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Sasha Lovejoy Cover

Sasha Lovejoy is the daughter of Broderick, and Karolin Lovejoy making her a member of House Lovejoy through her father, and a member of House Starke through her mother. Sasha Lovejoy has one sibling in the form of Balon Lovejoy of whom is the heir of House Lovejoy and a truly gifted warrior who gained fame during the Battle of Whispering Winds. 

Sasha Lovejoy would travel to Bolten during the First Bolten Lucerne War and she would join her cousin Robb Starke`s sworn gaurd. She would be tasked with travelling behind enemy lines following the siege of Karhold beggining and she would meet with the leadership of House Hornwood. She would arrange the cooperation of the Kingdom of Lucerne with the Hornwood`s and this led to her joining Daryn Hornwood when he launched his siege of Lotten.


Early History

Sasha Lovejoy would travel to Bolten during the First Bolten Lucerne War and she would join her cousin Robb Starke`s sworn gaurd. She would be tasked with travelling behind enemy lines following the siege of Karhold beggining and she would meet with the leadership of House Hornwood. She would arrange the cooperation of the Kingdom of Lucerne with the Hornwood`s and this led to her joining Daryn Hornwood when he launched his siege of Lotten.

The Battle of Whispering Winds

Main Article : Battle of Whispering Winds

Battle of Whispering Winds
Green Creek led to everything. After Green Creek there was only madness, and winds that killed everything.
John Cole

Following the defeat of the Bolten army at the Battle of Green Creek the army of Bolten was in complete retreat, but what forces remained would move under the command of Domeric Bolten and move north of Karhold where they hoped to resist the Lannisters castle by castle until relief arrived at Karhold and pushed back the Starke`s who were incoming as well. These Bolten forces under Domeric would split into half when Domeric took much of the army including many of his finest men in order to deal with the Siege of Hornwood. With the departure Jamie Lannister would push against the castles of the area and took them hold after hold until he reached Castle Whisperwind where he would send an envoy under the flag of peace to the Whisperwind lord of whom they knew from the Bolten traitors was a frightened man that was apt to surrender if threatened. Jamie Lannister would make it very clear that unless Lord Laryn Whisperwind surrendered the castle he would butcher every member of the family and burn the entire castle to the ground. Despite some resistence from his Castellan he would surrender the castle to Jamie in order to keep his family safe, and he would make sure that Jamie knew that he would mobilize his own forces for the Lannisters, or due anything he could to help the Lucernians if only they would not harm his family.

Visin Whisperwind
It was either I gave the Lions what they wanted, or I watched my entire family killed and my castle burned. I did what any sane man would do. Maybe honor would have led me to é die with my family, so I guess I can forget honor under those terms.
Laryn Whisperwind

With Castle Whisperwind under their control Jamie Lannister would deploy some one thousand troops into the castle, of which were mainly Reyne men, while he led the main force south of the city into the forests beneath the plains that led into Castle Whisperwind. Kevan, and his son Lancel moved to the north of Castle Whisperwind and south of Hayford. At this point Jamie would decide that the time for battle was now and he would have Veryl Reyne prepare the Whisperwinds to send letters to the Bolten forces telling that the Lannisters were sieging them from the west, but attacks south and north had not happened due to the arrival of relief forces in the north from House Cole. House Cole would also send word southward due to their affiliation now with Lucerne describing how they were holding the Lannisters off in the north but that they needed to come very quickly so that they could trap Jamie Lannister.

The Trap

Battle of Whispering Winds1
The noose tightened around their neck, and for yet another time in the history of the war an entire army of Bolten was ambushed.
Jamie Lannister

The arrival of the forces of House Starke under the command of the Lovejoys and their command structure south of the growing Bolten army signaled the final piece of the noose around the Bolten army. The Bolten army begin movement towards defending the castle when the Reyne`s would send out Visin Whisperwind to the Bolten army telling them that the situation had changed and they needed them immediatly as the Lannisters were preparing to assail the castle, and that they wouldn't be able to hold if this happened. Not truly believing Visin due to the fact that he was extremely nervous the Bolten army was stopped and they sent scout out in all directions, in order to try and find out what was happening. Of these scouts nearly all returned stating seeing no signs of a trap, but some returned saying that farmers stated seeing large troop movements nearbye. At this point Tahlin Pree attempted to turn the forces back but was overriden in this decision by Paul Holmgren of whom believed his cousin`s family in Castle Whisperwind. Paul Holmgren would at this point send his eldest son Robbet Holmgren with Visin Whisperwind and a small force of the personal forces of House Holmgren in order to assist them since the debate was still happening.

