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'''Phillip Foucault''' is the son of Achille, and Aurellia Foucault making him a member of and the current lord and patriarch of House Foucault.
'''Phillip Foucault''' is the son of Achille, and Aurellia Foucault making him a member of and the current lord and patriarch of House Foucault.
Compounding this execution was a refusal to return the bodies for a proper funeral after a fight between Phillip and a circle of Magi envoy had become known to the Circle of Magi leadership who then punished him by making this refusal.

Revision as of 14:28, 26 October 2020

Kingdom of Lucerne

Phillip Foucault is the son of Achille, and Aurellia Foucault making him a member of and the current lord and patriarch of House Foucault.

Compounding this execution was a refusal to return the bodies for a proper funeral after a fight between Phillip and a circle of Magi envoy had become known to the Circle of Magi leadership who then punished him by making this refusal.




Early History

The First Lucernian Purge

Main Article : First Lucernian Purge

The Unspoken Civil War
This is the price of betraying your king. Look at this man and understand the fate of anyone who thinks they may turn against the Dragon.
The Plague Joust1
He had been in that damn library without exiting for nearly a week before we left for the tournament, and it showed in his state of mind.
Carlisle Cullen

Following James Lovie's Suicide Attempt that ended in failure there were several high profile people imprisoned in the form of Catherine Bell, and Eddard Starke but for most this was seen as something that must be based in truth and thus outside of House Starke who petitioned heavily for the release of Eddard Starke there was little outcry to these imprisonments. As the Starke's made official requests for Eddard's release it was Vhloraz that was gaining a control over James that allowed him to give commands to the leadership of the Circle of Magi, and then lock himself within the Sky Tower so that when James regained control he couldn't stop what had been ordered. There would be three events that led to the eventual Purge with the first being after James Lovie traveled southward to Gulltown and hosted the fated Tournament of 5110 in Gulltown. The tournament itself went off without much a hitch, but after several of the fated knights of James Lovie lost James became openly hostile to everyone that wasn`t his sole remaining knight at the tournament in James Nighting. As the tournament went on and as all the Arch Lords of the land were there he begin shouting and acting as if insane during the dinner before the final bout of the tournament. Surrounded by loyalists to him in the Nighting`s, Jestifes, and Scorpians no one dared speak as he continued to scream, but the effects of this were terrible on his Lords who lost complete faith in him. It was only when Carlisle Cullen tricked James into leaving under the lie that William was nearby would James Lovie stumble out of the dining hall and carried by his sworn knights pass out in his room.

Halys was a good man, and for his entire life he had lived an honorable life undeserving of the end he met. James needed to pay for what happened that day, and if I was the only one brave enough to do it then so be it.
Walter Jackson

Despite the horrible ranting by James he demanded the tournament continue, and all did this as they were loyal and Carlisle had worked hard to say that the king was just exhausted. At the final joust James Nighting was defeated by Halys Forend of whom was a knight of House Jackson, and following this victory it was Halys that attended a celebration in his honor and while this happy event was going on it was Aelflynn that overheard Carlisle Cullen talking with Lord Walter Jackson about a betrothal between William Lovie III. and Walter's daughter Eadwin Jackson II. and this caused jealousy from the Magi Aelfwynn Turnidlon who would use her abilities to sneak into the room where James asleep. Sneaking into the room she woke him and gave him visions that told him that Halys Forend was a sexual predator who was planning on using his winnings to buy children for his sick pleasure. Overcome with anger over this James who was still high on opioids would give power over to Vhloraz who would agree to stop Halys. James Lovie now being controlled by Vhloraz would break out of his room and travel to where Hayls was celebrating and while everyone bowed before their king James Lovie would walk up to him and decapitate the man. Causing screaming amongst the crowd as his family watched him die the place went crazy and as the crowd begin to get angry it was Carlisle that called in the knights of House Lovie who under the command of James Nighting reacted violently. Dozens of Smallfolk were killed during the riot as the violent Nighting`s unleashed rage on those they felt insolent enough to riot in the presence of the king. Outside of the smallfolk the hedge knights family were rounded up as well and executed alongside several of the other noblemen who had dared to speak out against the violence. Watching all of this transpire from behind the stands was Walter Jackson of whom stood beside his old friend Tywin Lannister of whom also watched the King go mad. Looking at each other they both then left the tournament as everyone had been commanded to leave.

