Lucerne Wiki
House Highport

Robin Highport is the son of Robett, and Arwyn Highport making him a member of and the current heir to House Highport. Robin Highport has two siblings in the form of Natalie, and Lara Highport of which his older sister Natalie was raped and killed by Nathan Scott but he used his influence and power to get away with it, while his sister Lara is the real leader of House Highport alongside Robin and the two have engaged in a love affair between themselves. Robin Highport would have a bastard child with Vanessa Cleef following her becoming the target of pranks by several noble girls of the Port of Stormwind and this would be quite the scandle.

Robin Highport was born the second son of Robett Highport and during his youth his father left for Tree Hill and only occasionally returned home. Robin was joined by his younger sister Lara only a year after himself and the two so close in age grew up alongside eachother in all things. Robin`s mother Arwyn was felled in a bout of sickness leaving him to be raised for his childhood by his sister Natalie Highport of whom he loved with all of his heart. Shortly after Nathan Scott left the Highports it was Larra, and Robin that begin to have romantic feelings for each other, and this spilled into a growing level of romance between the two siblings. Robin Highport would demand to be allowed to join the Journey but his sister would command him to stay behind and forced to do this by the rigors of leadership in the city following the departure and believed death of their father he would take command of the remaining forces in Fogtown while his sister Natalie went to Stormwind to answer the call of William Lovie III. Following the alliance victory in the Third Battle of Minus Ithil Robin would be commanded to lead the remaining forces of Fogtown and their vassals to southern Tree Hill for what would become the Second Battle of Tree Hill and he would do this with great enthusiasm fighting in the Battle and meeting his sister on the battlefield where they would eventually learn of the death of their father.


Early History

Robin Highport was born the second son of Robett Highport and during his youth his father left for Tree Hill and only occasionally returned home. Robin was joined by his younger sister Yarra only a year after himself and the two so close in age grew up alongside eachother in all things. Robin`s mother Arwyn was felled in a bout of sickness leaving him to be raised for his childhood by his sister Natalie Highport of whom he loved with all of his heart. 

A Scott in Fogtown

Margaery Tyrell6
You didn`t have to be told what his standing in the world was because he threw it in your face. You spoke to him, and you just knew this was a twisted, and arrogant young man, but even I didn`t imagine in my wildest dreams how twisted he truly was.
Robin Highport

Nathan Scott would be sent to Fogtown as a young man alongside Maegary Tyrell where they were meant to be educated by the Highports for several months. Alongside Nathan went a small entourage of his friends, and several of Margaery`s hand maidens of which brought a large contingent of servents with them leading to a rather large convoy making its way to Fogtown. Nathan and Margaery were by this point being paired up alongside Nathan and Haley and Dan had chosen Margaery to go with him as he preffered Margaery over Haley and thus wanted to sway the Tyrells into moving before Earl Scott stepped in. Nathan Scott, and Margaery Tyrell would arrive in Fogtown and were greeted warmyl by the Highports, and after the first meeting everything looked like it would go okay, but during this meeting Margaery Tyrell had noticed the beauty of Natalie, and Larra Highport and wanted to remove Nathan quickly before he slept with either of them. In order to do this she planted seeds in both Robin, and Nathan that the other one was a devient with her telling Robin that Nathan had sexually harassed his sister Natalie, and he told Nathan that Robin and her had been nearly intimate. Alongside this fighting was a fight between Robins friend Percival Lott, and Nathan`s friend Oswart Dunny of whom had also started to become hateful towards the other due to their friends rivalries. Margaery made special efforts to be seen by Nathan around Robin and she worked hard to become his friend so that their relationship appeared to be something strong enough that Nathan would believe in the lie he was being told by Margaery. The two boys without anymore effort hated eachother and got into a massive fight in the Highport keep which ended with bruises, and cuts. Nathan decided to take it further and begin flirting with Natalie Highport of whom resisted him in one of the first rejections of his life which caused him to get angry and it was in this anger that Robin found him, and the two fought once more which was broken up only seconds before they were going to take swords out. With this fight leading to almost the death of one of the boys Robett Highport wrote to his Lord Dan Scott telling him in no uncertain terms that his son Robin was at fault and that Nathan should be removed from son before Robin did something worse. Nathan would learn of this in a letter from his father telling him he was returning and he threw this information in Robin`s face of whom now realized once and for all his father hated him, and this was only made worse when Robett told his family he would be following Nathan and Margaery and going to stay in Tree Hill for a time.

