became somewhat better for her when she become friends with Rosalie Cullen of whom had secretly also been sent to the tavern as a means of hiding her bastardy beginnings and thus her father Carlisle Cullen had kept in contact with her through letters but never revealed who he was in constant fear of the shame it would bring him. Rosalie and Bella would share in a mutual grief which while neither could completely describe to each other they were at least able to give each other comfort as the pain of their existence threatened to push them over the edge and for Rosalie towards suicide. There friendship would expand to a third person where while there were walking the streets of Forks late at night they found a girl hiding out in some bushes and talking to her they discovered she was Bella Swan, and was hiding from her father who she had gotten into an argument with. The two would hide her at the tavern that night and would be nearly executed when Lord Swan finally discovered where they were but she lied for them and they were protected by Bella and following this she would return to the tavern with her cousin Brody Swan and the three would build a strong friendship.
Florius Novellius
Alice Lovie 5
Monsters come in various shapes and forms Alice. Some monsters are hideous and can be discovered quite quickly. Others I fear are more like the monster you found in Stephan. They aren't hideous. They aren't easily seen.
Bella Swan
During her time in Forks while she was stuck without her memory Alice became involved with Florius Novellius and in this relationship she became enamored with this man that showed her the kind of attention she had been craving since she had been in Forks. She originally met him through the bar that she and Rosalie worked at, and the moment she begin talking to him Rosalie attempted to step in and make him leave, but he was so charismatic that he convinced Alice to ignore her friends warnings and to leave with him. Throughout their time together she was constantly though feeling that she was unimportant in comparison to many of the other people that he surrounded himself with, and this didn't get any better. Alice made numerous attempts to make him care about her, and many of the things that she did she felt ashamed by, and as it continued it caused tension between her and Rosalie of whom did not like him and what he was making her do. During this time she found a soundboard for her confusion in Bella Swan, and this along with some other things had a large effect on the reason they became the best friends that would grow into being. In fact his behavior became more and more unstable as time went on and this behavior first started out as his becoming promiscuous on a level that even Alice knew was happening. She confronted him on this and this confrontation would lead to the next evolution in his dark behavior.
I went into his room and found him half naked with two women laying on his body. They held him tight but the general appearance of his body was such that it was clear he cared nothing for these girls, and watching him this way made me completely confused as to what crazy part of my mind cared for this boy. As I coughed in order to wake him up the two girls sprung up and clothed themselves quickly before skulking out of the room. The entire time this went on he just lay there without moving. He stared at me the entire time with nothing in his eyes but the faint appearance of amusement. When I started yelling at him, his eyes changed into something different and it wasn't until he got up and slapped me in the face that I understood what his emotion was.
Alice Lovie

The moment he slapped her everything changed. She realized in that moment that she was crazy to be staying in this situation and she simply put her hand to her cheek to shield herself from the pain before crying and trying to leave the room. As she pulled open the door she felt his hand on her arm of whom pulled her back into the room and tried to have his way with her. As his hands ran up her body she knew where this was going and she refused to accept this was going to happen to her, and so she lashed out at him. As he flew off of her she grabbed a pole from the corner and smacked him across the face knocking him unconscious. She then walked past his now motionless body and into the street where she stumbled her way towards Swan Keep where she hoped to find Bella Swan of whom she knew would protect her from his vengeance.

Bella Steps In
Bella Swan1
I knew I should have gone to see Rosalie because she was the one that deserved the right to tell me she told me so. I just knew how that conversation would go, and after nearly being raped I really wasn't in the mood to be yelled at anymore so I went to see Bella. Her home in Swan Keep never felt as inviting as it did walking across the drawbridge and seeing the white armor of the Swan Guards.
Alice Lovie

When she arrived at Swan Keep she was greeted by the guards of whom led her into the back stables where Bella was spending her day, and the moment that she saw Bella she begin sobbing and fell to the ground where she was met by the arms of Bella surrounding her in a loving hug. Alice clung to Bella for sometime before she was finally calmed down enough to explain to Bella what had happened. She made Bella promise not to do anything about it, and Bella in a shocking move refused to let this go, and told Alice that the first chance she got she would be telling her father of whom she knew would have him removed from Forks. Alice attempted to make her change her mind but Bella wasn't going to change in her opinion of what she had to do, so Alice simply clung to Bella and prayed that nothing would happen. But she was wrong, and the moment that Alice went to sleep Bella left her room and went to see her father of whom was still awake. She told her father what had happened and her father did exactly what she knew he would do when he summoned him to Swan Keep to answer for his crimes. Instead of arriving in Swan Keep he got notice that he had been recalled to Brill and thus would no longer be in Forks.

Attempted Execution of Alice Lovie

Main Article : Attempted Execution of Alice Lovie

Listen. If this were up to me, I would take you away and keep you safe until your brother came for you. This isn't that reality. In this reality your father wins. You die.
Alice Lovie

Northron Hills Civil War

Main Article : Northron Hills Civil War

The Northron Hills Civil War
I just did what was commanded to do. Should I have betrayed my king?

Capture of Adelinde

Adelinde Estermont Cover Amazing
The capture of my betrothed is a declaration of war against me. I will have my betrothed to return to me, or I shall burn your entire house to the ground around you.
Trevor Baratheon

The statemate that had grown in the conflict would come to an end when Adelinde Estermont would be captured during the events of the Northron Hills Civil War by Tyler Plaup and a group of Plaup men of whom had mistaken her for her twin sister Aleyn Estermont. Realizing once they had gotten her out of Drislin that they had captured the wrong girl it was too late to turn back and thus they were forced to retreat from Drinlin back to the Plaup forces but realized that this was going to change things as Adelinde was the betrothed to Trevor Baratheon and this act would give the Baratheon what may be enough reason to bring forces into the conflict. They would be proven correct when Trevor Baratheon of whom having fallen in love with Adelinde was enraged at this action and rallied forces to his side and entered the conflict on the side of House Estermont despite the command of his father to not intervene in the fighting.

Siege of Castle Plaup

Trevor Baratheon having led a brigade of troops from House Baratheon into the Northron Hills Civil War he would lead his troops in besieging Castle Plaup and was from there responsible for the capture of the castle and then the subsequent chasing down of Ottmar Plaup and catching him before he was able to get out of the Grand State of Winterfell where he would have then been able to get to Lucerne and the safety of Bill Lovie.

The Seven Knights Rebellion of 5123

Main Article : The Seven Knights Rebellion of 5123

The Seven Knights Rebellion
It was those seven knights that showed me just how imperfect the Kingdom was. I had always understood to a certain degree that there was bad feelings among the people of our kingdom but seeing the support the seven got showed me the reality of this feeling. I had do do something. They were the final straw in showing me that.
Catherine Bell
Things are a foot in the land. Those who moved against Tree Hill are once again stirring. It is time we struck back.
Brandon Floren

The Seven Knights of Aerene would first be formed in response to the work of James Nighting of whom as a member of the Circle of Magi wanted to assist his only family above all things and saw opportunity for his family to expand into the lands of Eastern Lucerne and specifically the lands of House Ongrill, and in this way he begin planning the idea of starting a banditry conflict in Eastern Lucerne to extend this plan. James Nighting would conspire with Circle of Magi operatives in the area to find individuals who they knew would work alongside them, and in this way they planned to have these leaders form individual knightly orders that would control swathes of land in Eastern Lucerne. While originally told that they were doing this in order to end corruption and greed in the area, but while the leadership was doing this the Circle of Magi would commit atrocities in the area sparking the coming of the Kingdom of Lucerne and through this they hoped the land would be ravaged leaving it more open for invasion. The Circle of Magi would send Kieth Schwartz of whom approached Alester Floren to become the leader of what they saw as the banditry force and Kieth would convince him that James was unable to send troops for fear of reprisals from the other nobles and thus needed Alester to save the land. As the Circle of Magi sent correspondence back to King James Lovie it would be Catherine Bell that would intercept one of these letters and discovered that the rebellion would be happening but also to her horror she discovered through reading the writing that James was not simply aware but was in fact orchestrating these movements. Realizing what she had discovered she knew that this was the moment where she could finally find out whether or not William had what it took to take control of the situation.