Rise of the Rebellion

I knew what was right and I knew what was wrong. If I sat by and let him continue that was wrong. That evil could not be allowed to fester on the world. As I looked at the young baby that my wife had just brought into the world I couldn`t bare the thought of him living in a kingdom that was a wasteland of morals. Sometimes you had to take a stand even when it was dangerous.
Walter Jackson

Following the disastrous tournament most of the Lords went back to their holdings and tried to return to life as usual, but the simply fact was that all knew their king was mad. Of those who didn't sit idle was Walter Jackson and Charlie Swan of whom at this point aligned together but also had very different goals in mind for the rebellion that they were discussing. For Charles Swan the goal was the removal of James by any means necessary including his death, while for Walter he wanted to amass a force so that he could be given time to complete his work on the Hungering Mirror. Walter, Charles, and the leaders of this early rebel group met together in Forks several times and begin forming the first elements of the Rebels in Lucerne. Staying very silent about their leanings the two would expand themselves, and found huge support amongst the Lords of the north, and the Reach.

Noble Family Loyalty Motivation
House Jackson Yellow Dragons Walter would be the original founder of the rebellion and then begin construction of the Hungering Mirror which would fail but nearly destroyed Vhloraz.
House Nighting Red Dragons House Nighting would be the major elements of the forces of James Lovie and supported him fully.
House Reinmann Yellow Dragons House Reinmann would be one of the early major elements of the yellow Dragons.
House Swan Yellow Dragons House Swan provided support to the Starke's as they went back to Lucerne to launch the operation to get Eddard Starke out of Lucerne.
House Starke Yellow Dragons House Starke would spark the actual Purge when they infiltrated the capital and recaptured Eddard Starke from his imprisonment at the capital.
House Jestife Red Dragons House Jestife would be the major elements of the forces of James Lovie and supported him fully.
House Jestife Red Dragons House Jestife would be the major elements of the forces of James Lovie and supported him fully.
House Scorpian Red Dragons House Scorpian and especially Maron Scorpian became dire hard loyalists and stayed constantly near James as one of the few he trusted.

The Tyrells became a serious supporter hoping as they always did to gain more power and perhaps their own Arch Lord position if they were able to take James from the throne and replace him with his son. As the rebellion itself was growing in strength the sanity of James Lovie was decline to newer levels as he had now pushed away most of the more controlled members of his council leaving him with an increasingly Nighting, and Jestife dominated council.

Escape of Eddard Starke
March on Nunendorf

Main Article : Siege of Nunedorf

You come here with the idea that I have betrayed you. I have never betrayed you. I would never betray you. Today you kill a friend.
Leofrich Nune III.

With idea that House Nune had


Following Leofrich escaping the destruction he hid with different farming families before eventually fleeing into the forest where he kept his daughter and nephew alive through hunting small game and picking mushrooms. This went on for several weeks with Leofrich coming to live within an old, abandoned watchtower, and while it was a tough life, he was able to stay alive and keep his family alive. This ended with the arrival of a search party led by Horton Jestife who surrounded the watchtower but to his surprise it was Horton that let them go telling them to leave the area and never come back. Following the sacking of Nunendorf it was Horton that went on the move searching for survivors of the massacre and during this he became overcome by his conflicting emotions and when his force discovered Leofrich Nune III. hiding in the forest with his daughter and nephew it was Horton that allowed him to flee.