Hidden Love

Larra Highport Cover
I don`t know when I stopped looking at her like a sister, but I just know that it happened. There came a day when she was something more then that, and it didn`t matter how many times I told my self it was wrong. All the resistance in the world couldn`t change my feelings.
Robin Highport

Shortly after Nathan Scott left the Highports it was Larra, and Robin that begin to have romantic feelings for eachother. For their youth they had always been extremely close but that had been a sibling relationship, but following the departure of Nathan and all the conflict that he had brought Larra looked at her brother in a different light, and at the same time Robin begin to notice the changes in her appearance as well. Robin would nearly kiss her one afternoon, and despite Larra leaning in for the kiss he pulled himself away from her at the last minute leaving both of them shocked at what had almost happened. It was following this that Robin was preparing to travel to Darkhaven, but at this time Tree Hill was sacked by Orcs and he returned to Fogtown to meet with his older sister of whom was leading the family with the departure of their father. Arriving in Fogtown his sister was leading the forces of House Highport northward alongside her engaged future husband Dontell Lott, but when Robin attempted to join them he was commanded by Natalie to remain behind in charge of the defence of Fogtown. Now alone as Lord of Fogtown he and Lara would spent each night alone with most of the household gone, and it was on the fourth night alone that they secumbed to their feelings and begin to become intimate. Their intimacy spilled into each of the nights as Robin commanded all the household servents to leave the inner compound during the nights and gaurding the outer compound leavin the two to be together for each night no longer feareful of the consequences.

Larra Highport Gif

Larra Highport, and Robin Highport had resisted eachother for some time, but their resistence ended the moment the Hills of Tree Hill burned.

So much had happened while she was gone that I thought the moment she saw us she would have known. I though for sure she would have slapped me and banished me from our lands, but instead she didn`t even notice. It was life as usual for her, but our lives were different.
Robin Highport

Natalie wouldn`t return until almost four weeks later and when she did the two were completely engrossed in eachother, and she would unknown to herself be pregnant with Robin`s child. Natalie didn`t seem to notice anything had changed, and since Robin had banished most of the servents none had seen what the two had been doing thus concieling their secret. Whether or not they had wanted to keep it a secret changed nothing between the two as they now slept in the same room every night with Lara sneaking out of her room and staying with Robin.

The Journey

Main Article : The Journey

Second Battle of Tree Hill
Today my brothers we right a terrible wrong in the history of this kingdom. We all know what happened here, and there isn't a thing that we could do to take it back. We may not be able to change what happened, but right here and right now united together we can make sure the people of Tree Hill are finally given the rescue they have long deserved. Today don't fight for vengeance. Don't fight for revenge. Fight to save the lives of the innocent. Fight so that a betrayed city may finally awaken.

Second Battle of Tree Hill

Main Article : Second Battle of Tree Hill

Second Battle of Tree Hill - Arrival

The armies of the alliance would land around all sides of Tree Hill intent on retaking the lost city.

For a warrior waiting years for something to happen, he didn't seem to care much that the army he was waiting to arrive got destroyed.
Saiden Scarlet

As the Lucernian/Gondorian/High Forest alliance destroyed the Orcs that had held the Gondor siege of Minas Ithil for many years immediate plan became the movement of portions of this army towards the besieged city of Tree Hill. Jurden over the decade of the siege had become obsessed with maintaining his own power, and had basically become uninterested in actually ending the siege through conventional means. Alongside this he also had a growing belief that the humans were completely useless and for all of these reasons Jurden Hardaxe made no effort to double his scouts or anything that might have assisted him in stopping the coming ambush. And if all of this added up wasn't enough he was also still being whispered to by Morrigan who was telling him that the crisis was the other Orcs in the area. Following the gathering of the forces of the alliance in the area they would organize themselves into seven main armies. The 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 7th armies would travel towards the port of Klausburg. Landing at Klausburg they would meet with the local leadership there and made their decisions on the direction of there forces. The 1st, 3rd and Fourth would move up the Oakheart River and land near Castle Prennig where they would move from there towards Tree Hill. The 7th army would be sent up the Bresklo River where it would land at the ruins of Glendt Hold. The seventh army would be joined in this campaign by forces mobilized from House Brentfurd as well as House Winklebock. The 2nd army would land at Vinterbold Hold north of Tree Hill and joined by forces from the area they would prepare to move to Castle Interbold and then to the north side of Tree Hill. The 5th army led by the Westerlands Arch Lord would land at Castle Hackenholt where they would move against Tree Hill from the west. The final army in the 6th army would be formed from the southern vassals of the Stormlands and led by House Crane they would move themselves to the city of Leiblinshire where they would attack towards Tree Hill form the south.