I don't care what happens to me Cuthwin. I won't be a part of this anymore.
Werner Schinkel

While Catherine busied herself with planning what would become the first part of the eventual Journey it was an exhausted James Lovie II. that would be completely possessed by Vhloraz who was able to sneak a command past Kieth and to Cuthwin Mountain. This command would order Cuthwin to have James Nighting II. send Alice to Dunten where he wrote a letter to Lord Maeger Duneria telling him to capture Alice on the road and then execute her. When Cuthwin left to deliver this message he was accompanied by Werner Schinkel his personal lower enchanter. While Cuthwin had lost himself to the darkness following their actions in the Ambush on the Eyes it was Werner that felt shame over what had happened and vowed to never allow such evil to happen again. Having remained at the tower for his time since the ambush on the eyes it was Werner who only left for the first time for this event and thus realizing that the plan Cuthwin was doing was evil it was Werner that prepared to turn on him. Traveling northward to Dunten after meeting with James Nighting II. it was Werner who's hatred of his long time best friend reached its peak but despite this he lacked the courage to act and they arrived and met with Maeger Duneria and told him of his command to capture Alice.

The Lies of Ghelen

Elsa Hosk Cover Amazing
I was in the Temple praying my prince. I come out and my men tell me my betrothed and his family are in pieces. While I'm burying them and trying to get to the bottom of what happened Lord Ghelen is at the walls with an army accusing me of the crime. What was I to do?
Elsa Hosk

As the forces of James Nighting moved against the Province of Eastern Lucerne they would come to target Arryk Ghelen of whom was an honorable man who had fought with the Lucernian army at Lyons and lost his father there, and it was in this connection to the king that James Nighting would arrive at the town of Ghelen and would meet with Arryk. The goal in the area was to cause a conflict between House Ghelen and their vassal House Hosk and thus open up House Hosk's lands for being free to be taken over by someone loyal to the Circle of Magi. James knew that in order to move forward with that he would have to convince Arryk with more then just a letter telling him to rebel and so he would send his knight Tristin of Nighting to Castle Hosk where the brother of Arryk was staying with his family while they prepared to leave there young son there with his eventual betrothed the also young landsgrave Elsa Hosk. Tristin of Nighting would arrive at Castle Hosk and discovered that Elsa was close with her future betrothed and thus it was going to take more then he thought to turn perception towards her being the eventual killer of the Ghelen at Castle Hosk. Tristin would travel to the farming estate of House Poskentrin a vassal of House Hosk nearby and arriving there he would blackmail Conrad Pokentrin into assisting him and in this Conrad and Tristin would be joined by Conrad's baseborn son Alwin Snow of whom was also brought along but Conrad did not reveal that Alwin was his son instead convinced Tristin that Alwin was a training Maester.

I just need someone of nobility to give proof that I was here. Its a very simple thing your going to do here. Just tell my truth.
Tristin of Nighting

The group would arrive at Castle Hosk where Conrad and Alwin were made to believe that they were only needed to act as proof that Tristin was actually in Castle Hosk and not somewhere elce and after they did this Tristin would release there family and everything would go back to normal. While Alwin and Conrad waited in the tavern for Tristin to return it was Tristin that into the home that Ellion Ghelen II., Alice Ghelen, and Ellion Ghelen III. were staying and he would kill the one guard they had from House Ghelen and then entering the home he would brutally kill the three while they were eating lunch together. Desecrating the bodies he would leave them where they lay and then returned to the tavern where he quickly forced Conrad and Alwin into the alleyway. In the alley of the Tavern he told them the truth of what they would need to do when he revealed they needed to say that they had seen Elsa Hosk covered in blood leaving the house of Ellion and his family. Horrified at what had happened and what they were going to have to do they quickly fled the castle and moving down the road they would travel several hours to reach Ghelen where they would meet with Lord Arryk Ghelen and tell their story causing Arryk to raise an army to bring Elsa to justice.

Arrival of William Lovie III.
Elsa Hosk Medium
You may not have faith in Glaurung my prince. You may not believe he exists. All you need to remember is that whatever you believe. Whatever your faith is. Glaurung believes in you.
Elsa Hosk

William Lovie III. and the Lucernian army would arrive outside of Castle Hosk several weeks into the siege of Castle Hosk and arrived just before the increasingly enraged Arryk Ghelen was preparing to launch an all out siege against Castle Hosk and Elsa Hosk who was refusing to admit guilt in the deaths of the Ghelen family members. While they waited for the Maester witness for Elsa it was William and Elsa that would have sex in chambers of Elsa and following giving into to having sex with Elsa the two would talk over many things and even discussed how Elsa hoped their sex resulted in a child of which if it did she revealed she would not ask anything other then legitimization for the child from William.

The Floren Movement

Erica Steinmare Cover Amazing2
Your father is a monster Brandon. He's got your beloved Erica locked up in the temple. He's sponsering bandits all over the area. He needs to be stopped.
Tobin Aven

If House Trachtenburg was the most powerful house of the area it was House Floren that was the second most powerful and in this importance they were seen as a very important group to turn to the Knights of Aerene and in this way it was Tobin Aven that was sent to Brightwater to convert them. Tobin would convinse Brandon Floren that his beloved Erica Steinmare had been imprisoned by rebels in the Great Temple of Brightwater and that these rebels had been aided by his family, and while he didn't believe Tobin at first it was Tobin that showed him a letter written by James Lovie the king which said that he was to take control of Brightwater through the imprisonment of everyone involved in the rebellion. Brandon would confront his father on Erica Steinmare and not knowing what was going on behind the scenes it was Wendel Floren that made mistakes when he refused to let Brandon see Erica - he had been asked to keep the two apart while Erica was in Brightwater as she had been asked to pray for three days before seeing him - and in this mistake it was Brandon that left his father and swore himself as a Knight of Aerene. With Brandon Floren as their man it was Tobin Aven that provided him with several dozen mercenaries and alongside this Brandon was able to gain the support of almost half the forces of House Floren when he was able to convince his uncle Alester Floren to support him. As the coup was in its final moments it was Tobin that further sparked the fire within Brandon when he showed him evidence - evidence that he had created - that showed that not only was Wendel dead set against allowing Erica and Brandon to marry but was planning to murder Erica after she left the church where Brandon was convinsed she was imprisoned within.

The Coup of Brightwater
Eddara Floren Cover
At the start we were told we were fighting to take these lands from the corupt nobles who controlled them. I honestly believed we were doing good.
Brandon Floren

It would be Eddara Floren that would be within the walls of Brightwater when her brother and uncle took control of the town in the name of the Seven Knights of Aerene and she would be the only person who Brandon would admit to his involvement as the entire time the members of the knights of Aerene would wear masks covering their identity. With Wendel imprisoned and unable to defend himself it was Eddara that came to believe her brother and came to support him in his campaign to control House Floren, and it was in this effort that they found a lot of success as the loyalty that Wendel had showed to Bill Lovie had left him very unpopular among the people and it was only the escape of Benfred Floren from Brightwater that gave them any sort of pause in their celebration. Benfred Floren would escape Brightwater supported by Adelar Eichler and his son Janik Eichler of whom as vassals of House Floren controlled Castle Floren and would bring Benfred there to plan for the resistence against what they believed was the madness of Brandon Floren. Having gained control of the city it was Brandon Floren that attempted to enter the Great Temple of Brightwater but was barred entrance due to Erica being still at prayer and the priests refused to let him in and with his strong faith he placed guards on the temple to make sure no one tried to kill Erica which is what he believed was going to happen and then went about finishing his move to gain complete control of Brightwater. Realizing that Benfred Floren had escaped the city it was Benfred that summoned all the House Floren vassals to Brightwater and was surprised when most did not answer the call and from those who did he learned that Benfred had gathered to him almost all the vassals to his side at Castle Floren where he was preparing to lead his forces against Brightwater.