Violence Spreads
He had been unleashed. The lies of that monster were going to kill us all.
Carlisle Cullen

Following the destruction of almost the entirety of House Nune it was the army of James that moved northward towards Halendorf where he planned to confront House Hale of whom had been implicated by House Nune. The army arrived at Halendorf where the cities defenses had been raised following being warned by a merchant who had seen the fires of Nunendorf. With Halendorf defended it was King James Lovie II. that commanded House Hale come out and meet with him to discuss the accusations made against them. Tarnide himself would not go out, and instead sent his son Tarnide Hale II. out to meet with the king and hoped the sending of his heir and war companion would calm down the very angry king. Instead of causing him to calm down seeing the Landsgrave and Guildmaster Tarnide Hale not exit the castle made James more paranoid. As Tarnide the younger and his wife came outside they were also joined by Tarnide's sister Lisbeth as they attempted to show a united front. Arriving at the camp they were shocked to not be given a chance to speak and instead were placed in the stockade outside the army camp where they were placed in full view of the castle. At this point it was Tarnide the elder that made his second mistake when instead of immediately agreeing to the request of James to meet with him he delayed things believing his councilors that this was a bluff to attempt to kill him, but that he would never hurt his son who James was friends with.

It's my father. He has decided that James is without saving. I fought him for some time Carlisle I really did but honestly. James is gone. We as his friends have to realize that before everyone else. He died in France.
Tarnide Hale II.

As the days past it was James that lost control of himself and Vhloraz would take over and in control of the situation he would go outside and pushing past his companions he would travel to the stockades. Having his army blast horns for several minutes it was the Halendorf defenders that came to the walls including Tarnide the elder. As the army and the defenders watched it was Vhloraz that decapitated both Tarnide and his wife to the horror of the defenders including the leadership and most especially a devastated Tarnide the elder. Following this it was Vhloraz that had control retaken by James who was rushed back to his tent by Kieth and his other companions, and then fell into what basically amounted to a coma. With James incapacitated it was Kieth that took charge of the siege and wanting to end things as quickly as possible he would once again demand to meet with Tarnide Hale who this time met with the army. Meeting together it was Kieth that made it clear that Halendorf would be sacked if a deal was not made to ensure that House Hale was loyal, and after a discussion it was decided that both Jasper, and Rosalie Hale would become wards of House Lovie thus leaving the new heir of House Hale in Jasper as a hostage of James.

Carlisle's near Turn
I cannot do this anymore Walter. I have to make this right. I can't have all this blood on my soul.
Carlisle Cullen

The violence of Halendorf had in the mind of the Red Dragons ended the rebellion but for several prominent members of the government they came to believe that James could no longer be saved from himself. One of these government officials was Carlisle Cullen. What had happened throughout the previous months had finally pushed Carlisle to the point he couldn’t accept the things he was being asked to do. This break for Carlisle had led to starting to talk with Walter Jackson and these discussions would at first not go far as Walter did not believe that Carlisle was an honest broker. During these early talks Walter refused to admit his role in the rebellion and although Carlisle believed Walter was a rebel, he attempted to gain his trust by leaking information to Walter. Following the leaking of detailed orders with the stamp of James Lovie II. from Carlisle to Walter, it was Walter that went against his own gut feeling and revealed to Carlisle his involvement in the rebellion. With Carlisle now being brought in it was Walter and him that begin plotting to assassinate James who they believed was on the verge of losing control completely of his mind to the demon within.

Going to the Lannisters

Walter Jackson Action
We all warned him that Tywin Lannister could not be trusted, but all he could remember was the boy he knew back in the academy. He should have known that boy died when he burned Castamere during his rebellion.
Mace Tyrell II.

The movement reached its end following attempting to gain the support of House Lannister when he contacted Tywin Lannister. Walter had known Tywin as a child and when he knew him back then he believed he knew Tywin to be an honorable man who would know what the right thing to do was and what the wrong thing was. When Walter first told the other rebels what he planned to do they all were combined in telling Walter that he should not tell Tywin as Tywin was not trustworthy, and they didn't need his sort of person involved in the rebellion. Walter was arrogant in his belief that he could convince Tywin so he ignored the rest of them and traveled to Stormwind where he met first with Brandon Starke who was on board with the action but with the imprisonment of his brother and lord of House Starke he was not willing to actually commit forces to the fight for fear of the king responding by killing Eddard Starke. Once he was done talking to Brandon he met with Tywin and the two talked for some time before Walter believed that he had turned Tywin to his way of thinking. Tywin said goodbye and told Walter that House Lannister was fully behind the plan, and that he would rally his banner houses when the time was right. And thus Walter left Stormwind believing that he had completed his dream of seeing the madness of King James Lovie removed.

