Lucerne Wiki
Joshua Jackson

Joshua Jackson is the son of Walter, and Elizebeth Jackson making him a member and current Patriarch of the once great House Jackson. Joshua had two siblings in the form of Simon, and Elizebeth Jackson of whome he did not have a much time to know Simon as he was nothing more then a few weeks old when the Plague happened, while his sister was older and she was said to be very beautiful and for this she was raped and then killed during The Plague. He is married to Olivia Jackson, and they have a son Peter Jackson of whome is the current heir to House Jackson. Though he does not know he also has a son with Aria Arryn named Joshua Arryn II.

Following the death of his family during the assasinations ordered by Bill Lovie during the Plague he was sent to Lucerne proper where he was raised in the Lucerne orphanage. Joshua Jackson would take control of his family after the departure of Bill, and Sean Lovie from the Kingdom of Lucerne, and would do his best to return House Jackson to its former power. During the Battle of Berne he took his forces to the Battle and would fight at the forefront of the conflict where he was able to release his father from the prisoners of Berne, and bring him back home. Following this he and his father continued to regrow House Jackson, and his father was responsible for many brilliant ideas for the Order of the Grey Dragon, while at the same time his mental state had slipped quite dramatically with only Joshua, and Olivia able to keep him tethered to the world.


Early History

"Tragedies happen. What are you gonna do, give up? Quit? No. I realize now that when your heart breaks, you got to fight like hell to make sure your still alive. Because you are. And that pain you feel? That's life. The confusion and fear? That's there to remind you, that somewhere out there is something better, and that something is worth fighting for."

-Joshua Jackson

Joshua Jackson was born in Lucerne Hold to his parents Walter and his wife Elizebeth Jackson. The three came to live in the estate village of Bredgooden , and Joshua came to love the whole village as if it was his own extended family. At the very young age of only 5 Joshua's whole life would be thrown out of lining when his father's political dealings would lead to the Plague arriving on Bredgooden's shores.

The First Lucernian Purge

Main Article : First Lucernian Purge

The Unspoken Civil War
This is the price of betraying your king. Look at this man and understand the fate of anyone who thinks they may turn against the Dragon.
The Plague Joust1
He had been in that damn library without exiting for nearly a week before we left for the tournament, and it showed in his state of mind.
Carlisle Cullen

Following James Lovie's Suicide Attempt that ended in failure there were several high profile people imprisoned in the form of Catherine Bell, and Eddard Starke but for most this was seen as something that must be based in truth and thus outside of House Starke who petitioned heavily for the release of Eddard Starke there was little outcry to these imprisonments. As the Starke's made official requests for Eddard's release it was Vhloraz that was gaining a control over James that allowed him to give commands to the leadership of the Circle of Magi, and then lock himself within the Sky Tower so that when James regained control he couldn't stop what had been ordered. There would be three events that led to the eventual Purge with the first being after James Lovie traveled southward to Gulltown and hosted the fated Tournament of 5110 in Gulltown. The tournament itself went off without much a hitch, but after several of the fated knights of James Lovie lost James became openly hostile to everyone that wasn`t his sole remaining knight at the tournament in James Nighting. As the tournament went on and as all the Arch Lords of the land were there he begin shouting and acting as if insane during the dinner before the final bout of the tournament. Surrounded by loyalists to him in the Nighting`s, Jestifes, and Scorpians no one dared speak as he continued to scream, but the effects of this were terrible on his Lords who lost complete faith in him. It was only when Carlisle Cullen tricked James into leaving under the lie that William was nearby would James Lovie stumble out of the dining hall and carried by his sworn knights pass out in his room.

Halys was a good man, and for his entire life he had lived an honorable life undeserving of the end he met. James needed to pay for what happened that day, and if I was the only one brave enough to do it then so be it.
Walter Jackson

Despite the horrible ranting by James he demanded the tournament continue, and all did this as they were loyal and Carlisle had worked hard to say that the king was just exhausted. At the final joust James Nighting was defeated by Halys Forend of whom was a knight of House Jackson, and following this victory it was Halys that attended a celebration in his honor and while this happy event was going on it was Aelflynn that overheard Carlisle Cullen talking with Lord Walter Jackson about a betrothal between William Lovie III. and Walter's daughter Eadwin Jackson II. and this caused jealousy from the Magi Aelfwynn Turnidlon who would use her abilities to sneak into the room where James asleep. Sneaking into the room she woke him and gave him visions that told him that Halys Forend was a sexual predator who was planning on using his winnings to buy children for his sick pleasure. Overcome with anger over this James who was still high on opioids would give power over to Vhloraz who would agree to stop Halys. James Lovie now being controlled by Vhloraz would break out of his room and travel to where Hayls was celebrating and while everyone bowed before their king James Lovie would walk up to him and decapitate the man. Causing screaming amongst the crowd as his family watched him die the place went crazy and as the crowd begin to get angry it was Carlisle that called in the knights of House Lovie who under the command of James Nighting reacted violently. Dozens of Smallfolk were killed during the riot as the violent Nighting`s unleashed rage on those they felt insolent enough to riot in the presence of the king. Outside of the smallfolk the hedge knights family were rounded up as well and executed alongside several of the other noblemen who had dared to speak out against the violence. Watching all of this transpire from behind the stands was Walter Jackson of whom stood beside his old friend Tywin Lannister of whom also watched the King go mad. Looking at each other they both then left the tournament as everyone had been commanded to leave.

Rise of the Rebellion

I knew what was right and I knew what was wrong. If I sat by and let him continue that was wrong. That evil could not be allowed to fester on the world. As I looked at the young baby that my wife had just brought into the world I couldn`t bare the thought of him living in a kingdom that was a wasteland of morals. Sometimes you had to take a stand even when it was dangerous.
Walter Jackson

Following the disastrous tournament most of the Lords went back to their holdings and tried to return to life as usual, but the simply fact was that all knew their king was mad. Of those who didn't sit idle was Walter Jackson and Charlie Swan of whom at this point aligned together but also had very different goals in mind for the rebellion that they were discussing. For Charles Swan the goal was the removal of James by any means necessary including his death, while for Walter he wanted to amass a force so that he could be given time to complete his work on the Hungering Mirror. Walter, Charles, and the leaders of this early rebel group met together in Forks several times and begin forming the first elements of the Rebels in Lucerne. Staying very silent about their leanings the two would expand themselves, and found huge support amongst the Lords of the north, and the Reach.

Noble Family Loyalty Motivation
House Jackson Yellow Dragons Walter would be the original founder of the rebellion and then begin construction of the Hungering Mirror which would fail but nearly destroyed Vhloraz.
House Nighting Red Dragons House Nighting would be the major elements of the forces of James Lovie and supported him fully.
House Reinmann Yellow Dragons House Reinmann would be one of the early major elements of the yellow Dragons.
House Swan Yellow Dragons House Swan provided support to the Starke's as they went back to Lucerne to launch the operation to get Eddard Starke out of Lucerne.
House Starke Yellow Dragons House Starke would spark the actual Purge when they infiltrated the capital and recaptured Eddard Starke from his imprisonment at the capital.
House Jestife Red Dragons House Jestife would be the major elements of the forces of James Lovie and supported him fully.
House Jestife Red Dragons House Jestife would be the major elements of the forces of James Lovie and supported him fully.
House Scorpian Red Dragons House Scorpian and especially Maron Scorpian became dire hard loyalists and stayed constantly near James as one of the few he trusted.

The Tyrells became a serious supporter hoping as they always did to gain more power and perhaps their own Arch Lord position if they were able to take James from the throne and replace him with his son. As the rebellion itself was growing in strength the sanity of James Lovie was decline to newer levels as he had now pushed away most of the more controlled members of his council leaving him with an increasingly Nighting, and Jestife dominated council.

Escape of Eddard Starke
March on Nunendorf

Main Article : Siege of Nunedorf

You come here with the idea that I have betrayed you. I have never betrayed you. I would never betray you. Today you kill a friend.
Leofrich Nune III.

With idea that House Nune had


Following Leofrich escaping the destruction he hid with different farming families before eventually fleeing into the forest where he kept his daughter and nephew alive through hunting small game and picking mushrooms. This went on for several weeks with Leofrich coming to live within an old, abandoned watchtower, and while it was a tough life, he was able to stay alive and keep his family alive. This ended with the arrival of a search party led by Horton Jestife who surrounded the watchtower but to his surprise it was Horton that let them go telling them to leave the area and never come back. Following the sacking of Nunendorf it was Horton that went on the move searching for survivors of the massacre and during this he became overcome by his conflicting emotions and when his force discovered Leofrich Nune III. hiding in the forest with his daughter and nephew it was Horton that allowed him to flee.

Violence Spreads
He had been unleashed. The lies of that monster were going to kill us all.
Carlisle Cullen

Following the destruction of almost the entirety of House Nune it was the army of James that moved northward towards Halendorf where he planned to confront House Hale of whom had been implicated by House Nune. The army arrived at Halendorf where the cities defenses had been raised following being warned by a merchant who had seen the fires of Nunendorf. With Halendorf defended it was King James Lovie II. that commanded House Hale come out and meet with him to discuss the accusations made against them. Tarnide himself would not go out, and instead sent his son Tarnide Hale II. out to meet with the king and hoped the sending of his heir and war companion would calm down the very angry king. Instead of causing him to calm down seeing the Landsgrave and Guildmaster Tarnide Hale not exit the castle made James more paranoid. As Tarnide the younger and his wife came outside they were also joined by Tarnide's sister Lisbeth as they attempted to show a united front. Arriving at the camp they were shocked to not be given a chance to speak and instead were placed in the stockade outside the army camp where they were placed in full view of the castle. At this point it was Tarnide the elder that made his second mistake when instead of immediately agreeing to the request of James to meet with him he delayed things believing his councilors that this was a bluff to attempt to kill him, but that he would never hurt his son who James was friends with.

It's my father. He has decided that James is without saving. I fought him for some time Carlisle I really did but honestly. James is gone. We as his friends have to realize that before everyone else. He died in France.
Tarnide Hale II.

As the days past it was James that lost control of himself and Vhloraz would take over and in control of the situation he would go outside and pushing past his companions he would travel to the stockades. Having his army blast horns for several minutes it was the Halendorf defenders that came to the walls including Tarnide the elder. As the army and the defenders watched it was Vhloraz that decapitated both Tarnide and his wife to the horror of the defenders including the leadership and most especially a devastated Tarnide the elder. Following this it was Vhloraz that had control retaken by James who was rushed back to his tent by Kieth and his other companions, and then fell into what basically amounted to a coma. With James incapacitated it was Kieth that took charge of the siege and wanting to end things as quickly as possible he would once again demand to meet with Tarnide Hale who this time met with the army. Meeting together it was Kieth that made it clear that Halendorf would be sacked if a deal was not made to ensure that House Hale was loyal, and after a discussion it was decided that both Jasper, and Rosalie Hale would become wards of House Lovie thus leaving the new heir of House Hale in Jasper as a hostage of James.

Carlisle's near Turn
I cannot do this anymore Walter. I have to make this right. I can't have all this blood on my soul.
Carlisle Cullen

The violence of Halendorf had in the mind of the Red Dragons ended the rebellion but for several prominent members of the government they came to believe that James could no longer be saved from himself. One of these government officials was Carlisle Cullen. What had happened throughout the previous months had finally pushed Carlisle to the point he couldn’t accept the things he was being asked to do. This break for Carlisle had led to starting to talk with Walter Jackson and these discussions would at first not go far as Walter did not believe that Carlisle was an honest broker. During these early talks Walter refused to admit his role in the rebellion and although Carlisle believed Walter was a rebel, he attempted to gain his trust by leaking information to Walter. Following the leaking of detailed orders with the stamp of James Lovie II. from Carlisle to Walter, it was Walter that went against his own gut feeling and revealed to Carlisle his involvement in the rebellion. With Carlisle now being brought in it was Walter and him that begin plotting to assassinate James who they believed was on the verge of losing control completely of his mind to the demon within.

Going to the Lannisters

Walter Jackson Action
We all warned him that Tywin Lannister could not be trusted, but all he could remember was the boy he knew back in the academy. He should have known that boy died when he burned Castamere during his rebellion.
Mace Tyrell II.

The movement reached its end following attempting to gain the support of House Lannister when he contacted Tywin Lannister. Walter had known Tywin as a child and when he knew him back then he believed he knew Tywin to be an honorable man who would know what the right thing to do was and what the wrong thing was. When Walter first told the other rebels what he planned to do they all were combined in telling Walter that he should not tell Tywin as Tywin was not trustworthy, and they didn't need his sort of person involved in the rebellion. Walter was arrogant in his belief that he could convince Tywin so he ignored the rest of them and traveled to Stormwind where he met first with Brandon Starke who was on board with the action but with the imprisonment of his brother and lord of House Starke he was not willing to actually commit forces to the fight for fear of the king responding by killing Eddard Starke. Once he was done talking to Brandon he met with Tywin and the two talked for some time before Walter believed that he had turned Tywin to his way of thinking. Tywin said goodbye and told Walter that House Lannister was fully behind the plan, and that he would rally his banner houses when the time was right. And thus Walter left Stormwind believing that he had completed his dream of seeing the madness of King James Lovie removed.

Tywin Lannister Wide1

Tywin Lannister was best friends with Walter Jackson for many years, but in that final moment when he had to choose he chose family, and betrayed the only friend he had ever had.

I took me until I had no family left that loved me to realize William, that I made the wrong choice. I caused the deaths of thousands because I was afraid for my family. I see now that all I did was push us further into isolation and that is a threat greater then any mad king.
Tywin Lannister to William Lovie III.

The moment that Walter left the room Tywin ordered his guard to call Cersei and Jamie to him. When his children arrived he told them to take the children, and to find their brother and leave for Lannistane. Once there they were to make sure that none entered the city as he was about to tell the king about a rebellion and knowing the king there was going to be a lot of violence and he didn't want his family or the banner houses damaged by it. Jamie wondered out loud to him whether or not it might be more prudent to assist the rebels since the king was mad, but Tywin simply reminded him of what they had done to their rebels and said there was a high price to pay for rebellion. Following this Tywin left Stormwind and traveled to Lucerne where he immediately was given audience with King James Lovie.