The Taking of Castle Ongrill

Candice Anthor Cover2
We are here to not harm you. We are here not to steal your food or gold. We are here to show these nobles that there is a different way to rule. Remain calm, and do what we say and I guarentee you that not a single person will be harmed.
Robert Snow
In Castle Ongrill the Seven Knights of Aerene would send Robert Snow of whom as the bastard of the former heir to Castle Ongrill and House Ongrill was extremely bitter over his treatment following the death of his father Robert Ongrill at the Battle of Lyons. Robert Snow's desire to rise within the realm and his loyalty to the crown were manipulated against him by James Nighting of whom begin using the seals of House Clegane, House Morgill, and House Lovie to make Robert Snow believe that the crown wanted him to gather a force and take control of Castle Ongrill, and that once this was done to hold it no matter what happened and then wait for the arrival of more orders. Daryn Ongrill the Lord of House Ongrill and baron of Castle Ongrill would travel to the Riverlands with his wife Tamyra leaving his son Morgan as the acting lord of House Ongrill while he was away and unfortunately while he was away the Seven Knights of Aerene rebellion would be sparked but while this was happening he and his wife were visiting her family in the Riverlands. At the time of the rise of the Seven Knights of Aerene it would be the wedding between Candice Anthor, and Morgon Ongrill that would lead to the Knights having there opening in the town, as having spent nearly three months and significant gold gathering to him nearly two hundred men at arms Robert Snow would begin infiltrating Castle Ongrill using the wedding as shield to his movements. Robert Snow would begin to have a relationship of sorts with Candice Anthor at this time as she was growing quite frustrated with her husband over his lack of physical time with her, and in this way Robert Snow was able to menipulate Candice Anthor into joining the Seven Knights of Aerene and using her only assisted him more.
Candice Anthor Gif
Candice Anthor now effectively having an affair with Robert Snow would become the central figure of the Knights of Aerene in Ongrill as she recruited another fifty plus men while travelling north of Castle Ongrill with Robert Snow, but also at this time Morgon would depart Castle Ongrill as with their wedding only a month away he traveled to a temple nearby where he would pray at for the final month before their wedding. The forces of House Clegane, and House Morgill would arrive at the outskirts of Castle Ongrill, and realizing that he had been betrayed Robert Snow would prepare the castle for a siege, but now realized that the letters he had been receiving all along had been a lie and he was now effectively a traitor to the realm.
The Duel
Candice Anthor Cover3
Whatever happens from this day forward that you will never touch me. You will forever have nothing but bastards if that is what you want. I will never give you a thing.
Candice Anthor

Completely surrounded and having come to the conclusion that he had been betrayed it was Robert Snow alongside the other knight in the form of Candice Anthor that put up a white flag and would engage in negotiations with the besiegers in the form of Hedrik Clegane III. and these negotiations went slowly but were coming to fruition of having Robert Snow surrender the castle and the safety of his men. As the negotiations were reaching a conclusion the arrival of Morgon Ongrill at the walls with his forces having returned from his month long prayer would cause major problems as Morgon Ongrill would at first want to continue the arrangement and have Robert surrender peacefully with no punishment but this changed when Robert refused to give up Candice Anthor during one of their meetings horribly embarresing his brother Morgon. Reacting very badly to this embaressment it was Morgon Ongrill that Robert Snow would engage in a duel against his half brother Morgon Ongrill and to the suprise of everyone Morgon would defeat Robert and the religious fanatic would not wait for any decisions to be sent to him instead executing Robert on the spot causing the destruction of his marriage to Candice who had fallen in love with Robert.

Tristan Arrives in Ongrill

Main Article : Tristan's Attack on Rachel Wood

Rachel Wood Large1
I had gone to the streets trying to survive hundreds of times. It was each day of my life, but something about that day felt different. If it wasn't for the fact that I would have died without food there is no way that I would have ever gone out that day. The entire time that I was handed bread over the day, I felt this aching in my heart that didn't stop until I felt his hand grab me from behind.
Rachel Wood

It was following the end of the siege that Rachel was out in the streets of Ongrill attempting to beg for food, when she was approached by a man who appeared to her in very expensive robes. This man was Tristan Lovie, and he would proceed to brutally attack and rape Rachel. Tristan Lovie had entered Ongrill with a group of his men and used the chaos of the siege to commit atrocities as he had done elsewhere, and it was while he was raping another young women, that he had felt a pull towards Rachel. Tristan would believe this was because of her hair but in fact it was the work of Lornax to bring her to his eye. With his eye fixated on her he begin to formulate plans in his mind of what he would do to her when he finally caught up to her. Tristan by this point had completely lost himself after his corruption by James had basically turning him into a serial rapist that had been traveling across the Lucerne valley raping and killing any women that struck his eye. The brutality of the attack was what was truly the worst part for Rachel, as before this she knew of emotional neglect, and cruelty from the head lady at the orphanage, but after this she lost all faith in what humanity was capable of. Tristan on top of raping her for some time would also severely burn her hands after he placed them into a bucket of scalding water that he had brought into the alley for the purpose of the attack. The attack and rape then were followed by Tristan attempting to strangle her to death. He would have succeeded if it wasn't for the work of Glorinex of whom could not accept what Lornax was planning to do and warned a group of nearby soldiers led by Hedrik Clegane III. about what was happening. Hedrik, Meinolf, and several of his men were walking back to the fort they had constructed from the Ongrill Keep when he is stopped on the road by Glorinex who tells him that he needs to go down an alley and save someone, and before he can stop the woman she disappears back into another alley. Moving to the alley she had told him to go he and his men find several men guarding the entrance to the alley but he is able to see past the men and realizes a woman is being raped by a man they are clearly guarding. No words are spoken instead a fight breaks out with Hedrik charging past the men leaving his men to handle the guards and he barrels into the raper knocking him off the girl. The two groups would briefly scuffle in the back alley, but Tristan would throw dirt in Hedrik's face in a very cowardly manner and this would allow Tristan the time he needed to make his escape. With Tristan gone the remaining men were either killed or ran with him leaving Hedrik and his men to turn to the girl to see the mess that the man had left her in, and was shocked at this amount of brutality. Her clothes were all ripped apart and her body was nearly completely exposed, and despite the circumstances he couldn't help but have his eyes linger as this was the first time he had ever seen a naked women. He checked her for a pulse and when he found it he knew she was alive so he wrapped his cloak around her and carried her back to the fort.

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Carrying her back to my room was a reckless move that was so outside of everything I had ever done before that. I knew that since we were in Forks I would be able to get away without my parents finding out, at least until I was forced to return to Lole. I just wanted for some unknown reason to help her. Maybe I loved her even then.
Hedrik Clegane III.

he brings the girl inside the Fort where he takes her to his lodgings which are on the top level of the tower they had constructed. When he put her down on his bed to rest she became hysterical and only when he raised his hands in submission and then left the room did she calm down. While she begin to calm down it was only the start of her problems as Lornax, and Telemerix arrived at the fort and attempted to continue their next moves despite the fact that she had not died. Hedrik waited outside the room for a time as she screamed at the top of her lungs, and whether her screaming was due to the heavy burns on her hands that she had kept hidden, or the brutal rape wasn't clear to Hedrik, but she continued to scream which caused Hedrik to panic fearing she might die or attempt to escape. Hedrik went to the outside of the room on the roof and was able to secure the lock on his window so that she couldn't escape through the window but he was unable to see in as she had apparently closed the blinds to the room. After a good hour she stopped screaming so he returned into his room and he didn't see her so he quickly ran to his window but it remained locked so she couldn't have escaped that way. Feeling hopeless he was given her location when he heard sobs coming from his study. He opened his study and found her cowering in the corner crying wrapped in what he thought was one of his blankets.

Saving Rachel
She seemed to be comforted by my presence but I just couldn't manage a way to get her to talk to me. I would listen to anything she had to say, I just didn't want her to cry anymore. It broke my heart, and warmed me at the same time that every time I entered my room, she immediately opened her arms for me to hug her, but then she would break down into tears.
Hedrik Clegane III.