Tywin Lannister Wide1

Tywin Lannister was best friends with Walter Jackson for many years, but in that final moment when he had to choose he chose family, and betrayed the only friend he had ever had.

I took me until I had no family left that loved me to realize William, that I made the wrong choice. I caused the deaths of thousands because I was afraid for my family. I see now that all I did was push us further into isolation and that is a threat greater then any mad king.
Tywin Lannister to William Lovie III.

The moment that Walter left the room Tywin ordered his guard to call Cersei and Jamie to him. When his children arrived he told them to take the children, and to find their brother and leave for Lannistane. Once there they were to make sure that none entered the city as he was about to tell the king about a rebellion and knowing the king there was going to be a lot of violence and he didn't want his family or the banner houses damaged by it. Jamie wondered out loud to him whether or not it might be more prudent to assist the rebels since the king was mad, but Tywin simply reminded him of what they had done to their rebels and said there was a high price to pay for rebellion. Following this Tywin left Stormwind and traveled to Lucerne where he immediately was given audience with King James Lovie.

The Greymane's
I'm sorry for what happened back there. You might hear that and think me a liar. It’s the truth though. I saw your sister and everything else just faded away. I wouldn’t be allowed to have her if your grandfather was there. He had to go away. Your grandmother and brother were just casualties of that. In a way you might blame your grandfather for what happened.
Loreon Lannister

As Tywin entered the city it was only a day after that another party arrived in the form of Darius Greymane, his wife, daughter, and several grandchildren who came to Lucerne inside a carriage. Sitting beside his sister Alisson, and brother Hektor he listens as his grandfather Darius jokes lovingly with his grandmother Tara. As they enter the city its Bravin that is amazed at the size of the city, and as they travel through Lucernian Proper they make there way into Lucerne Hold passing through the fortress of Theiner they enter the more prosperous area of Lucerne making there way to the Palace of Lucerne. Entering the palace grounds, they are taken by guards to the Citadel of William Lovie I. where they are to wait to be met by a government official. They don’t have to wait at the citadel long before they are met by the Konsular Loreon Lannister of whom treats them kindly and as Darius tells him how he wants to have his grandchildren and daughter set up in the capital working for the government or a noble family its Loreon that agrees to help process this request. Loreon leaves and an excited Darius goes to walk the gardens with Tara leaving behind Olivia to watch Bravin and his siblings. The chapter ends with Bravin and his family entering the king’s throne to meet with King James Lovie II. and ceremonially accept their positions in the capital. Arriving inside the room its Bravin that notices the large contingent of men at arms inside the room and his grandfather must as well because he puts his arms out to protect them but before he can say anything he is struck in the chest by an arrow.

Betrayal of Tywin
HOUSE Greymane2
Had Tywin waited another ten minutes I had planned on ending his life. I was going to assassinate my former best friend. Had I of acted quicker how many lives would have been saved. When I think of that its difficult to just get up in the morning let alone accept the person that I've become.
Carlisle Cullen

As Tywin Lannister approached Lucerne Carlisle Cullen had come to the decision that he was going to join the rebels, and the way he would do it was by assassinating James Lovie before any violence could happen. As Carlisle prepared for this Tywin entered the Keep. House Greymane had the extremely unlucky time of having several of their members in the Lucerne Palace when Tywin told James Lovie about the rebellion. James was so enraged at the news that when he remembered that House Greymane member Darius Greymane was waiting so that his family could meet their king. James in his enraged state turned to Tywin Lannister and asked him whether House Greymane could be involved and in that moment Tywin remembered the anger he had towards Archibold Greymane about the way he had treated Tywin's father. In that moment Tywin lied and told James that House Greymane had been involved. With this lie James left the throne room with his personal guard and as Darius and his family bowed before there king James raised his sword and started slashing at Darius while his guard killed the rest of the family. Its said that James slashed at Darius for so long that there was nothing left of him but a bloody mess on the ground. Bravin would accompany his family to the capital where his grandfather planned to meet with the king and swear himself personally to the king while also hopefully gaining service for his daughter, and grandchildren in the royal court. Following a successful meeting with Kieth Schwartz it was the Greymane group that was brought to the keep to meet with the king where it was agreed that several of his daughter, and grandchildren would enter the royal families Palatine, and Malatine ranks but before this could happen they became the target of Tywin Lannister who manipulated the situation and caused the entire group outside of Bravin and Olivia to be killed by the king and his men. Bravin would be sent back to Hillsbrad with a note that this was the consequence of turning on the royal family, while Olivia would be taken into imprisonment by the Circle of Magi as a result of her turning into a Worgen during the killing and thus revealing herself.