Army Name Leaders of Army Prominent Noble Families Size of Forces
First Army
  • 49,000 Light Infantry
  • 15,000 Heavy Infantry
  • 4,000 Light Infantry
  • 1,000 Heavy Cavalry
Second Army
  • 49,000 Light Infantry
  • 15,000 Heavy Infantry
  • 4,000 Light Infantry
  • 1,000 Heavy Cavalry
Third Army
  • 28,600 Light Infantry
  • 7,000 Heavy Infantry
  • 6,000 Light Cavalry
  • 4,000 Heavy Cavalry
Fourth Army
  • 8,600 Men at arms
  • 1200 Knights
Fifth Army
  • 43,000 Light Infantry
  • 8,000 Heavy Infantry
  • 12,000 Light Cavalry
  • 4,000 Heavy Cavalry
Sixth Army
  • 17,000 Light Infantry
  • 500 Knights
Seventh Army
  • 27,000 Light Infantry
  • 3,000 Heavy Cavalry

The arrival of the vast armies of William Lovie III. would have major effects on those forces already around the Stormlands. The first major effect was following the news of victory at Minus Ithil. House Guntbold who had been named the Arch Lord of the Stormlands following the collapse of Tree Hill realized that with the goals of William becoming clear they were going to have to pick a side in the coming conflict. It was Lothar Guntbold that would push his nephew Edric Guntbold who was at the time the Arch Lord of the Stormlands to see the error of the side they had picked and to call a council of House Guntbold. Following this call it was Lothar that left Guntbold Hold to return to Lucerne and be at the side of his friend James Lovie II. The council would be attended by all members of House Guntbold except for Winfred Guntbold, and his wife Ophellia who remained at Klausburg but sent their son Winfred Guntbold II. to act in his stead. At this meeting it was decided that House Guntbold would change sides to William Lovie III. and would send both Winfred Guntbold II. and Athilda Guntbold to William Lovie III. to open this dialogue. The pair would take a ship from Guntbold Hold and travel along the rivers of the Valley of Lucerne where they would eventually stop at Vindale Hold which they knew would be the eventual crossing point of the armies of William in their move back west. When the fleet of William arrived Vindale Hold it was Athilda and Winfred that would meet with the leadership of the army revealing details of the area.

For a warrior waiting years for something to happen, he didn't seem to care much that the army he was waiting to arrive got destroyed.
Saiden Scarlet

The night was spent with Athilda meeting with William, and members of the Shadow Council and it was during this meeting that Edward Cullen discovered her Magi abilities and confronted her on why she did not reveal this before meeting with the prince. Telling them her fear of reprisals she was forgiven by the group and continued to tell them about the situation in the Stormlands. Athilda would let the group know that the Guntbolds were willing to assist William despite what was a top-down command from King James Lovie II. to not assist his army in the movement against Tree Hill, but she wanted assurances that the Guntbolds would not be punished following the campaign. Needing more forces, and not wanting resistance from human forces as they moved against Tree Hill it was William that made the decision to agree to this arrangement. With this agreement in place, it was Winfred Guntbold II. that would travel back to Guntbold Hold with the Guntbold ship to tell the Guntbold leadership about the agreement. Athilda would remain behind in part as a hostage of sorts but her good impression on the Shadow Council had led to her joining them as an advisor of sorts.

Clearing the South
Three kingdoms working together for the common good. It was inspiring to finally have a king I could believe in. For my entire life I have followed a king who while he may have been good once, I don't think I even remember that. From this moment forward son I will die to protect William Lovie III.
Eddard Starke
Clearing the West
Clearing the North
Clearing the East
Retaking the Capital
Leven Martell10

Leven Martell arrived on the field only a day before the battle would happen with a large force of House Martell and her father's writing of support.