The Dunten Rebellion

Alice lovie Cover Front Amazing
If you actually look at what happened in Dunten. How close we came to violence. It was entirely about your father trying to kill Alice. He moved all the pieces on the board towards that simple goal.
Edward Cullen

With the Seven Knight Rebellion spreading in its scope it was the Knight Maeger Duneria that would become involved in an added layer of the workings of James Lovie II. when James Nighting arrived in Dunten. Arriving in Dunten it was James that told him that soon a commoner girl named Alice was meant to be arriving in Dunten where she would have been executed but instead she had been rescued by rebels in House Vuneria. Maeger would be commanded to send an army to Castle Vuneria and capture this girl by any means necessary and to capture the city before the arrival of more rebels to the area. With Maegar still injured from battle it was his child son Taegar Duneria II. that would be sent with the main Duneria army against Castle Vuneria. Accompanying Taeger was Alexander Hesnel a Circle of Magi Senior Enchanter who having been sworn to the service of James Nighting was ordered to make sure that the Duneria attacked Castle Vuneria or he would be killed. Alexander did not know who Alice truly was but was told by James that if the girl survived then the whole kingdom might fall, so an already fearful Alexander was desperate to make sure this girl died.

Arrival of Edward Cullen
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The distance between me and the rest of my friends was more then I could even fathom. I was riding right beside them but I wasn't really there. Jasper, and Leven despised me. Emmett, and Will seemed too uncomfortable to even talk to me. This was rock bottom.
Edward Cullen

As they march Edward can't ignore the distance between himself and the Shadow Council and this is only made more clear when he William, Leven, Christopher, and Catherine are riding together and he listens as they discuss that he will be joining Christopher in meeting with the forces of House Shephard and joining that army. Edward is screaming inside to resist this but refuses to embarrass himself and also wants to show he is loyal to William and thus agrees without disagreement to go with Christopher Bell. As Christopher says goodbye to Catherine its Edward that tries to talk to William but he is blocked by Leven and although he watches William attempt to let Edward talk he almost starts crying out of embarrassment and decides to leave saying a quick goodbye and following Christopher. Arriving at the meeting point with House Shephard it is Edward that is shocked by the size of their forces, but has little time to think on it as a small group of cavalry break off from the main Shephard forces and ride towards them. The group arrives and Christopher greets several of them revealing Jack Shephard, Evangeline Shephard, Reginald Kane, Sargon Gurse, and as the group talks one girl who had been in the back gets off her horse and greets Edward who recognizes her as Eura Clune a girl who he had went to the Lucernian Academy with. Edward has a long conversation with Eura while the nobles talk and during this conversation he quickly realizes that Eura is obsessed with William following a sexual relationship they shared while Edward was away in Hogwarts and while Edward attempts to tell her that the chances of them getting together are slim she refuses to hear this and hints that she plans to seduce William when she sees him. The conversation ends and the group leads the force led by Edward towards the main Gulltown army and the now combined forces begin marching towards Castle Vuneria where the castle is held by loyalists under Edrik Vuneria but is under siege by rebels under the command of Taegar Duneria II. Arriving at Castle Vuneria the group sees the large force from House Duneria placing the castle under siege and discusses what strategy they want to do with most under the lead of Sargon Gurse, and Evangeline Shephard wanting to just destroy the rebel force without discussion, and Edward argues for negotiation but Edward is unable to convince the group and it appears this will be the strategy until Eura steps in and is able to convince them to allow her to go and speak with Taegar Duneria.

None of this is as it seems Lord Shephard. If I am wrong. If the Dunerians are actually traitors then why not find that out. You lose nothing by letting me and Lord Cullen go in there and get answers.
Eura Clune

Eura Clune after gaining the permission of Jack Shephard to meet with Taegar walk towards the Duneria forces carrying a white flag, and while walking Edward is scared but is calmed down by Eura who is driven by her desire to impress William to feel no fear. Entering the camp of the Duneria force they are restrained and taken before Taegar of whom when they see they are shocked that he is a young man maybe thirteen years old. As the talk starts Taegar is not the one who does the talking but instead a man comes from the main tent and as soon as Edward sees him he feels the Magi coming from him, and the man introduces himself as Alexander Krutzwalder an advisor to the king.

Surrender of Dunten
I went to the prince's eighth name day. The King was kind to me then. He has sent me letters for years continuing our friendship. Why would I betray him now?
Maeger Duneria

The Trachtenburgs

Kristen Trachtenburg Cover
Where the hell is my mother?
Sasha Snow

House Trachtenburg as the main power of the area would become a focal point of the rebels and Bill Lovie knowing that Frank Trachtenberg was a coward who had already allowed his wife to be imprisoned without a fight realized that House Trachtenburg was ripe for rebellion. Seen as a coward and a failure Frank was not approached but instead it was James Nighting that would approach the bastard children of Frank Trachtenburg in the form of Sasha Snow of whom had been unofficially adopted by Katia Lovie several months before her imprisonment and because of this it was known that the bastard children were extremely loyal to Katia. The girls had been told like everyone else that Katia Lovie was in Lucerne visiting with her family but when the letters had stopped coming there was a lot of worry about her safety but it had been Frank that had lied and told them he saw her weekly and that she was fine. It was this lie that Jamie would play on when he revealed that Katia had been imprisoned and lied stating that she was imprisoned beneath the walls of Castle Trachtenburg by Frank himself and that only if they took control of the house themselves could they get Katia released.

Battle of Castle Trachtenburg
Sasha Snow Cover Amazing
I don't care what the reason. I don't care that her death was an accident. I don't care who you say her real mother was. She was my cousin.
William Lovie III.

Sasha Snow would be killed while defending the gatehouse of Castle Trachtenburg alongside her fellow defenders and her shocking death would become a major point of contention as shortly after this William Lovie III. would arrive ending the conflict for fear of the deaths of his other two baseborn cousins in House Trachtenburg.

The Journey

Main Article : The Journey

The Journey
Sometimes to see what the world looks like, you simply have to go outside and look.
Lanna Lannister Cover2
You can choose to keep being the wandering playboy prince of the Valley. You could spend every year until your father dies doing just that. Trying to rebel against your father by squandering your potential, is only hurting you. Be the man your mother. Be the man I see you can be. Save these people. Save your people from the hell that your father hed led them into.
Catherine Lovie

William Lovie III.'s coma had caused him to have no memory of his sister and anything to do with her which left him suffering headaches and finding his happiness in sleeping with other noble girls in the city, and this behavior continued to spiral out of control until the arrival of Lanna Lannister. Lanna Lannister had been a romantic partner to Jasper Hale, but had also slept with William several times including mothering a child with him in the form of Termin Jest of whom she believed was Jasper's but in fact was William's child. Lanna arrived in Lucerne with her mother Cersei Lannister of whom was visiting for a trade negotiation and would only be in the city a few days but wanted to see Jasper so came with her aunt and tried to see him but discovered from Rosalie Hale that Jasper had left for Nortburg with his grandfather and thus unable to see Jasper she went to see William of whom was at the pools with Edward Cullen, and Leven Martell. William finding her as beautiful as he remembered he talks to her after she is unable to find Jasper, and seducing her she follows him to his fathers throne room where he demands everyone to leave and then sleeps with her on the floor in front of the throne. Lanna and William have a long discussion about their respective lives and the discussion of her child comes up implying for the first time that her son Termin Jest could be Williams, but this is laughed off by William and following this the two sleep together but are stopped during this by Catherine Bell his aunt of whom he has a serious conversation with about his life. Disgusted with himself for this he listens to his aunt and goes to Edward and the two come together to decide its time to truly change thus marking the beginning of the Journey as William could no longer take the person hes becoming alongside the increasingly depressing dreams he suffered from each night and was forced to attempt to deal with them through finding the places in his dreams of which a common place was a tavern in Forks.

End of Darkness
Look at the world father. You were born into this land. You grew up here. These people swore their lives to you. How could you have done all of this? Look at everything you have done. You destroyed a city. Killed hundreds of good men out of fear. Is this how you want to be remembered father. Is this the world you want to leave behind? I know you were a good person once. Don't end it all here. Don't do this. For me father. For everything I supposedly mean to you. Don't do this.

"Where are you taking me Will?"

"If I told you then it wouldn't a surprise."

"Does Jasper ask about me Will?"

"Not that I recall."