Death of the Rebellion

Brandon Von Gruger
The sudden speed at which everything in my life was destroyed left me without the time necessary to understand the scope of everything. My wife lay butchered in the other room as all I could do was resist the man holding a bag over my head and pulling me out of the house. I could only pray to god that somehow one of my children had survived the destruction of my life.
Walter Jackson

House Jackson was painted very early on as the ringleader of the rebellion and for this reason their destruction was made to be paramount but also James wanted to know the true extent of the movement and for this reason the operation had to make sure that they captured Walter Jackson alive so that he could be tortured for information. It was decided that assassins from Ravenholdt would join members of House Nighting, and House Jestife in the destroying the rebels completely and utterly. Brandon Von Gruger would accompany the dark and twisted Terrorblade alongside some fifty men at arms from House Nighting of whom had been commanded to destroy House Jackson completely outside of the Patriarch of whom was to be captured alive. Brandon had killed innocent's before but something about the way in which this was going didn't sit well in his stomach. When they captured Walter, one of the assassins went back into the house in the pretests of making sure everyone was dead. When the assassin Brandon Von Gruger entered the room where Josh's mother had been killed he found Joshua rubbing his mother's back trying to get her to wake up. The assassin in this moment moved to the child, and whispered for him to be very quiet if he wanted to live. The assassin then proceeded to put the child behind him attached to a rope, and hidden behind his cloak. This was how Joshua traveled to Lucerne, and when they arrived the assassin brought him to the steps of the Lucerne orphanage and left him there. During the attack on Bredgooden it was also Benjamin Heard that was captured, and this was a surprise as he was not someone being targeted. The young Benjamin was visiting Bredgooden with his family to spend time with his friend Francis Jackson and thus was captured instead of killed and while his family was kept locked within the house they were staying it was Benjamin that was tortured by Nighting men. During this torture it was Benjamin that revealed the fact that his father Hektor had sworn himself to the Yellow Dragons, and this revelation shocked (Nighting Man) leading to the eventual attack on House Heard. Benjamin would swear himself to the Red Dragons and sent his son Mikael Heard to Lucerne with the Nighting men as a means of ensuring his loyalty while Benjamin, his wife and daughters were sent to Castle Cullen to remain as hostages until the rest of their family had been dealt with.

Survival of Joshua Jackson
I had to watch him to make sure everything went alright. There would have been no point to everything that I did if they discovered him alive later. He had to live. He just had to live.
Brandon Von Gruger

Brandon stayed with Joshua for two weeks in order to make sure that he wasn't going to be attacked or found out about. He knew though eventually Joshua would be discovered and when this happened he knew the assassins would be forced to attack him again in order to not fail their mission.

Destruction of House Heard

Amber Heard Large4

In his recklessness James almost commanded the death of the mother of his future grandson.

For a guy who spoke everyday about how much he loved me, and how much he prided himself off looking after me. He sure went to great measures to kill the girl that would give him his first grandchild.
William Lovie III.

In the same way that House Jackson had become a major leader of the rebellion in the Crownlands it was House Heard under Hektor Heard that had joined the rebellion. Following the collapse of House Jackson it was the Red Dragon forces that moved next against House Heard moving there army to near Arryndale. At the time several of the sons of House Heard were located in Lucerne as they were serving inside the actual guard of Lucerne. The heir to the throne of House Heard in Martin Heard, along with his brother Telvin Heard were located in Lucerne and they were both summoned to their commanders office where when they entered they were attacked by the guards inside and killed. Their bodies were hung from the rafters of the Lucerne wall. As the purge in Lucerne continued the Circle launched an attack on the Heard apartment in Lucerne killing the families and servants of Telvin, and Martin before hanging there bodies outside the entrance of Lucerne alongside Martin and Telvin. The army that arrived at Arryndale negotiated with House Arryn and during this negotiation it was Byron Arryn that was manipulated into allowing the Red Dragon force to pass the city without warning House Heard. Byron believed that the Red Dragon force was going to take Hektor Heard into custody and then leave the area, but in truth they were planning to kill the entire family. Arriving at Heard Hold the Red Dragons would surround the hold fast and village before charging inside without warning or notice.