The Greymane's
I'm sorry for what happened back there. You might hear that and think me a liar. It’s the truth though. I saw your sister and everything else just faded away. I wouldn’t be allowed to have her if your grandfather was there. He had to go away. Your grandmother and brother were just casualties of that. In a way you might blame your grandfather for what happened.
Loreon Lannister

As Tywin entered the city it was only a day after that another party arrived in the form of Darius Greymane, his wife, daughter, and several grandchildren who came to Lucerne inside a carriage. Sitting beside his sister Alisson, and brother Hektor he listens as his grandfather Darius jokes lovingly with his grandmother Tara. As they enter the city its Bravin that is amazed at the size of the city, and as they travel through Lucernian Proper they make there way into Lucerne Hold passing through the fortress of Theiner they enter the more prosperous area of Lucerne making there way to the Palace of Lucerne. Entering the palace grounds, they are taken by guards to the Citadel of William Lovie I. where they are to wait to be met by a government official. They don’t have to wait at the citadel long before they are met by the Konsular Loreon Lannister of whom treats them kindly and as Darius tells him how he wants to have his grandchildren and daughter set up in the capital working for the government or a noble family its Loreon that agrees to help process this request. Loreon leaves and an excited Darius goes to walk the gardens with Tara leaving behind Olivia to watch Bravin and his siblings. The chapter ends with Bravin and his family entering the king’s throne to meet with King James Lovie II. and ceremonially accept their positions in the capital. Arriving inside the room its Bravin that notices the large contingent of men at arms inside the room and his grandfather must as well because he puts his arms out to protect them but before he can say anything he is struck in the chest by an arrow.

Betrayal of Tywin
HOUSE Greymane2
Had Tywin waited another ten minutes I had planned on ending his life. I was going to assassinate my former best friend. Had I of acted quicker how many lives would have been saved. When I think of that its difficult to just get up in the morning let alone accept the person that I've become.
Carlisle Cullen

As Tywin Lannister approached Lucerne Carlisle Cullen had come to the decision that he was going to join the rebels, and the way he would do it was by assassinating James Lovie before any violence could happen. As Carlisle prepared for this Tywin entered the Keep. House Greymane had the extremely unlucky time of having several of their members in the Lucerne Palace when Tywin told James Lovie about the rebellion. James was so enraged at the news that when he remembered that House Greymane member Darius Greymane was waiting so that his family could meet their king. James in his enraged state turned to Tywin Lannister and asked him whether House Greymane could be involved and in that moment Tywin remembered the anger he had towards Archibold Greymane about the way he had treated Tywin's father. In that moment Tywin lied and told James that House Greymane had been involved. With this lie James left the throne room with his personal guard and as Darius and his family bowed before there king James raised his sword and started slashing at Darius while his guard killed the rest of the family. Its said that James slashed at Darius for so long that there was nothing left of him but a bloody mess on the ground. Bravin would accompany his family to the capital where his grandfather planned to meet with the king and swear himself personally to the king while also hopefully gaining service for his daughter, and grandchildren in the royal court. Following a successful meeting with Kieth Schwartz it was the Greymane group that was brought to the keep to meet with the king where it was agreed that several of his daughter, and grandchildren would enter the royal families Palatine, and Malatine ranks but before this could happen they became the target of Tywin Lannister who manipulated the situation and caused the entire group outside of Bravin and Olivia to be killed by the king and his men. Bravin would be sent back to Hillsbrad with a note that this was the consequence of turning on the royal family, while Olivia would be taken into imprisonment by the Circle of Magi as a result of her turning into a Worgen during the killing and thus revealing herself.

Death of the Rebellion

Brandon Von Gruger
The sudden speed at which everything in my life was destroyed left me without the time necessary to understand the scope of everything. My wife lay butchered in the other room as all I could do was resist the man holding a bag over my head and pulling me out of the house. I could only pray to god that somehow one of my children had survived the destruction of my life.
Walter Jackson

House Jackson was painted very early on as the ringleader of the rebellion and for this reason their destruction was made to be paramount but also James wanted to know the true extent of the movement and for this reason the operation had to make sure that they captured Walter Jackson alive so that he could be tortured for information. It was decided that assassins from Ravenholdt would join members of House Nighting, and House Jestife in the destroying the rebels completely and utterly. Brandon Von Gruger would accompany the dark and twisted Terrorblade alongside some fifty men at arms from House Nighting of whom had been commanded to destroy House Jackson completely outside of the Patriarch of whom was to be captured alive. Brandon had killed innocent's before but something about the way in which this was going didn't sit well in his stomach. When they captured Walter, one of the assassins went back into the house in the pretests of making sure everyone was dead. When the assassin Brandon Von Gruger entered the room where Josh's mother had been killed he found Joshua rubbing his mother's back trying to get her to wake up. The assassin in this moment moved to the child, and whispered for him to be very quiet if he wanted to live. The assassin then proceeded to put the child behind him attached to a rope, and hidden behind his cloak. This was how Joshua traveled to Lucerne, and when they arrived the assassin brought him to the steps of the Lucerne orphanage and left him there. During the attack on Bredgooden it was also Benjamin Heard that was captured, and this was a surprise as he was not someone being targeted. The young Benjamin was visiting Bredgooden with his family to spend time with his friend Francis Jackson and thus was captured instead of killed and while his family was kept locked within the house they were staying it was Benjamin that was tortured by Nighting men. During this torture it was Benjamin that revealed the fact that his father Hektor had sworn himself to the Yellow Dragons, and this revelation shocked (Nighting Man) leading to the eventual attack on House Heard. Benjamin would swear himself to the Red Dragons and sent his son Mikael Heard to Lucerne with the Nighting men as a means of ensuring his loyalty while Benjamin, his wife and daughters were sent to Castle Cullen to remain as hostages until the rest of their family had been dealt with.

Survival of Joshua Jackson
I had to watch him to make sure everything went alright. There would have been no point to everything that I did if they discovered him alive later. He had to live. He just had to live.
Brandon Von Gruger

Brandon stayed with Joshua for two weeks in order to make sure that he wasn't going to be attacked or found out about. He knew though eventually Joshua would be discovered and when this happened he knew the assassins would be forced to attack him again in order to not fail their mission.

Destruction of House Heard

Amber Heard Large4

In his recklessness James almost commanded the death of the mother of his future grandson.

For a guy who spoke everyday about how much he loved me, and how much he prided himself off looking after me. He sure went to great measures to kill the girl that would give him his first grandchild.
William Lovie III.

In the same way that House Jackson had become a major leader of the rebellion in the Crownlands it was House Heard under Hektor Heard that had joined the rebellion. Following the collapse of House Jackson it was the Red Dragon forces that moved next against House Heard moving there army to near Arryndale. At the time several of the sons of House Heard were located in Lucerne as they were serving inside the actual guard of Lucerne. The heir to the throne of House Heard in Martin Heard, along with his brother Telvin Heard were located in Lucerne and they were both summoned to their commanders office where when they entered they were attacked by the guards inside and killed. Their bodies were hung from the rafters of the Lucerne wall. As the purge in Lucerne continued the Circle launched an attack on the Heard apartment in Lucerne killing the families and servants of Telvin, and Martin before hanging there bodies outside the entrance of Lucerne alongside Martin and Telvin. The army that arrived at Arryndale negotiated with House Arryn and during this negotiation it was Byron Arryn that was manipulated into allowing the Red Dragon force to pass the city without warning House Heard. Byron believed that the Red Dragon force was going to take Hektor Heard into custody and then leave the area, but in truth they were planning to kill the entire family. Arriving at Heard Hold the Red Dragons would surround the hold fast and village before charging inside without warning or notice.

Releasing Prisoners

Emma Bell Cover Amazing1
For a guy who spoke everyday about how much he loved me, and how much he prided himself off looking after me. He sure went to great measures to kill the girl that would give him his first grandchild.
William Lovie III.

Throughout the events of the rebellion it was Catherine Bell that remained imprisoned within Lucerne and with the killings now spreading both families of the imprisoned became desperate to have them released. With the rebellion destroyed with House Jackson and the others it was Brandon Starke that arrived at Lucerne and swore and oath of loyalty to James Lovie and with Eddard also swearing the oath James Lovie prepared the release of Catherine but before he would fully release him he demanded a hostage which he got when they agreed to send their young sister Lyanna Starke to Lucerne where she would be held as a hostage in order to maintain their loyalty.

Final Flames

Walter Jackson Cover1
Hundreds of Nobles Died in a few nights of murder and chaos. The King was meant to protect not to destroy.
Carlisle Cullen

Following the departure of Tywin Lannister, it was Nedrick Baratheon who was the Patriarch of the house at the time went to Lucerne with his daughter Reinhilda Baratheon and his son Edward and hoped to make the point of the rebels known to James Lovie. His arrival though was misunderstood by James Lovie and instead of seeing it as the peace offering that it was he saw the coming of Nedrick and his children as a hostile act, and had the three executed in the main square of Lucerne.

End of Darkness
Look at the world father. You were born into this land. You grew up here. These people swore their lives to you. How could you have done all of this? Look at everything you have done. You destroyed a city. Killed hundreds of good men out of fear. Is this how you want to be remembered father. Is this the world you want to leave behind? I know you were a good person once. Don't end it all here. Don't do this. For me father. For everything I supposedly mean to you. Don't do this.

"Understand that this was nothing more then a warning. Don't involve yourself in rebellions again or you'll find it won't matter how much money you control I'll just take it all. You better understand what happened her because if this has to be explained again there won't be any of you alive to tell me that they understand."

"I understand."

"Who is your king?"

"You are My Grace."


In Northern Lucerne where the smallfolk had turned on the authority with gusto it was the actions of House Scorpian and House Jestife that sealed the ending of the Plague. Rounding up hundreds of rebels supporters through the use of traitors within their ranks they would execute hundreds in penguin courts held in the forests. Eventually they just targeted whoever they wanted and after weeks of this they had killed thousands across the north.

Sack of Sawyer Hold
My father had sent us to stay with our mothers family for the summer. While we were away the Knights of Targ attacked my families home. Killed almost the entire family.
Peyton Sawyer

As the final moments of the ceasefire got close it was the Knights of Targ that led by Aeron Dalanis III. that would make a move south of their borders against House Sawyer. Aeron would get permission from the Circle of Magi to deal with House Sawyer who they lied was a member of the rebellion, and the Circle would give them three days to deal with House Sawyer before the ceasefire took place. Taking a force of several hundred from Dalnariat they would arrive at Sawyer Hold where they would attack the hold during the night. The defenders were overwhelmed by the sudden and surprise nature of the attack and the Knights of Targ got inside the hold but the inner holdfast was locked by the defenders. As the Knights of Targ prepared to break inside it was Robbin Sawyer that betrayed his family when he arranged with Maehagel Raenralis to keep his family safe in exchange for opening the gatehouse. During the next day Robbin would open the gate allowing the Knights inside the holdfast and following this it was him and his family that were allowed to leave safely but the the knights then sacked the holdfast. During this sack they took almost everything of value from the hold, but above that they would also kill many members of the family with the only survivors of the family being Robbin Sawyer who had already betrayed his family during the initial assault for safety, and the children of Thomas Sawyer who were away from the holdfast at the time of the attack. Another unlikely survivor was Marcel Sawyer who survived by hiding in a secret shelter in the holdfast where he would stay hidden for three days eventually coming out when the Knights of Targ had left the holdfast.

Lucerne Orphanage

Enlistment into the Lucerne Army

Aria Arryn

See Also : Aria Arryn

After meeting him she quickly fell in love with Joshua Jackson of whome was the silent heir to House Jackson and was being protected by Brandon Von Gruger of whome had silently told him of whome he was. This secret was known to only Joshua and was gaurded with the utmost care as Bill Lovie would have him killed if he wasn't careful, but soon after they were together physically he felt so much trust and love for her that he decided to was going to tell her soon. As they grew closer and closer she felt in her heart that he was hiding something from her as she discovered more about his life, and noticed small things that didn't seem to mesh with the things she was being told. As she spent the night with him one day she watched as he tiptoed around clearly nervous about something, and she broke down crying because she was tired of the secrets. He moved close to her immediatly and held her close and slowly whispered to her about who he actually was. As the truth flowed between them all the mystery disappeared and Aria felt the connection between them grow even more if that was possible.

Aria Leaves

As her parents sent news that her and Hanna's time in Lucerne was over and they needed to return she discovered that she was pregnant with Joshua's child, and she went to see him with the belief that she would hide out with him, and they would be together. After talking she realized that he had so much danger around him that if he was involved with her, then her father would dig up everything on him and this would perhaps lead to him being discovered and then killed. She thus left Lucerne with excuses and despite the fact that she was deeply in love with him she vowed to never reveal herself again to him unless she knew he wouldn't be placed in danger.

The Journey

Main Article : The Journey

The Journey
Sometimes to see what the world looks like, you simply have to go outside and look.
Lanna Lannister Cover2
You can choose to keep being the wandering playboy prince of the Valley. You could spend every year until your father dies doing just that. Trying to rebel against your father by squandering your potential, is only hurting you. Be the man your mother. Be the man I see you can be. Save these people. Save your people from the hell that your father hed led them into.
Catherine Lovie

William Lovie III.'s coma had caused him to have no memory of his sister and anything to do with her which left him suffering headaches and finding his happiness in sleeping with other noble girls in the city, and this behavior continued to spiral out of control until the arrival of Lanna Lannister. Lanna Lannister had been a romantic partner to Jasper Hale, but had also slept with William several times including mothering a child with him in the form of Termin Jest of whom she believed was Jasper's but in fact was William's child. Lanna arrived in Lucerne with her mother Cersei Lannister of whom was visiting for a trade negotiation and would only be in the city a few days but wanted to see Jasper so came with her aunt and tried to see him but discovered from Rosalie Hale that Jasper had left for Nortburg with his grandfather and thus unable to see Jasper she went to see William of whom was at the pools with Edward Cullen, and Leven Martell. William finding her as beautiful as he remembered he talks to her after she is unable to find Jasper, and seducing her she follows him to his fathers throne room where he demands everyone to leave and then sleeps with her on the floor in front of the throne. Lanna and William have a long discussion about their respective lives and the discussion of her child comes up implying for the first time that her son Termin Jest could be Williams, but this is laughed off by William and following this the two sleep together but are stopped during this by Catherine Bell his aunt of whom he has a serious conversation with about his life. Disgusted with himself for this he listens to his aunt and goes to Edward and the two come together to decide its time to truly change thus marking the beginning of the Journey as William could no longer take the person hes becoming alongside the increasingly depressing dreams he suffered from each night and was forced to attempt to deal with them through finding the places in his dreams of which a common place was a tavern in Forks.