"You know his son is almost three."

"He know's that."

"He's just willing to ignore it."

"You know his grandfather."

"Tarnide is a monster of a man."

"That he is. I always think of him as a lesser version of my father, and that does not say anything good."

"You two were always bonded by your hatred of those two men." "Tell me Will why aren't you married yet?"

"Amber left would be the easiest answer."

"But whats the real answer."

"It's gotten really easy to not have any responsibility."

"Don't you want a family?"

"I want it more then anything in this world."

"Then why don't you start your family?" "Your twenty years old Will. There is talk that your infertile you know."

"When did this talk begin?"

"Its been going on for some time Will. How many girls have you slept with and how many children bastard or not do you have?"

"You had a child."

"That child is Jasper's."

"Perhaps it is mine. You and I were sleeping together at the same time. Why could it not be mine."

"Would you want it to be William?"

"If it was I would be a father to him."

"You taking responsibility wasn't my question. If Termin was your son would you be happy marrying me and being the father of my children knowing where my heart lay."

"I see your point."

"William I'm not disappointed with you." "No one is disappointed with you. Everyone just sees you as being capable of so much more then sleeping around for a living."

"You think I don't know that. Every day I get up and there is this hole in my mind. This giant gap of memory and it tears away at me."

"Memories are just that Will. They are glimpses of something that has already happened."

"That doesn't make it hurt any less."

"Life hurts my love."

"It shouldn't hurt this much."

"Just because something hurts doesn't mean you should stop living."

"Tell me what I should do?"

"Find anwsers. Find love."

"I can't remember anything more then a blurred image, and the girl who I love ran out on me when went into a coma."

"You know thats not what happened with Amber William. That girl loved you of that there is no question."

"Then tell me why she left?"

"If she left I believe there was a good reason." "Find out that reason."

"Lanna sent she went to Forks."

"Then go to Forks."

"Father won't even let me leave Lucerne Hold."

"Make him." "Your twenty years old William. You are the prince of the Valley of Lucerne. When my brother dies you will be king. You do not need his permission to leave the city."

"I will have to tell him something more then me wanting to find Amber."

"You'll think of something. Talking people into doing what you want has never been something you struggled with."

"Thanks Catherine. For...for being the mother I wish I had. For being there for me when I didn't deserve anyone by my side. Thank you...Thank you for loving me through it all."

"I love you William. You never have to thank me for that."  

Confronting his father James would at first completely reject any idea of him traveling outside of Lucerne, as James understood that he was beyond hated outside of the capital, and that worried him for what people might do to the prince. In the end though he realized that William was not going to take no for an anwser and relented by sending an elite troop of soldiers with him, including Carlisle Cullen of whom William had lost all trust in.


Middle gate of Lucerne

It was the first time in many years that I had seen the outside of the Lucernian Mountains, and it felt so different. Like a feeling in the air everything felt tense out in the valley.
Edward Cullen

William Lovie III. left the city of Lucerne with Edward, Leven, Lyanna, Rachel, Marcel, Jasper, Emmett, and a guard unit of sixty men led by Carlisle Cullen of whom had been commanded by James Lovie II. to attempt to maintain his position, but both knew this was nearly hopeless. When they arrived outside of the city they were met by Levan Martell sisters and Ellia Snow of whom joined them with four more men from House Martell, alongside Joshua Jackson and Hayden Percy of whom brought twelve more men with him. Hayden was confronted by Carlisle about why he was there as he had not been commanded by James to do this, but Hayden was evasive and when the two had a moment of privacy he said that he worried someone would try and assassinate William during the journey. The group headed towards the safety of the city of Forks on horseback, and as they neared Nortburg William revealed that he had larger plans in mind and that they would be meeting several others in Nortburg. As they passed Norburg they were met by Radlet Scarlet, Dylan Steinmare and their accompanying four men of which further expanded out the group of those joining William on his journey.

He had an apologetic look across his face as he spoke to me, and I couldn't help but hate him and feel sorry for him at the same time. I didn't doubt whatever secret he kept he only did so with the greatest of reluctance.
William Lovie III.

On the ride their William and Carlisle engaged in the first of what would become many heated arguments between the two on the journey as William saw Carlisle as little more then a hand of his father. William desired to know how it was that James his father was so reluctant to allow him to leave Lucerne as for what reason would anyone have for wanting to harm him. Carlisle berated him about being unwilling to have done something like this before, and that he wasn't mature enough to understand what he was going to find in the cities. The engaged in a long argument in which it became clear to William that Carlisle was deeply aware of a number of important lies that were being told by his father, and that he had no intention of telling William. As Carlisle told William lies about the dislike the people had for him it was Hayden Percy that stopped the party and told William that actually the people were deeply in love with William and he was the only thing they did like about the ruling king.

Carlisle Cullen Large
It was obvious to me that he was a liar. The only thing I wanted to know was whether he was just a really honorable liar, or the kind of liar that had to be dealt with immediately.
William Lovie III.

Eventually when William realized that Carlisle wasn't going to break his father's confidence he stopped talking to him and the younger men, and Leven just socialized the rest of the ride to Forks. This silence between Carlisle and William didn't go unnoticed and Carlisle attempted heavily to reengage the young prince in conversation to no avail. Carlisle was stuck in a terrible place as he knew the scope of terrible things that James Lovie had done, and knew that the moment William arrived in Forks he was going to be told by Charlie Swan of the destruction of Tree Hill, and that alone would spark a quest of discovery which would only end with the discovery that James was responsible for the violence. Carlisle would at this point realize that there was no hope of protecting his old master in the way he had been commanded too, and thus he begin to hope for the success of William so that James would be removed and while he understood this would end him as well he knew he had to do the right thing for once. Arriving at Runestone (Castle) it was the group that picked up more people when it was joined by Robar Royce and a group of twenty Runestone troops who also wished to support William's journey. Traveling further the south the group reached Gulltown where they met with the leadership of the large city and were able to quickly gain many ships for their path to Forks although it was made quite clear during this stop in Gulltown that the truth south of Gulltown was something William should be prepared for. As they reached the area just north of Forks they stopped the boats at the small castle of Saint Relouste where they would stay for the night with House Relouste in preperation for moving by land to Forks. During that night William would meet with the people he trusted most and after this discussion including advise from Hayden Percy he would send Levan Martell and her party back to the river in order to make their way towards Stormwind so that she could tell the Starke`s and Lannisters that he was moving, and that he would be making his way east after he had visited Forks and Charlie Swan. Along with Levan he also had Radlet, and Martin travel westward towards Hillsbrad where they would tell Lord Genn Greymane of their intentions and make him aware that they would attempt to travel to Hillsbrad after they had visited Stormwind. Finally he would send Rachel Lee to her family at Nighthold in order to both find out the truth of what her family was doing at Nighthold but also to gain their support, and at this request he was originally told by Rachel to not trust her family but he put his faith in her to change them despite this.

End of Darkness
Look at the world father. You were born into this land. You grew up here. These people swore their lives to you. How could you have done all of this? Look at everything you have done. You destroyed a city. Killed hundreds of good men out of fear. Is this how you want to be remembered father. Is this the world you want to leave behind? I know you were a good person once. Don't end it all here. Don't do this. For me father. For everything I supposedly mean to you. Don't do this.

"I need you to do something for me Leven."

"You know I will do whatever you need Will."

"You won't like it."

"Spit it out Will."

"I was writing letters back and forth for several weeks with Eddard Starke. In these letters we discussed our meeting, and he told me that if I went to him that he would support me in my search for answers, and what came after."

"What do I have to do with this?"

"Carlisle can't know that I'm meeting with the Starke's. My movement in the east must be done by someone that I trust without question."

"Why me William. My place is by your side. What about Jasper, or Emmett, or Marcel. What about anyone but me, I don't want to leave you."

"I don't want you to leave me either. You are the one that I trust more then anyone. I love you." I reached out and took her hands in mine. "If I could trust someone else to get this done, then I would send them. I trust you most. I need you for this."