Releasing Prisoners

Emma Bell Cover Amazing1
For a guy who spoke everyday about how much he loved me, and how much he prided himself off looking after me. He sure went to great measures to kill the girl that would give him his first grandchild.
William Lovie III.

Throughout the events of the rebellion it was Catherine Bell that remained imprisoned within Lucerne and with the killings now spreading both families of the imprisoned became desperate to have them released. With the rebellion destroyed with House Jackson and the others it was Brandon Starke that arrived at Lucerne and swore and oath of loyalty to James Lovie and with Eddard also swearing the oath James Lovie prepared the release of Catherine but before he would fully release him he demanded a hostage which he got when they agreed to send their young sister Lyanna Starke to Lucerne where she would be held as a hostage in order to maintain their loyalty.

Final Flames

Walter Jackson Cover1
Hundreds of Nobles Died in a few nights of murder and chaos. The King was meant to protect not to destroy.
Carlisle Cullen

Following the departure of Tywin Lannister, it was Nedrick Baratheon who was the Patriarch of the house at the time went to Lucerne with his daughter Reinhilda Baratheon and his son Edward and hoped to make the point of the rebels known to James Lovie. His arrival though was misunderstood by James Lovie and instead of seeing it as the peace offering that it was he saw the coming of Nedrick and his children as a hostile act, and had the three executed in the main square of Lucerne.

End of Darkness
Look at the world father. You were born into this land. You grew up here. These people swore their lives to you. How could you have done all of this? Look at everything you have done. You destroyed a city. Killed hundreds of good men out of fear. Is this how you want to be remembered father. Is this the world you want to leave behind? I know you were a good person once. Don't end it all here. Don't do this. For me father. For everything I supposedly mean to you. Don't do this.

"Understand that this was nothing more then a warning. Don't involve yourself in rebellions again or you'll find it won't matter how much money you control I'll just take it all. You better understand what happened her because if this has to be explained again there won't be any of you alive to tell me that they understand."

"I understand."

"Who is your king?"

"You are My Grace."


In Northern Lucerne where the smallfolk had turned on the authority with gusto it was the actions of House Scorpian and House Jestife that sealed the ending of the Plague. Rounding up hundreds of rebels supporters through the use of traitors within their ranks they would execute hundreds in penguin courts held in the forests. Eventually they just targeted whoever they wanted and after weeks of this they had killed thousands across the north.

Sack of Sawyer Hold
My father had sent us to stay with our mothers family for the summer. While we were away the Knights of Targ attacked my families home. Killed almost the entire family.
Peyton Sawyer

As the final moments of the ceasefire got close it was the Knights of Targ that led by Aeron Dalanis III. that would make a move south of their borders against House Sawyer. Aeron would get permission from the Circle of Magi to deal with House Sawyer who they lied was a member of the rebellion, and the Circle would give them three days to deal with House Sawyer before the ceasefire took place. Taking a force of several hundred from Dalnariat they would arrive at Sawyer Hold where they would attack the hold during the night. The defenders were overwhelmed by the sudden and surprise nature of the attack and the Knights of Targ got inside the hold but the inner holdfast was locked by the defenders. As the Knights of Targ prepared to break inside it was Robbin Sawyer that betrayed his family when he arranged with Maehagel Raenralis to keep his family safe in exchange for opening the gatehouse. During the next day Robbin would open the gate allowing the Knights inside the holdfast and following this it was him and his family that were allowed to leave safely but the the knights then sacked the holdfast. During this sack they took almost everything of value from the hold, but above that they would also kill many members of the family with the only survivors of the family being Robbin Sawyer who had already betrayed his family during the initial assault for safety, and the children of Thomas Sawyer who were away from the holdfast at the time of the attack. Another unlikely survivor was Marcel Sawyer who survived by hiding in a secret shelter in the holdfast where he would stay hidden for three days eventually coming out when the Knights of Targ had left the holdfast.