End of Darkness
Look at the world father. You were born into this land. You grew up here. These people swore their lives to you. How could you have done all of this? Look at everything you have done. You destroyed a city. Killed hundreds of good men out of fear. Is this how you want to be remembered father. Is this the world you want to leave behind? I know you were a good person once. Don't end it all here. Don't do this. For me father. For everything I supposedly mean to you. Don't do this.

"Where are you taking me Will?"

"If I told you then it wouldn't a surprise."

"Does Jasper ask about me Will?"

"Not that I recall."

"You know his son is almost three."

"He know's that."

"He's just willing to ignore it."

"You know his grandfather."

"Tarnide is a monster of a man."

"That he is. I always think of him as a lesser version of my father, and that does not say anything good."

"You two were always bonded by your hatred of those two men." "Tell me Will why aren't you married yet?"

"Amber left would be the easiest answer."

"But whats the real answer."

"It's gotten really easy to not have any responsibility."

"Don't you want a family?"

"I want it more then anything in this world."

"Then why don't you start your family?" "Your twenty years old Will. There is talk that your infertile you know."

"When did this talk begin?"

"Its been going on for some time Will. How many girls have you slept with and how many children bastard or not do you have?"

"You had a child."

"That child is Jasper's."

"Perhaps it is mine. You and I were sleeping together at the same time. Why could it not be mine."

"Would you want it to be William?"

"If it was I would be a father to him."

"You taking responsibility wasn't my question. If Termin was your son would you be happy marrying me and being the father of my children knowing where my heart lay."

"I see your point."

"William I'm not disappointed with you." "No one is disappointed with you. Everyone just sees you as being capable of so much more then sleeping around for a living."

"You think I don't know that. Every day I get up and there is this hole in my mind. This giant gap of memory and it tears away at me."

"Memories are just that Will. They are glimpses of something that has already happened."

"That doesn't make it hurt any less."

"Life hurts my love."

"It shouldn't hurt this much."

"Just because something hurts doesn't mean you should stop living."

"Tell me what I should do?"

"Find anwsers. Find love."

"I can't remember anything more then a blurred image, and the girl who I love ran out on me when went into a coma."

"You know thats not what happened with Amber William. That girl loved you of that there is no question."

"Then tell me why she left?"

"If she left I believe there was a good reason." "Find out that reason."

"Lanna sent she went to Forks."

"Then go to Forks."

"Father won't even let me leave Lucerne Hold."

"Make him." "Your twenty years old William. You are the prince of the Valley of Lucerne. When my brother dies you will be king. You do not need his permission to leave the city."

"I will have to tell him something more then me wanting to find Amber."

"You'll think of something. Talking people into doing what you want has never been something you struggled with."

"Thanks Catherine. For...for being the mother I wish I had. For being there for me when I didn't deserve anyone by my side. Thank you...Thank you for loving me through it all."

"I love you William. You never have to thank me for that."  

Confronting his father James would at first completely reject any idea of him traveling outside of Lucerne, as James understood that he was beyond hated outside of the capital, and that worried him for what people might do to the prince. In the end though he realized that William was not going to take no for an anwser and relented by sending an elite troop of soldiers with him, including Carlisle Cullen of whom William had lost all trust in.


Middle gate of Lucerne

It was the first time in many years that I had seen the outside of the Lucernian Mountains, and it felt so different. Like a feeling in the air everything felt tense out in the valley.
Edward Cullen

William Lovie III. left the city of Lucerne with Edward, Leven, Lyanna, Rachel, Marcel, Jasper, Emmett, and a guard unit of sixty men led by Carlisle Cullen of whom had been commanded by James Lovie II. to attempt to maintain his position, but both knew this was nearly hopeless. When they arrived outside of the city they were met by Levan Martell sisters and Ellia Snow of whom joined them with four more men from House Martell, alongside Joshua Jackson and Hayden Percy of whom brought twelve more men with him. Hayden was confronted by Carlisle about why he was there as he had not been commanded by James to do this, but Hayden was evasive and when the two had a moment of privacy he said that he worried someone would try and assassinate William during the journey. The group headed towards the safety of the city of Forks on horseback, and as they neared Nortburg William revealed that he had larger plans in mind and that they would be meeting several others in Nortburg. As they passed Norburg they were met by Radlet Scarlet, Dylan Steinmare and their accompanying four men of which further expanded out the group of those joining William on his journey.

He had an apologetic look across his face as he spoke to me, and I couldn't help but hate him and feel sorry for him at the same time. I didn't doubt whatever secret he kept he only did so with the greatest of reluctance.
William Lovie III.

On the ride their William and Carlisle engaged in the first of what would become many heated arguments between the two on the journey as William saw Carlisle as little more then a hand of his father. William desired to know how it was that James his father was so reluctant to allow him to leave Lucerne as for what reason would anyone have for wanting to harm him. Carlisle berated him about being unwilling to have done something like this before, and that he wasn't mature enough to understand what he was going to find in the cities. The engaged in a long argument in which it became clear to William that Carlisle was deeply aware of a number of important lies that were being told by his father, and that he had no intention of telling William. As Carlisle told William lies about the dislike the people had for him it was Hayden Percy that stopped the party and told William that actually the people were deeply in love with William and he was the only thing they did like about the ruling king.

Carlisle Cullen Large
It was obvious to me that he was a liar. The only thing I wanted to know was whether he was just a really honorable liar, or the kind of liar that had to be dealt with immediately.
William Lovie III.

Eventually when William realized that Carlisle wasn't going to break his father's confidence he stopped talking to him and the younger men, and Leven just socialized the rest of the ride to Forks. This silence between Carlisle and William didn't go unnoticed and Carlisle attempted heavily to reengage the young prince in conversation to no avail. Carlisle was stuck in a terrible place as he knew the scope of terrible things that James Lovie had done, and knew that the moment William arrived in Forks he was going to be told by Charlie Swan of the destruction of Tree Hill, and that alone would spark a quest of discovery which would only end with the discovery that James was responsible for the violence. Carlisle would at this point realize that there was no hope of protecting his old master in the way he had been commanded too, and thus he begin to hope for the success of William so that James would be removed and while he understood this would end him as well he knew he had to do the right thing for once. Arriving at Runestone (Castle) it was the group that picked up more people when it was joined by Robar Royce and a group of twenty Runestone troops who also wished to support William's journey. Traveling further the south the group reached Gulltown where they met with the leadership of the large city and were able to quickly gain many ships for their path to Forks although it was made quite clear during this stop in Gulltown that the truth south of Gulltown was something William should be prepared for. As they reached the area just north of Forks they stopped the boats at the small castle of Saint Relouste where they would stay for the night with House Relouste in preperation for moving by land to Forks. During that night William would meet with the people he trusted most and after this discussion including advise from Hayden Percy he would send Levan Martell and her party back to the river in order to make their way towards Stormwind so that she could tell the Starke`s and Lannisters that he was moving, and that he would be making his way east after he had visited Forks and Charlie Swan. Along with Levan he also had Radlet, and Martin travel westward towards Hillsbrad where they would tell Lord Genn Greymane of their intentions and make him aware that they would attempt to travel to Hillsbrad after they had visited Stormwind. Finally he would send Rachel Lee to her family at Nighthold in order to both find out the truth of what her family was doing at Nighthold but also to gain their support, and at this request he was originally told by Rachel to not trust her family but he put his faith in her to change them despite this.

End of Darkness
Look at the world father. You were born into this land. You grew up here. These people swore their lives to you. How could you have done all of this? Look at everything you have done. You destroyed a city. Killed hundreds of good men out of fear. Is this how you want to be remembered father. Is this the world you want to leave behind? I know you were a good person once. Don't end it all here. Don't do this. For me father. For everything I supposedly mean to you. Don't do this.

"I need you to do something for me Leven."

"You know I will do whatever you need Will."

"You won't like it."

"Spit it out Will."

"I was writing letters back and forth for several weeks with Eddard Starke. In these letters we discussed our meeting, and he told me that if I went to him that he would support me in my search for answers, and what came after."

"What do I have to do with this?"

"Carlisle can't know that I'm meeting with the Starke's. My movement in the east must be done by someone that I trust without question."

"Why me William. My place is by your side. What about Jasper, or Emmett, or Marcel. What about anyone but me, I don't want to leave you."

"I don't want you to leave me either. You are the one that I trust more then anyone. I love you." I reached out and took her hands in mine. "If I could trust someone else to get this done, then I would send them. I trust you most. I need you for this."

As the group moved towards Forks it was the Circle of Magi that worked without leadership from James Lovie II. as the king had locked himself in the Sky Tower and refused to be seen leaving the situation to be handled by Kieth Schwartz. Kieth would command a raven be sent to Forks and the Circle of magi forces in the city led by James Nighting, and his son James Nighting II. and the raven detailed that they were to deal with Alice in whatever way they saw fit but there ultimate goal was to not let the two siblings meet in Forks when william did arrive in the city. Kieth at this moment was truly only conserned with assisting the rise of William Lovie III. and thus understood that despite telling them to make all attempts to bring Alice to Berne that this would most likely be ignored by James the Elder in favor of attempting to kill her. The Forks cell would discuss this and while James the younger would push to kidnap her and get her to Berne as was the command of Kieth, it was James the elder that overruled him and did as Kieth feared when he decided to attempt to kill her.

Attempt on Alice Lovie

Alice Lovie Cover Amazing5
It was obvious to me that he was a liar. The only thing I wanted to know was whether he was just a really honorable liar, or the kind of liar that had to be dealt with immediately.
William Lovie III.
Following the failure of Laetorius Pilatus and his group to kill her while at the gardens it was James the Elder that commanded his son to murder Alice using his relationship with her to trick her into leaving the Swan Keep. Having watched the two for the entire time that they had both been in Forks it is clear that James the elder knew what sort of emotional effect this request would have on his son but James the elder felt that this was the only way to bring his son back into the fold of House Nighting.
Alice Lovie Gif
Don't do this James. I love you.
Alice Lovie
Alice would be listening at the window as James the elder and James the younger would argue about things and thus when James the younger entered the tavern it was Alice that was there prepared to comfort James over what he had been arguing with his father about. After some time talking Alice realized that James was there with orders to kill her and realizing this the two argued over this with Alice playing to his emotions and eventually causing him to come to the realization that he would not be able to kill Alice, and with this moment his father James the Elder smashed the door down using Magi knocking down his son and leaving him unconscious. Alice would see this and rushed to the side of James the younger where after seeing that he was alive she and James the elder spoke for some time with James the elder hinting that her brother was on his way to the city but was unwilling to reveal his identity despite the fact that he was going to kill her. As James the Elder prepared to kill her with a killing curse it was james the younger that gained consciousness and stopped his father by stabbing him through the back killing him instantly and leaving James the younger emotionally broken. Alice would attempt to console him but he refused her touch and picked up his father preparing to take him away but before he left he forced Alice to promise that when the time came she would lie and say that she had killed his father after he had kidnapped her from the tavern and taken her to a forest. Alice would follow him riding on the horse with him as they took his fathers dead body out of Forks and into the forest west of Forks, and it was here at a small cabin that James would take her to stay for a few days to make the story make sense. While Alice slept that night an emotionally distraught James Nighting II. would leave her without a word riding southward towards Tree Hill where he planned to return to his family and try and find some kind of peace over what he had done.

Arriving in Forks

Main Article : Forks

Bella Swan7
It was the first city I had ever seen outside of the surrounding area of Lucerne, and I don't know what I expected. From all the talk of my father I guess a burned down husk of a town screaming for my death wouldn't have suprised me at all.
William Lovie III.

When the group arrived at Forks the four of them simply sat and looked down at a massive city that for most of their lives they had not even known had existed. Each of the group spent a moment describing what they knew of Forks, at least what they had heard, and the simple fact seemed clear that they had all been fed a lot of lies over their life to keep them from leaving Lucerne. William told them all a story about how his father had told him that in Forks he had once been forced to put down a rebellion that started after the city wanted to kill him, and his brother. Jasper told him that his grand-father as well as clearly taken the party line and had told him and his sister that the city was a haven of criminals and rebels. Leven told the group that her father had refused to speak of Forks, and she realized now the reason was because he was ashamed to have to lie to her so he just simply didn't. At the urging of Carlisle they begin heading towards the town, and they would reach the great castle bridge of which Hayden Percy would travel ahead of the group with twenty men and have the way prepared for them and he did his best to try and keep who they were as something he only told the top commanders of the castle. After Hayden was able to get them through they made there way towards the city itself, and by this point guards from the castle had reached Forks and had begun spreading word that Lucernians were there, and they were of some high level nobility. As they entered the massive gates of Forks they didn't get twenty feet before the very well known and expensive armor of the Lucernians was seen on them which caused the people to begin swarming the group in the hopes of finding out who they were.


West Side of Forks

You could hear the roar of the crowd from everyone within the city, and like a tidle wave everyone within the city simply moved like they were automated towards the prince they had always dreamed of seeing.
Charles Swan

William didn't know how nearly mythical the Lovie's had become so he simply attempted to calm the crowd by telling them their prince and his best friends were on a journey to visit the Kingdom and that Forks was their first stop. If he didn't know before he knew after everyone in the crowd fell to their knees and remained deathly silent in their awe of the prince that they all hoped would become their King. Before five minutes the entire city learned of the coming of William Lovie, and a large group of Lucernians, and it took William begging the people to get up before they would finally stop kneeling to him. With the people back on their feet William and the group waded through the crowd that all attempted to touch the armor of their beloved Prince, and as this was happening Jasper, and the rest of the group followed very closely trying there best to keep an eye out for danger. As the groups of people all attempted to touch the armor of the prince the gaurd of House Swan, and his bannerman arrived on the scene to clear out the crowds and allow the prince through, but it took some time before they were able to get moving again. The arrival of Ser Richard of the Swan Guard would finally calm the crowd enough that he was able to line his Swan Knights along the side of the princes entourage, and from there walk them towards Swan Keep.