As the group moved towards Forks it was the Circle of Magi that worked without leadership from James Lovie II. as the king had locked himself in the Sky Tower and refused to be seen leaving the situation to be handled by Kieth Schwartz. Kieth would command a raven be sent to Forks and the Circle of magi forces in the city led by James Nighting, and his son James Nighting II. and the raven detailed that they were to deal with Alice in whatever way they saw fit but there ultimate goal was to not let the two siblings meet in Forks when william did arrive in the city. Kieth at this moment was truly only conserned with assisting the rise of William Lovie III. and thus understood that despite telling them to make all attempts to bring Alice to Berne that this would most likely be ignored by James the Elder in favor of attempting to kill her. The Forks cell would discuss this and while James the younger would push to kidnap her and get her to Berne as was the command of Kieth, it was James the elder that overruled him and did as Kieth feared when he decided to attempt to kill her.

Attempt on Alice Lovie

Alice Lovie Cover Amazing5
It was obvious to me that he was a liar. The only thing I wanted to know was whether he was just a really honorable liar, or the kind of liar that had to be dealt with immediately.
William Lovie III.
Following the failure of Laetorius Pilatus and his group to kill her while at the gardens it was James the Elder that commanded his son to murder Alice using his relationship with her to trick her into leaving the Swan Keep. Having watched the two for the entire time that they had both been in Forks it is clear that James the elder knew what sort of emotional effect this request would have on his son but James the elder felt that this was the only way to bring his son back into the fold of House Nighting.
Alice Lovie Gif
Don't do this James. I love you.
Alice Lovie
Alice would be listening at the window as James the elder and James the younger would argue about things and thus when James the younger entered the tavern it was Alice that was there prepared to comfort James over what he had been arguing with his father about. After some time talking Alice realized that James was there with orders to kill her and realizing this the two argued over this with Alice playing to his emotions and eventually causing him to come to the realization that he would not be able to kill Alice, and with this moment his father James the Elder smashed the door down using Magi knocking down his son and leaving him unconscious. Alice would see this and rushed to the side of James the younger where after seeing that he was alive she and James the elder spoke for some time with James the elder hinting that her brother was on his way to the city but was unwilling to reveal his identity despite the fact that he was going to kill her. As James the Elder prepared to kill her with a killing curse it was james the younger that gained consciousness and stopped his father by stabbing him through the back killing him instantly and leaving James the younger emotionally broken. Alice would attempt to console him but he refused her touch and picked up his father preparing to take him away but before he left he forced Alice to promise that when the time came she would lie and say that she had killed his father after he had kidnapped her from the tavern and taken her to a forest. Alice would follow him riding on the horse with him as they took his fathers dead body out of Forks and into the forest west of Forks, and it was here at a small cabin that James would take her to stay for a few days to make the story make sense. While Alice slept that night an emotionally distraught James Nighting II. would leave her without a word riding southward towards Tree Hill where he planned to return to his family and try and find some kind of peace over what he had done.

Arriving in Forks

Main Article : Forks

Bella Swan7
It was the first city I had ever seen outside of the surrounding area of Lucerne, and I don't know what I expected. From all the talk of my father I guess a burned down husk of a town screaming for my death wouldn't have suprised me at all.
William Lovie III.

When the group arrived at Forks the four of them simply sat and looked down at a massive city that for most of their lives they had not even known had existed. Each of the group spent a moment describing what they knew of Forks, at least what they had heard, and the simple fact seemed clear that they had all been fed a lot of lies over their life to keep them from leaving Lucerne. William told them all a story about how his father had told him that in Forks he had once been forced to put down a rebellion that started after the city wanted to kill him, and his brother. Jasper told him that his grand-father as well as clearly taken the party line and had told him and his sister that the city was a haven of criminals and rebels. Leven told the group that her father had refused to speak of Forks, and she realized now the reason was because he was ashamed to have to lie to her so he just simply didn't. At the urging of Carlisle they begin heading towards the town, and they would reach the great castle bridge of which Hayden Percy would travel ahead of the group with twenty men and have the way prepared for them and he did his best to try and keep who they were as something he only told the top commanders of the castle. After Hayden was able to get them through they made there way towards the city itself, and by this point guards from the castle had reached Forks and had begun spreading word that Lucernians were there, and they were of some high level nobility. As they entered the massive gates of Forks they didn't get twenty feet before the very well known and expensive armor of the Lucernians was seen on them which caused the people to begin swarming the group in the hopes of finding out who they were.


West Side of Forks

You could hear the roar of the crowd from everyone within the city, and like a tidle wave everyone within the city simply moved like they were automated towards the prince they had always dreamed of seeing.
Charles Swan

William didn't know how nearly mythical the Lovie's had become so he simply attempted to calm the crowd by telling them their prince and his best friends were on a journey to visit the Kingdom and that Forks was their first stop. If he didn't know before he knew after everyone in the crowd fell to their knees and remained deathly silent in their awe of the prince that they all hoped would become their King. Before five minutes the entire city learned of the coming of William Lovie, and a large group of Lucernians, and it took William begging the people to get up before they would finally stop kneeling to him. With the people back on their feet William and the group waded through the crowd that all attempted to touch the armor of their beloved Prince, and as this was happening Jasper, and the rest of the group followed very closely trying there best to keep an eye out for danger. As the groups of people all attempted to touch the armor of the prince the gaurd of House Swan, and his bannerman arrived on the scene to clear out the crowds and allow the prince through, but it took some time before they were able to get moving again. The arrival of Ser Richard of the Swan Guard would finally calm the crowd enough that he was able to line his Swan Knights along the side of the princes entourage, and from there walk them towards Swan Keep.

Alice Learns the Truth
Alice Lovie Hot
That lady Alice is prince William Lovie III. He's going to be the king some day.
Nerio Swann

Arriving at the cabin at night it was Alice and James that discussed everything that had happened and Alice attempted to get James to forgive himself, but she would fail and despite both describing their love for the other it was James that left her to sleep alone while he told he would be in the main room and they could talk the next day. While Alice slept that night an emotionally distraught James Nighting II. would leave her without a word riding southward towards Tree Hill where he planned to return to his family and try and find some kind of peace over what he had done, but he did leave behind a letter that detailed how much he had loved her and his involvement in what she would eventually realize was her memory loss. Alice would wake in the morning and discover he had left and after reading his letter she would ride back to Forks on the other horse where as she arrived she was stopped by a troop of cavalry led by Nerio Swann and Nerio knew her as Alice was a friend of Bella Swan and thus he revealed to her that the prince of Lucerne William Lovie III. was the leader of the group that was being surrounded by the people of Forks, and as she looked down into the group and saw him she felt a wave of memories crash over her which caused her to pass out. Alice would wake up back in the tavern where she was being held by Rosalie, and Bella while Donnel Swann stood at the doorway, and upon waking up Rosalie and Bella both started crying as they were both afraid that Alice wasn't going to wake up, and after calming down the two it was Alice that told them that she remembered who the boy from her dreams was. Before she could tell them that she knew the boy was William she was overcome with a terrible headache as the memories overwhelmed her and while she hid the severity of the pain it was Flavius Elvorix II. that came to the door and ordered Rosalie to return to work and despite Alice attempting to stop this he overruled her and then demanded them leave Alice's room which again they did reluctantly.

Golden Haired Boy
Bella Swan10
His beauty was painful, but it was the way he allowed everyone to touch his armor, and never once did I sence that he hated this or wanted these people to just leave him alone.
Bella Swan

While the crowd was clamoring for their prince it was Bella Swan that was in the tavern waiting for Alice to feel better when she heard all the noise outside. Joined by Donnel Swann she scaled the stairs of the tower of Trelly she looked out of the tower and finally saw the reason for all the commotion, and in that moment she was overcome. While she would never admit it to anyone even to this day during that moment she felt a pull towards the golden haired boy that she had never felt in her entire life. Her mind wanted with everything in her to return to her father's side where this knight was obviously heading to but instead her mind won the battle and simply stared love struck at the beautiful golden knight. After five minutes the group had barely moved due to the crowd sheer size and Bella remained in the same spot as she had been. Her only movement came when Rosalie approached from behind her and she fell startled by her friends arrival. Falling down before getting back up the two watched the group finally make it out of the crowd after the Forks guard, along with the House Swan honor guard moved in and created a barrier so that the prince could move through the thousands now lining the streets.