The closer we got to night the more I came to understand that the world would be much different after I liberated Tree Hill. Without a single doubt in my mind I now understood that my father had done this. My father was responsible for all of the wrongs in Lucerne, and once this happened there would be no more quests to keep me from the simple fact that he had to die. My father had to die for what had happened here.
William Lovie III.

Waiting for the night to come William would be able to watch for the first and last time the Orcs setting off their massive drums and horns in order to force the defenders to be unable to sleep during the night and thus exhausted during the day. Hearing this many among the attacking army grew even more angry at the fact that the defenders had been forced to endure this for all this time without anyone helping them. William would spend the night with Leven, Jasper, Emmett, and Edward as the Shadow Council as they were not openly to each other calling themselves spent a few last hours with each other before they all knew everything was going to change. Finding themselves greeted throughout the night by every lord who not wanted to speak to William they couldn't help but see how different things had become for the naive group. During one of these meetings he would talk with Charles Swan who by this point he was beginning to view as a father of sorts, and discussing with him his relationship with Isabella he would bring up the idea of a betrothal. Charles was happy about this and agreed on the spot, and following this agreement it was Charles and William that would meet together with many of the remaining nobles and this betrothal was brought up during many of these meetings thus spreading word of its agreement. The Orcs by this point had no contact with their scouts, and yet they still remained completely unaware. Morrigan would at this point make her final step towards sealing the fate of Jurden Hardaxe when she would convince Jurden to host a large party for his Orcs which made them all drunk and even less prepared.

The Massacre
William Lovie111
I hope they felt in their final moments all the pain of those who they had so cowardly killed years before, and tormented for years since. I hope they face an eternity of pain an anguish for what they have done.
Charlie Swan

As the night neared the Orcs would begin their party and the loud noise would alert the alliance that this was underway, and also awake most of the defenders of Tree Hill of whom were prepared for what many believed was the final attack. The party continued, and the alliance moved itself completely into position against the now scout less Orcish force, and pushed in many places all the way against the wall with the entire Orcish force within the city itself or dead outside. The night came and the army would move on their predetermined signal of which moved everything forward. The infiltration of House Scarlet into the under tunnels of the city begin as Saiden Scarlet led a large force of hundreds into the tunnels in the goal of reaching the estate of House James and once the attack was underway they would spring upon the already ambushed Orcs. From the west the forces of House Greymane, and House Ordos would move themselves through the broken shattered western gate and encountered hundreds of Orcs in differing stages of drunkenness and the fighting wouldn't spark any concerns from the Orcs as it was all believed still to be a part of the party. Seeing the ambush was underway it was at this moment that Morrigan finally ended the charade and came upon Jurden while he was standing in his residence.

Sometimes Brooke you play the long game. You see if you lie to someone for so long he eventually believes that it is truth. For how could anyone keep up a lie for as long as you do. Once they no longer believe you lie, they believe everything that you say. You can whisper the most dangerous of things to them, and they will drink everything you give. Then finally when the moment is complete you may spring. Spring the final trap on the fool who allowed himself to die.
Download (7)
Its one thing Leven to win this battle. Once we win this battle, because I believe we will. Once that happens the time to return home is upon us. You know what we will find in Lucerne. You know what victory here means. It means the death of my father.
William Lovie III.

The battle would end with the complete destruction of the Orc army and the liberation of Tree Hill. When the armies of Lucerne and Gondor entered the remains of Tree Hill, they found the sad remnants of a once truly mighty city. Food, aid and supplies were rushed to the city, but before the true rebuild could begin Andrew Lovie would take the reigns of the King of Lucerne following a duel with his father.

Death of Natalie Highport

Robin Highport is the POV Character of this chapter and during this chapter he enters the city of Tree Hill alongside his commanders to the site of cheering survivors in the city and finding his sister the two of them begin searching among them and together they find Nathan Scott of whom while he hates but he knows, and from this they discovers his father is dead and the two get into an argument of which only ends with the arrival of Lucas of whom calms the situation for the moment. He leaves the scene despite his sister screaming for him to stay, and walking with Percival Lott he calms down and shortly after this he searches for his sister but is unable to find her, and thinking little of it he spends hours meeting with the other commanders attempting to once more further his influence. Preparing to go to bed he is stopped by Dontell Lott of whom has found Natalie's necklace and together the two go looking for his sister and after looking near the walls where they found the necklace they find her broken body under a barrel of grain. Nathan Scott following the relief of Tree Hill would get into an argument with Robin Highport and following this he would go into the fortifications of the wall to calm down where he was followed by Natalie Highport of whom reveals she is still in love with him which Nathan reacts to by killing her and leaving her broken body beneath a barrel of grain.