Alice Learns the Truth
Alice Lovie Hot
That lady Alice is prince William Lovie III. He's going to be the king some day.
Nerio Swann

Arriving at the cabin at night it was Alice and James that discussed everything that had happened and Alice attempted to get James to forgive himself, but she would fail and despite both describing their love for the other it was James that left her to sleep alone while he told he would be in the main room and they could talk the next day. While Alice slept that night an emotionally distraught James Nighting II. would leave her without a word riding southward towards Tree Hill where he planned to return to his family and try and find some kind of peace over what he had done, but he did leave behind a letter that detailed how much he had loved her and his involvement in what she would eventually realize was her memory loss. Alice would wake in the morning and discover he had left and after reading his letter she would ride back to Forks on the other horse where as she arrived she was stopped by a troop of cavalry led by Nerio Swann and Nerio knew her as Alice was a friend of Bella Swan and thus he revealed to her that the prince of Lucerne William Lovie III. was the leader of the group that was being surrounded by the people of Forks, and as she looked down into the group and saw him she felt a wave of memories crash over her which caused her to pass out. Alice would wake up back in the tavern where she was being held by Rosalie, and Bella while Donnel Swann stood at the doorway, and upon waking up Rosalie and Bella both started crying as they were both afraid that Alice wasn't going to wake up, and after calming down the two it was Alice that told them that she remembered who the boy from her dreams was. Before she could tell them that she knew the boy was William she was overcome with a terrible headache as the memories overwhelmed her and while she hid the severity of the pain it was Flavius Elvorix II. that came to the door and ordered Rosalie to return to work and despite Alice attempting to stop this he overruled her and then demanded them leave Alice's room which again they did reluctantly.

Golden Haired Boy
Bella Swan10
His beauty was painful, but it was the way he allowed everyone to touch his armor, and never once did I sence that he hated this or wanted these people to just leave him alone.
Bella Swan

While the crowd was clamoring for their prince it was Bella Swan that was in the tavern waiting for Alice to feel better when she heard all the noise outside. Joined by Donnel Swann she scaled the stairs of the tower of Trelly she looked out of the tower and finally saw the reason for all the commotion, and in that moment she was overcome. While she would never admit it to anyone even to this day during that moment she felt a pull towards the golden haired boy that she had never felt in her entire life. Her mind wanted with everything in her to return to her father's side where this knight was obviously heading to but instead her mind won the battle and simply stared love struck at the beautiful golden knight. After five minutes the group had barely moved due to the crowd sheer size and Bella remained in the same spot as she had been. Her only movement came when Rosalie approached from behind her and she fell startled by her friends arrival. Falling down before getting back up the two watched the group finally make it out of the crowd after the Forks guard, along with the House Swan honor guard moved in and created a barrier so that the prince could move through the thousands now lining the streets.

Watching them grasp for my hand. Watching them cry out my name. Watching them do everything they did to try and make me see them was the first time I ever really understood who I was. I always understood I was powerful, but it wasn't until then I knew what I could accomplish.
William Lovie III.

William and the rest of the group would make there way now with the help of the Swan Knights and footmen of Forks through the crowds and made there way towards Swan Keep where they would arrive at to the site of Charlie, and Brodie Swan bowing to them while dressed in beautiful blue Swan adorned armor. Charlie would declare himself and immediately William gave him the respect he deserved as an Arch Lord of Lucerne, and after giving him bread to signal that he was under guests right he alongside the Shadow Council and Hayden Percy would enter the Swan Keep. Carlie Cullen would attempt to follow them but Brody Swan would hold him back on the command of Charlie before following the rest of the group inside and leaving Carlisle outside with the remainder of the group. Charlie would tell William the first of what would become an ever increasing amount of bad things about his father, and Charlie told him that he was beyond happy to see that he had a chance to meet him before he perished in whatever the next plot of James Lovie was. William would be somewhat defensive of his father at first, but Hayden Percy would vouch for many of the things said, and this shocked William as he believed Hayden and couldn't believe that his father was causing so many problems. Charlie told William that Brody would take him on a tour of the estates while Charlie prepared things for William to see, so that he could understand what Charlie believed he could do.

Chance Encounter
Bella Swan16
Looking back the fear I used to have was just so palpibable. It was as if I would litterly die if I went to see this man that people were calling the most perfect thing they had ever seen. I should have been at his feet praying like the rest of them, but my fear kept me back. Considering how it ended I can't say I regret not going.
Bella Swan

Bella would continue to stare at William throughout the entire time he was surrounded and still in view, and as she did she brought on the questioning of Rosalie of whom also felt something for one of the men with William in the form of Jasper out there but attempted to bury that within herself by asking Bella questions. Bella escaped the questioning and badgering of Rosalie that she go to see the prince, and instead made her way to the blacksmith of her father's loyal banner house House Black to basically hide out. She entered the blacksmith and admittedly spent the next few hours simply walking among the seemingly endless stable that surrounded the overall blacksmith. She was about to return home when she heard a commotion from the front of the blacksmith, and when she came out to see what it was she saw that the prince was in the next room talking to Arthur Black the brother of the House Black patriarch. Bella would watch as two other men entered the room in the form of Jasper Hale, and Joshua Jackson, and she watched as the prince laughed with them, and they seemed to love his presence. Arthur Black, and Jasper Hale would leave the area for a few minutes leaving William and Joshua to talk among themselves, and she watched as once he believed he was alone William appeared worried and talked in hush tones to Joshua of whom seemed to attempt to reassure him.

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Seeing him like that was such a shocking thing, that I felt immobilized in awe. I had wanted to run away, and hide in a hole so deep that noone would ever find me. I had wanted to do anything to get away, but I couldn't move. The moment his eyes met mine, all the remainder of my resistence just flowed away.
Bella Swan

As the two continued talking Bella found herself transfixed on the prince in front of her. She was so nervous that she wanted to run away and hide in the stables for the rest of her life, but before her cowerdess could allow her to do this she was spotted by Arthur who brought her presence to the prince of Lucerne.When the two locked eyes Bella had to hold onto a railing to keep herself from falling, and while William had a lot of experience with women he couldn't bare to not touch this girl in a way he couldn't understand. William thanked Arthur, and told Arthur to take Jasper and Joshua and show them the remainder of the Stables, and Arthur quickly removed himself to the pain of Bella whose head was filled with crazy thoughts of love, and marriage. At first Bella was nervous and shy as she was with everyone, but William unlocked something inside herself that had been dormant since the death of her brother Jacob Swan, and she begin opening up to him. Bella would take him to the more secluded spot of the Stables, and it was there that the two talked for hours and came to know each other rather well, with both telling eachother things they hadn't told anyone else before. This closeness was interrupted by the fact that it was well past midnight and so he had to return her Swan Keep, and then make his way to the Tavern that they had taken over as a residence or Jasper was going to explode from worry. William walked Bella back to Swan Keep before the two parted but made plans to meet the next day at the tavern. As William went to leave her though Brody Swan would come out and whisper something to her which caused her to give Brody a kiss on the cheek before she ran back over to William and told her that she was going to join him since she knew friends at the Tavern. Several Swan Knights joined them in order to make sure Bella would be able to get back safely, and thus arm in arm they walked towards the Tavern with Bella leading them.

The Tavern Meeting
Alice Lovie7
So much happened in that small run down tavern, that whenever I return to Forks I feel like I have to return there. Had we of stayed at a different tavern I'm sure that eventually I would have found my sister again, but it would have been longer. It would have meant one more minute away from my sister, and that was too much.
William Lovie III.

As the Lucernians spent time in the Swan Keep it was Alice that recovered from her headache and now having regained her memory rejoined her friend Rosalie Hale, of whom was known as Rosalie Woods due to her supposed bastardy birth, in her pursuit of learing more about why William Lovie III. who she now knew as her brother was in Forks. As they attempted to leave the tavern the it was Flavius that slapped Alice in the face and forced her and Rosalie to return and not allowing them to leave for Swan Keep where they knew they could get Bella to tell them more. This physical abuse wasn't uncommon so Alice just moved about her business, and acted as if nothing had happened, but inside she now knew that she was a princess and feeling the shackles getting closer to being removed she felt hopeful for the first time in years as she knew that William would save her. Alice would watch as the man she knew now as Carlisle Cullen entered the tavern and went to Flavius and after talking briefly it was Flavius that would rush out of the tavern. Shortly after this happened it was her brother himself that entered the tavern flanked by Bella and Jasper on each side of him.

Jasper Hale5
When I saw the gleaming armor of the prince's men I couldn't help but stand in awe of these men. So much was spoken of Lucerne, and since I had never been there I was left to my imaginations. They just seemed so polished, and downright perfect.
Alice Lovie

After at first being overwhelmed by attention by the tavern dwellers they were spared further harassment when Rosalie yelled throughout the tavern that they were going to close if they didn't leave the Lucernians alone. Alice spent the rest of the night watching as the group of Lucernians spent time in the corner, and she made the arrangements when a man named Carlisle Cullen introduced himself and basically said that the group needed lodgings for the night and they would prefer if they could simply take all the rooms in the tavern. As Alice moved about the business of moving their things to their rooms she came to be helped by a silent young man who introduced himself as Jasper Hale. The patrons of the Tavern were slowly removed as the men that guarded all these noble young men begin to take up the spots and guarded the door making sure the tavern was now safe for the royals to sleep in. As the two shook hands on Jasper's insistance they both felt a shock as if something inside them was kismat, and that they recegnized the feeling. They went about their work, but following the hand shake no more words were shared between the two. As Jasper returned to the table he returned to conversation with Emmett, and Edward where he revealed that he felt a connection with the young barmaid. Emmett was far to lost in his lust over the beautiful blond to pay attention to Jasper but Edward was completely listening and had never seen his friend with so much certainty in his eyes since before he had left. For the first time since the death of Hostella Jasper was actually talking to Edward, and this continued for several minutes until the emotions wore off for Jasper once Alice had his eye sight and he realized he was talking to Edward and would from that point on ignore Edward and only talk to Emmett, and Joshua of whom entered shortly after. As they continued to talk Emmett simply got up from the table without a word and walked over to the counter where once their he begin talking to the blonde barmaid. Edward and Jasper were shocked that the extremely shy Emmett had been capable of something so obvious, and once again a member of the group stepped out of his comfort zone and did something they were not used to doing.

William Returns
Alice Lovie21
Bella said that she was best friends with two of the girls that worked at the tavern, and when I asked how she a noble got to be friends with barmaids she just laughed and shrugged her shoulders. Her nervousness in that moment just made me love her all the more.
William Lovie III.

The flirting between Rosalie, and the conversation between Jasper, and Joshua ended the moment the front entrance to the tavern opened and walking through the doors was William Lovie, and on his arm was Bella Swan. When Alice watched her normally dower friend walk in smiling while holding the arm of what she could only assume was the most handsome man in the kingdom she couldn't help but do a double take on the two. For the boys this was nothing new as Jasper and William had girls on their arms all the time, but the way he held her hand was something they hand't seen before as usually it was a more physical connection that William was after. The tavern was at this point basically at full copasity with all the guards and other members of their party so it was difficult for William, and Bella to see where the group was. As he looked around the tavern for his friends so that they could meet Bella his eyes scanned a tiny brunette girl standing behind the table and for a moment he was completely lost in thought. His mind went back for a moment and he had a hallucination of dreams he had been having flooding through his mind. Every dream he had ever had about the girl suddenly flashed back to him, and he nearly fell over if not for Bella holding his arm, and keeping him steady.

Alice Lovie Small1
I didn't know what it was but when I caught a look at her it was a moment I cannot explain. I felt a sence of longing that I didn't know existed but it wasn't in a sexual way it was something elce. It was as if this was someone I hadn't seen in a long time and now I was getting a chance to see her again.
William Lovie III.

Seeing Alice awoke something in William, and at first Bella watched him as he looked at Alice, and she felt nervous that she wasn't good enough but as if he felt her nervousness he tightened his grip on her hand and looked down at her smiling. The smile he gave her wiped away the fear she had, and brought her back to the happiness that she was feeling the moment before. Across the room at the bar Alice nearly dropped the jug of liquid that she was holding and stumbled her way back into the store room to calm herself down. At first she was horrified that she might be attracted to her best friends date, and thus she decided to hide herself away in the storeroom. As William held Bella's hand and walked towards his friends who he had finally spotted he spied the blonde sitting on Emmett's lap and smiled at his friend who appeared to be smitten. He locked eyes with Edward who gave him a knowing smile, and for the first time in a long time he returned Edwards smile, as he believed Edward was happy for him. Jasper and Joshua would both say hello to Bella and the group got into a fresh, and lively conversation only interupted by sporadic kissing between Rosalie and Emmett.

The Storeroom Meetings
Alice Lovie Large6
I sat alone in the storeroom hiding in the corner behind a box. I wanted with everything in me to go back out there and talk to the boy that had sent electricity through my arm just through a touch. I wanted to know more about who he was, and whether he could ever like a girl like me. But the only real though that flew through my mind, was speaking and seeing the prince again.
Alice Lovie

As the group talked and spent time together Rosalie, and Bella both wondered where Alice had gone too, and Jasper said that she was probably still busy like before. Bella got up from the table and went to see where she might be, and like always her noble stance meant that she was able to walk into the back where she found Alice sitting in the corner of the store room. Bella walked up to her, and sat down beside her and tried to find out what was wrong. Alice lied to Bella and told her she was nervous about seeing Jasper again because she thought she was having strong feelings for him and what was the point of getting involved since she was nothing but a barmaid. Bella looked her in the face and said she was so much more then that, and the group out there would never look at her as just a barmaid. She knew Bella was right but she wasn't ready to see the prince again so she told Bella to ask Jasper if he would come see her in the back room. Alice would hug Bella and tell her she loved her before Bella left to tell Jasper.

Bella Swan Large4
I didn't want Jasper to leave and think I was unhappy or didn't like him, so I thought the only way to see him without involving the prince was to get him to come to me. I'm guessing this would be the first time he chased a girl into a storeroom in his life.
Alice Lovie

Bella would return to the table, and say that Alice was in the back room because the tavern owner had forced her back there so not to bother the customers, and that she wanted to apologize to Jasper in person. Jasper would immediately go to the back to see her, and he found her now standing against the wall waiting for him. The two would talk, and eventually they would kiss against the wall before things got more heated, and they would make love. As Jasper and Alice were in the storeroom the group outside continued having a great time, but in the back of William's mind he continued to think of the brunette barmaid that he had seen at the front, but like Alice threw herself into Jasper, William threw himself more and more into Bella. The two continued to talk lovingly and didn`t know when Rosalie, and Emmett left to go to her room William decided the time was right to take Bella home, and he said goodbye to Edward and left a goodbye for Jasper before holding Bella's hand and leaving with her. Emmett and Rosalie would spend the night talking but for the first time in her life Rosalie had found someone who didn`t just want her body, and this led to the two to become quite close very quickly in.

For whatever reason as I walked with her the world just seemed clearer again. Memories seemed clear for the first time in the longest time, and looking at her smiling face as we walked hand in hand down the pebbled street I knew it was her. She was releasing me from whatever darkness had befallen me. She was the one to release me back into happiness.
William Lovie III.