Mission on the Harnene

Alwine Schopfer would be sent to the Island of Aveniere alongside Conrad Krenkel and a small group of Green Dragon diplomats who were sent there to make arrangements with the leadership of Aveniere to join with the Kingdom of Lucerne.

Mission on Doneliele

Following the talks going well with Lord Guimart Tirasse it was Alwine that left Aveniere for the Island of Doneliele where she was to work on bringing the smaller island into the fold as well, and upon arriving on Doneliele she found a similar interest from the leadership there.

Coup in Aveniere

Alwine was not on Aveniere when the Senegal General Coryander Redonnid arrived on Aveniere and led a coup against Lord Guimart Tirasse and installed Guimart's younger brother Guillemin Tirasse and then killed all the Lucernians on the island sending there heads to Doneliele as a warning.

Siege of Doneliele

Alwine would be able to hold together the support of Doneliele when she assisted them in resisting an assault by the forces of Coryander, and then this support was secured when the Senegal forces committed an atrocity in a village north of Doneliele.

Invasion of Berne

Main Article : Invasion of Berne

The Invasion of Berne
We have secured the Valley. It is now time to end this war.
Amber Heard II
The Valley is ours in every way that matters. My brother taunts me with this letter. He attempts to goad me into making a mistake. My brother is hiding in Berne, and until we root him out and bring justice to him, this war shall not end.
William Lovie III.

With Tristan Lovie losing himself as leader of Berne he has been writing letters to William since the start of the Civil War but these letters are crudely written and have not had any real effect on William's strategies. This letter though is intercepted by Ezio Ederiz who swaps it out with his own letter which becomes known as The Amber Letter. William is spending time with Bella when he is interrupted by the arrival of Nicoli, Alice, and Jasper with Alice handing him a letter and then attempting to take Bella out of the room but Bella resists this and not knowing what is in the letter William lets her stay. William reads the letter know as the Amber Letter and in the letter Tristan taunts him about the damage he is doing in Berne and then reveals that he has Amber Heard under his control as well as lying about also having his son by Amber under his control. Following the reading of the letter its William that makes the declaration that he is going to invade berne and end the conflict once and for all.

Return of Dylan Steinmare

I'm sorry for what I did to you Dylan. The blame lies with me. You were just trying to help me.
Alice Lovie

With the planning stage moving forward it was Alice Lovie who having been given time to really digest how she had reacted to Dylan Steinmare that would begin thinking of making things right.

Taking the Harnene River

Karyl Reyne Cover Amazing9
The Harnene River is the closest spot for us to land our forces for the eventual invasion of Berne. Sadly for us the river has been occupied by those loyal to the Sons. We need you to travel there and take the islands in preparation for our arrival.
Rendrick Vaith

Franklin isn't in Marburg when messengers arrive telling him that he has been summoned to Forks to meet with King William Lovie III. and Franklin sends a letter to Demi Hill telling her to meet him in Forks, and then gathers his household and leaves for Forks. After traveling the road to forks he and his forces arrive at Forks where the city shows signs of large military presence through the camps that have formed outside the walls, and accompanied by Karyl he enters Forks. Reaching Swan Keep he meets with Demi who was waiting for him there and together they enter the keep where they meet with William and his generals. The group details that they are going to move against Berne and are gathering at Forks for this work, but they also tell Franklin that he is to lead his forces ahead of them and take control of the Islands of Aveniere, Les Doneliele in preparation for the arrival of the main army. Franklin is told to meet with Maron Scorpian at Castle Haftendorf where alongside forces brought by Maron they will attack the islands. They will also be joined in this effort by the forces of Northern Lucerne who under Lennard Reinmann III. will be bringing several thousand troops into the conflict. Franklin, Karyl, and Demi Hill arrive at the port of Castle Haftendorf, and looking at what appears to be a full fleet in the docks and a large army camped out there, and he holds Karyl's hand as he realizes the true depths of this invasion.