Sasha Lovejoy Wide
As they camped for the night everyone surrounding them all knew in the morning it was over. They would walk into the path of Castle Whisperwind and then be surrounded and destroyed.
Sasha Lovejoy

In order to buy even more time for the Lucernian forces to move into position the envoy of Visin Whisperwind before he left with Robbett Holmgren would pass on a raven from the castle saying that they should camp the night and then come in during the morning as the Lucernians appeared to be pulling away for the moment. At this point in the night several of the commanders of some of the more diligent houses including House Istin, and House Rella would attempt to form a reargaurd so that they could abandon the trap that they believed was coming, but they were not allowed to leave as Paul Holmgren, and Tahlin Pree believed they were cowards. During the night though Visin Whisperwind and his cousin Robbet Holmgren would arrive at Castle Whisperwind, and entered the castle where the gate closed behind them, and the thirty men with him, and Robbet were forced to surrender or else the thousand plus Reyne men, and now loyal Whisperwind forces were going to kill them. Robbet was devestated by the betrayal of his cousin, but was taken to the dungeon with the rest of the men, and was commanded to be treated as well as was possible as they didn't want to make the Holmgren's enemies but they did need to defeat them.

Defeat of House Isnet

Battle of Whispering Winds Plains
We knew the Hornwood`s were one inch from joining us, and that meant House Isnet had to be given every chance to escape the trap relatively unscathed.
Roland Tarbeck

While the majority of the forces moved north to deal with the very large Bolten army it was the responsibility of House Tarbeck to defeat the side army of House Isnet. Knowing that House Isnet was a vassal of their potential allies in House Hornwood the forces of House Tarbeck and their vassals were commanded to do their best not to utterly defeat the Isnet army and to try and not kill family members or lords of the army. House Isnet was on the move when the larger Tarback army appeared in front of it, but instead of charging the leadership of House Tarbeck called a parlay with the Isnet`s and met them between the two armies. Meeting together Brodin Isnet would be shown letters from Halys Hornwood where the Tarbecks indicated they wanted no violence against the Isnet`s. Unable to fully trust the Tarbecks but also believing the letter from the Hornwoods they would make the deal that the Isnet`s would move their army into the relatively nearbye Fords of Oirun where they would await word from House Hornwood. House Tarback by this point having achieved their commands would escort the Isnet army to the Fords, while taking exchanging several prisoners between their forces as signs of the deal being honorable.

The Battle

Battle of Whispering Winds2
Our war against Lucerne was over. It was just completely and utterly over.
Medger Cerwyn after hearing of Battle

Now completely surrounded by the forces of Lucerne and the wayward forces of House Whisperwind the army of Bolten would unknowingly walk farther into the trap when they marched on Castle Whisperwind. Approaching the castle they were fired upon by archers and catapults from within the walls forcing them to pull back from the castle and move back to the ambush position. By this point Jamie Lannister and the main army appeared beside them, and Paul Holmgren was quickly able to move the forces in the Lannister direction to meet them. Seeing the Lannister force was significantly larger then them he ordered defensive positions while he sent a small troop of cavalry east to get assistence from Hayford, and Bolten while sending more troops south to try and find House Isnet and their forces. While they waited hopelessly for reinforcements many of their scouts returned bringing news that forces had appeared in the north, and east and also they could see the forces streaming from Castle Whisperwind itself. Seeing himself trapped he commanded the army to split into four and defend each angle of attack. Now surrounding their enemies on four sides the main army under Jamie Lannister moved against the now horribly outnumbered southern echolon of the Bolten army. Arrows fell into the Bolten army in three waves until finally the Lucerne army would charge the dimished force. The battle would be over in minutes as they melted the moment they were attacked, and retreated. Suffering terrible casualties as they fled into the other forces of Lucerne, they would either surrender or were killed by the rampaging Lucernians.

House Hornwood Turns

Main Article : Siege of Lotten

Hornwood Gif
The Bolten`s had failed the Kingdom. Of that there was no question, and now the only thing to ask ourselves was where did we go now.
Dalys Hornwood

Arriving back at Hornwood with the forces of House Hornwood he would camp the army around Hornwood while he and his commanders entered the city. As Daryn met with his father he learned that following the death of Domeric his father Halys had contacted Robb Starke at Karhold and offered to meet with them to discuss a union with Lucerne. Only a few days after this were visited by representatives from Lucerne in the form of Sasha Lovejoy and a group of Starke Men who were sent in order to begin planning the Hornwood alliance. Sasha offered complete protection for Hornwood and a level of auntonomy that they didn`t have now, and she also told them that an agent of Lucerne had taken in many of the children that were hostages of Bolten in the Dreadfort and was preparing to get them out of the city. As the talks continued over the days the unmarried Sasha Lovejoy would become smitten towards Orsen Stout of whom had been commanded to take her and her delegation on a tour of Hornwood and the area in order to give the Hornwood forces more time to think. Sasha Lovejoy would accept an offer of marriage that was brought up during the days meetings and thus her bethrothel to Orsen Stout only continued the relationship between the two houses. With all of this information Halys Hornwood would swear an oath to the Kingdom of Lucerne, and would have his son Daryn lead the army against Lotten and the only remaining sign of resistence in the south in the form of House Locke.