Taking Bella`s hand and walking her down the street he was painfully aware that despite the appearance of being alone with her in fact he could make out Ellia Snow, and Hayden Percy following behind them keeping enough distance to remain private, but still close enough to move forward if something went wrong. William would enter the Swan Keep with her, and when the guards indicated that her father was away from the keep meeting several just arriving nobles from Fogtown he would take her back to the stables where they had originally met, and the two talked there for almost another hour, before the arrival of Charlie Swan, and a large troop of Fogtown men would cause them to depart each other. As the shy Bella Swan was preparing to leave his side he would kiss her, and the two lost themselves in the kiss for several minutes before Hayden came into the barn to tell them the lady had to leave before they were discovered. William following this would meet with the Fogtown force whom led by Natalie Highport would swear themselves to his side and thus joining the army that was gathering in support of William.

The Return
Alice Lovie Large3
I had found my escape in Jasper's arms but even he wasn't enough to keep the constant thoughts of the prince out of my mind. I wanted nothing more then to just escape with him, but even after making love I still found myself thinking of him. I knew I had to go out and see him, and thus I took Jasper's hand and followed him out to the table.
Alice Lovie

As Alice and Jasper finished they talked about things, and Alice frankly asked him where he saw this going, and Jasper who was trying to be a good guy after everything he had done in the past told her that he would like to see her again. Alice was skeptical because he lived in a different city, and was a completely different kind of person in terms of importance but looking into his eyes she believed him. This didn't take away from the fact that Alice couldn't get the prince out of her head, and thus when Jasper extended his hand to take her back inside she took his hand and prepared to once again see the prince. When they entered the hall again she noticed the table was barren except for Edward who sat alone at the table drinking his water. When they arrived they learned that William had left with Bella, and Emmett had left with Rosalie, Joshua had went to bed, and with this Edward said that he too was going to bed, and said goodnight. Alice in that moment was sadly sort of happy that nothing was expected of her with Jasper and walked hand in hand with him as he escorted her to her small room four floors up the tavern. Collapsing into her bed she attempted to fall asleep but the screaming headache she suffered from was the worse she had ever felt before and she wanted to cry out in pain, but bit down on a pillow for longer then she would have liked to admit.

Ending a Marriage
Kate Denali Wide
Im sorry that this is coming as a shock to you Taylor. I never wanted to hurt you. I wanted to spend our life together. I wanted to love you. I wanted to love our children. That's all gone. The moment our little girl died I knew I couldn't stay in that castle for one second longer. If you have any shred of love for me, then you will let me go.
Kate Denali

Following Taylor Shephard leaving with a small troop of men for the Journey it was Kate Denali that would go to Edward Shephard and with his assistance she was able to make her way northward meeting with the main Lucernian army and her father at Forks. As the army was preparing to leave for Forks time was sensitive and thus Kate wasted no time and told her father the truth of what was going in Vorhelm and hearing this an enraged Emerich Denali would travel to the Shephard forced and meeting with Taylor it was a shocked Taylor who saw Kate and then was verbally attacked by Emerich. As the acusations rained down on Taylor swords were nearly brought out but this was stopped when Kate stood between them feeling a hidden desire to protect Taylor despite everything he had done, and she was able to get him to agree to speak to her alone. Speaking together alone it was Taylor who realized that he had truly hurt Kate and that there relationship was dead from the side of Kate feeling no love for him, and with this he agreed to have their marriage ended without resistence.

Battle of Berne

Main Article : Battle of Berne

The Battle of Berne
This is where this divide ends. After we take this city there is nothing stopping the Kingdom of Lucerne from becoming exactly what we always dreamed it would be.
Kingdom of Quel'Thalas
The fact that Sean was able to escape was a black eye on the Kingdom of Lucerne, and no matter what anyone said as long as he lived there would be no improvement for us. He had to die or else we would be nothing more then a joke to the rest of Europe.
William Lovie III.

With the valley clear of Bill, and Sean Lovie, William went about attempting to gain control by eliminating those that were loyal to his father, but most of all he declared war on his father's supporters and very soon after doing this he came to understand that Sean Lovie had taken control of the city of Berne which he didn't even know existed. Under Alistair Bedregen the loyalists loyal to William were sending word to William outside Berne for the first bit of the control by Sean and thus for this early time they knew many of those loyal to Sean or at least to afraid to resist Sean. With this knowledge William rallied the Order of the Red Dragon, alongside a large force of House Lovie and sent this large force to besiege Berne. When his forces arrived there he they saw that Berne was a death trap, and that while they could feasibly attack the city the casualties would be horrendous and on top of that they might not even succeed. Knowing this William ordered them to dig in, and make sure no assistance came from land, and they were forced to live off the small parcel of land within Berne, and to burn through their internal supplies. With the front door shut for the moment William went about his plan to take control of Berne which would revolve around building a tunnel from Lucerne into the rear of Berne and fighting inside from that direction, while also hoping to starve out the defenders so that they would surrender. As William devised his plan where they would complete the underway in its route to Berne and thus they would break in behind the defenses and take the city from within, the Order of the Red Dragon begin having difficulties holding the main entrance as the Orcs in the region were a constant problem. Knowing they needed to be somewhat quick with their siege they were in trouble as unfortunately the tunneling behind Berne would take some time, and so he needed to block the front of Berne without having his army sitting there for the four years the underway would take to complete.

The Kingdom of Quel'Thalas could either close the gap that existed, or leave it open. It all depended on the whims of Elves, and they had never showed themselves to be willing to take chances in order to help others so I wasn't exactly betting on their assistance.
William Lovie III.

In order to do this William sent emissaries from the Order of the Green Dragon to meet with the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas whose forest extended close to the boundaries of Berne and thus would be able to assist in blocking them in if they so chose to do. The Order of the Green Dragon was sent and led by Demi Hill of whom was accompanied by Franklin Brent and his wife Karyl Reyne who led a force of some six hundred House Brent forces alongside three hundred men led by Dexter Hill to act as guards for the mission. When his emissaries arrived they were greeted by Legolas, and Alleria Windrunner of whom were accompanied by nearly three hundred Sindar Elves, and they would greet them with friendship and take them to Darnassus. Traveling through the woods of Quel'Thalas its Franklin, Karyl, and Demi that discuss the current situation in the area and discover that the Quel'Thalasian Elves are not the only major Elven power in the area as Alleria tells them about Lothlorian. While being there to make an alliance with Quel'Thalas its Demi Hill and Franklin that both make mental notes to discuss also furthering the Lucernian presence in the area by also forming a relationship with the Kingdom of Lothlorian. In Darnassus they would be treated to a beautiful feast and Alleria took Franklin and his wife around the capital before they would have the meeting later that night. Seeing the size and beauty of Darnassus, and the kindness of the Windrunner siblings Franklin would have a very high opinion of the Sindar Elves, and he took this opinion into the meeting that night. At the meeting they found that Quel'Thalas was willing to do this in return for an alliance with them which Demi Hill was quick to give them, as William was more then willing to make an alliance with the Elves. Not just happy with an alliance the it was Alleria Windrunner that would offer Franklin and the members of the Lucernian entourage a chance to visit the Dor'Danil Barrow Den where they would be able to enter the Emarald Dream if they so choose.

Enter the Emerald Dream, and discover who you really are.
Tular Windswift

After discussing what would happen there its the groups decision that they will all accept this gift except for Demi Hill, and outside of Demi they are then taken by Clintar Dreamwalker of whom is the Arch Druid of Quel'Thalas, and Saelar Dewwalker of whom is the Guardian of the Claw and leader of the Dor'danil Barrow, to the Dor'Danil Barrow Dens which are located on the edge of Darnassus. While the group spends several days in the Barrow Dens a letter arrives from William stating that a revolt has broken out in Hillsbrad and since they are closer Franklin is tasked to travel there with all speed and end the revolt. The Quel'Thallasians reveal that they can portal Franklin and a small group to near Hillsbrad as there is a forest there with a way stone and Demi Hill agrees that once he wakes from the Emerald Dream he will go there through the portal and gives the letter to Alleria who will give it to Franklin. Following the agreement its Legalos that would lead a force of some two thousand fighters to a forward forest that they would fortify and from there they would be able to adequately block the Orcs from being able to interfere in any real way. So with the front door closed his forces returned to Lucerne while a small contingent remained along with a larger force of the Elves of Quel'Thalas. Franklin Brent and his group wake from the Emerald Dream and with Alavanna holding a visablly shaken Franklin of whom is in tears as he wakes from the Emerald Dream, and taking him by the arm she leads him to a meeting room where Clintar, and Nylindia wait inside. The group sits together and as Franklin slowly recovers from waking from the Emerald Dream they discuss that Tular, and Alavanna will be joining him as he travels not back to Berne, but instead travels through a portal formed for them in Darnassus taking them to a small forest east of Hillsbrad where Franklin is told William Lovie III. has sent him a letter which after reading Franklin nods and asks for them to take him to the portal. As Demi Hill was leaving to return to Berne it's Alleria Windrunner that said that she would be joining them with some two hundred heavily trained and equipped Sentinels at the main Lucerne camp, and this was once again quickly accepted by Demi Hill.

Meeting Ezio Ederiz

See Also : Ezio Ederiz

Mature Ezio
There were two option when it came to Ezio Ederiz. Option one was that he was a trap. Sean had sent him to make us believe him and we would be caught in a trap of his making. Option two was that he was telling the truth. If this was correct then we couldn't just ignore him, but the real question was how would we ever know until it was too late to turn back.
William Lovie III.

As things were happening outside the city and making the siege move positively inside the city there was chaos as Sean Lovie lost his mind and was the source of madness and chaos for the citizens. Ezio after saving the life of Thomas Lovie and watching Allison Arryn die would decide to move aggressively to allow William into the city, and thus would make his way to the western tower and prepare to send a message to the Lucernians sieging the city. Ezio enclosed in the message the entirety that he knew about the defenses of Berne, and a message that the city was ready to be joined with William's forces. He had hoped that if he gave as much information that William would still attack even if he didn't believe Ezio, but he also understood the distinct possiblity that William wouldn't believe him and would just continue to siege the city. Ezio waited at the tower for some time alongside the rebels that he had gained control of, and waited patiently for a response. He got his anwser when a Lucernian messenger approached the tower, and sent a letter up to Ezio. In the letter William told Ezio that he needed to come down from the tower so that they could discuss this, and that no harm would come to him if he did this. For all Ezio knew William had become his fathers son since the last time he had seen him, and thus suffering from the same madness as his brother, but he knew he had to do something so he trusted the devil he didn't know over the mad man that he did. Ezio gave command of the tower over to his top man in the form of Martin Arryn of whom had snuck his way into the tower and convinsed the men to join the rebellion.

ORDER OF THE Golden Dragon
I felt fear being pulled alongside those golden armored men. This whole thing just reminded me why I didn't get personally involved in these political matters. As I regretted my decision to put myself in this kind of danger I remembered the brave look in Amber's eyes as she surrendered herself to save her child. If she could have that kind of strength then I could, and would do everything in my power to save her.
Ezio Ederiz

When Ezio got to the bottom of the tower he was grabbed by some five men all clad in golden armor, and these men escorted him to the Lucernians camp. One of the men identified himself as James Junnsworth and told Ezio that if he planned to harm the king he would be doing it over all of their bodies. When he arrived at the camp he immediatly knew which one William was when he saw the golden haired boy walking up to him in his magnificant armor. Restrained by the men around him he saw how little he was trusted by the arranged forces, but he wasn't bitter as he could understand their fear. He spoke as best he could and told William of what was happening inside the fortress, and that every day they delayed the citizens inside were being killed in ever increasing numbers. As the conversation continued Ezio accompanied William inside his tent with Jasper, Leven, Marcel Lovie II., and Draco Highmore and then spoke openly of the murder of Allison, the rapes, and for Andrew the most horrifying news that Amber Heard was captured and now held in a cage beside Sean's throne. Ezio would at this point tell William about much of the things he had done for his father, and would make William understand that he had done all he could to help him after he had learned how brilliant and how much potential William had. Leven would suggest that during their initial attempts to clear the gatehouse that much of what Ezio suggested he did made sense as to why they found it so easy in certain places to get what they wanted.

Infiltrating the Tower
First Tower

First Tower of Berne Peak

For whatever it was worth I believed him. I looked in his eyes and it told me that he was being truthful. In this world you really have to trust your gut, and my gut was telling me to go all in on this.
William Lovie III.

With Ezio done telling him what was happening William told him he needed some time to think and that while he trusted him, he needed to plan on the best way forward. Ezio told him that he had control of the first tower, and thus he could get some of William's men inside that tower if that would make him feel better about the whole thing. William liked this plan, and it was then that he asked whether or not Hanna Arryn, and her sister Aria were safe inside the city, and Ezio told him that House Arryn was now in hiding in the city outside of Byron Arryn who was being forced to sit and watch Allison's body be violated by Sean Lovie. Andrew was thankful that Hanna was fine, and because of this he told Ezio that he would have his anwser in an hour. With that William called in his commanders and they discussed their options about how to move forward. After talking for some time it became clear that they needed to gather more troops, and especially Andrew wanted to have some of his up and coming leadership involved so that they would feel important to him. He planned to travel to Forks where he would meet with these leaders and make them aware of their involvement and then they would launch the attack. He got Ezio back in the tent, and he told him that he needed to allow his men to take control of the first tower, and that this would amount to his test of loyalty. Ezio agreed without hesitation and left with Jasper, and Leven to make the arrangements of which Franklin Brent would volunteer to command the first forces into the tower. Emmett was left in command of the siege while William was gone alongside the commanders, and this would be the situation that was left as William left for Forks. Franklin Brent would lead a force of men alongside his friend Dexter Hill, and several others of whom they would enter the first tower using massive ropes hung down by the loyalist Arryn rebels within the tower.