Watching them grasp for my hand. Watching them cry out my name. Watching them do everything they did to try and make me see them was the first time I ever really understood who I was. I always understood I was powerful, but it wasn't until then I knew what I could accomplish.
William Lovie III.

William and the rest of the group would make there way now with the help of the Swan Knights and footmen of Forks through the crowds and made there way towards Swan Keep where they would arrive at to the site of Charlie, and Brodie Swan bowing to them while dressed in beautiful blue Swan adorned armor. Charlie would declare himself and immediately William gave him the respect he deserved as an Arch Lord of Lucerne, and after giving him bread to signal that he was under guests right he alongside the Shadow Council and Hayden Percy would enter the Swan Keep. Carlie Cullen would attempt to follow them but Brody Swan would hold him back on the command of Charlie before following the rest of the group inside and leaving Carlisle outside with the remainder of the group. Charlie would tell William the first of what would become an ever increasing amount of bad things about his father, and Charlie told him that he was beyond happy to see that he had a chance to meet him before he perished in whatever the next plot of James Lovie was. William would be somewhat defensive of his father at first, but Hayden Percy would vouch for many of the things said, and this shocked William as he believed Hayden and couldn't believe that his father was causing so many problems. Charlie told William that Brody would take him on a tour of the estates while Charlie prepared things for William to see, so that he could understand what Charlie believed he could do.

Chance Encounter
Bella Swan16
Looking back the fear I used to have was just so palpibable. It was as if I would litterly die if I went to see this man that people were calling the most perfect thing they had ever seen. I should have been at his feet praying like the rest of them, but my fear kept me back. Considering how it ended I can't say I regret not going.
Bella Swan

Bella would continue to stare at William throughout the entire time he was surrounded and still in view, and as she did she brought on the questioning of Rosalie of whom also felt something for one of the men with William in the form of Jasper out there but attempted to bury that within herself by asking Bella questions. Bella escaped the questioning and badgering of Rosalie that she go to see the prince, and instead made her way to the blacksmith of her father's loyal banner house House Black to basically hide out. She entered the blacksmith and admittedly spent the next few hours simply walking among the seemingly endless stable that surrounded the overall blacksmith. She was about to return home when she heard a commotion from the front of the blacksmith, and when she came out to see what it was she saw that the prince was in the next room talking to Arthur Black the brother of the House Black patriarch. Bella would watch as two other men entered the room in the form of Jasper Hale, and Joshua Jackson, and she watched as the prince laughed with them, and they seemed to love his presence. Arthur Black, and Jasper Hale would leave the area for a few minutes leaving William and Joshua to talk among themselves, and she watched as once he believed he was alone William appeared worried and talked in hush tones to Joshua of whom seemed to attempt to reassure him.

Bella swan breaking dawn by harra009-d2zbmca
Seeing him like that was such a shocking thing, that I felt immobilized in awe. I had wanted to run away, and hide in a hole so deep that noone would ever find me. I had wanted to do anything to get away, but I couldn't move. The moment his eyes met mine, all the remainder of my resistence just flowed away.
Bella Swan

As the two continued talking Bella found herself transfixed on the prince in front of her. She was so nervous that she wanted to run away and hide in the stables for the rest of her life, but before her cowerdess could allow her to do this she was spotted by Arthur who brought her presence to the prince of Lucerne.When the two locked eyes Bella had to hold onto a railing to keep herself from falling, and while William had a lot of experience with women he couldn't bare to not touch this girl in a way he couldn't understand. William thanked Arthur, and told Arthur to take Jasper and Joshua and show them the remainder of the Stables, and Arthur quickly removed himself to the pain of Bella whose head was filled with crazy thoughts of love, and marriage. At first Bella was nervous and shy as she was with everyone, but William unlocked something inside herself that had been dormant since the death of her brother Jacob Swan, and she begin opening up to him. Bella would take him to the more secluded spot of the Stables, and it was there that the two talked for hours and came to know each other rather well, with both telling eachother things they hadn't told anyone else before. This closeness was interrupted by the fact that it was well past midnight and so he had to return her Swan Keep, and then make his way to the Tavern that they had taken over as a residence or Jasper was going to explode from worry. William walked Bella back to Swan Keep before the two parted but made plans to meet the next day at the tavern. As William went to leave her though Brody Swan would come out and whisper something to her which caused her to give Brody a kiss on the cheek before she ran back over to William and told her that she was going to join him since she knew friends at the Tavern. Several Swan Knights joined them in order to make sure Bella would be able to get back safely, and thus arm in arm they walked towards the Tavern with Bella leading them.

The Tavern Meeting
Alice Lovie7
So much happened in that small run down tavern, that whenever I return to Forks I feel like I have to return there. Had we of stayed at a different tavern I'm sure that eventually I would have found my sister again, but it would have been longer. It would have meant one more minute away from my sister, and that was too much.
William Lovie III.

As the Lucernians spent time in the Swan Keep it was Alice that recovered from her headache and now having regained her memory rejoined her friend Rosalie Hale, of whom was known as Rosalie Woods due to her supposed bastardy birth, in her pursuit of learing more about why William Lovie III. who she now knew as her brother was in Forks. As they attempted to leave the tavern the it was Flavius that slapped Alice in the face and forced her and Rosalie to return and not allowing them to leave for Swan Keep where they knew they could get Bella to tell them more. This physical abuse wasn't uncommon so Alice just moved about her business, and acted as if nothing had happened, but inside she now knew that she was a princess and feeling the shackles getting closer to being removed she felt hopeful for the first time in years as she knew that William would save her. Alice would watch as the man she knew now as Carlisle Cullen entered the tavern and went to Flavius and after talking briefly it was Flavius that would rush out of the tavern. Shortly after this happened it was her brother himself that entered the tavern flanked by Bella and Jasper on each side of him.

Jasper Hale5
When I saw the gleaming armor of the prince's men I couldn't help but stand in awe of these men. So much was spoken of Lucerne, and since I had never been there I was left to my imaginations. They just seemed so polished, and downright perfect.
Alice Lovie

After at first being overwhelmed by attention by the tavern dwellers they were spared further harassment when Rosalie yelled throughout the tavern that they were going to close if they didn't leave the Lucernians alone. Alice spent the rest of the night watching as the group of Lucernians spent time in the corner, and she made the arrangements when a man named Carlisle Cullen introduced himself and basically said that the group needed lodgings for the night and they would prefer if they could simply take all the rooms in the tavern. As Alice moved about the business of moving their things to their rooms she came to be helped by a silent young man who introduced himself as Jasper Hale. The patrons of the Tavern were slowly removed as the men that guarded all these noble young men begin to take up the spots and guarded the door making sure the tavern was now safe for the royals to sleep in. As the two shook hands on Jasper's insistance they both felt a shock as if something inside them was kismat, and that they recegnized the feeling. They went about their work, but following the hand shake no more words were shared between the two. As Jasper returned to the table he returned to conversation with Emmett, and Edward where he revealed that he felt a connection with the young barmaid. Emmett was far to lost in his lust over the beautiful blond to pay attention to Jasper but Edward was completely listening and had never seen his friend with so much certainty in his eyes since before he had left. For the first time since the death of Hostella Jasper was actually talking to Edward, and this continued for several minutes until the emotions wore off for Jasper once Alice had his eye sight and he realized he was talking to Edward and would from that point on ignore Edward and only talk to Emmett, and Joshua of whom entered shortly after. As they continued to talk Emmett simply got up from the table without a word and walked over to the counter where once their he begin talking to the blonde barmaid. Edward and Jasper were shocked that the extremely shy Emmett had been capable of something so obvious, and once again a member of the group stepped out of his comfort zone and did something they were not used to doing.

William Returns
Alice Lovie21
Bella said that she was best friends with two of the girls that worked at the tavern, and when I asked how she a noble got to be friends with barmaids she just laughed and shrugged her shoulders. Her nervousness in that moment just made me love her all the more.
William Lovie III.