Founding of Anthor

Main Article : Founding of Anthor

Founding of Anthor
Father it is time. You must come with us. This is the only way the Kingdom can ever truly heal.
Anthor Province Maps
It was east where I saw our future. It was in our expansion into the Riverlands, Westbridge and Westros that the growth of the kingdom would be built, and it all started with growth in what we actually had.
William Lovie III.

Following the crowning of William Lovie III. as the King of Lucerne many drastic changes were going on in the Kingdom of Lucerne, and one of these was the idea of the necessity of a port in eastern Lucerne to be the center of the navy of Lucerne. This eastern location would also allow them to combat the increasing piracy that was coming from Yairs (Region) and in time William wanted to incorporate them into the Kingdom of Lucerne. William also wanted to expand the control of the Lucernian Kingdom in the east with the feeling that most of the region was either of dubious loyalty or underpopulated the region of Anthor was chosen for the site of the new port. The Order of the Red Dragon had the funds and materials needed to begin construction of the Lucerne navy but no great port existed, and Lannistane was deemed to dangerous a location to do it at since the Lannisters couldn't be fully trusted. William would send Varian Anthor his family and vassals eastward where they would found a port on the island now to be named Anthor. The Port of Eastfall would become the beacon of the eastern section in a part of the land where there was little Lucernian presence. The vast province of Winterfell was somewhat broken up to make way for the larger state of Anthor and the many provinces within it, and this was compromise of later giving House Starke land north of Anthor (Later would become Hentwood). The lands that became Anthor would be rich in fishing, and had some mining, but the main operations of the house would be built around Eastfall and the trade that would grow from being the center of eastern trade for the Kingdom of Lucerne.

State of Anthor
Province  Lordly House Seat
Southern Anthor House Anthor Eastfall
Eastern Anthor House Tolhmave Castle Stanum
Northern Anthor House Cleef Goldshire
Council of Anthor
Title Held By Seat
Master of Coins Saiden Cleef Goldshire
Arch Maester Telhin of Brill Eastfall
Master of Arms Tavin Tolhmave Eastfall
Master of Whispers Urven of Lucerne Eastfall
Master of Laws Candice Anthor Eastfall
House Anthor nearly bankrupted itself constructing the port, but as the loans from the Hales, and Lovie's flowed in the fears were somewhat alayed. This was going to be their main holding and for them you could tell by talking to Varian that he wanted it perfect. He dreamed of Stormwind, and Lucerne when constructing the port.
Leonardo Mevinlo

The Port of Eastfall's construction would be the responsibility of both House Anthor and the Order of the Grey Dragon of whom had already worked magic reconstructing Tree Hill. The Port of Eastfall was constructed over several months and during this time House Anthor was busy travelling around the new state making sure that everything was going according to plan, and during this time they were met by members of House Starke who arrived in the near built port of Eastfall. During this time Leonardo Mevinlo would arrive in the port with nearly two hundred engineers and thousands of workmen from the west. Leonard had been tasked with completing the port as quickly as possible and that the Order would fund a basic design on its own, and that House Anthor would be responsible for any expansions on the plan. Finding Varian very much interested in growth he would be tasked with quickly adding to the construction several extra docks, and a large expansion of the Anthor esates.

Candice Anthor Wide

Candice Anthor was the most trusted person for Varian Anthor and she was placed in charge of directing around all the nobles visiting the Port of Stormwind.

We were gaining a Noble House in our lands, and that was something we had to keep a close eye on. House Anthor was known for its honor, but honor is something often spoke of and unless tested how can one know.
Jon Snow

The Starke's were led by Robb , and Brandon Starke while accompanied by Jon Snow and his friend Samwell Tarly in order to meet with the new Noble House that existed on their doorstep. Kevan Ambry also arrived in the area in order to make sure everyone knew that he was the first in line for the lands north of Anthor that were being promiced, and he arrived around the time that Keven, and Tyrek Lannister also arrived in order to see what was happening and how it would affect Castamere. Candice Anthor was placed in charge of leading the visiting nobles around and making sure they were kept happy, and she did this extremely effectively to the point that Keven Lannister bid her whether she would be open to a marriage to young Tytos Lannister. She would politely refuse but Jon Snow was listening in and watched as she eyed him afar, and after this she would confront Jon on evesdropping. She would kiss him, and the two would begin to take it farther until he stopped her telling her that his heart was with another. Following this the whole group would group together to meet with a large party of Frey's that her father had bid come to the port and see the scope of what was planned in order to further relations under the overal command of William.

