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The Timeline of Seri-Relisia Terrick is the history of the character of Seri-Relisia Terrick.

Year Event

Birth of Seri-Relisia Terrick : Seri-Relisia Terrick is born the third true born child of Der-Deilvin Terrick of whom is a prominent noble in the lands of Rhunian inside the Kingdom of Gondor, and at the time of her birth she is outside the line of succession due to her family practising Agnatic succession.

5092 Lay Sister at Tirhanir : Relisia is assigned to the Anchorite of Tirhanir where quickly upon her arrival she became the target of abuse by the Elder Mother of the anchorite which eventually spread to abuse from sworn sisters, and many Lay sisters as well.

Tournament of Roses : Seri-Relisia Terrick travels to Forks for the tournament there and during this she watches as James Lovie II. wins the tournament and names Lisa Tyrell as the queen of love and beauty in a moment she would later describe to William.

5100 Lianna Leaves Tirhanir : Following the public torture of Relisia it was Liana who wrote to her father about what was happening at the Anchorite and her father immediately withdrew her from the anchorite rejecting tradition in favor of protecting his daughter, but despite his attempts he could not convince Relisia's father to have her withdrawn leaving Relisia stuck there.
5102 Relisia Leaves Tirhanir : Jaeden would be manipulated by his sister Relisia to come to Anchorite Tirhanir where she convinced him to torture the Elder Mother of the anchorite until she allowed the release of Relisia and despite not wanting to hurt anyone it was Jaeden that was convinced by his sister and did the deed allowing Relisia to be free of the anchorite and return home to Langstrad.

Celebration of the Birth of William Lovie III. : Seri-Relisia Terrick travels to Lucerne for the celebrations that mark the birth of William Lovie III. the crown prince of the Kingdom of Lucerne, and during this trip she is betrothed to Werner Faraday who at the time was just eight years old.


Death of Werner Faraday : Werner Faraday is killed during the Plague after joining a group of rebels in an attempt to murder Carlisle Cullen, and this leads to the end of the betrothal plans for Relisia who finds all but forgotten in her family following this.

  • Journey to Lucerne : On the urging of her mother its Relisia that travels to the city of Lucerne where her mother has arranged for her and her Malatine to serve within the Great Temple of Glaurung.
  • Meeting William Lovie III. : Relisia while visiting the market of Lucerne Hold is led into meeting William Lovie III. by Septemax, and this brings out an awakening in the Dragonborn Magi of Relisia who following this begins having vivid dreams with William.
  • Relisia's Silence of Odahviing : Following her meeting of William its Relisia that is convinced by Septemax to take part in a Silence of Odahviing where she conspires to have William and Relisia meet in the fade thus starting this relationship.
  • Summer at Bell Hold : Relisia is moved by Septemax to the Minor Temple of Bell Hold where through her training she is able to find William in the Fade without the use of the potion of the Silence of Odahviing and returning to William the two begin a romantic relationship.
  • Nortburg Tournament : Relisia attends the tournament as a part of an attempt to make her the betrothed for William Lovie III. something she has been dreaming about for some time.
  • Second Crisis of Turnendorf : Relisia would become an important member of the Shadow Council as she aligned herself with Ar-Brentey Hemsworth leading to her actual plan of getting close to William to move forward without the resistance that many of the other new girls would have.
  • Turnendorf Feast of 5120 : Edward Cullen is present at the feast and unknowingly to him his rise to prominence as the main advisor to William Lovie III. has led to Ar-Brentey, Byron Arryn, and Aelfwynn Turnidlon conspiring against him during the feast and while he is heavily celebrated and has a good time he becomes a major target.

Duel on the Steps : Relisia watches the Duel on the Steps between Tristan, and William Lovie and her silent obsession with William only gets more heated after seeing him fight in the duel.

  • The Lucerne-Gondor War : The Kingdom of Lucerne invades the lands of Rhunian in a surprise assault that shocks the Kingdom of Gondor leading to Relisia spending the next year hidden within the walls of Langstrad as it is surrounded and blocked.
  • Affair with Seri-Relisia Terrick : After begging William for help he engages in a sexual relationship with Relisia getting her pregnant in order to assist her in regaining her independence.
5130 Birth of Teri-Amaron Crithor : Following his affair with Relisia Terrick his bastard child is born in the form of Amaron who is acknowledged by Relisia's husband Eithedir despite clearly knowing hes not the father thus gaining the surname of Crithor.