The flirting between Rosalie, and the conversation between Jasper, and Joshua ended the moment the front entrance to the tavern opened and walking through the doors was William Lovie, and on his arm was Bella Swan. When Alice watched her normally dower friend walk in smiling while holding the arm of what she could only assume was the most handsome man in the kingdom she couldn't help but do a double take on the two. For the boys this was nothing new as Jasper and William had girls on their arms all the time, but the way he held her hand was something they hand't seen before as usually it was a more physical connection that William was after. The tavern was at this point basically at full copasity with all the guards and other members of their party so it was difficult for William, and Bella to see where the group was. As he looked around the tavern for his friends so that they could meet Bella his eyes scanned a tiny brunette girl standing behind the table and for a moment he was completely lost in thought. His mind went back for a moment and he had a hallucination of dreams he had been having flooding through his mind. Every dream he had ever had about the girl suddenly flashed back to him, and he nearly fell over if not for Bella holding his arm, and keeping him steady.

Alice Lovie Small1
I didn't know what it was but when I caught a look at her it was a moment I cannot explain. I felt a sence of longing that I didn't know existed but it wasn't in a sexual way it was something elce. It was as if this was someone I hadn't seen in a long time and now I was getting a chance to see her again.
William Lovie III.

Seeing Alice awoke something in William, and at first Bella watched him as he looked at Alice, and she felt nervous that she wasn't good enough but as if he felt her nervousness he tightened his grip on her hand and looked down at her smiling. The smile he gave her wiped away the fear she had, and brought her back to the happiness that she was feeling the moment before. Across the room at the bar Alice nearly dropped the jug of liquid that she was holding and stumbled her way back into the store room to calm herself down. At first she was horrified that she might be attracted to her best friends date, and thus she decided to hide herself away in the storeroom. As William held Bella's hand and walked towards his friends who he had finally spotted he spied the blonde sitting on Emmett's lap and smiled at his friend who appeared to be smitten. He locked eyes with Edward who gave him a knowing smile, and for the first time in a long time he returned Edwards smile, as he believed Edward was happy for him. Jasper and Joshua would both say hello to Bella and the group got into a fresh, and lively conversation only interupted by sporadic kissing between Rosalie and Emmett.

The Storeroom Meetings
Alice Lovie Large6
I sat alone in the storeroom hiding in the corner behind a box. I wanted with everything in me to go back out there and talk to the boy that had sent electricity through my arm just through a touch. I wanted to know more about who he was, and whether he could ever like a girl like me. But the only real though that flew through my mind, was speaking and seeing the prince again.
Alice Lovie

As the group talked and spent time together Rosalie, and Bella both wondered where Alice had gone too, and Jasper said that she was probably still busy like before. Bella got up from the table and went to see where she might be, and like always her noble stance meant that she was able to walk into the back where she found Alice sitting in the corner of the store room. Bella walked up to her, and sat down beside her and tried to find out what was wrong. Alice lied to Bella and told her she was nervous about seeing Jasper again because she thought she was having strong feelings for him and what was the point of getting involved since she was nothing but a barmaid. Bella looked her in the face and said she was so much more then that, and the group out there would never look at her as just a barmaid. She knew Bella was right but she wasn't ready to see the prince again so she told Bella to ask Jasper if he would come see her in the back room. Alice would hug Bella and tell her she loved her before Bella left to tell Jasper.

Bella Swan Large4
I didn't want Jasper to leave and think I was unhappy or didn't like him, so I thought the only way to see him without involving the prince was to get him to come to me. I'm guessing this would be the first time he chased a girl into a storeroom in his life.
Alice Lovie

Bella would return to the table, and say that Alice was in the back room because the tavern owner had forced her back there so not to bother the customers, and that she wanted to apologize to Jasper in person. Jasper would immediately go to the back to see her, and he found her now standing against the wall waiting for him. The two would talk, and eventually they would kiss against the wall before things got more heated, and they would make love. As Jasper and Alice were in the storeroom the group outside continued having a great time, but in the back of William's mind he continued to think of the brunette barmaid that he had seen at the front, but like Alice threw herself into Jasper, William threw himself more and more into Bella. The two continued to talk lovingly and didn`t know when Rosalie, and Emmett left to go to her room William decided the time was right to take Bella home, and he said goodbye to Edward and left a goodbye for Jasper before holding Bella's hand and leaving with her. Emmett and Rosalie would spend the night talking but for the first time in her life Rosalie had found someone who didn`t just want her body, and this led to the two to become quite close very quickly in.

For whatever reason as I walked with her the world just seemed clearer again. Memories seemed clear for the first time in the longest time, and looking at her smiling face as we walked hand in hand down the pebbled street I knew it was her. She was releasing me from whatever darkness had befallen me. She was the one to release me back into happiness.
William Lovie III.

Taking Bella`s hand and walking her down the street he was painfully aware that despite the appearance of being alone with her in fact he could make out Ellia Snow, and Hayden Percy following behind them keeping enough distance to remain private, but still close enough to move forward if something went wrong. William would enter the Swan Keep with her, and when the guards indicated that her father was away from the keep meeting several just arriving nobles from Fogtown he would take her back to the stables where they had originally met, and the two talked there for almost another hour, before the arrival of Charlie Swan, and a large troop of Fogtown men would cause them to depart each other. As the shy Bella Swan was preparing to leave his side he would kiss her, and the two lost themselves in the kiss for several minutes before Hayden came into the barn to tell them the lady had to leave before they were discovered. William following this would meet with the Fogtown force whom led by Natalie Highport would swear themselves to his side and thus joining the army that was gathering in support of William.

The Return
Alice Lovie Large3
I had found my escape in Jasper's arms but even he wasn't enough to keep the constant thoughts of the prince out of my mind. I wanted nothing more then to just escape with him, but even after making love I still found myself thinking of him. I knew I had to go out and see him, and thus I took Jasper's hand and followed him out to the table.
Alice Lovie

As Alice and Jasper finished they talked about things, and Alice frankly asked him where he saw this going, and Jasper who was trying to be a good guy after everything he had done in the past told her that he would like to see her again. Alice was skeptical because he lived in a different city, and was a completely different kind of person in terms of importance but looking into his eyes she believed him. This didn't take away from the fact that Alice couldn't get the prince out of her head, and thus when Jasper extended his hand to take her back inside she took his hand and prepared to once again see the prince. When they entered the hall again she noticed the table was barren except for Edward who sat alone at the table drinking his water. When they arrived they learned that William had left with Bella, and Emmett had left with Rosalie, Joshua had went to bed, and with this Edward said that he too was going to bed, and said goodnight. Alice in that moment was sadly sort of happy that nothing was expected of her with Jasper and walked hand in hand with him as he escorted her to her small room four floors up the tavern. Collapsing into her bed she attempted to fall asleep but the screaming headache she suffered from was the worse she had ever felt before and she wanted to cry out in pain, but bit down on a pillow for longer then she would have liked to admit.

Ending a Marriage
Kate Denali Wide
Im sorry that this is coming as a shock to you Taylor. I never wanted to hurt you. I wanted to spend our life together. I wanted to love you. I wanted to love our children. That's all gone. The moment our little girl died I knew I couldn't stay in that castle for one second longer. If you have any shred of love for me, then you will let me go.
Kate Denali

Following Taylor Shephard leaving with a small troop of men for the Journey it was Kate Denali that would go to Edward Shephard and with his assistance she was able to make her way northward meeting with the main Lucernian army and her father at Forks. As the army was preparing to leave for Forks time was sensitive and thus Kate wasted no time and told her father the truth of what was going in Vorhelm and hearing this an enraged Emerich Denali would travel to the Shephard forced and meeting with Taylor it was a shocked Taylor who saw Kate and then was verbally attacked by Emerich. As the acusations rained down on Taylor swords were nearly brought out but this was stopped when Kate stood between them feeling a hidden desire to protect Taylor despite everything he had done, and she was able to get him to agree to speak to her alone. Speaking together alone it was Taylor who realized that he had truly hurt Kate and that there relationship was dead from the side of Kate feeling no love for him, and with this he agreed to have their marriage ended without resistence.

Family Members