Frey Trouble

House Frey Sigil
The Frey's were know as a rotten bunch but you didn't realize until you actually saw them that the rumors were true.
Jon Snow

The Kingdom of Lucerne would make it a point to invite the Frey's and under the command of William Lovie III. the Frey's were to be treated with the utmost of care. William though would be skeptical of them at the same time due to the conversation that he had with Menelia Proudmoore during the Nortburg Tournament of 5125 where Menelia Candice Anthor, and Jon Snow would continue to spend time together and she continued to attempt to seduce him, but his father's teachings about honor made him unable to do so. She would go to the port when the Freys arrived with Jon Snow beside her, and as the Freys visited it seemed clear to the Lucernians that the Freys were after a marriage. After discussions over the female Frey's that they brought with them went well it was believed by all those that were there that everything was going according to plan. After the Freys returned with Roslin Frey the most pretty of the girls that had been sent the Lucernians would make the mistake of not bringing Tytos Lannister to the meeting (Keven had been commanded not to by Tywin Lannister knowing that it would make them think it was Robb Starke they were offering) and this led the Frey's to believe that Robb was being offered. When this was made verbal there was laughter from several Lucernians who saw it as a joke that the Freys would believe Robb Starke would marry someone like a Frey. Black Walder Frey would take out his sword and fighting nearly broke out before his father Stevron Frey grabs ahold of him and controls the situation. The Freys leave after this with parting words from Lothar Frey being very threatening to Robb Starke of whom they feel greatly insulted them.

Frey Object left behind

Robb never discussed the Frey object left behind in his room to anyone outside of Obella of whom he only vaguely mentioned once when she asked about the Frey's.

Beyond Childish were the Frey's. Did they honestly believe we would marry the heir of one of the most powerful men in the kingdom to a daughter leagues down the inheritence line of some foreign nation. Still hearing the limping Lothar Frey threaten my brother made my blood rise.
Jon Snow

The Frey's would return to their ships following the argument and despite attempts by many including a near marriage proposal created by Candice Anthor and Stevron Frey the other Freys were intimidated by Black Walder Frey and refused to listen to the heir of Frey in Stevron Frey. On the route back from Eastfall it is known that during the night everyone went to bed, and the next morning the boat had its anchors up, and many on board were dead including Stevron his wife, and the captain. Everyone believed that Black Walder had done it, but unable to prove it and unwilling to be next on the chopping block noone mentioned it, and the story returning to Frey was that the captain had gone insane and killed Stevron and his wife.

Trouble in Highport

Vanessa Cleef Cover Front1
People are starting to ask questions my friend. Go in there. Sleep with a whore, and make them forget their questions.
Percival Lott

Alongside the other forces it would be Robin Highport that travels to Eastfall in order to take part in the celebrations for the new city alongside his friends. Shortly before they leave Fogtown his sister Lara Highport comes down with a sickness due to her pregnancy with their second child and thus stayed behind while Robin Highport left Fogtown by boat traveling to Eastfall. Arriving in Fogtown he finds his friends forcing him to go to the newest local brothel and after a confrontation with Percival Lott he is convinced that the only way to keep his relationship with Larra a secret is to follow their lead and thus he agrees to sleep with a whore at the brothel, and unknown to him the whore he is paired with is Vanessa Cleef of whom is in the process of being tricked by several noble girls into believing this will make her popular. Vanessa Cleef would travel to Anthor for the same reason as Robin, and accompanied by her family there was much thought to finding the fourteen year old Vanessa a future prospect for a husband, but in this regard she was extremely uncomfortable and was not looking forward to this. Entering the room where he believes he will sleep with a whore he finds Vanessa Cleef of whom convinced that she will popular if she sleeps with Robin decides to play the part as best she can, and so desperate for popularity is Vanessa that she is able to convince Robin that she is a whore at the brothel, and he eventually after having a connection with her sleeps with Vanessa.