Meeting in Forks

Travelling to Forks
It took days to travel to Forks, and days to travel back to Berne, and thus it's hard for me not to wonder what might have been had we of just moved against the fortress with just House Lovie's forces. Atleast I got to see Bella, and it was in the comfort that she offered me that I knew exactly why she was the one for me.
William Lovie III.
After talking to Ezio and having silently infiltrated the first tower with his help William accepted that this was the only plan that had any quick hope of success, and he now felt incredibly rushed due to the threat to the people inside the city of which there were many that he cared for on a deep level. In order to do this he needed the most elite force he could get, so he begin calling his banner houses in, as well as commanding several houses travel to Forks to meet him. All the houses that had been called clearly had to send representatives but when they arrived this mission clearly could be seen as a silent attack that didn't require huge numbers. House Crane, House Swan, House Scarlet, and House Lovie were the houses that would be leading the attack along with leadership from many other houses in Lucerne. Alongside this House Skane, and House Starke were sending numbers led by Robb Starke, and Torgon Skane of whom would join the other forces in entering through the main courtyard once the towers had fallen, or in the worst case even if they didn't fall. As William waited for Bella to arrive so that he could see her, he spent many hours talking with the leadership of the houses that were
Hedrik Clegane III1.
going to be involved of which included Orival Crane of whom he wanted to one day be a very important figure in the Kingdom of Lucerne, and he made this very clear to Orival as they talked. The Arrival of the reinforcements also brought news that House Jestife had started a revolt taking control of Brill, alongside a spreading rebellion elsewhere which were being handled by loyalists in House Clegane, and House Tyrell. In his talk with Orival Crane he and Hedrik discussed how William was trusting heavily in this traitor of the True Sons of Lucerne, and also discussed how his older lover Amber Heard had been captured likely as a last minute threat to William in order to make him turn back. It was late when Bella arrived in Forks, accompanied by Freddie Highmore, and Wilhem Martell - alongside a large force of House Martell, and House Shephard of whom were also sending forces to join the attack - and when they did he said his quick hellos to Freddie and Wilhem before he and Bella made their way to stay in room in the House Swan estate of which he was technically a member of House Swan. After being together romantically he talked openly about how scared he was of seeing Sean there, and also he feared that he was going to be made to make a choice in that final room between killing Sean and keeping his old friend Amber alive. Bella already knew of the old relationship between the two, as Alice had told her of this long ago, and because of this she understood that he didn't simply care for this girl, but he in fact loved her. Bella tried to make him feel better about it, but there really wasn't much you could say to that horrible of a situation so she just held him while he went through it all with her. That night he left Bella who was sleeping and went outside to speak with Leven of whom brought him a response letter from Brooke of whom had quickly sent a letter after William's had reached her. William would read the letter with Leven and Brooke sent her emotional support and told him how much she loved him, of which Leven at that moment didn't believe but didn't want to upset William.
Discovery of Betrayal
Leven Martell Amazing White Cover
I saw you once Your Grace. It was at the Battle of Minus Ithil. You were slashing and stabbing at the monsters and for a moment I stopped. Just stopped and watched you. All the fighting surrounding me and there I was watching you move like a god. I knew then that you were my king.
Edric Nighting

It was at this point that Edric Nighting would arrive in Forks where he had made the decision to turn against his family and reveal the plans of his family. Edric Nighting had several weeks before this begin hearing talk from his father and older brother that they planned to rise against House Scott and murder the Scotts in the city before taking control of Tree Hill itself. He would watch his brother in secret as his brother James Nighting II. followed Brooke Scott watching her movements, and watching her himself he discovered that she was the mistress of William Lovie III. through listening in on a conversation between Brooke and Haley Scott. Learning of this relationship between William and Brooke the loyal Edric Nighting would depart Tree Hill by horse with his friend Hanzal Grightling heading towards Forks where they had heard William Lovie III. was meeting with his wife and the leadership of Forks. Arriving at Forks the two would quickly gain an audience with the king of whom was surrounded at the time by Charlie Swan, Leven Martell, and Bella Swan, and seeing how influential the group was Edric would immediately tell the king what he knew which horrified the group of whom had already rallied their forces and was planning to move out the next day to Berne. Realizing the main forces still needed to go to Berne he would command Jasper Hale to lead a secondary force to Tree Hill in order to defend the Scott's once the Nighting's moved against them, and after discussing it was decided that Jasper would move south through the province of Rosten where he would summon a force from that province's lord in House Elric alongside Northern Tree Hill's lordn in House Guntbold and then lead them southward to Tree Hill.

Tell me Jasper how it is fair that your love for him is more valuable then my own. He doesn't love you any more then he loves me. So tell me the truth why you must always stand by his side?
Leven Martell

Following the breaking up of the meeting Jasper, Leven, and Bella would follow William back to his tent where Jasper would convince William to take him with him to Berne and instead send Leven to Tree Hill. Making up excuses about why she needed to go instead of him Leven was left shocked by what Jasper did and thus limply accepted this change of plans, and with a kiss to her forward she and William would say goodnight and following this Jasper and Leven left the tent. Leaving the tent Leven would follow Jasper trying to get him to explain himself, but he refused until she became quite agitated leading to an argument between the long time friends. Fighting loudly forced Jasper to take the argument into his tent where he would reveal that he did not trust her abilities to protect William considering how in love with him she was, and following this she would punch him in the face before returning to her own tent. The next day William, Jasper and the larger force from Forks would leave the city leaving Leven and a few hundred men at arms and knights to move south towards Castle Elric where she would go to defend the mistress of her beloved.

Sneaking Inside

This was the moment thousands had been waiting for. The moment my brother's madness would finally come to an end.
William Lovie III.

When William Lovie arrived back at Berne flanked by the forces of House Swan, Scarlet, Crane, Starke, Martell, Skane, and many of their vassals he entered the command tent and prepared alongside his commanders the method by which they would do this. Ezio told them that the only real way into the valley of Berne was to take control of the towers defending the passes, and this was possible since they controlled the first tower. From the first tower they would attack the second tower, and then the third, and fourth control towers which would allow them to bring the entire army into the Valley where the defenders would be unprepared for their entry. Once this was achieved they must take control of the fifth tower which was inside the City of Berne itself and was connected through a long tunnel which could be locked from the inside meaning if they failed to take it before they were noticed it would be shut and they would have to attack the main walls.

I felt fear being pulled alongside those golden armored men. This whole thing just reminded me why I didn't get personally involved in these political matters. As I regretted my decision to put myself in this kind of danger I remembered the brave look in Amber's eyes as she surrendered herself to save her child. If she could have that kind of strength then I could, and would do everything in my power to save her.
Ezio Ederiz

With this plan in place William Lovie would send the forces of House Scarlet led by Darion, and Saiden Scarlet to enter the First Tower where they would push their full forces and they alone would be responsible for working alongside the rebels in order to take control of the towers. They would be assisted by the Order of the Golden Dragon of whom was forced to follow William Lovie of whom was going to assist here alongside Edward Cullen and several members of the Order of the Blue Dragon, as well Orival Crane would convince William to let him join the forces attacking the towers. Entering the tower and joining the Arryn loyalists, and Franklin Brent and his forces that had initially taken control of the tower from the rebels and had held it while the main forces gathered. At that final moment Robb, and Jon Starke joined the assault group and this would force William to also take Wilheim alongside with him as Wilheim now wouldn't take no for an answer.

The Battle

Taking the Towers
The Towers all held so many moments where everything could have gone terribly wrong. It was by the shere luck of the dragon that we were able to sucede as easily as we did.
Saiden Scarlet

With the main force now preparing to enter the first pass into Berne they only needed to see the response from the second tower to know when to move in, and they would get that call the first night as they would be signaled by a flag hanging from the wall set out by the tower forces. The Tower forces would wait until night, and that night as they moved forward the few guards meant to make sure such infiltration of the towers were not possible were rebels and thus they allowed the tower forces to infiltrate the towers, and within they found the mercenary forces of Sean Lovie in the form of the Stormblown. The fight for the tower was swift as with most of their forces asleep the few on sentry duty found themselves being attacked by a huge number of troops flooding into the tower. As the Stormblown moved to raise the alarm they found the alarm room locked, and when they finally broke inside they found inside several rebels of whom killed the Stormblown that tried to enter the room. With the tower taken Orival Crane would raise the flag thus giving the main force the safe call to enter the first pass. Torgon Skane alongside the other commanders would move their forces alongside the Elves and reached the very edge of the first pass as the attack move forward, and during this they also moved forward with the siege machines that everyone hoped they would have no need of using. At the third tower they would basically be allowed in as the rebels had taken complete control over this tower, and the few members of the Stormblown that were present inside the tower were barely able to get out of their beds before they were killed by the vengeful rebels and the incoming Lucernians.

Oskar Kinner
I watched each flag go up and each time a piece of me felt better as I knew my king was safe for yet another moment. It was his bravery that made people love him, but in these moments his braveary was horrifying for those of us who were forced to watch from afar.
Joshua Jackson

The fourth tower was the true test of the attack as while it was held by the forces of House Krinner who was a member of the rebellion the tower held the largest contingent of the Stormblown outside of the city itself. Robb Starke, and Wilheim Martell alongside Robb Starke would lead a contingent of forces east of the tower to cut off any kind of relief once the main attack went forward, and with that the main assault could begin on the fourth tower. As the Lucernians made their way into the tunnels approaching the fourth tower they were spotted by a Stormblown soldier of whom alerted the rest of the force to a betrayal, and with this becoming clear the forces of House Krinner would assemble under the command of Danzal, and Benjamin Krinner of whom defended the tunnel route heading towards the fifth tower so that none of the Stormblown could warn their comrades, and inside the tower House Krinner under the command of Oskar Kinner the defenders would block the gate into the alarm room thus preventing for a time the forces of the Stormblown from gaining entry to the alarm. A fierce battle would commense between the defenders in House Krinner and the Stormblown. As the forces of Lucerne attempted to enter the fight they were forced to attack through defended barriers quickly set up by the forces of the Stormblown in order to resist the attackers. During the fighting here Darion Scarlet would become famous for defeating the Stormblown second in command in single combat after they entered the last room of the tower and it was held by the Stormblown second in command. With his death the rest of the Stormblown slowly surrendered, and with that the flag was raised and the main army understood that the way into the valley was clear.

The Final Tower
Derek Arryn
The Sound of that horn going off could have meant the massacre of our entire force. It could have meant the deaths of thousands but the bravery of the three Arryn brothers. They could have stayed hidden and not risked death but instead they did what was right and resisted a tyrant and they saved thousands. History may say that I won that day but I know the truth of who was responsible for our victory.
William Lovie III.

As the main army moved into the valley silently in the darkness of the night the tower forces moved into the tunnels approaching the fifth and final tower. Ezio had told them that they had to get to the other end without being stopped or else the way would be blocked and there would be no way in except a truly viscous fight for the valley. As they entered the tunnel and were only two minutes away everyone including the main force heard a massive horn go off, and the rebels told William that someone had set off one of the alarms of the towers. With this all sense of stealth went out the window and the tower force charged into the tunnel in the hopes of reaching the gate controls before it was shut. As they ran down the tunnel they watched as the massive portcullis gate was slowly shutting, and then suddenly as they were getting closer it slowed and then stopped and they could hear the cries of battle at the other side, and as they reached it they entered a brutal battle between members of House Arryn and the Stormblown who were trying to shut the gate. With the entry of the Lucernians the battle went away from them, but the Stormblown survivors were able to retreat in good form and make their way towards the Berne Keep where they would blow the alarm horn again and the Stormblown throughout Berne would retreat to the keep alongside those still loyal to Sean Lovie although that number was very slight now that House Arryn was in full rebellion. With the stormblown in full retreat the defenders that were on the wall moved completely into the rebellion allowing the main force to enter through the front gate, as the rebels opened the gate letting them inside. The rebels, and the tower forces would move throughout the city, and kill or capture anyone still flying the colors of the Stormblown and as well as this making sure that everyone knew that the city was Lucernian again and they had nothing to fear.

Battle of Krinner

Main Article : Battle of Krinner

Hanna Arryn Large7
As the Stormblown mercenaries, and the other True Sons were pushed back more and more the call from Sean was not for them to pull completely back, but instead it was for them to attack the estate of House Krinner where much of the women and children alongside nearly all of the nobility of the city had fled too. Thousands fleeing into the estate were never under the belief that they would be under threat, but that was proven wrong the moment the forces appeared near the walls.
Paul Arryn

As the Lucerne forces took the final tower before the wall there were some who suspected something was wrong, but all orders were that everyone stayed inside so no one was allowed to leave the inner fortress to investigate, and in order to occupy the forces he had at alert (and in order to further make sure the defenses failed as was hinted at by Sean Lovie during the final duel with William) Sean would command that they attack the House Krinner estate of which was the site of the retreating nobles of Berne. While the commoners and the vast majority of the population had fled into the deeper sections of the city, and to the walls where the more Lucernian houses guarded it was the nobles that fled into the estate of House Krinner. Other then the nobles and politically far more important then that was the fact that Alistair Bedregen had retreated into the Keep alongside Thomas Lovie of whom was the true target of Sean Lovie this late in the fight. News reached them late that Alistair had gone there following the attempt on his life and Thomas and when it became clear this was where he was Sean would send basically everyone available including most of the defenses of the tunnel in order to try and kill Thomas. The estate itself was a sort of mini castle that was built into a large cave deep in the northern section of the city and was defensible from one large tower that covered the entire entrance, and from the ramparts built into the gatehouse.

Vaedin Stormblown
Massing on the walls I could make out the hundreds of attackers that swarmed all around the courtyard. I knew what they would have to do to take us, and I just prayed we were strong enough to resist.
Paul Arryn

It was this spot that the forces of the Stormblown, and the other True Sons loyalist houses would move towards in heavy numbers in order to try and complete the commands of Sean Lovie. Some three hundred Stormblown (including many of their most elite members, and two of their top three commander) alongside some four hundred more True Sons loyalist (of which only the fifty from House Ignirt would actually take part in the battle while the rest simply miled about faking interest in the siege. House Ingirt would be this only truly loyalist element due to the fact that Lord Beren Ingirt's daughter Lia Ingirt, and heir Harren Ingirt were captives of the prince and he was basically blackmailed into supporting Sean Lovie's forces out of fear for his two children. The forces of the True Sons would charge out from the shadows and attack without even a call for surrender, as they were commanded to destroy them and thus no surrender was neccessary or warrented. Charging the walls they suffered accurate and deadly archer fire from the large tower that surveyed the courtyard, and the archers on the ramparts. During this charge Lord Beren Ingirt would fall with an arrow to the neck and with his death the forces of House Ingirt fell under the command of Beren's brother Brandon Ingirt of whom would silently slip away with most of the relief forces moving them towards the prison where they would take part in the taking of the prison. With no cover the Stormblown and others got to the walls much diminished but still with high strength, and once at the gate they bashed at it with quickly made battering rams and climbed the sides of the wall to get to the ramparts, while hoisting a large ladder against the tower.

