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The Wissenland Knights of the Purple are a powerful Knightly Order that resides within the Imperial Empire of Germania province of Wissenland where alongside the Knights of the Winter Throne are one of the two Knightly Orders sworn to the Elector Count of Wissenland. The Wissenland Knights of the Purple stand as the official Palace Guards of the Wissenland leadership and for this reason they are the more powerful politically of the two main Knightly Orders of Wissenland, but have far fewer men under their banner.

The Wissenland Knights of the Purple were created following a failed assasination attempt against the ruling Elector Count Wedekind Hagglund and following this failed attempt he would purchase mercenaries from Middenland and turn them into the Wissenland Knights of the Purple acting as his personal guard. The Wissenland Knights of the Purple would become splintered during the rising conflict that grew within Wissenland following the death of Landolf Anderssen and this splintering was mainly among the lower ranks as the top leadership outside of one knight captain were fully behind Edith Anderssen.



The Wissenland Knights of the Purple were created following a failed assasination attempt against the ruling Elector Count Wedekind Hagglund and following this failed attempt he would purchase mercenaries from Middenland and turn them into the Wissenland Knights of the Purple acting as his personal guard.


Knight Grand Master[]

Name Reign
Hubert Hoffmeister IV.

Knight Captain[]

Name Seat
Niklas Hagglund