Following this the two lay together and he promises that after he is done meeting with the people he has to at the ceremonies he will return to the brothel and pay for her escape from this life and marry her to a noblemen who will treat her right. The two talk for some time and it Robin finds himself for the first time feeling something for a girl that isn't Lara and realizes that perhaps there is hope for him outside of his relationship with Lara which he realizes cannot go anywhere real as she is his sister and thus will always be walled off to him. Kissing the girl on the forehead he leaves her once again with the promise to return and then leaving he brothel he returns to the the camp outside of Anthor where he meets up with his friends, who are actually shocked he went through with it, but no his honor is without question and believe him. Vanessa having been left to herself cleans herself up and goes downstairs where she tells the girls that she did but they all already know as they reveal they were watching through the wall of the brothel and embarrassed she finds that they treat her better and they walk her back to her families lodgings in the city and all say goodbye with Vanessa feeling good for the first time she can remember.
Vanessa Cleef Gif2
Robin spends time with his uncle before he falls asleep in preparation for his role at the ceremony for the foundation of the city, and the dinner that will follow for the nobles. The ceremony comes and arriving at the town hall Robin enters the room where he and his party travel to their table, but he nearly falls over when he sees Vanessa seated at one of the tables, and it is with her locking eyes with him that he spits out his drink causing the entire room to look to him, but she flees the room as this happens. Despite the staring of all the nobles in the room which amounts to most of the most influential people in the entire Kingdom of Lucerne Robin remains seated in his chair and despite dying inside that he cannot chase after her he thinks of how important this event is and not wanting to let down the memory of his fallen sister and brother he raises his drink and makes a toast laughing off his spitting out the drink which causes nearly everyone to laugh with him. As the dinner progresses it is Vanessa that makes her way back into the room after her father found her and forced her back and returning to the room as the nobles all mingle she is found by Robin and she reveals who she really is and shocked at this he begins attempting to discuss marriage between the two but they are interrupted by the arrival of Vanessa's brother Vilhem Cleef who introduces his betrothed Sydra Skane and despite Vanessa nearly crying Vilhem is so excited that he takes over the remainder of Vanessa and Robin's time together which ends with the arrival of Vanessa's father Saiden Cleef of whom also does not realize Vanessa is overwhelmed and thus doesn't check in on her just takes her away leaving Robin's marriage offer hanging in the air unanswered. Following the end of the dinner Robin attempts to find Vanessa Cleef and finds Vilhem Cleef of whom tells him that Vanessa was sent away back to Goldshire after her father had been enraged at her embarrassing moment of running out of the dining hall, and at this news Robin returns to his party and tells them that he will travel to Goldshire.

Arrival of Kul Tiras

Sauria Proudmoore Cover Amazing3
I come here with an open mind to joining your kings vision.
Derek Proudmoore

While the situation in Lucerne was coming under control it was other regions that were feeling a different feeling and of these the situation in Kul Tiras was one of fear and chaos. Following the marriage of Derek Proudmoore to Sauria Frey the relationship between the Freys and Proudmoore's should have gotten better but instead it had gotten far worse with Tiras ships and Frey ships fighting on the Rhine. This got worse when the Empire of Frey declared war on Kul Tiras in the Frey Invasion of Kul Tiras but despite having superior numbers the navy of Kul Tiras was able to defeat the Frey's at sea and thus push back the invasion. Realizing that they would not survive another invasion Kul Tiras first looked to the Riverlands, and Lorderon for assistance but when both negotiations went no where it was the Kingdom of Lucerne that would be viewed as the next best option.

Meeting the Hearth Druids

Idrena Cover1
We are the Druids of the Hearth, and we come in peace.
Pen Ecrowi
The Truth Comes Out
Elsa Hosk Cover Amazing7
Your Grace. I have a letter here, that was given to me by a prominent member of the druids. You need to read this.
Elsa Hosk

William watches as Leven walks away from the tent and then lets Elsa into his tent where once inside she shows him the letter. Reading the letter it is written by an unknown writer but details how the Druids of the Hearth are corrupted by evil and mean to simply distract Lucerne so that there true plans can move forward.

Return of Riley Scott

Leven Martell Small21
Taking on mistresses. Sons coming home. The love of my life returning. What a confusing time.
William Lovie III.