I could see Trailen Dorin`s heir, and Danzal Krinner standing on the ramparts, and from their position they were able to shoot anyone that came up the ladder to the tower without any cause for fear from the ground. On the tower they were just massacring those on the ground with a nearly endless stream of arrows into their ranks. At the gate I stood with my shoulder against it alongside my men as we tried to buy more time for the archers to thin their numbers even more.
Paul Arryn
  The men attempting to get up the ladders and climbing the walls suffered terribly as the tower was able to hit the men climbing with ease while the ramparts were hitting the men climbing for the tower, and thus it all came down to the gate. During this initial fighting the defenders on the walls were joined by Alistair of whom desperate to make sure that Thomas survived would take a bow and fight on the walls where despite his age he would fight bravely before being hit by an arrow from the ground, and fell dead at the age of nearly seventy three. It was near this point that Vaedin Stormblown`s next brother Sordin Stormblown was also shot through the chest by Danzal
Danzal Krinner Wide

Danzal Krinner would make a further name for himself during the battle as he led the tower in its attacks and coordinated the fire very well.

Krinner of which led to the final Stormblown son in Tolin Stormblown fleeing the field, and taking several other high level commanders with him as well. By this point the other houses of which had been milling about watching the siege, would retreat and pull back to their respective estates of which they decided was the only logical thing they could do as they would be most likely targeted by the Krinner estate for their believed betrayal. The battering at the gates was shattering it, and it was only a few more minutes before it finally came crashing down. Moments before it went down, Paul Arryn would gather with his most elite men, and forces of the loyalist houses, and prepare for a charge out of the gate. Warning the wall and tower that they were charging out, they opened the gate and smashed into the unsuspecting attackers outside the wall. Pushing them back the force fell back and was cut down from behind, killing nearly the entire force attacking but the loyalist forces returned into the keep to repair the gate and didn`t persue believing the larger force was incoming. At this point as the line melded together Hanna, Aria, and other noble ladies would move into the front and do their best to relieve the men by bringing water, and other supplies while helping to repair the gate.
Taking of the Prison
Hunting a Beast
Morrigan Gif Battle of Berne

Morrigan would serve for the final time Bill Lovie in his command of her to go to Berne and murder Forder Braxton and stop him from killing several of the prisoners. By this point she was till under the directive of Flemeth to assist Bill Lovie and using this directive she would be more then happy to serve Bill Lovie who was beginning to attempt to silently assist his son one last time before he lost himself to madness completely.

I don't have much time before my mind is taken over again by the monster. Go to Berne and stop Forder Braxton. The monster in my mind has ordered him to kill as many people as he can in Berne, and I need you to stop this from happening.
James Lovie II.

It would be Forder Braxton, and his son Markus Braxton that would be sent to Berne by James Lovie II. to represent the dealings of the Circle of Magi and a believed loyalist faction, although Bill Lovie had no intention of ever assisting Sean as he wanted William to gain victory, but this was not known by Fordor of whom arrived in Berne to find the city in Chaos and surrounded by the Lucernians. Traveling into the city through Magi he would meet with Sean Lovie and at this point he would join the upper tier of the leadership of the True Sons of Lucerne executing several loyalists alongside his son, but it would be only a few weeks before the city came under assault by the Lucernians. During the battle Fordor and Markus would wander the city of Berne killing at random as was their command by James Lovie if/and when the city fell, and reaching the prisons hoping to kill as many valuable hostages as he could before leaving Forder would be shocked to find Morrigan his old Circle of Magi partner waiting in the gallows before the prison entrance surrounded by the dead bodies of the Stormblown mercenaries guarding the prison.

You think you understand what Bill Lovie truly wants of you? Do you think you even have the slightest idea what that madman wants of you. This great king of yours killed hundreds for doing nothing more then asking why they should serve a madman. You stood by...I stood by as he murdered these men, women and children, and then we did it again...You come here because of reasons you could not even hope to understand. He commanded you to come here and murder innocent men, and women, and children, and at the same time he ordered me to come here and stop you. What kind of king do you follow? What kind of man do you worship at the feet of? What kind...I'll tell you now that you shouldn't follow a man who gets your son killed...

Confused why Morrigan was resisting him he told her he was only doing the work of James Lovie, and at this she would retort saying that so was she and then launched a killing spell at Markus, but it was deflected killing the two guards accompanying them, and then fighting Forder, and Markus who barely managed to resist her strength. As the three fought Forder, and Markus were no match for the more powerful Morrigan and Forder dropped his wand surrendering, but after surrendering he expected to be allowed to leave but Morrigan instead slew young Markus and then prepared to kill Forder but he unleashed a Magi blast at her and was able to escape through hidden tunnels.

Duel with Sean Lovie
William carrying Amber Heard

William carrying Amber

Forgiveness is never easy. Bitterness is easy. Hatred is easy. But forgiveness, that's a tough one. Sometimes, people say things they don't mean or do things they can't take back. Sometimes we do things we can't take back. So we feed ourselves to starve the pain. I have to believe that's what happened to Sean.
William Lovie III.
With the civil war all but over the moment had come for the final confrontation with his brother. There wasn't really a doubt in anyone's mind who would win in a fight the difficult part of the coming fight was the fact that Sean had the emotional advantage through his capture and hostage taking of Amber Heard the first love of Andrew.  The room before the throne room was gaurded by James Nighting II. of whom laughed at them for not realizing that House Nighting was truly on the side of the True Sons of Lucerne. James and the three House Nighting men that were with him charged William and his group, and after a brief fight the four were killed by the far superior forces of William. Jasper held James down, and with a wave William commanded his death and Jasper ended his life. Surveying the rest of the room there were bodies stacked in the corner, of which not all were adults, and the the scope of the atrocities in this city were becoming clear. William before entering the throne room ordered Wilheim Martell to return to the camp at all speed and send word that House Nighting had betrayed them. They all knew that if House Nighting turned then who knew what sort of alliance might be present outside of Berne and with a large quantity of the loyalist forces besieging Lucerne they could be open for a betrayal.
Amber Heard Gif Dying

Amber Heard never thought she was going to survive to see William again, and the sight of him caused her to leap up and great pain as the chain around her neck kept her stationary.

Before entering the final room William would also command Robb, and Jon Starke to lead forces to make sure that no holdouts would cause them any problems, while he briefly met with Alleria Windrunner of whom would wish him the best in the next room as she knew something about fighting siblings. She attempted to one last time make sure he understood that his brother had made his choice and that no amount of sympathy from his side would change what Sean had become. When Andrew entered the throne room of Berne flanked by Jasper, Edward, Emmett, Faye, and his elite guard they found Sean standing alone with nothing but the bound and strapped form of Amber Heard keeping him company. Looking around the room briefly he could see the ruined corpse of what he assumed from the words of Ezio was the poor Allison Arryn, and all along the wall he could see broken corpses of men and women that had obviously fallen victim to Sean's madness.
He sat the way you would expect any psychopath to be sitting when they were idle. He just had nothing in his eyes, and I had to try to force my mind to even remember a moment that he didn't look that way. My brother was gone. He was lost into madness, and no matter what he said he couldn't leave this room alive. After all the years and the pain he was going to pay for everything he had ever done.
William Lovie III.

As he entered the room Sean remained silent but the look on his face told Andrew that Sean had a plan and whatever happened this plan was something he believed could work. Amber Heard never thought she was going to survive to see William again, and the sight of him caused her to leap up and this led to great pain as the chain around her neck kept her stationary. Laughing at what had happened to Amber through the fact that she was crying and holding her neck the situation turned as William charged forward only stopped by Sean holding his sword to Amber`s neck.

End of Darkness
Look at the world father. You were born into this land. You grew up here. These people swore their lives to you. How could you have done all of this? Look at everything you have done. You destroyed a city. Killed hundreds of good men out of fear. Is this how you want to be remembered father. Is this the world you want to leave behind? I know you were a good person once. Don't end it all here. Don't do this. For me father. For everything I supposedly mean to you. Don't do this.

``Really brother. If I were you I would take a couple of steps backwards.`` Everyone stopped as he held the sword to Amber`s neck. I held my hands out to make sure he knew I was willing to atleast talk this out. As I did I noticed the windows in the corner of my eye which I noticed had archers in them. ``Thats right you listen to me now.`` Everyone just stood in place and I hated having him control even an ounce of anything in this world. ``Now that I have your attention tell everyone to leave. This is between me, you, and the bird.`` I looked behind me at Jasper and his eyes told me there was no way he was going to leave, but I knew he had to if I wanted to try and find a way into his mind and to somehow save Amber. Knowing about the windows I had to hope that there was some kind of back entrance into the throne room, and from there perhaps they could infiltrate the windows and gain the upper hand. Moving closer to the men I whispered to the group so lowly that poor Emmett with his poor hearing was forced to come nearly to kissing level.

"We need to do what he says.``Seeing the rejection in their eyes I stopped it immediatly. ``There are windows all along this room, and I need you to get in them so that we can get a handle on this. Emmett, and Edward I can`t tell you what to do. If you want to go with Jasper and the windows then so be it. I would prefer if you saved as many innocents as you could. The rest of you wait in the last room and give those poor souls a cleaner end....they deserve better then to be piled in the corner like garbage. If I should fall.``Edward stepped forward``If I should fall you all must make sure under no circumstances does he leave this room. He cannot be allowed to survive this no matter what happens. Now go. We have little time.``Relunctantly they begin filtering out of the room to the sound of laughter from Sean behind me. ``Yes Sean you have us exactly where you want us, now tell me what you want.`` His laughter was the first thing that happened before he grabbed a key from behind his back and undid the chain around Amber`s neck. Pulling her farther away it took everything in me to not move forward and attack him on the spot.

``I don`t want anything brother. You see that`s the trick. You had the same repository of books that I did, and let me tell you something about the villians in a story. Sometimes the villians want something. They want gold to build a mighty castle. Or maybe they want a women." He swayed as he spoke flayling his arms about like a mad man. " In the end brother It doesn`t matter what they want, it just matters that they want something. You see its important that they want something because for this reason these villians you see, they can be bargained with. They can lose.`` Knowing where he was going I interupted him.

``And let me guess. Your the kind that wants nothing.`` Standing up taller before he spoke he pulled Amber closer to him, and I could see the tears flowing from her eyes. I tried my best to comfort her with my eyes, and her eyes followed suit with mine, and I could tell I had calmed her down. He pushed her to the ground holding the sword so close to her neck I could see a bit of blood fall before raising his face to me again with a twisted look to his face.

``I don`t mean to interupt your longing towards the Arryn whore. " He stared at me clearly trying to make sure that I got the message. "Good. Now that I have your attention again I'll tell you the secret." He looked so excited to say it, as if its was some secret. "I'm not the villian brother. That honor is for you.``

``In what twisted world do you live where your not the villian. You are the same man who sits on a throne covered in the innocents that hes killed. Your the same evil that tried to molest his own sister, and now dares to threaten such a innocent as Amber Heard.``

"Its all a matter of perception." He pulled Amber back up to stand in front of him, and he begin to pet her hair causing a whelp from her. It took every piece of my control not to burst forward and kill him where he stood for touching a hair on her head.

Controlling my increasing rage I spoke to the monster standing before me. "And what perception is that?"

``The perseption that comes from knowing the anwser to this question." He stopped and stared at Amber before looking back at me. "What makes her innocent my brother. Is her innocene borne from the fact that she opened her legs for you whenever you pleased...``

``How dare you...``

"It is an honest question. I want you to tell me how this girl. This piece of meat. I want you to tell me right here, and right now what makes her innocent. "

"She hasn't harmed anyone. She hasn't done a thing in this world other then be a good person."

"And that makes her innocent, does it?"

"Yes it does."

"Your a fool."

"You wish to brandish words around like a bunch of fish wives then do it your way. Or do you want to finally become a man and face what you've done."

``I get this moment brother. You forgot through your youth, that unlike you the rest of us out here in the world have things happen to them. Your the villian along with this whore because of what you have allowed to happen. One does not blame the virus for infecting its victom. You blame the monster who created the virus, and you my brother are the reason I am the way that I am.``

``You want to find a way to escape the person that you are you need to find someone who cares for even a moment for whether or not you live or die.``

``There it is right there. Don`t you see. It was that uncaring neglect. Outright hatred at times that left me utterly alone.``

``You don`t get to blame becoming a monster on the fact that you and I weren`t best friends.``

``I have the sword. I have the damsel. Those mean I get to say, and do whatever the fuck I want to do. Do you understand what I`ve done. Do you have any idea the scope of the things I`ve caused.`


Death is the End
Amber Heard Cover Massive
As the minutes went by my brother fell into a darker and darker place, and despite knowing I should be pulling him back, I hated him so much in that moment that I basically pushed him off.
William Lovie III.
Watching his brother implode in front of him, and basically throw him in front of the bus for everything that had ever gone wrong for him in his life, wasn`t something that William was able to accept. William would begin badgering Sean and insulting him to the point that his brother begin to reveal to him certain darker acts then anything anyone had ever thought he was possibly involved in. Sean told him how he had become obsessed with seeing the death of this particulary noble girl of whom he refused to name but said she unimportant in the grand scheme of things, and that this obsession had followed him for years. Finally one night he had been invited to dinner for the first time in months and was told by Bill to not criticize anything throughout the meal or else he was never eating with them again. Tasting something horrible in the meal he ignored it and kept eating, and following this he said that a dark entity would offer him assistance and when he accepted he begin hearing terrifying voices in his mind. After going through all the terrible things he had done throughout this time he finally got to Berne where he told William that he just wanted to die. He just wanted to
Amber Heard Gif Amazing

Amber watched as Sean appeared to fall apart in front of her, and all she could think was that she just wanted to live. She just wanted another chance with William. It didn`t matter that he had remarried. She just wanted to be with him again.

escape all the pain that he was constantly bombarded with, but that as time went by nothing he seemed to do incited anyone to kill him, and this annoyed him even more. Sean would tell him that he had broken and abused Hedrik Clegane's now wife in Rachel Wood, and that he was responsible for the rape of countless other noble girls, and that he was specifically attempting to escalate it so that he could die, but no matter what he did he continued to escape justice. Sean would reveal to him how that night he had attempted to kill Alice it was as if this voice in his head was literally screaming, and it was screaming to ravish Alice. He had honestly been incapable of stopping himself, and despite trying he found himself constantly moving towards her room, and he had been glad that William had assaulted him. He told William that he had been forgotten by their father when he made the spell removing Alice and that he had followed her to Forks where he had watched her for months but was stopped by men of Bills from revealing anything to her.
I watched the first archer fall and in that moment I saw Jasper nod at me from the window followed by Emmett standing in the window with his own bow prepared to launch an arrow at Sean, but foolishly I believed I could talk him down. I also knew that any attempt to fire at Sean would most surely end with Amber`s death as Sean was too much of a coward to go down like that. I did know one thing though, with the one window down, it was only a matter of moments until the other three went down as well, and when that happened their would be an opening.
William Lovie III.
William watched as Sean devolved and saw Jasper kill one of the archers in the window thus revealing to him that they had found a way into the windows. Seeing there were only three other windows he waved away Emmett`s offer to kill Sean from the window as he knew it would end with Amber`s death. Sean seeing the look on William`s face
Amber Heard Hot1
would demand to know what was so interesting that his brother was ignoring him, and when William could not appease him enough Sean slashed Amber across the shoulder with a blade narrowly missing her head, but still causing serious damage. Seeing this Sean would pull a lever behind him which the moment after he did all the windows slammed shut with Stone portcullis, and the gate they had entered from also was barred with portcullis. Rushing to Amber he knocked Sean to the ground, and picked up Amber. Picking her up he realized instantly how bad the wound to her shoulder was as it had cut far too deep for anyone there to heal her, and he panicked knowing she was going to die. She held him tight, but he could feel her grasp on him loosening as her life left her. Closing her eyes he let out a cry as he believed she had died, and he held her tight crying into her shoulder before kissing her hard on the lips and then gently laying her down before moving towards Sean who was slumped against a post nearby.
As I walked to him, I knew this was the end. He would die in this moment. I didn`t expect him to be crying.
William Lovie III.