Surrender of Les Doneliele
Battle of Les Aveniere
Coryander Redonnid Cover Amazing
We shall take this castle as quickly as possible. I don't want to be sitting here in the mud when the king arrives. How foolish would we look Franklin?
Maron Scorpian

It was Hartmut Ehrenfeld that would be sent to Les Aveniere alongside Coryander and would be one of her primary advisors during the defense strategy planning and during this planning period it was Hartmut that prepared himself several sacrifices in secret which he would use during the battle to horrifying effect. While preparing for the siege of Les Aveniere its Franklin that cannot find his voice to make the opinion that they should be more cautious in their approach as its Maron Scorpian and Lennard Reinmann that decide to move quickly against the castle instead of leading a more lengthy siege. Maron, and Lennard both want to take control of Les Aveniere before William arrives so that they can move quickly and take the remainder of the Harnene River and thus look more successful to William when he arrives, while Franklin wants to follow the doctrine of William in losing the least amount of troops possible. Following through on the plans of Maron, and Lennard the attacking forces move towards the gate with battering rams, and a small amount of catapults quickly put together by Franklin are firing on the three towers, and as they move forward outside of the archer fire the defenders make little movement leading Maron to laugh at Franklin for being so cautious. As Maron and some of the other nobles begin discussing the steps they shall take after the gate comes down its Franklin that watches as Judith begins shaking beside him, and going to her he finds her eyes completely white, and shes unresponsive to him.

Elias you need to stop what there doing right now. Those demons keep falling were going to die here.
Franklin Brent IV.

Before he can do anything large red bolts fire into the sky from inside Les Aveniere and turning the sky into a blood red he holds Judith as she falls to the ground her eyes though finally returning to normal. As the red sky beings raining down on them with blood the men begin to panic, and only the words of Maron Scorpian bring them back into line, but as this is happening Franklin follows Judith as she goes to find Elias and it doesnt take long to find Elias who is joined by Eleonora, and Thadius and talking with Elias Franklin learns that there is a powerful Magi inside Les Aveniere who is summoning a very powerful spell. As they are talking Maron comes to them to demand anwsers but before anything can be said the sky opens up and the blood begins pooling on the ground and from it demons begin forming. Maron leads the Scorpian reserves into the fighting as hundreds of demons spawn among the first wave, and while this fight is happening Franklin commands the Magi to stop the spell. Eliias leads the Magi in casting a counter spell to the one being summoned, and after several minutes the sky begins to return to normal but as the final traces of the red go away its Thadius Herdrich that explodes into a bloody mess. With the summoning over its Franklin that leads his troops accompanied by Judith into the maelstorm outside the gates where the demons are still fighting against the first wave, and Marons forces. As he does this Lennard and his commanders move against the gate. As the last of the demons fell to the counter assault it was a relieved Franklin that looked to Judith who had found her father in the fighting and as the two held hands it was Judith's father Tristan that was incinerated by a Magi assault from the defenders of the city and watching this enraged Judith who lost control of her emotions and begin firing Magi bolts at the walls killing several defenders before she was pulled away by Eleonora.

Consolidating the Harnene

Reinhard Reinmann would be left behind with three thousand men at Les Avenieres where he would garrison the island city while the remainder of the invasion forces moved northward towards Chambery.

Fall of Les Toulione

Battle of Chambery

The Battle of Chambery would become a disaster for the True Sons when a large portion of the defenses led by the Knights of Chambery would change sides joining with Lucerne thus allowing the Lucernians to land their forces inside the city.

Massacre at the Gates

With the Orcish/True Son forces defeated in the battle they attempted to retreat back to Chambery but arriving at the gates they found them blocked and Adoncia Redonnid would command her troops to fire on the encroaching army who was now caught between the Lucernians and the walls of Chambery. Attempting to fight his way free of the trap it was Raymond Suchet that was killed by an arrow as he attempted to lead them out of the massacre and his death would lead to a total collapse of the True Sons forces there.

Battle of Le Bouchage

Blocking Berne

Battle of Epitou

Family Members