William travel to Forks on their way back to Lucerne from Fairmarket. On the boat ride back after a long talk with Morrigan, she takes matters into her own hands and finally reveals to William that she wants him in what ever way she can have him, and despite his marriage he sleeps with Leven. Arriving in Forks they are met on the docks by Charles Swan of whom they talk with for a time, but this ends when Riley Scott arrives alone on horseback, and wishes to return with them to Lucerne for a time. Riley reveals to him that Dan Scott is conspiring to make him and heir and he loves his family and doesn't want to see them come to harm through the menipulations of Dan Scott. Leven goes with William as he talks with Riley, and after Riley leaves with Thomas for a while he tells her that he is amazed at the changes in his son, and as they watch as he spends time with Thomas, and longs to see his three oldest sons become friends. Leven once again talks to Morrigan of whom congratulates her on gaining William in the way she did, and Leven shocked to know Morrigan knew begins to take Morrigan into her confidence revealing the arrangement she offered William and he seemingly agreed to.

Meeting a Daughter
I am so sorry my daughter. I would have never abandoned you had I of known.

Meeting a Daughter

Roslin Stor II
Roslin do you think my mother is sorry. Do you think when she looks back at what happens here she will look back at it with sorrow. I wonder Roslin if she will look upon any of this as anything other then an annoying setback.
Lucie Lovie

Following the attempted Coup in Stor Roslin Stor XII. would return to the capital with Lucie Lovie of whom told her everything she could about her life, and everyone was called to a council where they were told that they had the oldest child of the King of Lucerne in their hands. Following this discovery there were many in the council who begin saying they should barter her to the Lucernians, and this charge would be led heavily by Terad Ereham who had been implicated in the Coup attempt but had returned to the fold after its defeat. Roslin argued that if they did that William had shown he would never forgive the slight, and the weak willed Terad wilted under the pressure of Roslin's words and agreed with her idea of simply giving Lucie to the Lucernians asking nothing in return. The failure here of Terad to gain anything would further poison the mind of his son Tristifer Ereham III. to his father and would be the final straw which led to Tristifer turning completely on his father and taking control of House Ereham.

My King I have a letter for you. My King the letter is said to be from a High Lady of Stor. She says shes writing in regards to your daughter Lucie.
Jasper Hale

While Lucie Lovie was being sent to Storhold and the letter was on its way to Lucerne the situation in Lucerne would be quite peaceful as the royal family prepared for the birth of another child of the main branch through Bella Swan and William Lovie, but as this was happening the lessening of the corruption of Morrigan would lead to a major reveal. William

Arrival in Westbridge
I looked out over the side of the boat to the docks and saw a crowd larger then anything I had seen in a long while. Nobles, and their men all crowded around, and my first thought was what they were doing. My first thought was never that they were there waiting for me. It just didn't make sence.
Lucie Lovie
Running From a Monster
You have to die.
Viggo Vortisson
Arrival in Fairmarket
When we return Lucie I want you to understand one thing above everything else. Our distance. The time we spent apart. I wish that I could take it all back and you could be right by my side. The people you meet in Lucerne, they are by and large good people, but they all have their own wishes and desires. Some will see you as a marriage target. Some will see you as a threat. Whatever happens, and whatever is said I want you to know one thing. You are my daughter. You are my daughter and I love you.
William Lovie III.

Leven and William await with many of his children as the boat of Lucie Lovie pulls into the Fairmarket dock, and she consoles him as he gets nervous about seeing her. As she arrives before he can say anything of any real substance she is taken into a hug by Ashley Lovie of whom is followed by Thomas, and William also hugging her but Riley stands back beside William and is unwilling to hug this new claim to the throne. William decides on the advise of Lucie that they will return to Lucerne as quickly as possible and Leven and William stay the night together and then after that returning by caravan back to Lucerne. The second half of the chapter is their journey back to Lucerne.

Return to Lucerne

Family Members


Nathan Scott

See Also : Nathan Scott

Nathan Scott and Robin Highport first met during their early life as Nathan spent some time being educated in Fogtown with Margery Tyrell. During this time the two did not get along at all, and Nathan was only there for two months before Robett Highport bowed to the wishes of young Nathan Scott and sent him and Maegary Tyrell back to Tree Hill.

Lara Highport

See Also : Larra Highport

Vanessa Cleef

See Also : Vanessa Cleef

Percival Lott

See Also : Percival Lott

POV Role

The Lost One

Main Article : The Lost One

POV Chapter Notes