Lucerne Wiki

The Search for Anselm Reichen was an event that occurred when Anselm Reichen discovered the extent of slavery in the area of Rosenghard and then after discovering proof that the King James Lovie II. was involved went into hiding both sides of the issue attempted to find him and get the proof from him.

The Search for Anselm Reichen would not end with the desired effect of proving the involvement of James Lovie II. in the slave trade but did have the effect of further entrenching the two sides of the conflict as the blockades, and embargoes between the rebels and royalists only expanded as a result of this event. Another consequence of this search was the rivalry created between Saiden Scarlet and



Meeting at Clonvan[]

Saiden Scarlet is standing on the wall of what is revealed to be the keep of the town of Clonvan, and is looking out over the town with Hanna. While they are spending time together at Lake Clonvan they are interrupted by the arrival of Hubert of Scarlet who tells Saiden that Lady Catherine Lovie is at Clonvan speaking with his family and he has been asked to attend this meeting. Arriving at the meeting he is shocked to be met at the door into the room by Septimia, and his brother Darion. Seeing Septimia brings Saiden back to the events of the Pantose Coup which he thinks about in pure anger as she attempts to apologize, and Darion attempts to calm him down. After several minutes of this Saiden has calmed down enough to speak to Septimia but as he berates her they are stopped by the arrival of Renault who brings them into the meeting hall. Meeting there it is not just Catherine Lovie inside but also several prominent nobles from Forks in the form of Volker Yernese, Dennis Yernese, Arthur Fordale, Edric Fordale, William Black II., and Jacob Black. As everyone sits down its Catherine that introduces a girl named Elsa Reichen. Elsa tells them about her brother Anselm Reichen who had been sent by their father to the large Rostegharion Mine to work with their uncle. While there it was Anselm that discovered the mine was using a slaves to mine, and then from the other guards there he learned it was far more widespread then that and eventually discovered the Rosenghard Slave Market which was located west of the city and contained thousands of slaves. Disgusted with what he had found it was Anselm that broke into the estate of Hunigild Raddatz where he found a letter from James Lovie II. detailing the authority of House Nighting, and House Jestife over the slavery trade as well as making it clear that slavery was now something to be sought out and not viewed as illegal. Escaping the estate of House Raddatz he was forced to hide the letter fearing it would be found on him and destroyed, and without the letter he was arrested for trespassing where he would be then visited by Elsa. With Hunigild aware that Anselm had the letter he would not allow his release and thus Elsa traveled to Hardhill where she told Edric what her brother had learned and this led to Edric traveling to Forks with her to meet with Charles Swan who then sent the group to meet with Catherine. With the story told its Catherine that the reason for Saiden being brought to them is that his marriage to Septimia will allow for him and a small force to be able to travel south without being questioned by what is an almost lock-down Rosenghard area. With Saiden unwilling to disappoint Catherine he accepts this offer but refuses to say anything to Septimia after the end of the meeting simply leaving and returning to see Hanna and Lianna. Preparing to leave for the south its Lianna that knocks on the door and greets her father with a hug which Saiden believes is a goodbye gesture but is proven wrong when she demands to come with him on the road south. After arguing with Lianna for a time about not coming she makes it clear she and her husband are coming with him whether its official or not so it would be in their best interest to just accept that.