Grabbing Sean by the shoulders he found his brother crying, and Sean grasped onto Williams arms as if to try and hold onto him. There was no resistance, and as William held the sword to his chest he held a moment and looked into Sean`s eyes waiting for his last words. Sean in that moment would tell William that Bill still lived and had gone west to France, and would begin to start an apology when William stabbed him through the chest and covered his mouth with his hand. Looking behind him at the lifeless body of Amber he would proceed to be overcome with rage and strangle Sean as the last of his life left him. Getting up he walked back over to Amber, and ignored the sounds of crashing as his men attempted to break there way through the gate, and the windows. Kneeling beside Amber he ripped some cloth from his tunic and covered her wound not wanting her to be seen like this. As he wiped her wound her arm would move up and grasp onto his, and her final grasp for life would continue and it gave the two former lovers one last chance to talk to each other.

House Lovie
The Rise of Lucerne
I saw the destruction of the world, and knew I had to stop it. There was nothing left to do but become bigger then everyone else. The Empire was never going to be the beacon the world needed it to be. Westros was on fire. The Bretonians had reached for the stars and been burned. And the old shadow of Numeron was fading far too quickly. It was left to us in Lucerne to change the fate of all those who wished to reject darkness. We were the last hope for a world who had long since given up on believing.

I could almost feel her leave me as there was a lifelessness to her eyes, and when I did I gently let her down to the ground. I left a kiss on her lips before closing her eyes and taking a moment to stare at the girl I had loved first in my life. She was the innocence of youth. The kind of person who is always the victim of monsters like my brother and that sad fact just left me more angry then any other death I had seen in my life. I had seen good men die in battle, but to look down at Amber and realize that she was just innocent, and had still died hurt me deeply.

Hearing a sound come from Sean I gave one last kiss to her lips before letting her go, and turning around to find my brother. He had moved himself into the corner and was shaking while holding onto a large flag. As I went towards him I couldn't make out what he was saying, but to be frank it was not going to matter what he said. Sometimes men are just guilty and words cannot escape that fact.

Reaching Sean I grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him to face me, while I took out a knife and held it to his throat. Turning him had revealed what the noise was as his face was covered in tears, and the sight of the sword made him pull himself towards it.

``Please William. Kill me now. I cannot live the things in my mind anymore.``

``You murder someone as innocent as Amber and you dare to look for pity now.``

``No pity brother. I want mercy.``

``You do not deserve mercy. The things you have done are beyond imagining.``

``Then punish me William.`` At these words I threw the dagger away and a look of sadness went to his face, before being quickly replaced by understanding when I pulled out my sword and aimed it towards his chest.

``No punishment in the world would ever be far enough to be justice. You deserve so much worse then I could ever give you.``

``You are right brother.`` Sean begin to shake, and I swear I saw somesort of cloud come from his body towards the roof above us, and as it did he looked up at the roof of the room and a look of peace went over his face that just horrified me. I didnt want him to feel peace while she lay dead. He didnt deserve to feel anything even close to that. The things he had done were too much. ``I think its gone.``

``No more talk.``

``Perhaps just one more thing brother.``

``Say your last words and be done with it.``

``Our father went west. He went into the ruins of France.``

``I will find him and give him the true death I will soon give you.``

``I hope that you do William. I hope that you avenge everyone who has been hurt by him.`` I felt such overpowering rage as I looked at him that my eyes must have been showing it as he looked at me with a realization that it was over and he closed his eyes. ``Goodbye Will...``

Before he got the words out I stabbed him through the chest piercing his armor between the plates and he let out a sigh before going limp in my arms. I let him down with a loud bang as his body hit the floor, and leaving behind his body I went towards Amber wanting to just hold her one last time. Kneeling at her body I pulled her closer and held her tight to me.

As I held her in my arms crying into her hair I felt her arms clasp themselves around mine and I looked into her face hoping beyond hope that she would live. I held her face with my hand and begged her to wake. My other hand held her wound with everything I could trying to somehow stop it. I pleaded with her, and I watched as her eyes flickered open. I hugged her tight knowing in my heart that I would want to always remember the feel of her life, as she was perfection, and it was a tradgedy that it had taken all of this for me to realize that. ``William...

``It`s alright my love. Just rest my sweet, Edward will come and...he will...he`ll find a way...``I hadn`t realized that I was crying until I couldn`t see from my eyes anymore, and I felt her hand wipe across my cheek clearing me of the physical signs of my sadness.

``William I love you...Thomas is your son.`` I didn`t understand. She had left, and no one had ever said a word. How many lies had been told to keep this from me. ``It was my doing. Don`t blame anyone but me for keeping it from you.``

"They all lied about where you had went...I loved you with everything in myself. I would have protected you from everything.`` Her eyes closed as the pain must have overwhelmed her. Looking at her shoulder the blood was smeared all across my hand as it was too large a wound for me to keep from gushing.

``I thought I could protect you. He told me he would kill you...he held a knife to your throat and bid me to leave. I`m so sorry William. I`m so sorry you never got to see him grow.``She stopped and coughed out blood, and I knew she was going quickly. The shoulder just kept bleeding through and I couldn't even bear to look at it knowing there was just nothing to fix this. ``You must promise me that you will protect Thomas from everything. Protect him the way I never could.``

``He lives Amber. You saved him. My brother would have killed everything to have killed any son of mine.`` I kissed her on the lips gently carressing her hair before looking into her eyes again.

``I tried my...`` Her eyes closed and her arm went slack for a moment before I shook her gently and she opened her eyes again. ``It doesn`t hurt anymore. You have to promise me William. Promise me.``

``I promise you Amber I shall protect him. I shall love him, and cherish him as the son that he is. He shall never know pain, or anguish, or sadness. I shall love him as I love you.`` Her eyes begin to once more close, and I selfishly shook her again.

``Stay with me Amber...just hold on please...``I shook her again, but this time her eyes didn't reopen and just staring at her I could see that I had failed to save her. She coughed one more time and her eyes opened somewhat and she looked at me again.

``I`m so sorry Will...I`m so sor...``Her eyes remained open, but she just never blinked. Holding her I couldn't feel anything as I knew she had died. I would never hear her voice again. I would never know her touch again, and I let out a scream which I could barely control.

Following her grasping of his arm the two would talk briefly as she bled out but she held on for long enough to make sure William knew that Thomas was his child, and the two would heart sadly say goodbye to each other before finally she bled out from the horrible wound on her shoulder. It was several minutes of banging on the door with William crying into the hair of Amber before the rest of his men were able to get into the throne room, and by this point the Battle of Berne was over with the remaining forces of the True Sons of Lucerne either dead or having surrendered, but for William it felt increasingly like a hollow victory. As Faye, Jasper and Emmett tried to console him and help him with Amber he would refuse without words picking her body up and carrying her out of the throne room before collapsing outside of the inner keep where he would be helped up by Faye. He whispers to Faye that he needs to take her out of the fortress so he can bury her, and Faye goes ahead clearing the gatehouse, and letting the front gate open where William carries her all the way out of Berne and reaches the Valley of Berne where the large Lucernian army awaits and it is at this point that Alice meet him and he finally surrenders Ambers body to Jasper and breaks down in Alice's arms.

Meeting a Son
Amber Heard II
You are too young to understand my son, but know that I have loved you, and I will always love. The world will be tough on you because of how you were born, but understand this. You shall always have a place at my side. You will always be a member of my house. You are my son. You are our son.
William Lovie III.

With Thomas sleeping William gathers with the Lucernian army leadership and following a long discussion on their next steps he commands his friend Hanna Arryn be brought to him, and then the meeting breaks up and joined by Jasper, and Edward he returns to his tent where saying goodbye to them he goes into the tent and finds Alice sleeping on his bed holding a sleeping Thomas. Looking at the scene in front of him he starts crying as he thinks about the loss of Amber, and at the sound of his crying Alice wakes up and gets out of bed gently leaving Thomas in bed and the two siblings hug. Thomas eventually wakes up to the talking of Alice and William and Thomas at first only wants Alice, but William goes to him and talks to him about his love for Amber and when Thomas reveals that Amber had talked about William to him almost every night William tells him the story of how he met Amber of which was a story that Amber had told him a thousand times before.

Control of Berne

Aria Arryn Cover
I would name you the Arch Duchess of this place if you would let me.
William Lovie III.

Meeting with Hanna Arryn the two old friends discuss a more personal view of what happened in Berne, and Hanna reveals to him the depths of some of the things that happened, but also refuses during their conversation to come with him back to Lucerne telling him that Aria needs her more. Discussing Aria, and her father Byron it becomes clear that he needs to speak with Aria and asks Hanna to bring her to him something she agrees to if William agrees to be lenient on her father of which William agrees to out of love for Hanna. The conversation ends with Aria and William agreeing that in one month it will be the leadership of Berne that will travel to Lucerne to meet with William and the Kings Council who will decide the future of Berne. William Lovie III. leaves Berne with the majority of the army but leaves behind several thousand as a garrison of the city under the command of Dylan Steinmare, and this garrison is under orders to further the control of the crown over Berne who at this point there is still fear may be mixed in its loyalties.

Return of Riley Scott

Leven Martell Small21
Taking on mistresses. Sons coming home. The love of my life returning. What a confusing time.
William Lovie III.

William travel to Forks on their way back to Lucerne from Fairmarket. On the boat ride back after a long talk with Morrigan, she takes matters into her own hands and finally reveals to William that she wants him in what ever way she can have him, and despite his marriage he sleeps with Leven. Arriving in Forks they are met on the docks by Charles Swan of whom they talk with for a time, but this ends when Riley Scott arrives alone on horseback, and wishes to return with them to Lucerne for a time. Riley reveals to him that Dan Scott is conspiring to make him and heir and he loves his family and doesn't want to see them come to harm through the menipulations of Dan Scott. Leven goes with William as he talks with Riley, and after Riley leaves with Thomas for a while he tells her that he is amazed at the changes in his son, and as they watch as he spends time with Thomas, and longs to see his three oldest sons become friends. Leven once again talks to Morrigan of whom congratulates her on gaining William in the way she did, and Leven shocked to know Morrigan knew begins to take Morrigan into her confidence revealing the arrangement she offered William and he seemingly agreed to.

Meeting a Daughter
I am so sorry my daughter. I would have never abandoned you had I of known.

Meeting a Daughter

Roslin Stor II
Roslin do you think my mother is sorry. Do you think when she looks back at what happens here she will look back at it with sorrow. I wonder Roslin if she will look upon any of this as anything other then an annoying setback.
Lucie Lovie

Following the attempted Coup in Stor Roslin Stor XII. would return to the capital with Lucie Lovie of whom told her everything she could about her life, and everyone was called to a council where they were told that they had the oldest child of the King of Lucerne in their hands. Following this discovery there were many in the council who begin saying they should barter her to the Lucernians, and this charge would be led heavily by Terad Ereham who had been implicated in the Coup attempt but had returned to the fold after its defeat. Roslin argued that if they did that William had shown he would never forgive the slight, and the weak willed Terad wilted under the pressure of Roslin's words and agreed with her idea of simply giving Lucie to the Lucernians asking nothing in return. The failure here of Terad to gain anything would further poison the mind of his son Tristifer Ereham III. to his father and would be the final straw which led to Tristifer turning completely on his father and taking control of House Ereham.

My King I have a letter for you. My King the letter is said to be from a High Lady of Stor. She says shes writing in regards to your daughter Lucie.
Jasper Hale

While Lucie Lovie was being sent to Storhold and the letter was on its way to Lucerne the situation in Lucerne would be quite peaceful as the royal family prepared for the birth of another child of the main branch through Bella Swan and William Lovie, but as this was happening the lessening of the corruption of Morrigan would lead to a major reveal. William

Arrival in Westbridge
I looked out over the side of the boat to the docks and saw a crowd larger then anything I had seen in a long while. Nobles, and their men all crowded around, and my first thought was what they were doing. My first thought was never that they were there waiting for me. It just didn't make sence.
Lucie Lovie
Running From a Monster
You have to die.
Viggo Vortisson
Arrival in Fairmarket
When we return Lucie I want you to understand one thing above everything else. Our distance. The time we spent apart. I wish that I could take it all back and you could be right by my side. The people you meet in Lucerne, they are by and large good people, but they all have their own wishes and desires. Some will see you as a marriage target. Some will see you as a threat. Whatever happens, and whatever is said I want you to know one thing. You are my daughter. You are my daughter and I love you.
William Lovie III.

Leven and William await with many of his children as the boat of Lucie Lovie pulls into the Fairmarket dock, and she consoles him as he gets nervous about seeing her. As she arrives before he can say anything of any real substance she is taken into a hug by Ashley Lovie of whom is followed by Thomas, and William also hugging her but Riley stands back beside William and is unwilling to hug this new claim to the throne. William decides on the advise of Lucie that they will return to Lucerne as quickly as possible and Leven and William stay the night together and then after that returning by caravan back to Lucerne. The second half of the chapter is their journey back to Lucerne.

Return to Lucerne

Family Members


Main Article : Relationships of Joshua Jackson