The Siege

Sasha Lovejoy2
The end had come, and all that remained on the wrong side were doomed to fail.
Hayls Hornwood

With the arrangement met Daryn Hornwood would lead the forces of House Hornwood against one of the only remaining Bolten loyalists in House Locke when they besieged Lotten. Sending a raven into the castle before they besieged it the raven was shot out of the air, and this was a clear sign that House Locke was not willing to switch sides even if it meant survival. Inside House Locke was split between Ondrew Locke, and his cronies of whom were lost in arrogance and believed that someone would come to relieve the siege if they only held out, while on the other side Jorde Locke and the heir of House Locke in the form of Donnel Locke resisted continueing the siege but were outnumbered and forced to go along with things. The siege of Lotten would last for weeks as the Hornwood's and their vassals surrounded the town, but believing that they could take the town without much bloodshed Daryn Hornwood was not commanding siege machines be launched at the castle. While there was growing support for Donnel Locke the defenders held firm led by the brutal Ondrew Locke of whom held his family in his grasp with an irongrip. As the siege continued into another week Daryn would send a white flag for a meeting and would meet with Ondrew, and Donnel Locke in a discussion that would ultimately end the siege.

I walked onto the field shadowed by Orsen Stout, and Sasha Lovejoy behind me to the right, and my brother Larance behind me to the right followed behind him by a group of men at arms. I had at first wanted to come out with just Orsen Stout and my brother, and maybe Sasha Lovejoy but my father warned me of what had happened to Domeric Bolten under the protection of the White Flag, and I came to see the path. 

Standing in the field just out of range of their archers we waited for the gates to open. Even in the midst of this stressful situation Orsen, and Sasha were still like lovesick children as they held hands. You could feel the emotion just pouring off them, and while I felt happy for my friend I couldn`t help but feel momentarily melocholy from missing Corina. 

It had been almost three months since I had last seen her, and while I heard news was positive back in Jeutenburg from Sasha I felt a pain in my stomach that she was forced to be in that situation. My mind wandered back to Jeutenburg and the chaos unleased by the madness of Ramsey, and if it was possible I hated him more. Others were responsible as well. The Locke`s under Ondrew had ravaged the market and stolen anything they could lift. The Urnet`s had tortered and killed hundreds, of which would have been higher if Jonas hadn`t stepped in when he did and killed those Urnet`s. And now we were here miles from home, and many more miles away from my heart in Jeutenburg. The gate opened with clank as the old castle of Lotten was always known to be a shamble of a place.

Watching the Locke men walk out I could clearly make out the hunched back Ondrew Locke and his heir Donnel. When I was young Donnel and I had been together in the Dreadfort and back then I remembered him as a funny kid that loved trying to chase that stupid red bird that nested itself in the Dreadfort. Seeing him now clad in the purple stained armor of his family I wondered how much of that funny kid remained. They reached us, and I could hear the sound of Orsen planting the white flag in the ground before stepping forward and standing beside me, followed directly behind him by Sasha of whom I saw held onto the back of his arm. ``So what does the Moose family want may I ask.``

Always a foolish man was Ondrew. He could barely stand due to the severe slouch that he held, but yet he still held this arrogant aura about himself. ``It is time to surrender now Lord Locke. The castle is surrounded, and the Dreadfort can send no relief.``I saw a bit of fear cross his face as I told him the Dreadfort wasn`t coming but as quickly as it appeared it was gone and replaced by that same arrogance.

``You have wasted your time if you called this for a surrender.`` And he went to turn back and return to Lotten when Donnel stepped behind him and whispered in his ear low enough that I couldn`t hear him, but whatever he said stopped Ondrew in his tracks.

``My heir wishes to know what terms you offer.`` He remained resolute beside his father, but I could see that Donnel was aware of how dire this was for House Locke. I had nearly twenty thousand troops lined up completely around the castle, and from what forces they besieged Hornwood with they maybe had a thousand. Following the betrayal of Domeric Bolten it was Mallador that had taken some two thousand of House Locke`s forces and went northward with Ramsey thus leaving the already weaker Lotten further diminished.

``You will retain Lotten. You will pay restitutions for your crimes against the villages south of Hornwood. You will send Caryn and Jorde Locke to stay at Hornwood...``As I went to continue the hunch back Lord of Lotten interupted me.

``You dare to offer me the hostaging of my children.`` The look of anger on the weasly hunch back was priceless, as most likely this was the first time in his entire life anyone had ever really questioned him in the way he ruled his people, and what he had to do.

``You will lose your lordship and travel north to take the black at the wall.``

``You can`t be that stupid, as to believe...``

``You have no choice in this matter. You and your son Mallador will die if you dont take this deal, and trust me when I say your deaths will not be pleasent.`` I made the decision to not make this moment worse by stating his brother Mallador had no chance of survival under any deal as he was complicent in the actual murder of prince Domeric.

``This all goes back to your belief that you can take Lotten.`` I heard Orsen laugh behind me as he said that.

``Father the castle will not be able...``Before he could finish his father turned and hushed him. 

``Return to Lotten Lord Locke and make your decision. You have until the end of the day, and then I will order the destruction of your castle, and with it everyone inside it.`` Ondrew went to speak but Donnel grabbed his arm and whispered once more in his ear, and before another word was said Donnel picked up their white flag and assisted his father in walking back to the gatehouse.

Family Members


Robb Starke

See Also : Robb Starke
